Green Way Research, Valley Spirit Center, Gushen Grove Notebooks, Vancouver, Washington
Chapter 61 Chapter 63 Index to All the Chapters Taoism Cloud Hands Blog
Classic Book (Ching) about the Tao (Way, Nature, Patterns, Processes) and Te (Virtue, Potency, Power, Integrity, Wise Person, Sage)
Indexing, Concordance, Search Terms, Topics, Themes
English and Chinese (Wade-Giles) Terms: Practicing the Dao, Practice Reason, Sitting Still and Reasoning, Good or Excellent (shan), Honest Conduct, Protect or Safeguard (pao), The Admirable, Horses, Jade (pi), Beautiful or Pleasing (mei), World Honored Tao, Sell or Buy (shih), Words or Speech (yen), Honorable or Noble (tsun), Emperor, Actions or Deeds (hsing), Secret (ao), Ministers, Accomplish or Surpass (chia), Ten Thousand Things (wan wu), Discard or Abandon (ch'i), Values, Crowning or Coronation (li), King (tzu), Son of Heaven (t'ien tzu), Appoint or Install (chih), Gift of the Tao, Person or Man (jên), Treasure (pao), Be Still, Virtue, Admirable, Officials, Kneel (tso), Guilt, Sinner, Sitting, Stillness, Son of Heaven, Refuge, Non-action, Three Ministers (san kung), Way or Path or Nature (tao, dao), Laws of the Universe, Precious or Priceless (kung), Four Horses (ssu ma), Equal (ju), Sit or Kneel (tso), Offer or Gift (chin), Old or Ancient (ku), Value or Esteem (kuei), Reason (so), Seek (ch'iu), Obtain or Get (tê), Sin or Crime (tsui), Free or Release (mien), Earth or Below Heaven or World (t'ien hsia, hsia t'ien), (Sanctuary or Storehouse or Reservoir (ao), Good (shan), Treasure, Honor (zun), Wealth, Offenses (tsui), 為道
Términos en Español: La práctica de la Razón Dao, Práctica, Sentado, Razonamiento, Conducta Honesta, Caballos, Jade, Emperador, Secreto, Ministros, Diez Mil Cosas, Valores, Tesoro, Enmudece, Virtud, Admirable, Funcionarios, Culpa, Pecador, Eentado, Quietud, Hijo del Cielo, Refugio, Leyes del Universo, Santuario, Bueno, Honor, Riqueza, Delitos, Estima, Camino, Muchos, Cosas, Cobertizo, Embalse, Bueno, Excelente, Hombre, Persona, Proteger, Safeguard, Hermoso, Agradable, Palabras, Discurso, Salvaguardar, Vender, Comprar, Honorable, Noble, Acciones, Hechos, Lograr, Supera, Descartar, Abandon, Coronación, Rey, Nombrar, Instalar, Preciosa, Búsqueda, Cuatro, Caballos, Equal, Sentarse, Arrodillarse, Oferta, Regalo, Viejo, Antiguo, Valor, Estima, Razón, Obtener, Sin, Crimen, Gratuito, Lanzamiento, Mundo, Tierra.
Electronic Concordance for Chapters 1 - 81 of the Tao Te Ching
English Language Translations of the Tao Te Ching
"The man of Reason is the ten thousand creatures' refuge, the good man's
wealth, the bad man's stay.
With beautiful words one can sell.
With honest conduct one can do still more with the people.
If a man be bad, why should he be thrown away?
Therefore, an emperor was elected and three ministers appointed;
But better than holding before one's face the jade table of the ministry and
riding with four horses,
Is sitting still and propounding the eternal Reason.
Why do the ancients prize this Reason?
Is it not, say, because when sought it is obtained and the sinner thereby can be
Therefore it is world-honored."
- Translated by
D. T. Suzuki and Paul Carus, 1913,
Chapter 62
"Tao has of all things the most honored place.
No treasures give good men so rich a grace;
Bad men it guards, and doth their ill efface.
Its admirable words can purchase honor;
Its admirable deeds can raise their performer above others.
Even men who are not good are not abandoned by it.
Therefore when the sovereign occupies his place as the Son of Heaven,
And he has appointed his three ducal ministers,
Thought a prince were to send in a round symbol of rank large enough to fill
both the hands,
And that as the precursor of the team of horses in the court-yard,
Such an offering would not be equal to a lesson of this Tao, which one might
present on his knees.
Why was it that the ancients prized this Tao so much?
Was it not because it could be got by seeking for it, and the guilty could
escape from the stain of their guilt by it?
This is the reason why all under heaven consider it the most valuable thing."
- Translated by
James Legge, 1891,
Chapter 62
"The Way is the refuge of all beings.
It is the good man's treasure
And the safeguard of the man who is not good.
Fine words can buy,
Respectable conduct can win people over.
If a man is not good,
How could he abandon the Way?
Therefore, if one is crowned king,
Installed by three dukes,
Although with hands full of jade,
Preceded by a four-horse team,
It is not as good as sitting here, advancing the Way.
Why, since ancient times, has the Way been thus valued?
Is it not because the one can get what he seeks
And the other can get rid of his sins?
Therefore, the Way is valued by the world."
- Translated by
Yi Wu, Chapter 62
"The Tao is that towards which all things
It honors the good man and the bad man alike
Praise can be bought or sold, privilege can
be given as a gift
Even the bad can acquire them this way; will they be refused?
So if you would offer a gift to a new leader
Though you might shower him with wealth, or jewels, or adulation
You'd do better to sit quietly and let him have the tao
There is a reason the ancients valued this above all else
'Whether you would attain something or be absolved
You will succeed only by following the Tao'
It can not be given, only found
Therefore its value is immeasurable"
- Translated by
Ted Wrigley, Chapter 62
"The Tao, being the source and pivotal support of All Things,
Is a treasure to the virtuous, a refuge for the unworthy.
Fine words, being worthy of honor,
Noble deeds, deserving of respect,
Even the evil and unworthy are not forsaken by the Tao.
Thus now, as in ancient days,
Upon coronations and important appointments of state,
A better gift than worldly things,
Is the quiet offering of the Tao.
The Tao, so prized from antiquity to this day,
Rewarding those spontaneously seeking it,
Freeing the spirit of evil ones,
Is of All Things, most highly treasured."
- Translated by
Alan B. Taplow, 1982, Chapter 62
"Way is the mystery of these ten thousand things.
