Tao Te King en Español
Language Versions of the Tao Te Ching (Daodejing)
Bibliography, Links, Resources, Translations
Bibliografía, Enlaces, Recursos, Traducciones
Compiled, Indexed, and Bibliographies by Michael P. Garofalo, M.S.
Índice de Todos los Capítulos Daodejing Taoísmo Nube Manos Blog
Green Way Research, Valley Spirit Center, Gushen Grove, Vancouver, Washington
Chapter Index Daoism Concordance Cloud Hands Blog Learning to Read Spanish Translation Services
Tao Te King en Español
Language Versions of the Tao Te Ching (Daodejing)
Bibliography, Links, Resources, Translations
Bibliografía, Enlaces, Recursos, Traducciones
Amazon.Com Spanish Language Versions of the Tao Te Ching (Daodejing)
Alegria, Claribel and Erik Flakoll - Translators.
Tao Te Ching: El Libro del Camino y la Virtud. Spanish Edition.
Kindle Format.
Online 1 GGNC
- Translated by
Anonymous, 2015, Capítulo #
Bosch, Cristina, 2002. Spanish Version.
Online 1 GGNC
- Translated by
Cristina Bosch, 2002, Capítulo #
Colodrón, Alfonso. Translated into Spanish by Alfonso Colodrón.
Tao te king
Translated into English by John C. H. Wu. Spanish language version. Madrid, Editorial EDAF S.L., Arca de
Sabiduria, 1993, 2007. 111 pages. ISBN:
978-8476406540. VSCL. GGNC
Online 1
- Translated into Spanish by
Alfonso Colodrón from
the English translation by John C. H. Wu, 1993, Tao Te Ching, Capítulo #
Concordance in Spanish for the Tao Te Ching. Indexed by Michael
P. Garofalo for terms in Spanish, English, and Wade-Giles Chinese.
Cruz, Javier.
Lao Tzu - Tao Te Ching.
Translated by Javier Cruz. Spanish language version. Pluma y Papel,
2004. ISBN: 978-9871021420.
- Translated into Spanish by
Javier Cruz, 2004,
Tao Te Ching, Capítulo
Español, Inglés, y
Chino Versiones Lingüísticas de
la Daodejing.
por Michael P. Garofalo.
Dé Jing - Wikipedia
información en español.
Elorduy, Carmelo.
Tao Te Ching. Translated by Father Carmelo Elorduy, S.J..
Spanish language version. Filosophia. Tecnos, 2006. 272 pages.
ISBN: 978-8430929450.
Online 1 GGNC
- Translated by
Carmelo Elorduy, 2006, Capítulo #
Faes, Caridad Diaz. Tao Tê Ching (El Libro del Recto Camino) by Lao-Tsé.
Spanish language Version. Introcucción y versión española por Caridad Diaz
Faes. Based on the translation from Chinese into English by Ch'u Ta-Kao in
1904. Octava edición. Madrid, Spain, Ediciones Morata, S.L., 1961,
2003. Bibliography, 127 pages. ISBN: 8471121166. VSCL.
- Translated into Spanish by
Caridad Diaz Faes (2003) from the English translation by Ch'u Ta-Kao (1904), Capítulo
Ferrara, Álex, 2003
Online 1 Online 2 GGNC
- Translated by Álex
Ferrara, 2003, Capítulo #
Garofalo, Michael Peter. (Compiler, Indexer, Webpage Publisher).
Chapter Index to the
Tao Te Ching. Five or more Spanish language versions of the Tao Te Ching for each
of the 81 Chapters.
Indexing by Spanish words and terms by Mike for each Chapter. Began in January, 2010.
Publisher of the
Daodejing 81 Website.
Taoist researcher.
Garofalo, Michael Peter. (Translator).
I use other Spanish translations, interpretations, contributions from others, versions, machine translations,
and research to prepare a Spanish version of a
Chapter verse of the Tao Te Ching. I select a different English language translation from the Chinese
each week.
The English source is cited. I started in 2021, beginning with Chapter 29. Each of
these webpages on a single Chapter also includes a Google Translate option at
the top of the webpage. Publisher of the
Daodejing 81 Website.
