Critical Thinking
Logic, Reasoning, Thinking, Argumentation,
Formal Reasoning
Critical Thinking, Rhetoric, Fallacies, Semantics, Analysis
Logics: Propositional, Predicate, Categorical, Identity, Definitions
Truth-Falsity, Consistency, Validity, Verification, Inferences, Proof, Symbolic Logic
Deduction, Induction, Statistics, Modal Logic, Mathematical Logic, Meta-Logic
Linguistics, Cognitive Sciences, Thought Processes,
Research by Michael P. Garofalo, M.S.
Green Way Research Hypertext Notebook
Vancouver, Washington, 2021
Bibliography Links Resources Quotations
I studied logic at California State University at Los Angeles from 1963 to 1967. I was paid to be a reader/grader of symbolic logic student papers for Professor Glathe. I earned a Bachelor's Degree in Philosophy in 1967. I took graduate level philosophy classes from 1975-1978. I worked in libraries from 1963-2017.
Irving Copi (1917-2002) once wrote in his famous Introduction to Logic (1st Edition 1950 - 15th Edition 2020) that "This considered assurance we give our readers: A command of the fundamental principles of correct reasoning, which the study of this book promotes, will make a deeply satisfying, significant, and permanent contribution to one's intellectual life." Based on my personal experience, Professor Copi was correct.
Now, in June of 2021, at the age of 75, I am renewing my study of logic.
I am using the following two logic textbooks to study the subject:
Introduction to Logic.
By Irving M. Copi and Carl Cohen. Pearson Education, 10th Edition, 2005, 683 pages.
Hardbound, used $22.00. The first edition of this book was published
in 1950. VSCL!
Logic. Wilfrid Hodges. Penguin, 2001, 304 pages. Kindle, $10.00, VSCL!
VSCL = (def) A purchased copy in my home library: The Valley Spirit Center Library. VSCL! = Looked at a copy on my shelves in 6/2021.
Logic: Quotations, Sayings, Advice, Lore, Principles
Bibliography, Links, Resources
Logic, Reasoning, Thinking, Argumentation,
Formal Reasoning
Critical Thinking, Rhetoric, Fallacies, Semantics, Analysis
Logics: Propositional, Predicate, Categorical, Identity, Definitions
Truth-Falsity, Consistency, Validity, Verification, Inferences, Proof, Symbolic Logic
Deduction, Induction, Statistics, Modal Logic, Mathematical Logic, Meta-Logic
Linguistics, Cognitive Sciences, Thought Processes,
Arguments: Deductive Logic Exercises. By Howard Pospesel. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, Prentice Hall, 1971. bibliography, 208 pages. VSCL?.
The Art of Thinking. By Allen F. Harrison. Strategies for Asking Question, Making Decisions, and Solving Problems. By Allen F. Harrison and Robert M. Bramson. New York, Berkley Books, 1982. Index, bibliography, 208 pages. VSCL.
Classics of Analytical Philosophy. Edited by Robert R. Ammerman. New York, McGraw Hill, 1965. Index, 413 pages. VSCL.
The Concept of Mind. By Gilbert Ryle. New York, Barnes and Noble Books, 1949. Index, 334 pages. ISBN: None. VSCL.
The Critical Thinking Tookit. By Galen A. Foresman, Peter S. Fosi, and Jamie C. Watson. Wiley-Blackwell, 2016, 384 pages. VSCL.
Elementary Applied Symbolic Logic. By Bangs Tapscott. Independent, 1976, 531 pages. Kindle, $7.00, VSCL!
How to Do Things with Words. By J. L. Austin. Edited by J. O. Urmson and Marina Sbisą. Second Edition. A series of lectures on speech acts by the famous Oxford philosopher from 1951-1955. The William James Lectures were delivered in 1955. Harvard University Press, c 1975. 192 pages. J.L. Austin (1911-1960), VSCL.
Introduction to Logic. By Irving Copi, Carl Cohen, and Victor Rodycy. Routledge, Fifteenth Edition, 2019, 772 pages. Hardbound is the best choice at $120.
Introduction to Logic. By Irving M. Copi, Carl Cohen, and Victor Rodych. Fiftheenth Edition, Paperback, T and F India, 2019, 689 pages. Paperback, $37.00, VSCL! This book is quite heavy and large. The binding is of mediocre quality and likely to fall apart with heavy use. I use this only on a large table with good light. The print is small and faint on some pages. Is this a bootleg copy in violation of copyright? Instead of this, I use a nice used hardbound copy of the Copi 2005, 10th Edition.