It's a good person's treasure
and an evil person's refuge.
Its beautiful words are bought and sold
and its noble deeds are gifts enriching people.
It never abandons even the evil among us.
When the Son of Heaven is enthroned and the three dukes installed,
with jade discs and stately horses can't compare
to sitting still in Way's
Isn't it said that
the ancients exalted this Way because
in it whatever we seek we find,
and whatever seeks us we escape?
No wonder it's exalted throughout all beneath heaven."
- Translated by
David Hinton, Chapter 62
"The Tao is the center of the universe,
the good man's treasure,
the bad man's refuge.
Honors can be bought with fine words,
respect can be won with good deeds;
but the Tao is beyond all value,
and no one can achieve it.
Thus, when a new leader is chosen,
don't offer to help him
with your wealth or your expertise.
Offer instead
to teach him about the Tao.
Why did the ancient Masters esteem the Tao?
Because, being one with the Tao,
when you seek, you find;
and when you make a mistake, you are forgiven.
That is why everybody loves it."
- Translated by
Edwin Shaw, 1996, Chapter 62
"That which the Tao is:
A deep obscurity among the ten-thousand things.
The treasure of kind people.
The sanctuary of unkind people.
Flattering speech can be used to buy and sell honor.
Flattering deeds can be used to increase the position of people.
The unkind among people—
Why abandon them to Existence?
Therefore, when establishing the emperor
And placing the three high officials
Even though there are salutations made
And so many jade-wares that it takes
An advancing team of four horses to present them.
Even this is not as good as sitting down
And offering this Tao.
Those from of old who considered this Tao to be valuable—
Why did they do so?
Is it not said:
“The seeking thereby attain;
The guilty are thereby delivered from evil”?
Therefore, it becomes to the world what is precious."
- Translated by
Alalar Fex, 2006, Chapter 62
Created by Michael P. Garofalo, Green Way Research, Valley Spirit Center, Gushen Grove Notebooks, Vancouver, Washington © 2020 CCA 4.0
Tai Chi Chuan, Qigong, Taoist Body-Mind Arts and Practices
How to Live a Good Life: Advice from Wise Persons
"That which is Tao is treasure house for the 10,000
Treasure of the valuing man
Place of refuge for the man who is not valuing.
Embellished words can cause respect to be marketed
Doing valued things can cause lavish praise to enter
Men who are not valuing, why be rejecting their presence?
So establish the emperor
Install three ministers
Even though it happens
That the gift of the large jade disk is preceded by a team of horses
It can not compare to sitting, emulating this Tao.
Why did it happen that in ancient times
There were those who treasured this Tao?
Did they go without saying
Seek and finding happens
Possess faults and escape from the anomalous happens?
So it acts as the treasure of the world"
- Translated by
David Lindauer,
Chapter 62
"The way is a sanctum to the myriad beings
A good person’s treasure
A less than good person’s place of refuge
Elegant speeches may be useful at market
Noble deeds may be useful for promoting someone
But if another has less ability
Why waste what they are?
So when enthroning the heir to heaven
Or installing the three high nobles
Though there be big jade platters in tribute
Drawn by teams of four horses
This is not as good as sitting still and offering this path
What purpose had the ancient ones in honoring this way?
Was it not claimed:
“To seek is to find
To claim error is to be forgiven”?
So this becomes precious to all under heaven."
- Translated by
Bradford Hatcher,
2005, Chapter 62
"The Tao is the source of everything,
The treasure of the good man,
The sustainer of the bad man.
Even the ceremonial splendor of the coronation of the emperor and his three ministers,
And the value of the jewels and the knights' horses,
Are nothing compared to the splendor of this Tao.
Why did the ancients value the Tao?
Is it because it is possible to seek it and find it and liberate sinners with it?
For this reason, the Tao is the most valuable thing in the world.
Good words will nurture our honor,
Good deeds will give a person a good name."
- Translated by
Chou-Wing Chohan, Chapter 62
"The Tao is the Innermost of all life,
The treasure of the virtuous who is centered therein,
And the refuge of the non-virtuous who has gone astray.
Beautiful words arising from the Tao will find an appreciative audience,
Noble deeds arising from the Tao will make great contributions to people,
And even if a person may have gone astray,
the Tao will not abandon him.
Therefore, on the day a new emperor is crowned or new ministers installed,
Rather than rushing to offer them discs of jade or teams of horses,
Simply be still and show them the Tao.
Why did the ancients esteem the Tao so highly?
Did they not say that with the Tao,
Those who seek find what they seek
and those who go astray are forgiven?
This is why the Tao is esteemed as the greatest treasure of the world."
- Translated by
Yasuhiko Genku Kimura, Chapter 62
"The Way is the myriad creatures’ refuge.
It is that which the good extend,
And that which defends the bad.
Eloquent words can win promotion.
Eloquent actions can elevate.
Even if a person is bad, should one reject them?
When the ruler is installed
And the three great ministers appointed,
Though jade disks
And four-horse teams are offered,
It’s better to grant the gift of the Way
Without stirring from one’s place.
Why was the Way valued of old?
Was it not said it brought achievement,
And mitigated the punishment of the guilty.
So it was prized by the realm."
- Translated by
A. S. Kline, 2003, Chapter 62
"Dao is the wonder of All Things.
Perfection is what people like.
Imperfection is what people dislike.
Beautiful words may be used for markets.
Beautiful deeds may be used for pride.
If a person is imperfect why should he be ignored?
Hence, the "Son of Heaven" was installed and the three dukes
were appointed,
Even though one has abundant jade and wealth to establish war horses and
it is not as good as to consolidate and advance Dao.
For what reasons did the ancients bless this Dao?
Is it not said that:
"Whatever is prayed for is obtained?
Whoever has sin is forgiven.?"
Thus Dao becomes the blessing of the world."
- Translated by
Tang Zi-Chang, Chapter 62
Tao Te Ching
Translated by Stephen Addiss and Stanley Lombardo
Lao Tzu: Tao Te Ching
Translated by John C. Wu
Tai Chi Chuan, Qigong, Taoist Body-Mind Arts and Practices
How to Live a Good Life: Advice from Wise Persons
Dao De Jing: The Book of the Way
Translated by Moss Roberts
"The Ten Thousand Things have their source in the Tao.
It is the treasure of the good man, and the refuge of the bad.
Fine words can purchase honor.
Good deeds can earn respect.