Taoist researcher.
- Translated into English by
Apellido, Nombre, Capítulo #
. Spanish version from
Michael P. Garofalo.
El Gran Libro de Tao, Logia Medio Dia, 2015, 81 Chapters en Español.
- Logia Medio Dia, 20151`2
Translation, 2007
Idoeta, Iñaki Preciado.
Tao Te Ching, Los Libros del Tao,
Editorial Trotta, S.A., 4th Edition, 2018. In Spanish. 568 pages. "He was the official
translator at the first Embassy of Spain in China, in the 70s, and probably the
best translator from Chinese, and Tibetan, to Spanish of the last 60 years. His
translation of the Tao Te ching was awarded with the Spanish National Award of
Translation, I think in 1979." - From Jaime Lopez Diez, 1/17/21.
Julien, Stanislas.
French Translation,
1842. Tao Te Ching, Livre de la Voie de la Vertu.
Logia Medio Dia, 2015,
El Gran Libro de Tao, 81 Chapters en Español.
López, Chantal.
Tao Te Ching in Spanish. Translated and commentary
by Chantal López y Omar
Cortés. 2010.
Chapters 1-20, and
Chapters 38-57.
- Translated into Spanish by
Chantal López, 2010,
Tao Te Ching, Capítulo
Martín, Inés. Tao Te Ching: El Poder Interior. Commentary by
Martin, Inés M. Martín. 2013. 147 pages. ISBN: 9781493740116.
Mitchell, Stephen.
Tao Te Ching. Spanish language version. Gaia Ediciones, Texto
Ilustrado edition, 2001. 80 pages. ISBN: 978-8488242952.
Pareja, Alejandro.
Tao Te Ching. Translated from English to Spanish by Alejandro Pareja.
Wilson, William Scott.
Tao Te Ching
Translated from the Chinese to English and with commentary by William Scott Wilson. Traducción rigurosa del chino antiguo
por William Scott Wislon. Spanish language version. Madrid, Dojo Ediciones, 2012.
Bibliography, Notes, 224 pages. ISBN: 978-8493784539. VSCL.
- Translated by
Alejandro Pareja, 2012, based upon the William Scott Wilson translation into
English, Tao Te Ching, Capítulo #
Preciado, Juan Ignacio, 1978, Spanish Version.
Online 1
Online 2
- Translated by Juan
Ignacio Preciado, 1978, Capítulo #
RatMachines Website.
Tao Te Ching en Español.
Published online by Ratmachines. Spanish language version.
- Spanish Version Online at
Tao Te Ching, Capítulo #
Rivas Gonzálvez, Antonio.
Lao Tse, Tao Te Ching. Translated by Antonio Rivas Gonzálvez.
Spanish language version, 1998. Online in 2004. Chapters 1-48.
Online 2
- Translated by
Antonio Rivas Gonzálvez, 1998, Tao Te Ching, Capítulo #
Rosenthal, Stan. Translated from the Chinese into
English in 1984.
Online in 2004. Spanish language version by Michael P. Garofalo, 2021.
- Translated by
Michael P. Garofalo, 2021, into Spanish, based on the English version by
Stan Rosenthal in 1984.
Tao Te Ching en Español.
Published online by Ratmachines. Spanish language version.
- Spanish Version Online at
Tao Te Ching, Capítulo #
Tao Te King Lao Tse No translators name is provided. No
information on what English translation this Spanish version of the Tao Te Ching
is based, or if it was translated from the Chinese into Spanish. Website with
separate web pages for each ten Chapters. No File copy.
- Online at Tao Te
King Lao Tse, Anonymous, Capítulo
Teplyy, Anton.
Lao Tsé. Tao Te Ching.
Spanish language version. Translated into Spanish by Anton Teplyy.
Edited by Vladimir Antonov.
CreateSpace Pub., 2008. 48 pages. ISBN: 978-1434891303. VSCL. Online
PDF Version.
Online 2
DJ SP Teplyy Anton 2008.
