Patience is the art of caring slowly.
- John Ciardi
The strongest of all warriors are these two: Time and Patience.
– Leo Tolstoi
Patience, persistence and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for
- Napolean Hill
Patience can't be acquired overnight. It is just like building
up a muscle.
Every day you need to work on it.
- Eknath Easwaran
Peaceful warriors have the patience to wait until the mud settles and the water clears. They remain unmoving until the right time, so the right action arises by itself. They do not seek fulfillment, but wait with open arms to welcome all things.
- Dan Millman
Patience and time do more than strength or passion.
- Jean de La Fontaine
You must learn to live in the present and accept yourself for what you are now.
What you lack in flexibility and agility you must make up with knowledge and constant practice.
- Bruce Lee
If we could have a little patience, we should escape much
mortification; time takes away as much as it gives.
- Marquise de Sevingne
Our patience will achieve more than our force.
- Edmund Burke
He that can have patience can have what he will.
- Benjamin Franklin
Patience and perseverance have a magical effect before which
difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish.
- John Quincy Adams
Beware the fury of a patient man.
- John Dryden
We smile at the ignorance of the savage who cuts down the tree
in order to reach
its fruit; but the same blunder is made by every person who is over eager and
impatient in the pursuit of pleasure.
- William Channing
If you would know strength and patience, welcome the company of
- Hal Borland
To lose patience is to lose the battle.
- Mahatma Gandhi
Patience is power; with time and patience the mulberry leaf
becomes silk.
- A Chinese Proverb
Infinite patience brings immediate results.
- Wayne W. Dyer
The faster you go, the shorter you are.
- Albert Einstein
Patience is passion tamed.
- Lyman Abbott
The key to everything is patience. You get the chicken by
hatching the egg, not by smashing it.
- Arnold H. Glasgow
I do not believe that sheer suffering teaches. If suffering
alone taught, all the world
would be wise, since everyone suffers. To suffering must be added mourning, understanding,
patience, love, openness and the willingness to remain vulnerable.
- Joseph Addison
Never think that God's delays are God's denials. Hold on; hold fast; hold out.
Patience is genius.
- George-Louis Leclerc de Buffon
Patience is bitter, but it's fruit is sweet.
- Linda Clarkson
Our real blessings often appear to us in the shape of pains,
losses and disappointments;
but let us have patience and we soon shall see them in their proper figures.
- Joseph Addison
Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them; but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight... When we do the best we can, we never know what miracle is wrought in our life, or in the life of another.
- Helen Keller
The greatest power is often simple patience.
- E. Joseph Cossman
They also serve who only stand and wait.
- John Milton
Everything comes to him who hustles while he waits.
- Thomas Edison
You can learn many things from children. How much patience you have, for
- Franklin P. Jones
Most men pursue pleasure with such breathless haste that they hurry past it.
- Soren Kierkegaard
Patience with others is Love, Patience with self is Hope,
Patience with God is Faith.
- Adel Bestavros
Good ideas are not adopted automatically. They must be driven into practice with courageous patience.
- Hyman George Rickover
Patience is necessary, and one cannot reap immediately where one has
- Soren Kierkegaard
To endure is greater than to dare; to tire out hostile fortune; to be daunted by no difficulty; to keep heart when all have lost it; to go through intrigue spotless; to forego even ambition when the end is gained - who can say this is not
- William M. Thackeray
Patience serves as a protection against wrongs as clothes do
against cold. For if you put on more clothes as the cold increases, it will have no power to hurt
you. So in like manner you must grow in patience when you meet with great wrongs, and they will be powerless to vex your mind.
- Leonardo da Vinci
To hear complaints with patience, even when complaints are vain, is one of the duties of friendship.
- Samuel Johnson
A Small Treatise on the Great Virtues: The Uses of Philosophy in Everyday Life
The Book of Virtues
By William J. Bennett
The Book of Man: Readings on the Path to Manhood
By William J. Bennett
Ethics for the Real World: Creating a Personal Code to Guide Decisions in Work and Life
By Ronald A. Howard
The Good Life: Virtues - Quotations, Bibliography, Links, Resources By Mike Garofalo
Ethics for the New Millennium
By the Dali Lama
The Good Life
By Charles Colson
Let the gentle bush dig its root deep and spread upward to split the
- Carl Sandburg
Patience is a minor form of despair, disguised as a virtue.
- Ambrose Bierce
The key to everything is patience. You get the chicken by hatching the egg, not by smashing it.
- Arnold H. Glasgow
I think and think for months and years, ninety-nine times, the
conclusion is false. The hundredth time I am right.
- Albert Einstein
Patience and Diligence, like faith, remove mountains.
- William Penn
The practice of patience toward one another, the overlooking of one another's defects, and the bearing of one another's burdens is the most elementary condition of all human and social activity in the family, in the professions, and in society.