Even if a man is bad, that is no reason to abandon him.
Therefore when the Son of Heaven is crowned and the three ministers installed,
Rather than offering gifts of jade discs and a team of four horses,
It is better to remain seated and offer the Tao.
Why did the ancients value the Tao so highly?
Did they not say, ‘By means of the Tao,
Those who seek it shall find it, and the guilty shall be forgiven’?
This is why it is so valued by the world."
- Translated by
Keith H. Seddon,
Chapter 62
A Chinese Language Version of Chapter 62 of the Tao Te
Ching by Lao Tzu
on my style of displaying the Chinese characters of the Tao Te Ching
人之不善, 何棄之有.
故立天子置三公, 雖有拱璧以先駟馬.
不曰以求得, 有罪以免耶.
- Chinese characters, Tao Te Ching,
Chapter 62
tao chê wan wu chih ao.
shan jên chih pao.
pu shan jên chih so pao.
mei yen k'o yi shih.
tsun hsing k'o yi chia jên.
jên chih pu shan, ho ch'i chih yu.
ku li t'ien tzu chih san kung, sui yu kung pi yi hsien ssu ma.
pu ju tso chin tz'u tao.
ku chih so yi kuei tz'u tao chê ho.
pu yüeh yi ch'iu tê, yu tsui yi mien hsieh.
ku wei t'ien hsia kuei.
- Wade-Giles Romanization, Tao Te Ching, Chapter 62
Version in Chinese of Chapter 62 of the Tao Te Ching
dao zhe wan wu zhi ao.
shan ren zhi bao.
bu shan ren zhi suo bao.
mei yan ke yi shi.
zun xing ke yi jia ren.
ren zhi bu shan, he qi zhi you.
gu li tian zi zhi san gong, sui you gong bi yi xian si ma.
bu ru zuo jin ci dao.
gu zhi suo yi gui ci dao zhe he?
bu jue yi qiu de, you zui yi mian ye.
gu wei tian xia gui.
- Pinyin Romanization, Daodejing, Chapter 62
Tao Te Ching in Chinese characters and English (includes a word by word key) from YellowBridge
Tao Te Ching in Chinese characters, Hanyu Pinyin (1982) Romanization, English and German by Dr. Hilmar Alquiros.
Laozi Daodejing: Chapters with Chinese characters, seal script, detailed word by word concordance, Pinyin (tone#), German, French and English.
Chinese and English Dictionary, MDGB
Dao De Jing Wade-Giles Concordance by Nina, Dao is Open
Dao De Jing English and Wade-Giles Concordance by Mike Garofalo
Tao Te Ching in Pinyin Romanization with Chinese characters, WuWei Foundation
Tao Te Ching in Pinyin Romanization
Tao Te Ching in Chinese characters and English
Tao Te Ching in Chinese characters, English, Word by word analysis, Zhongwen
Tao Te Ching: The Definitive Edition
Chinese characters, Wade-Giles (1892) Romanization, and a list of meanings for each
character by Jonathan Star
Tao Te Ching in Chinese characters: Big 5 Traditional and GB Simplified
Chinese Characters, Wade-Giles and Pinyin Romanizations, and 16 English Translations for Each Chapter of the Daodejing by Mike Garofalo.
Tao Te Ching in Chinese characters, Wade-Giles and Pinyin Romanization spellings, English; a word for word translation of the Guodian Laozi Dao De Jing Version.
Lao Zi's Dao De Jing: A Matrix Translation with Chinese Text by Bradford Hatcher.
"The Tao is the source of all things,
the good man's treasure, the bad man's refuge.
You can buy beautiful words.
You can build your reputation with good deeds.
But even bad people can use beautiful words and perform good deeds.
So when the new emperor is crowned
(and the three ministers of state are installed),
do not send gifts of jade and four–horse chariots.
Instead, be still, and offer the Tao.
The ancients treasured the Tao because, when you seek it, you find it;
through the Tao, even sinners receive forgiveness.
That is why everybody loves the Tao."
- Translated by
George Cronk,
1999, Chapter 62
"To all beings Tao is the hidden secret (ao):
To the good persons it is their treasure (pao),
To the not good it is that by which they are preserved (pao).
Beautiful speech can go to the market.
Respectable conduct can be bestowed on others.
Those who are not good,
Why discard them?
Therefore on crowning the Son of Heaven,
On appointing the Three Ducal Ministers (kung),
Although there are tributes of jade,
Preceding teams of four horses,
It is better to kneel (tso) and present this Tao.
Why did the ancients honor this Tao?
One does not say that they did it for the purpose of gain,
Rather they wish to be free from offenses (tsui).
Therefore they were the honored under heaven."
- Translated by
Ellen Marie Chen, 1989, Chapter 62
The Routledge Encyclopedia of Taoism
The Complete Works of Lao Tzu: Tao Teh Ching & Hua Hu Ching Translation and elucidation by Hua Ching Ni
Tai Chi Chuan, Qigong, Taoist Body-Mind Arts and Practices
How to Live a Good Life: Advice from Wise Persons
Dao De Jing: A Philosophical Translation by Roger T. Ames and David L. Hall
Practicing the Tao Te Ching: 81 Steps on the Way by Solala Towler
"The Tao is the asylum of all things; the good man’s treasure, the bad man’s
last resort.
With beautiful words one may sell goods but in winning people one
can accomplish more by kindness.
Why should a man be thrown away for his evil?
To conserve him was the Emperor appointed and the three ministers.
Better than being in the presence of the Emperor and riding with four horses,
is sitting and explaining this Tao.
The reason the Ancients esteemed Tao was because if sought it was obtained,
and because by it he that hath sin could be saved.
Is it not so?
Therefore the
world honors Tao."
- Translated by
Dwight Goddard and Henri Borel, 1919, Chapter 62
"That which Daos is the
obscure mystery of the ten thousand creatures.
This is the treasure of a
virtuous person,
And that which is the
protection of a person who is not
Beautiful speech can be used
in the market,
Respectful behavior can
benefit people.
People who are not
Why abandon them?
Therefore, when
inaugurating the son of heaven,
Or installing the three
nobles –
Even if you possessed jade
disks drawn by a team of four
That is not as good as
sitting and offering this Way.
What was the ancients’
reason that they valued this Way?
Did they not say:
Seek in order to obtain,
Have faults in order to be
Therefore Dao becomes
valuable to the world."