- Translated by Anton Teplyy, 2008,
Tao Te Ching, Capítulo
Unknown at
TaoteKing.net. No translators name is provided. No information
on what English translation this Spanish version of the Tao Te Ching is based,
or if it was translated from the Chinese into Spanish. Website with separate web
pages for each Chapter. No File copy.
- Online at TaoteKing.net.,
Anonymous, Capítulo
Unknown at Usuarius, HTML Documents. No translators name is provided. No information
on what English translation this Spanish version of the Tao Te Ching is based,
or if it was translated from the Chinese into Spanish. Website with separate web
pages for each Chapter. No File copy.
- Online at Usuarius,
Anonymous, Capítulo
Wikisource: Tao Te King Chapters 1-81. El texto está disponible
bajo la
Licencia Creative Commons Atribución/Compartir-Igual 3.0; pueden aplicarse
términos adicionales.
- Translation from
Wikisource, 2013,
Tao Te Ching, Capítulo
Wilhelm, Richard, 1911. Translated from the Chinese into German by Richard
Wilhelm. Translated from German into Spanish by an unknown translator.
Online 1 GGNC
- Translation into Spanish from
Richard Wilhelm's 1911
German Version by an Unknown Spanish Translator, 2015, Capítulo #
Wilson, William Scott.
Tao Te Ching
Translated from the Chinese to English and with commentary by William Scott Wilson. Traducción rigurosa del chino antiguo
por William Scott Wislon. Spanish language version. Translated
from English to Spanish by Alejandro Pareja. Madrid, Dojo Ediciones, 2012.
Bibliography, Notes, 224 pages. ISBN: 978-8493784539. VSCL.
- Translated from Chinese to English by William Scott Wilson, Spanish
version by Alejandro Pareja, 2012, Tao Te Ching, Capítulo #
Wu, John C. H.
Tao te king
Translated into English by John C. H. Wu. Translated into Spanish by
Alfonso Colodrón. Spanish language version. Madrid, Editorial EDAF S.L., Arca de
Sabiduria, 1993, 2007. 111 pages. ISBN:
978-8476406540. VSCL.
- Translated into Spanish by
Alfonso Colodrón from
the John C. H. Wu English translation, 1993, Tao Te Ching, Capítulo #
Xu, Yuanziang.
Lao Tzu-The Eternal Tao Te Ching.
Translated by Yuanxiang Xu and Yongjian Yin. Spanish language version.
Chinese Ancient Sages Series. Chinese Intercontential Press, 2010.
81 pages. ISBN: 978-7508516769.
VSCL = Valley Spirit Center Library, Vancouver, Washington. Personal
library of Michael P. Garofalo.
Created by Michael P. Garofalo, Green Way Research, Valley Spirit Center, Gushen Grove Notebooks, Vancouver, Washington © 2014-2021 CCA 4.0
Language Versions of the Tao Te Ching (Daodejing)
Tao Te Ching en Español
Lao Tsé Tao Te Ching
Traducido al
español por Anton
Tao Te Ching Traducido por Stephen Mitchell, versión española
Tao Te Ching Traducido al español por el Padre Carmelo Elorduy
Lao Tzu-The Eternal Tao Te Ching
Traducido al
español por
Xu y Yongjian Yin
Ripening Peaches: Taoist Studies and Practices By Mike Garofalo Maduración Duraznos: Estudios y Prácticas Taoístas por Mike Garofalo
Tao Te Ching
Traducido al
español por
Scott Wilson.