Introduction to Logic. By Irving M. Copi and Carl Cohen. Pearson Education, 10th Edition, 2005, 683 pages. Hardbound, used $22.00. The first edition of this book was published in 1950. VSCL!
An Introduction to Non-Classical Logic: From If to Is. By Graham Priest. Cambridge University Press, 2008, 2nd Revised Edition, 646 pages. Bibliography. VSCL!
Introduction to Symbolic Logic and Its Applications. By Rudolf Carnap. Translated by William H. Meyer and John Wilkinson. New York, Dover Publications, 1958. Index, 241 pages. VSCL?.
An Introduction to the Philosophy of Language. By Michael Morris. New York, Cambridge University Press, 2007. Index, glossary, 326 pages. VSCL?.
The Language Instinct: How the Mind Creates Language. By Steven Pinker. New York, Harper Perennial, 1994, 2007. Index, glossary, references, notes, appendices, 526 pages. VSCL.
Language, Truth and Logic. By Alfred J. Ayer. Dover Pub., Second Edition, 1936, 1952. Index, 160 pages. ISBN: 9780486200101. Ayer was a logical positivist teaching at Cambridge. VSCL?.
Logic. Wilfrid Hodges. Penguin, 2001, 304 pages. Kindle, $10.00, VSCL!
Logic: A Complete Introduction. By Siu-Fan Lee. Teach Yourself, 2017, 433 pages. Kindle, $4.00, VSCL!
Language in Thought and Action. By S. I. Hayakawa (1906-1992) and Alan R. Hayakawa. New York, Harcourt, Fifth Edition, 1990. Originally published in 1939. Index, bibliography 196 pages. VSCL.
Logic and Philosophy: A Modern Introduction. By Paul Tidman and Howard Kahane. Thomson Wadsworth, Ninth Edition, 2003, 511 pages. Index, bibliography, and detailed answers to exercises. Purchased used for $18.00 from Powell's Portland. This hardbound book is just the right size for me to hold in my hand and read. VSCL!
Logic and Philosophy: A Modern Introduction. By Alan Hausman, Frank Boardman, and Howard Kahane. Indianapolis, Hackett Publishing Company, 13th Edition, 2020, 464 pages. Index, bibliography, and detailed answers to exercises. Paperback, $35 New, VSCL!
The Logic Book. By Merrie Bergmann, James Moor, and Jack Nelson. McGraw Hill, 2004, 1980, Index, 720+ pages. No disk with answers. VSCL.
Logic for Dummies. By Mark Zegarelli. For Dummies, 2006. Index, 388 pages. VSCL.
Logic for Philosophy. By Theodore Sider. Oxford University Press, 2010, 304 pages.
Logic: Techniques of Formal Reasoning. By Donald Kalish and Richard Montague. New York, Oxford University Press, 1980, 2nd Edition, 520 pages. Index, and bibliography, but no answers to the questions. This was the textbook (1964 1st Edition) that we used in our basic logic and advanced logic classes at California State University at Los Angeles from 1964-1968. I was paid to be a reader/grader of symbolic logic student papers for Professor Glathe. VSCL!
Methods of Logic. By Willard V. Quine. New York, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc., Third Edition, 1950, 1972. Index, bibliography, answers to exercises, 280 pages. VSCL!
Modal Logic: An Introduction. By Brian F. Chellas. Cambridge University Press, 1980, Index, 295 pages. VSCL!
Modal Deduction: An Introduction to Modal Logic. Independently published, 2018, 251 pages.
Modal Logic Deals with the systematic logical symbolization of the concepts of "necessary" and "possible." SEP
Modal Logic - Wikipedia
Modal Logic for Philosophers. By James W. Garson. Cambridge University Press, 2013, 2nd Edition, 506 pages. Index, bibliography, selected answers. VSCL!
Modal Logic - Its Modern Origins SEP
Modal Logics and Philosophy. By Rod Girle. McGill Queens University, 2010, 2nd Edition, 256 pages.
New Organon. By Frances Bacon. First published in 1620. Kindle, $3.00, VSCL!
A New Introduction to Modal Logic. By G.E. Hughes and M. J. Cresswell. London, Routledge, 1996. Reprinted in 2001. Index, bibliography, answers to questions, 421 pages.