- Translated by
Bruce R. Linnell,
2015, Chapter 62
Tai Chi Chuan, Qigong, Taoist Body-Mind Arts and Practices
How to Live a Good Life: Advice from Wise Persons
"The way is the refuge for the myriad creatures.
It is that by which the good man protects,
And that by which the bad is protected.
words when offered will win high rank in return;
Beautiful deeds can raise a man above others.
if a man is not good, why should he be abandoned?
when the emperor is set up and the three ducal ministers are appointed,
he who
makes a present of the way without stirring from his seat is preferable
to one
who offers presents of jade disks followed by a team of four horses.
Why was this way valued of old?
Was it not said that by means of it one got what one wanted
and escaped the
consequences when one transgressed?
it is valued by the empire."
- Translated by
D. C. Lau, 1963, Chapter 62
"The Way is the cistern of the myriad creatures;
It is the treasure of the good man,
And that which is treasured by the bad man.
Beautiful words can be traded,
Noble deeds can be used as gifts for others.
Why should we reject even what is bad about men?
When the son of heaven is enthroned or the three ministers are installed,
Although they may have large jade disks
And be preceded by teams of four horses,
It would be better for them to sit down and make progress in this.
What was the reason for the ancients to value this so highly?
Did they not say:
"Seek and thou shalt receive;
Sin and thou shalt be forgiven"?
It is valued by all under heaven."
- Translated by
Victor H. Mair, 1990, Chapter 62
Tai Chi Chuan, Qigong, Taoist Body-Mind Arts and Practices
How to Live a Good Life: Advice from Wise Persons
"Tao is at the source of everything: treasure for the
good; refuge for the bad.
Fine words can be sold; fine deeds can be but a show.
Why, then, refuge the bad?
Therefore, at the crowning of the emperor or at the appointment of the three
rather than present gifts of jade and horses, present the gift of
Why did the ancients value Tao so?
Did they not say the seeker shall find it; the sinner shall find it and be
So is it the treasure of the world."
- Translated by
Frank K. MacHovec,
1962, Chapter 62
"The Tao is the most exalted of all things. It is the ornament of the
good, and the protection and purification of the evil.
words are the fountain of honour, and its deeds the engine of
achievement. It is present even in evil.
the Son of Heaven were enthroned with his three Dukes appointed to
serve him, and he were offered a round symbol- of-rank as great as might
fill the hands, with a team of horses to follow, this gift were not to be
matched against the Tao, which might be offered by the humblest of men.
did they of old time set such store by the Tao? Because he that
sought it might find it, and because it was the Purification from all
evil. Therefore did all men under Heaven esteem it the most exalted of
all things."
- Translated by
Aleister Crowley, 1918, Chapter 62
Created by Michael P. Garofalo, Green Way Research, Valley Spirit Center, Gushen Grove Notebooks, Vancouver, Washington © 2020 CCA 4.0
Ripening Peaches: Taoist Studies and Practices By Mike Garofalo
Tai Chi Chuan, Qigong, Taoist Body-Mind Arts and Practices
How to Live a Good Life: Advice from Wise Persons
"Tao is the enigma of all creation.
It is a treasure for the good man, a shelter for the bad.
Words of worth can create a city;
Noble deeds can elevate a man.
Even though a man is not good, how can he be abandoned?
A jade disc and a coach and four are presented to the emperor
at his
enthronement ceremony and to the Three Ministers at their installation,
but this
cannot compare with riding toward the Tao.
Those ancients who prized Tao would instead have said,
"Seek and you will find,
thus you will be free from guilt."
Hence Tao is valued by the world."
- Translated by
Tam Gibbs, 1981,
Chapter 62
"The Tao is the tabernacle of creation,
it is a treasure for those who are good,
and a place of refuge for those who are not.
How can those who are not good be abandoned?
Words that are beautiful are worth much,
but good behavior can only be learned by example.
When a new leader takes office,
don't give him gifts and offerings.
These things are not as valuable
as teaching him about the Tao.
Why was the Tao esteemed by the ancient Masters?
Is it not said: "With it we find without looking.
With it we find forgiveness for our transgressions."
That is why the world can not understand it."
- Translated by
John H. McDonald, 1996, Chapter 62
"The Way is sanctuary: the mysterious secret of the universe.
It is the treasure of peaceful people and the bad man's refuge.
Honors can be bought with flattery and fine words;
admiration can be procured through good deeds.
But the Tao does not abandon even the sinner.
Therefore when the Emperor is crowned, and the three ministers appointed,
do not offer gifts of jade and fine horses, offer instead the lessons and
learning of the Tao.
Why is it the ancient Masters esteemed the Tao?
It is because one who looked for it could find it.
And the guilty find forgiveness through it.
For these reasons it is truly the treasure of the world."
- Translated by
John Dicus, 2002, Chapter 62
Tai Chi Chuan, Qigong, Taoist Body-Mind Arts and Practices
How to Live a Good Life: Advice from Wise Persons
"The Tao ( the Laws of the Universe )
is the hidden Source
of all things.
A treasure
to the honest,
it is a protection
to the confused.
A good word
will find its own location.
A good deed
may be used as a gift to another.
A person
missing the right path
Is no reason
they should be thrown away.
At the official times of empowerment,
Let others offer their discs of jade, following it up with cars and boats;
It is better for you to offer
the Tao ( the Laws of the Universe )
without moving your feet!
Why did the people of the past prize
the Tao ( the Laws of the Universe )?
It is because
by the virtue (the power) of it,
he who looks finds,
And the guilty are forgiven.
That is why
it is such a treasure
to the world."
- Translated by
John Louis Trottier,
1994, Chapter 62
"Tao is the treasure-house
the true nature
the secret source
of everything
It is the great wealth of those who are awake
the great
protector of those still sleeping
If a person seems wicked
do not cast him away ─
Awaken him
with your words
Elevate him with your deeds
Requite his injury with your kindness
Do not cast him away
cast away his wickedness
When the emperor is crowned
or the three ministers installed
they receive a gift of jade and horses
But how can this compare
to sitting still and gaining the
treasure of Tao
This is why the ancient masters
honored the inward path of Tao
Did they not say
"Seek and you will find"?
"Err and you will be
Within, within
This is where the world's treasure has always been."