Lao Tzu - Tao Te Ching
Traducido al
español por
Javier Cruz
Tao te king
Translated by John C. H. Wu,
Daodejing Español, Inglés, y Chino Versiones Lingüísticas de la Daodejing
Notes on Translating and Translations
"The Dragons of Eden: Speculations on the Evolution of Human Intelligence
by Carl Sagan (1977), recounts a story, probably fictional, about the lack of
accuracy in text translation programs. A deputation that included an American
Senator was proudly led to a demonstration of a translation program. The Senator
suggested a phrase to be translated, "Out of sight, out of mind". The machine
Chinese characters and these were then entered into the machine to be
translated back to English. The visitors were all astonished when the machine
printed the phrase "invisible idiot" on the paper. The computer had literally
translated the separate expressions "out of sight" and "out of mind". The
anecdote and the phrase "invisible idiot" have entered popular culture." -
Wikipedia, Dragons of
"The first assignment for Daisetz "Great Simplicity"
T. Suzuki in 1898 was to help Paul Carus with the Tao Te Ching.
Dr. Carus knew no Chinese, but he wanted this translation to a scholarly one
and he had Suzuki supply a character by character gloss, as best he could,
but Suzuki found himself unable to check Carus's use of Teutonic
abstractions. "The Chinese are masters in reproducing the most subtle
changes in their innermost feelings," Suzuki wrote of his first
collaboration with Carus, "thus, in order to translate passages from Lao
Tzu, I had to explain to Dr. Carus the feeling behind each Chinese term.
But being himself a German writing in English, he translated these Chinese
ideas into abstract conceptual terms. If only I had been more
intellectually equipped then," he thought later, "I might have been better
able to help him understand the original meaning."
In order to supply a corresponding Chinese text, Suzuki cut out the Chinese
characters from Chinese and Japanese books, and pasted them in the proper
places on the manuscript pages, which where then reproduced photographically
[and then printed in 1913]."
- "How the Swans Came to the Lake," by Rick Fields, 1981, p. 139
"Translation," as T. S. Eliot wrote of the
Fennollosa-Pound version of Noh plays, "is valuable by a double power of
fertilizing a literature: by importing new elements which may be
assimilated, and by restoring the essentials which have been forgotten in
traditional literary method. There occurs, in the process, a happy
fusion between the spirit of the original and the mind of the translator:
the result is not exoticism by rejuvenation."
- "How the Swans Came to the Lake," by Rick Fields, 1981, p. 165
Is That a Fish in Your Ear?: Translation and the Meaning of Everything
Created by Michael P. Garofalo, Green Way Research, Valley Spirit Center, Gushen Grove Notebooks, Vancouver, Washington © 2014-2021 CCA 4.0
Tao Te
Ching |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 |
21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 |
31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 |
41 | 42 | 43 | 44 | 45 | 46 | 47 | 48 | 49 | 50 |
51 | 52 | 53 | 54 | 55 | 56 | 57 | 58 | 59 | 60 |
61 | 62 | 63 | 64 | 65 | 66 | 67 | 68 | 69 | 70 |
71 | 72 | 73 | 74 | 75 | 76 | 77 | 78 | 79 | 80 |
81 |
How to Live a Good Live: Advice From Wise Persons
Tao Te Ching Spanish Indexing/Concordance Project
Indexing (Concordance) for the Spanish language terms
in each of the 81 Chapters of the Tao Te Ching
was first completed during 2014-2015 by Michael P. Garofalo. Version 2.1
in 9/2015.
Currently, from February to December, 2021, I am upgrading both the Concordance and 81
Chapter webpages.
I am aiming for Version 4.1. in March of 2022.
I did not include the masculine and feminine articles for Spanish nouns in the
subject index.
Some Spanish diacritical marks are missing.
I did not italicize any Spanish or English words. I did italicize the
Chinese (Wade-Giles romanization) words.
I hope these changes will make searching in the
Daodejing 81 Concordance efficient.
Since I, Michael Garofalo, am not formally educated in the Spanish
language, I welcome email
suggestions, revisions, corrections, comments,
or collaboration regarding the
Spanish language translations or
the Spanish Language
indexing of the
Tao Te Ching that I have created and shared.
All contributors to this project will be acknowledged.
Learning to Read in Spanish
Michael Garofalo is studying and learning to read in Spanish in 2021
Resources that I am using for learning to read Spanish in 2021:
Better Reading Spanish, Second Edition. By Jean Yates. McGraw Hill, 2011, 272 pages, $16.00.