- Lawrence G. Lovasik
Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
- George Jackson
I never failed once. It just happened to be a 2000-step process.
- Thomas Edison
Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet.
- Jean Jacques Rousseau
There is no road too long to the man who advances deliberately
and without undue haste; there are no honors too distant to the man who prepares himself for them with patience.
- Jean De La Bruyere
The marvel of all history is the patience with which men and
women submit to
burdens unnecessarily laid upon them by their governments.
- William Edgar Borah
Patience is the key to contentment.
- Mohammed
With love and patience, nothing is impossible.
- Daisaku Ideda
Teach us to care and not to care. Teach us to sit still.
- T. S. Elliot
An ounce of patience is worth a pound of brains.
- A Dutch Proverb
It is a mistake to look too far ahead. Only one link in the chain of destiny can be handled at a time.
- Winston Churchill
Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
To lose patience is to lose the battle.
- Mahatma Gandhi
I am extraordinarily patient provided I get my own way in the
- Margaret Thatcher
Patience and tenacity of purpose are worth more than twice their weight of cleverness.
- Thomas Henry Huxley
Have patience with everything unresolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves ... Don't search for the answers, which could not be given to you now, because you would not be able to live them. And the point it, to live everything.
Live the questions now. Perhaps, then, someday far in the future, you will gradually, without even noticing it, live your way into the answer.
- Rainer Maria Rilke
Forgive, forget. Bear with the faults of others as you
would have them bear with
yours. Be patient and understanding. Life is too short to be
vengeful or malicious.
- Phillips Brooks
Trying to understand is like straining through muddy water.
Be still and allow the mud to settle.
- Lao Tzu
If you add a little to a little, and then do it again, soon that little shall be much.
- Hesiod
Patience and perseverance have a magical effect before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish.
- John Quincy Adams
Patience is the key to paradise.
- A Turkish Proverb
There is a way that nature speaks, that land speaks. Most of the time we are simply not patient enough, quiet enough, to pay attention to the story.
- Linda Hogan
Learn to relax. Your body is precious, as it houses your mind and spirit. Inner peace begins with a relaxed body.
- Norman Vincent Peale
Only those who have the patience to do simple things perfectly will acquire the skill to do difficult things easily.
- Johann Friedrich von Schiller
Patience is the mother of will.
- Gurdjieff
There is no royal road to anything, one thing at a time, all things in succession.
That which grows fast, withers as rapidly. That which grows slowly, endures.
- Josiah Gilbert Holland
Everything comes gradually and at its appointed hour.
- Ovid
Patience is the ability to idle your motor when you feel like stripping your
- Barbara Johnson
Someone has defined genius as intensity of purpose: the ability to do, the patience to wait... Put these together and you have genius, and you have achievement.
- Leo J. Muir
Like all great things, the virtues blend into one another. They are interconnected.
Patience, courage and fortitude especially share common requirements. Patience, however, as we see it, does not relate as much to fear of risking something, as does courage. Nor does it relate as much to enduring through action as does fortitude. Patience is more about waiting, tolerating, and forgiving. We are patient when we give others their own space and time. People who are patient are not easily provoked or revengeful and tend to remain calm during stressful situations."
- Don Jacobs
Patience is a necessary ingredient of genius.
- Benjami Disraeli
We are not born all at once, but by bits. The body first, and the spirit later; and the birth and growth of the spirit, in those who are attentive to their own inner life, are slow and exceedingly painful. Our mothers are racked with the pains of our physical birth; we ourselves suffer the longer pains of our spiritual growth.
- Mary Antin
Humility is attentive patience.
- Simone Weil
All fruits do not ripen in one season.
- Laurie Junot
Let nothing disturb thee;
Let nothing dismay thee;
All things pass;
God never changes.
Patience attains
All that it strives for.
- St. Teresa de Cepeda
It is strange that the years teach us patience; that the shorter our time, the greater our capacity for waiting.
- Elizabeth Taylor
If I have ever made any valuable discoveries, it has been owing more to patient attention, than to any other talent.
- Isaac Newton
Months and Seasons Quotes, Poems, Sayings, Verses, Lore, Myths, Holidays Celebrations, Folklore, Reading, Links, Quotations Information, Weather, Gardening Chores Complied by Mike Garofalo |
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Have patience with all things, but chiefly have patience with yourself.
Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections, but instantly set about remedying them - every day begin the task anew.
- Saint Francis De Sales
The principal part of faith is patience.
- George MacDonald
There was a time when Patience ceased to be a virtue. It was long ago.
- Charlotte Perkins Gilman
Consider the hour-glass; there is nothing to be accomplished by rattling or shaking; you have to wait patiently until the sand, grain by grain, has run from one funnel into the other.
- John Christian Morgenstern
The years teach what the days never know.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
If we are facing in the right direction, all we have to do is keep on
- A Buddhist Proverb
Even a happy life cannot be without a measure of darkness, and the word happy would lose its meaning if it were not balanced by sadness. It is far better to take things as they come along with patience and equanimity.