- Translated by
Jonathan Star, 2001, Chapter 62
"Existence is
It is a good man's purse,
It is also a bad man's
Clever performances come dear or cheap,
Goodness comes free;
how shall a man who acts better deny a man who acts worse
This right to
Rather, when an emperor is crowned, let the three
Ministers whom he
appoints to receive for him fine horses and gifts of jade
Receive for him
also the motionless gift of integrity,
The gift prized as highest by those
ancients who said,
'Only pursue an offender to show him the way.'
men in all the world could have more wealth than they?"
- Translated by
Witter Bynner, 1944, Chapter 62
Walking the Way: 81 Zen Encounters with the Tao Te Ching
by Robert Meikyo Rosenbaum
The Tao of Zen
by Ray Grigg
Tai Chi Chuan, Qigong, Taoist Body-Mind Arts and Practices
How to Live a Good Life: Advice from Wise Persons
Tao Te Ching: Zen Teachings on the Taoist Classic
by Takuan Soho
Buddhism and Taoism Face to Face: Scripture, Ritual, and Iconographic Exchange in Medieval China
by Christine Mollier
"He who has the Tao is the refuge of all beings.
He is the treasure of the good man,
He is the support of the man who is not good.
Beautiful words through Tao gain power,
Man, by following it gains steadfastness in action,
But, by the evil man, its possession is ignored.
The Son of Heaven sits enthroned,
His three Ministers are appointed.
One carries inj his hand a tablet of jade:
Another is followed by a mounted retinue,
But the one who is most values sits quietly, and offers as his gift this Tao.
How was the Tao prized by men of Old?
Daily they sought for it.
They found it, hid within the Self.
It gives a way of escape to the guilty.
Therefore it is prized by all men."
- Translated by
Isabella Mears, 1916, Chapter 62
"Tao, as the abyss where all things are hidden, is effective and precious to good men,
and must also be preserved by bad men.
Eloquent words can purchase honour from others,
And admirable deeds can put one above others,
How can it be abandoned by men, even in their evil deeds?
Therefore, when the Son of Heaven mounts the throne and the principal ministers come to their places,
It is better to offer Tao as a present (without any ceremonies),
Though there is the round jadeware, followed by the four-horse chariot.
Why is Tao so much valued from the old days on?
Can it not be said that (with it) one can get what he seeks for and be forgiven his sin?
Thus it is valued by all under Heaven."
- Translated by
Ren Jiyu,1985, Chapter 62
"Nature is profoundly worth while.
It is that which is most worth while
for good men,
And it is the only real value for bad men.
Flattery may gain favours, and gifts may help one to advance,
But bad men know how to flatter and bribe.
Therefore when leaders are installed in office,
Better than he who
artfully gives lavish gifts and glowing tribute,
Is one who, by doing
nothing but accepting his natural role as a follower, pays genuine
Why have men always valued Nature?
Was it not because Nature submitted
humbly to the task of benefiting the good and the bad alike?
Is this
not the reason why it is the most worth while thing in the world?"
- Translated by
Archie J. Bahm, 1958, Chapter 62
Further Teachings of Lao-Tzu: Understanding the Mysteries (Wen Tzu)
The Lunar Tao: Meditations in Harmony with the Seasons
By Deng Ming-Dao
Ripening Peaches: Taoist Studies and Practices By Mike Garofalo
Tai Chi Chuan, Qigong, Taoist Body-Mind Arts and Practices
How to Live a Good Life: Advice from Wise Persons
Zhuangzi: The Essential Writings with Selections from Traditional Commentaries Translation and commentary by Brook Ziporyn
"Tao is the hidden refuge of all things,
To the good man his richest treasure brings,
And to the bad in guardianship it clings.
Its beautiful words buy honor by their use,
Its noble deeds lift people from abuse,
And even the bad, are they from it cut loose?
So when the emperor, chosen to his throne,
Appoints three great ones, by high titles known,
If one of these should come to him, alone,
Holding the jade-screen, with four homes fleet,
He would be less than one on lowly seat
Who could the lessons of the Tao repeat.
Why did the ancients prize this Tao so much?
Was it not because it answered every touch,
And that the sin-bound, even, escaped thereby?
So it is most prized of all
beneath the sky."
- Translated by
Isaac Winter Heysinger, 1903, Chapter 62
Tao Te
Ching |
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"Tao has of all things the most honored place.
No treasures give good men so
rich a grace;
Bad men it guards, and doth their ill efface.
Its admirable words can purchase honor; its admirable deeds can raise
their performer above others.
Even men who are not good are not abandoned by
Therefore when the sovereign occupies his place as the Son of Heaven,
he has appointed his three ducal ministers
though a prince were to send in
a round symbol-of-rank large enough to fill both the hands,
and that as the
precursor of the team of horses in the court-yard,
such an offering would
not be equal to a lesson of this Tao,
which one might present on his knees.
Why was it that the ancients prized this Tao so much?
Was it not because it
could be got by seeking for it, and the guilty could escape by it?
This is the reason why all under heaven consider it
the most valuable thing."
- Translated by
Andre von Gauthier, Chapter 62
"Der sinn ist aller Dinge Heimat, der guter Menschen
Schatz, der nichtguten Menschen Schutz.
Mit schöne Worten kann man zu Markte gehen.
Mit ehrenhaftem Wandel kann man sich vor andern hervortun.
Aber die Nichtguten unter den Menschen, warum sollte man die wegwerfen?
Ob man auch Zepter von Juwelen hätte, um sie im feierlichem Viererzug zu
Nicht kommt das des Gabe gleich, wenn man diesen sinn,
auf seinen Knien dem
Herrscher darbringt.
Warum hielten die Alten diesen sinn so wert?
Ist es nicht deshalb, daß es von ihm heißt: Wer bittet, der empfängt;
Wer Sünden hat, dem werden sie vergeben?
Darum ist er das Köstlichste auf Erden."
- Translated by Richard Wilhelm, 1911, Chapter
"Wiedereinfügung der aus der GemeinschaftGelösten
Das Unergründliche ist die Heimat aller Wesen,
es ist der Hort der Guten
und der Zufluchtsort der Nichtguten.
Man mag fromme und schöne Worte gebrauchen,
doch nur edle Taten helfen dem Menschen
zu seiner Vollendung.
Ist es aber edel, einen «schlechten» Menschen zu verwerfen?
Wozu wurde der Herrscher
mit seinen Staatsmännern eingesetzt?
Des Kaisers Würde und der Staatsmänner Pracht
kommen nicht der beharrlichen Mühe gleich,
den Geist des Unergründlichen zu verwirklichen.