Biblia Bilingüe (Español
- Inglés): Parallel Bible (Spanish - English). "Editing and
translation by Casiodoro de Reina. Una Biblia completa con el texto de la
Reina Valera 1960 a la par de la versión inglesa New King James. La mejor
versión Tablet de la Biblia Reina Valera 1960. Has a neat table of
contents for faster page-turning experience. Fonts have been
optimized and tested for display on Kindle and other e-readers. The NKJV
English/RV Spanish Parallel Bible honors the diversity and relevance of God's
Word in a way that is ideal for Spanish and English speakers, as well as for
bilingual readers. Two columns of Scripture (both New and Old testaments) are
positioned on each page: the New KJV English language text on the left, and the
Reina-Valera Spanish text translation on the right. KJV/RVR
English/Spanish Parallel Bible also features textual notes for both
translations, which is available in portable hardcover and paperback."
Kindle Version, $3.50, 2014 publication, size of 5,300 KB. One
sentence in English is aligned with with a one sentence translation into the
Spanish. An extremely useful and convenient Kindle book for English
speaking people adults learning to read Spanish.
Easy Spanish Reader: Three Part Text for Beginning Students.
Text in Spanish, questions, vocabulary, notes. By William T. Tardy. McGraw
Hill, Fourth Edition, 2020, 224 pages, $16.00.
Easy Spanish Step-by-Step: Master High Frequency Grammar. By Barbara
Bregstein. 1st Edition, Kindle. Mcgraw-Hill, 2005, 448 pages, $10.00
English and Spanish: The Similarities and Differences. By Scott
Paulson. Kindle, $4.00, 2019, 51 pages.
501 Spanish Verbs. By Christopher Kendris and Theodore Kendris.
Baron's, 2020, $16.00
Flash Cards, Blank, 3"x5", White, 1,000 Pack. Amazon, $10.00
Great Spanish and Latin American Short Stories of the 20th Century. A
Spanish and English, Dual-Language Book. Edited by Anna Hiller.
Dover, 2013, 288 pages, $16.00.
Madrigal's Magic Key to Spanish: A Creative and Proven Approach. By
Margarita Madrigal. Crown, 1989, 512 pages, Book $12.00, Kindle $11.00.
Merriam-Webster's Easy Learning Complete Spanish: Grammar + Verbs + Vocabulary.
Second Edition, 2016, 703 pages, $19.00.
Mastering Spanish Vocabulary: A Thematic Approach. Barron's Foreign
Language Guides. By Jose Maria Navarro and Axel J. Navarro Ramil.
Barrons, 2010, 490 pages, $20.00. Includes an audio CD.
The Oxford-Duden Pictorial Spanish-English Dictionary. Oxford
University Press, 1989, 888 pages, $15.00.
Random House Webster's Spanish-English and English-Spanish Dictionary,
Second Edition, 1995, 694 pages, $18.00.
Rosetta Stone,
Software, Lifetime, Spanish $200
Short Stories in Spanish for Beginners. Edited by Olly Richards.
Teach Yourself Books, 2018, 238 pages, $15.00.
Spanish-English Bilingual Visual Dictionary. By DK Publisher, 360
pages, 2017, Kindle, $8.00.
Spanish Flashcards: 800 Important Spanish-English and English-Spanish Flash
Cards. By Phinhok Languages. Kindle Edition. $11.00
Spanish All-in-One For Dummies. Consumer Dummies, 2009, 704 pages,
Used paperback for $20.00.
Spanish Short Stories for Beginners. Kindle. $4.50
Spanish Short Stories 1, Parallel Text, Spanish and English Edition. Edited
by Jean Franco. Penguin, 1966, 203 pages, $19.00.
Spanish Stories: Thirteen Stories (A
Dual-Language, English and Spanish Edition). Edited by Angel Flores.
Revised Edition, Dover, 368 pages, 2001, $11.00.
Spanish Vocabulary, Quick Study, 1,000 Flash Cards. Amazon, $17.00.
201 Spanish Words You Need to Know Flashcards. Barron's Foreign
Language Guides. By Theodore Kendris. 2019, $10.00
Webster's Spanish-English Dictionary for Students.