- Carl Jung
One minute of patience, ten years of peace.
- A Greek Proverb
Patience is not passive; on the contrary, it is active; it is concentrated
- Edward G. Bulwer-Lytton
The Fates have given mankind a patient soul.
- Homer
Patience is the greatest of all virtues.
- Cato the Elder
No greater thing is created suddenly, any more than a bunch of
grapes or a fig. If you tell me that you desire a fig, I answer you that there must be time. Let
it first blossom, then bear fruit, then ripen.
- Epictetus
Have courage for the great sorrows of life and patience for the small ones; and when you have laboriously accomplished your daily task, go to sleep in peace. God is awake.
- Victor Hugo
The keys to patience are acceptance and faith. Accept things as they are, and look realistically at the world around you. Have faith in yourself and in the direction you have chosen.
- Ralph Marston
People say they wish they had my patience. I tell them I wasn't born with it. I had to learn it. Everybody has patience. Some of us just make better use of it than
- Bruce Law
Patience is the best remedy for every trouble.
- Titus Maccius Plautus
Patience is the companion of wisdom.
- Saint Augustine
Have patience and endure; this unhappiness will one day be
- Ovid
Genius is only a greater aptitude for patience.
- George-Louis Leclerc de Buffon
There art two cardinal sins from which all others spring: Impatience and Laziness.
- Franz Kafka
One moment of patience may ward off great disaster. One moment of impatience may ruin a whole life.
- A Chinese Proverb
You must first have a lot of patience to learn to have patience.
- Stanislaw J. Lec
Regardless of how much patience we have, we would prefer never to use any of it.
- James T. Obrien
We could never learn to be brave and patient if there were only joy in the world.
- Helen Keller
Patience is the most necessary quality for business, many a man would rather you heard his story than grant his request.
- Lord Chesterfield
All's well in the end, if you've only the patience to wait.
- Rabelais
For everything there is a season,
And a time for every matter under heaven:
A time to be born, and a time to die;
A time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted;
A time to kill, and a time to heal;
A time to break down, and a time to build up;
A time to weep, and a time to laugh;
A time to mourn, and a time to dance;
A time to throw away stones, and a time to gather stones together;
A time to embrace, And a time to refrain from embracing;
A time to seek, and a time to lose;
A time to keep, and a time to throw away;
A time to tear, and a time to sew;
A time to keep silence, and a time to speak;
A time to love, and a time to hate,
A time for war, and a time for peace.
- Ecclesiastes 3:1-8
If you are patient in one moment of anger, you will escape a hundred days of sorrow.
- A Chinese Proverb
Patience is a strategy, a tool, a realistic coping with facts.
- Mike Garofalo
All things come to him who waits - provided he knows what he is waiting for.
- Woodrow Wilson
How poor are they who have not patience! What wound did ever heal but by degrees.
- William Shakespeare
Patience makes lighter what sorrow may not heal.
- Horace
There will be a time when loud-mouthed, incompetent people seem to be getting the best of you. When that happens, you only have to be patient and wait for them to self destruct. It never fails.
- Richard Rybolt
Learn the art of patience. Apply discipline to your thoughts when they become anxious over the outcome of a goal. Impatience breeds anxiety, fear, discouragement and failure. Patience creates confidence, decisiveness, and a rational outlook, which eventually leads to success.
- Brian Adams
You are educated when you have the ability to listen to almost anything without losing your temper or self-confidence.
- Robert Frost
The trees that are slow to grow bear the best fruit.
- Moliere
Patient waiting is often the highest way of doing God’s will.
- Jeremy Collier
It is better to be patient, than it is to become one.
All human wisdom is summed up in two words: wait and
Patience is waiting. Not passively waiting. That is laziness. But to keep going
when the going is hard and slow - that is patience.”
Never run after a bus or a man. There will always be another one.
The secret of patience is doing something else in the meanwhile.
Patience is good only when it is the shortest way to a good end;
otherwise, impatience is better.
Hope is patience with the lamp lit.
Acquaintance without patience is like a candle with no light.
Patience can conquer destiny.
Bibliography and Links
About.Com - Patience Quotations
Quotations Compiled by Danille Hollister.
Patience Quotations
Compiled by Michael P. Garofalo.
Pulling Onions. 750
gardening aphorisms by Michael P. Garofalo.
A Simple Life -
Patience Quotes
Think-Exist Quotations:
Valley Spirit Hatha Yoga Index
Virtues - Quotations
on Patience
Willpower Quotations
Compiled by Michael P. Garofalo. Will Power: The Will to Act to Change, The Long Path to Self-Mastery, The Short Path to Self-Control:
Determination, Perseverance, Resolve, Self-Discipline.
The Good Life Website
Compiled by Mike Garofalo
Last Updated: April 29, 2012
Green Way Research, Red Bluff, California