Warum hielten denn die Alten
so verehrend am Unergründlichen fest?
Ist es nicht, weil jeder, der nach ihm strebt,
das Unvergängliche findet;
ist es nicht, weil jedem Irrenden
Heilung und Heyl werden soll?
Darum ist das Unergründliche des Lebens höchstes Gut."
- Translated
by Rudolf
Backofen, 1949, Chapter 62
"The Tao has of all things the most
honoured place.
It is the good man treasure, and that which protects the bad
Its excellent words may be displayed before all.
Its noble deeds
assist all men.
Why should a man be cast aside because he is bad?
Hence when the sovereign has been enthroned, and the chief
ministers have been appointed,
though one escorted by a team of
horses, present the jade symbol of office,
it would not equal
the stilling of the heart, and entering this Tao.
What is the reason that this Tao has been held in such esteem
from the beginning?
May we not say that is it because those who
seek receive, and those who are guilty escape by its help?
Hence it becomes the most valued things under heaven."
- Translated by
Spurgeon Medhurst, 1905, Chapter 62
Created by Michael P. Garofalo, Green Way Research, Valley Spirit Center, Gushen Grove Notebooks, Vancouver, Washington © 2020 CCA 4.0
Tao Te Ching: An Illustrated Journey
Translated by Stephen Mitchell
Tao Te Ching
Translated by David Hinton
The Book of Tao: Tao Te Ching - The Tao and Its Characteristics
Translated by James Legge
Ripening Peaches: Taoist Studies and Practices
Tai Chi Chuan, Qigong, Taoist Body-Mind Arts and Practices
How to Live a Good Life: Advice from Wise Persons
Taoism: Growth of a Religion By Isabelle Robinet
Zhuangzi (Chuang Tsu), Daoist Scripture: Bibliography, Links, Resources, Quotations, Notes
Zhuangzi: Basic Writings
Translated by Burton Watson
Zhuangzi Speaks: The Music of Nature An illustrated comic by Chih-chung Ts'ai
"Tao is the secret guardian of all things.
It enriches the good man and portends the evildoer.
Its counsel is always in season; its benevolence is always in demand.
Even those who are not good it does not forsake.
Therefore, when the Emperor takes his throne and appoints his nobles,
who comes before him bearing the insignia of a prince
and escorted by a
mounted retinue is not to be compared
with one who humbly presents this
For why did the ancients hold it in such esteem?
Was it not because it could be had without much seeking,
and because by means of it man might escape from sin?
For this it was esteemed the greatest thing in the world."
- Translated by
Walter Gorn Old, 1904, Chapter 62
"Tao is the source of all things, the treasure of good men, and the sustainer of bad men.
Therefore at the enthronement of an emperor and the appointment of the three ministers,
better still than those who present
jewels followed by horses,
is the one who sitting presents propounds this Tao.
Why did the ancients
prize this Tao?
Was it not because it could be attained by seeking and thus the sinners could be freed?
For this reason, it has become the most valuable thing in the world.
Good words will procure one honour; good deeds will get one credit."
- Translated by
Ch'u Ta-Kao, 1904, Chapter 62
"The Principle is the palladium of all beings.
It is the treasure of the
good, and the salvation of the wicked.
It is to it that one should be grateful from affectionate words, and the
noble conduct of good people.
It is with regard to it, that the wicked
should not be rejected.
It is for that reason that the emperor and the great
ministers were instituted.
Not so that they should become complacent
with their sceptre and their ancient four-horsed chariot;
But in order
that they should meditate on the Principle - advancing themselves in
their knowledge,
and in the development of others.
Why did the ancients make so much of the Principle?
is it not because it
is the source of all good and the remedy for all evil?
It is the most
noble thing in the world."
- Translated by
Derek Bryce, 1999, Chapter 62
"Le Tao est l'asile de tous les êtres; c'est le trésor de
l'homme vertueux et l'appui du méchant.
Les paroles excellentes peuvent faire notre richesse, les actions honorables
peuvent nous
élever au-dessus des autres.
Si un homme n'est pas vertueux, pourrait-on le repousser avec mépris?
C'est pour cela qu'on avait établi un empereur et institué trois ministres.
Il est beau de tenir devant soi une tablette de jade, ou d'être monté sur un
Mais il vaut mieux rester assis pour avancer dans le Tao.
Pourquoi les anciens estimaient-ils le Tao?
N'est-ce pas parce qu'on le trouve naturellement sans le chercher tout le jour?
N'est-ce pas parce que les coupables obtiennent par lui la liberté et la vie ?
C'est pourquoi le Tao est l'être le plus estimable du monde."
- Translated by Stanislas Julien, 1842, Chapter
Language Versions of the Tao Te Ching (Daodejing)
Tao Te Ching en Español
Lao Tsé Tao Te Ching
Traducido al
español por Anton
Tao Te Ching Traducido por Stephen Mitchell, versión española
Tao Te Ching Traducido al español por el Padre Carmelo Elorduy
Lao Tzu-The Eternal Tao Te Ching
Traducido al
español por
Xu y Yongjian Yin
Ripening Peaches: Taoist Studies and Practices By Mike Garofalo Maduración Duraznos: Estudios y Prácticas Taoístas por Mike Garofalo
Tao Te Ching
Traducido al
español por
Scott Wilson.
Lao Tzu - Tao Te Ching
Traducido al
español por
Javier Cruz
Tao te king
Translated by John C. H. Wu,
Daodejing Español, Inglés, y Chino Versiones Lingüísticas de la Daodejing
Spanish Language Translations of the Tao Te Ching
"El Tao se halla oculto en lo más profundo
de los diez mil seres.
Es el tesoro del hombre bueno,
y el amparo del que no es bueno.
Las bellas palabras ganan honores,
los bellos actos elevan al hombre.
Así, al coronarse un emperador,
y nombrar a sus tres ministros,
mejor que llevar jade en las manos,
y presentar la cuadriga,
vale más cumplir con el Tao.
Los antiguos estimaban al Tao, y por eso buscaban poseerle
y evitar el ofenderle.
Esto es porque el Tao es lo máximo que un hombre podrá alcanzar."
- Translation from
Wikisource, 2013,
Tao Te Ching, Capítulo 62
"Tao es la fuente de todas las cosas, el tesoro del hombre
bueno y el refugio del malo.