Merriam-Webster, 2014, Second Edition, 365 pages, $6.00. Light and handy.
Total Cost: $523.00 as of 2/26/2021. Funded by U.S. Federal stimulus stipend to citizens in 2021. Budget in 2021 for Spanish language learning resources, classes, lessons, books, materials, software: $600.00. Helping authors, translators, publishers and booksellers (paper or electronic) around the world.
Supplementary Reading Materials in Spanish
Children's Books in Spanish from Amazon
Biblia Bilingüe (Español
- Inglés): Parallel Bible (Spanish - English)
I use the
English/Spanish display of this book on my
Kindle Paperwhite. A one sentence at at time presentation of the
English sentence, and then side-by-side, the Spanish translation of that
previous sentence. Read, reread, study both English and Spanish
grammatical structure, translate, reread, retranslate, say words in Spanish over
75% of study time on a sentence, learning by reading and repeating, etc. Words in the mouth become words in
the brain, reading and translating reprograms consciousness, reading expands
one's webs of linguistic and literary cosmopolitanism. The Bible, as
content, has much relevance in Spanish speaking countries. The Catholic
Church, as I know well from personal educational experience, is muy popular
amongst ELA Latinos.
Machine Translation Services: Spanish to English, English to Spanish
Google Translator Offline Application
Best 2021 Language Learning Software
Read in
Spanish: 30+ Resources for Spanish Reading Practice (Beginner to
Offline Software Translation Products for Spanish/English Working
Google Translator, Embed Script Code used on this website a top of webpages:
<div id="google_translate_element"></div><script
function googleTranslateElementInit() {
new google.translate.TranslateElement({pageLanguage: 'en', layout:
google.translate.TranslateElement.InlineLayout.SIMPLE}, 'google_translate_element');
</script><script type="text/javascript" src="//translate.google.com/translate_a/element.js?cb=googleTranslateElementInit"></script>
Gushen Grove Notebooks for the Tao Te Ching
© Green Way Research, Valley Spirit Center, Gushen Grove Notebooks, Vancouver, Washington
Indexed and Compiled by
Michael P. Garofalo
This webpage was last modified, edited, maintained, expanded, improved or updated on February 26, 2021.
This webpage was first distributed online on January 1, 2014.
Created by Michael P. Garofalo, Green Way Research, Valley Spirit Center, Gushen Grove Notebooks, Vancouver, Washington © 2014-2021 CCA 4.0
Brief Biography
of Michael P. Garofalo, M.S.
How to Live a Good Live: Advice From Wise Persons
Ripening Peaches: Daoist Studies and Practices
Taoism: A Bibliography, Links, Resources, Notes, Quotes
Valley Spirit Taijiquan, Cloud Hands
Zhuangzi (Chuang Tzu, Zhuang Zhou, Master Chuang) 369—286 BCE
Taoist Perspectives: My
Reading List
How to Live a Good Life: Advice from Wise Persons
One Old Taoist's Final Journey: Notebooks of the Librarian of Gushen Grove
Index to Cloud Hands and Valley Spirit Websites
Index to Translators of the Tao Te Ching
Tao Te Ching (Dao De Jing) by Lao-Tzu (Laozi), Circa 500 BCE
Old Master, Old Sage, Long-eared Wise Man, Wise Child
The Grand
Supreme Elder Lord (Taishang Laojun 太上老君)
The Universally Honored One of Tao and Virtues
(Daode Tianzun 道德天尊)
How to Live a Good Live: Advice From Wise Persons
Tao Te Ching |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 |
21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 |
31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 |
41 | 42 | 43 | 44 | 45 | 46 | 47 | 48 | 49 | 50 |
51 | 52 | 53 | 54 | 55 | 56 | 57 | 58 | 59 | 60 |
61 | 62 | 63 | 64 | 65 | 66 | 67 | 68 | 69 | 70 |
71 | 72 | 73 | 74 | 75 | 76 | 77 | 78 | 79 | 80 |
81 |
Mike Garofalo at the Klickitat River in Southwest Washington, 2019
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