Organon. By Aristotle (384-322 BCE). Translated by Octavius Owen. Edited by Paul A. Boer Sr.. Andesite Press, 2015, 564 pages. Kindle, $2.00, VSCL!
Philosophy in the Flesh: The Embodied Mind and Its Challenge to Western Thought. By George Lakoff and Mark Johnson. Basic Books, Perseu Books, 1999. Index, bibliography, 624 pages. "The mind is inherently embodied. Thought is mostly unconscious. Abstract concepts are largely metaphorical." VSCL.
The Philosophy of Language. Edited by A. P. Martinich. New York, Oxford University Press, 2001. Notes, 599 pages. VSCL?.
Science and Sanity. An Introduction to Non-Aristotelian Systems and General Semantics. By Alfred Korzybski (1879-1950). Fourth Edition, 1958. Originally published in 1933. Sixth printing 1980. Lakeville, Connecticut, International Non-Aristotelian Library Publishing Company, 1958. Bibliography, index, 806 pages. VSCL.
Socratic Logic: A Logic Text Using Socratic Method, Platonic Questions, and Aristotelian Principles. By Peter Kreeft. Third Edition, 3.1 By Peter Kreeft, and edited by Trent Dougherty. South Bend, Indiana, St. Augustine's Press, 2004, 2010. Index, 410 pages. VSCL.
A System of Logic: Ratiocinative and Inductive: Being a Connected View of the Principles of Evidence, and the Methods of Scientific Investigation. By John Stuart Mill (1806-1873). First published in 1843. Arkose Press, 2015, 584 pages. Kindle, $4.00, VSCL!
Temporal Logic Deals with the systematic logical symbolization of the concepts of "past, present, and future." Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
The Thinker's Way: 8 Steps to a Richer Life (Think Critically, Live Creatively, Choose Freely).
By John Chaffee, Ph.D. Boston, Little, Brown and Co, 1998. Index, recommended reading, 420
pages. VSCL.
Thinking and Reasoning: A Very Short Introduction. By Jonathan St. B. T. Evans. Oxford University Press, 2017, 144 pages. The psychology of thinking. Kindle, $8.00, VSCL!
Thinking, Fast and Slow. By Daniel Kahneman. Farrar, Strauss and Giroux, 2011, 512 pages. Kindle, $12.00, VSCL!
Thinking Critically. By John Caffee. Wadsworth Pub., 2011. 10th Edition. Index, bibliography, 592 pages. John Chaffee, Ph.D., is a professor of philosophy at The City University of New York, where he has developed a Philosophy and Critical Thinking program. VSCL!
A Workbook for Arguments: A Complete Course in Critical Thinking. By David R. Morrow and Anthony Weston. Hackett, Third Edition, 2019, 596 pages. Kindle, $16.00, VSCL!
Quotations, Sayings, Notes
Logic, Reasoning, Thinking, Argumentation,
Formal Reasoning
Critical Thinking, Rhetoric, Fallacies, Semantics, Analysis
Logics: Propositional, Predicate, Categorical, Identity, Definitions
Truth-Falsity, Consistency, Validity, Verification, Inferences, Proof, Symbolic Logic
Deduction, Induction, Statistics, Modal Logic, Mathematical Logic, Meta-Logic
Linguistics, Cognitive Sciences, Thought Processes,
Irving Copi once wrote in his Introduction to Logic (1st Edition 1950 - 15th Edition 2020) that "This considered assurance we give our readers: A command of the fundamental principles of correct reasoning, which the study of this book promotes, will make a deeply satisfying, significant, and permanent contribution to one's intellectual life." Based on my personal experience, Professor Copi was correct.
"Logic is the study of the methods and principles used to distinguish correct from incorrect reasoning. Logic enables us to distinguish reliably between sound and faulty reasoning." Copi 2
"All thinking is based, in part, on prior convictions."
- Geroge A. Kelly
Green Way Research, Vancouver, Washington
This webpage was last edited, modified,
changed, improved, or updated on June 15, 2021.
This webpage was first distributed online on January 23, 2013.
Brief Biography of Michael P. Garofalo, M.S.
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How to Live a Good Life: Advice From Wise and Respected Persons
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Compiled by Michael Garofalo, Green Way Research, Vancouver, Washington © 2013-2021 CCA 4.0
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