En la coronación de un emperador y en el nombramiento de los ministros,
mejor aún que los que envían tributos de joyas y corceles está el que envía a
¿Por qué los antiguos estimaban a Tao?
Porque mediante su búsqueda el culpable encuentra la paz.
Por esta razón se le considera lo más valiosa del mundo.
Las buenas palabras procuran honores; las buenas acciones engrandecen al
- Translated into Spanish by
Caridad Diaz Faes (2003) from the
English translation by Ch'u Ta-Kao (1904), Capítulo
"El Tao es la fuente de las diez mil cosas;
es el tesoro de un buen hombre y el refugio de un mal hombre.
Palabras blandas pueden comprar honores y
buenos actos pueden ganar respeto.
Si un hombre es malo, no lo abandones.
Así, en el día que el emperador sea coronado o
el estado haya instalado tres ministros,
no envíes un regalo de jade ni una cuádriga.
Quedato quieto y ofrece el Tao.
Por qué a todo el mundo le gusta el Tao al principio?
No es quizá porque uno encuentra lo que busca y
lo olvida, cuando peca?
Por eso éste es el mayor tesoro del universo."
- Translated by
Cristina Bosch, 2002, Capítulo 62
"Es un tesoro para los buenos.
Un protector para los extraviados.
Las palabras
hermosas pueden ser vendidas en el mercado.
Las buenas acciones pueden
ofrecerse como obsequios.
Si un
hombre se ha apartado del camino, ¿qué razón hay para echarlo?
Para ello hay un
emperador puesto en el trono.
Para ello él escoge a los tres grandes ministros.
Mejor que llevar la gran tableta de jade, y avanzar precedido por un cortejo de
es sentarse inmóvil siguiendo al Tao.
¿Por qué los antiguos
honraron a este Tao?
No porque lo encontrasen buscándolo detrás del veto en
que se oculta;
Sino porque por virtud del Tao desaparecerían los efectos de
sus maldades.
Por eso es un tesoro inapreciable para el mundo."
- Translation from
Logia Medio Dia, 2015,
Tao Te Ching, Capítulo 62
"El Tao es el Depósito oculto de todas las cosas.
Es un tesoro para la persona honrada, es una salvaguardia del error.
Una buena palabra encontrará su propio mercado.
Una buena obra puede servir como regalo para otro.
Que un hombre haya errado el buen camino no es razón pra ser apartado.
Por ello, en la Entronización de un Emperador, o en el nobramiento de tres
deja a los demás ofrecer sus discos de jade,
precediendo a sus cuadrillas de caballos.
Es mejor para ti ofrecer el Tao sin mover los pies.
Por qué los antiquos apreciaban el Tao?
No es porque, en virtud del mismo, el que busca encuentra, y la culpa es
Por esto es un tesoro inigualable para el mundo."
- Translated into Spanish by
Alfonso Colodrón from
the John C. H. Wu English
translation, 1993, Tao Te Ching, Capítulo 62
Created by Michael P. Garofalo, Green Way Research, Valley Spirit Center, Gushen Grove Notebooks, Vancouver, Washington © 2020 CCA 4.0
Next Chapter of the Tao Te Ching #63
Previous Chapter of the Tao Te Ching #61
Chapter and Thematic Index to the Tao Te Ching
Tao Te Ching
Commentary, Interpretations, Research Tools, Resources
Chapter 62
Das Tao Te King von Lao Tse. Complete versions of all 81 Chapters of the Tao Te Ching by many different translators in many languages: 124 English, 24 German, 14 Russian, 7 Spanish, 5 French and many other languages. Links are organized first by languages, and then alphabetically by translators. Formatting varies somewhat. The original website at Onekellotus went offline in 2012; but, the extensive collection of these Tao Te Ching versions was saved for posterity by the Internet Archive Wayback Machine and available as of 9/9/2015. This is an outstanding original collection of versions of the Daodejing─ the Best on the Internet. Caution: copyright infringement may sometimes be an issue at this website.
Tao Te Ching, Translations into English: Terebess Asia Online (TAO). 124
nicely formatted complete English language translations, on separate webpages, of the Daodejing.
Alphabetical index by translators. Each webpage has all 81 chapters of the Tao Te
Ching translated into English. A useful collection! Many
reformatted and colored versions from the original collection at
Das Tao Te King von Lao Tse. Caution: copyright infringement may
sometimes be an
issue at this website.
Lao Tzu: Te-Tao Ching - A New Translation Based on the Recently Discovered Ma-wang-tui
Texts (Classics of Ancient China)
Translated with and introduction and detailed exposition and commentary by
Professor Robert G. Henricks. New York, Ballantine Books, 1992.
Includes Chinese characters for each chapter. Bibliography, detailed
notes, 282 pages.
Daodejing by Laozi: Chapters with Chinese characters, seal script,
detailed word by word concordance, Pinyin (tone#), German, French and English.
This is an outstanding resource for serious students of the Tao Te Ching.
Tao Te
Ching: A New Translation and Commentary. By Ellen Chen. Paragon
House, 1998. Detailed glossary, index, bibliography, notes, 274 pages.
The Tao
and Method: A Reasoned Approach to the Tao Te Ching. By Michael
Lafargue. New York, SUNY Press, 1994. 640 pages. Detailed
index, bibliography, notes, and tables. An essential research tool.
Two Visions of the Way: A Study of the Wang Pi and the Ho-Shang Kung Commentaries on the Lao-Tzu.
By Professor by Alan Kam-Leung Chan. SUNY Series in Chinese
Philosophy and Culture. State University of New York Press, 1991.
Index, bibliography, glossary, notes, 314 pages.
ISBN: 0791404560.
Tao Te Ching: The Definitive Edition
By Jonathan Star. Translation, commentary and research tools. New
York, Jeremy P. Tarcher, Penguin, 2001. Concordance, tables, appendices,
349 pages. A new rendition of the Tao Te Ching is provided, then a
verbatim translation with extensive notes. Detailed tables for each verse
provide line number, all the Chinese characters, Wade-Giles Romanization, and a list of meanings for each character. An excellent
print reference tool!
Chinese Reading of the Daodejing
Wang Bi's Commentary on the Laozi with Critical Text and Translation.
By Professor Rudolf G. Wagner. A SUNY Series in Chinese Philosophy and
Culture. English and Mandarin Chinese Edition.
State University of New York Press; Bilingual edition (October 2003). 540
pages. ISBN: 978-0791451823.
Wang Bi (Wang Pi, Fusi), 226-249 CE,
Commentary on the Tao Te
Tao Te Ching
Translated by D. C. Lau. Addison Wesley, Reprint Edition, 2000. 192
pages. ISBN: 978-0140441314.
The Taoism Reader
By Thomas Cleary. Shambhala, 2012. 192 pages.
Change Your Thoughts - Change Your Life: Living the Wisdom of the Tao
By Wayne W. Dyer. Hay House, Reprint Edition, 2009. 416 pages.
The Routledge Encyclopedia of Taoism.
Edited by Fabrizio Pregadio. London, Taylor and Francis Group, Routledge,
2008, 2011. 2 Volumes, 1551 pages.
Lao Tzu's Tao Teh Ching, A Parallel Translation Collection. Compiled by B.
Tao Te Ching: The Book of the Way. Revised by Sam Torode based on the
translation by Dwight Goddard, 1919. Independent Pub., 2009, 88 pages.
Tao Te Ching: Annotated
and Explained. By Derek Lin. Foreword by Lama Surya Das.
Skylight Illuminations, SkyLight Paths, 2006. 208 pages.
Comparison and Analysis of Selected English Interpretations of the Tao Te Ching.
By Damian J. Bebell and Shannon M. Fera.
Practicing the Tao Te Ching: 81 Steps on the Way. By Solala Towler.
Foreword by Chunglang Al Huang. Sounds True, 2016. 320 pages.
The Lunar Tao: Meditations in Harmony with the Seasons.
By Deng Ming-Dao. New York, Harper Collins, 2013. 429 pages.
The Classic of the Way and Virtue: A New Translation of the Tao-te Ching of Laozi as Interpreted by Wang Bi.
Translated by Richard John Lynn. Translations from the Asian Classics
Series. New York, Columbia University Press, 1999. Extensive index,
glossaries, notes, 244 pages.
Tao Te Ching in Chinese characters,
Pinyin Romanization, English and German by Dr. Hilmar
Yellow Bridge
Dao De Jing Comparison Table Provides side by side comparisons of
translations of the Tao Te Ching by James Legge, D. T. Suzuki, and Dwight
Goddard. Chinese characters for each paragraph in the Chapter are on the
left; place your cursor over the Chinese characters to see the Pinyin
Romanization of the Chinese character and a list of meanings.
Translators Index,
Tao Te Ching Versions in English, Translators Sorted Alphabetically by Translator, Links to Books and
Online Versions of the Chapters
Taoism and the Tao Te
Ching: Bibliography, Resources, Links
Spanish Language
Translations of the Tao Te Ching, Daodejing en Español, Translators Index
The Tao of Zen.
By Ray Grigg. Tuttle, 2012, 256 pages. Argues for the view that Zen
is best characterized as a version of philosophical Taoism (i.e., Laozi and
Zhuangzi) and not Mahayana Buddhism.
Chapter 1 in the
Taoist Commentaries by Trey Smith. The
Rambling Taoists are Trey Smith and Scott Bradley.
Valley Spirit, Gu Shen,
Concept, Chapter 6
Valley Spirit Center in Red
Bluff, California.
Circle in the Gushen Grove.
Lao-tzu's Taoteching
Translated by Red Pine (Bill Porter). Includes many brief selected
commentaries for each Chapter draw from commentaries in the past
2,000 years. Provides a verbatim translation and shows the text in Chinese
characters. San Francisco, Mercury House, 1996, Second Edition, 184 pages.
An invaluable resource for commentaries.
Reading Lao Tzu: A Companion to the Tao Te Ching with a New Translation
By Ha Poong Kim. Xlibris, 2003, 198 pages.
Dao De Jing: A Philosophical Translation
By Roger T. Ames and David T. Hall. Ballantine, 2003, 256 pages.
Thematic Index to the
81 Chapters of the Tao Te Ching
Lieh-Tzu: A Taoist Guide to Practical Living. Translated by Eva Wong. Lieh-Tzu was writing around 450 BCE. Boston, Shambhala, 2001.
Introduction, 246 pages.
Revealing the Tao Te Ching: In-depth Commentaries on an Ancient Classic. By Hu Huezhi. Edited by Jesse Lee Parker. Seven Star Communications,
2006. 240 pages.
Cloud Hands Blog
Mike Garofalo writes about Mind-Body Arts, Philosophy, Taoism, Gardening, Taijiquan, Walking, Mysticism,
Qigong, and the Eight Ways.
The Whole Heart of Tao:
The Complete Teachings From the Oral Tradition of Lao Tzu.
By John Bright-Fey. Crane Hill Publishers, 2006. 376 pages.
Gushen Grove Notebooks for the Tao Te Ching
Green Way Research, Valley Spirit
Center, Gushen Grove Notebooks (2001-2020)
Red Bluff, California from 1998-2017;
Vancouver, Washington from 2017-2020
Green Way Research, Tao Te Ching, Chapter 62, 2011-2020.
Compiled and
Indexed by
Michael P. Garofalo
This webpage was last modified, edited,
maintained, expanded, improved or updated on
November 26, 2019.
This webpage was first distributed online on July 2, 2011.
Created by Michael P. Garofalo, Green Way Research, Valley Spirit Center, Gushen Grove Notebooks, Vancouver, Washington © 2020 CCA 4.0
Brief Biography of Michael P. Garofalo, M.S.
Ripening Peaches: Daoist Studies and Practices
Zhuangzi (Chuang Tzu, Zhuang Zhou, Master Chuang) 369—286 BCE
Taoist Perspectives: My Reading List
Bodymind Theory and Practices, Somaesthetics
How to Live a Good Life: Advice from Wise Persons
Qigong (Chi Kung) Health Practices
One Old Daoist Druid's Final Journey: Notebooks of the Librarian of Gushen Grove
Index to Cloud Hands and Valley Spirit Websites
Index to English Language Translators of the Tao Te Ching
Recurring Themes (Terms, Concepts, Leimotifs) in the Tao Te Ching
Spanish Language Translations of the Tao Te Ching
Chinese Characters, Wade-Giles (1892) and Hanyu Pinyin (1982) Romanizations
The Tao Te Ching (Dao De Jing) by Lao Tzu (Laozi) circa 500 BCE
Tao Te
Ching |
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61 | 62 | 63 | 64 | 65 | 66 | 67 | 68 | 69 | 70 |
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