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Yoga Studies
By Michael P.
Garofalo, M.S.
I completed 200 hours of classroom lectures, demonstrations, and practice work in the YogaFit® Yoga Teacher Training Program in Sacramento, California, during the period from 2004-2006. Since 2004, I have taught three or four yoga classes each week at the Tehama Family Fitness Center in Red Bluff, California. As of June 2012, I have taught over 800 yoga classes for over 1,000 hours of direct instruction to members of the Tehama Family Fitness Center. Here is my current yoga teaching schedule.
Many thanks to Gudrun Peschel-Vopat for her initial encouragement and teaching in 2002-2003, and to Stuart Rice (2004-2006) for his thorough and light-hearted teaching. Also, many thanks to my yoga and taijiquan students at the Tehama Family Fitness Center for their support, patience, advice, and encouragement.
I teach mind-body-spirit practices such as: Hatha Yoga, Ta'i Chi Ch'uan, Chi Kung, Meditation, and Walking. I have practiced and studied Taijiquan and Qigong since 1986, Yoga since 2002, weight-training since 1973, Eastern philosophy since 1962, and walking since 1960.
The following bibliography reflects my reading, practices and studies in Yoga and related studies in T'ai Chi Ch'uan, Qigong, Walking, Health and Fitness, Taoism, Neo-Paganism, Buddhism, and Meditation.
Books that I own are located at the Valley Spirit Center Library, in my home in Red Bluff, California. Holdings are indicated by the code 'VSCL' following the title entry in the bibliography that follows. My advanced students are welcome to borrow these books for research and study.
Cloud Hands Blog by Mike Garofalo
Yoga Studies
Links, Guides, Resources
ACE Personal Trainer Manual. The Ultimate Resource for Fitness Professionals. By the American Council on Exercise. 3rd Edition. Edited by Cedric X. Bryant and Daniel J. Green. San Diego, California, American Council on Exercise, 1996, 2003. Index, 589 pages. ISBN: 1890720143. VSCL.
Advice for Living the Good
Relaxed, Resilient: The Physical Foundations of Mindfulness.
By Will Johnson.
Boston, Shambhala, 2000. 137 pages. ISBN: 1570625182. VSCL.
Alphabetical Index to the Cloud Hands Website
American Yoga: The Paths and Practices of America's Greatest Yoga Teachers.
By Carrie Schneider. Photos by Andy Ryan. New York, Barnes and
Noble, 2003. Index, 215 pages. ISBN: 0760745587. VSCL.
American Yoga Association Beginner's Manual. By Alice
Christensen. New York, A Fireside Book, Simon and Schuster, 1987. Glossary, index,
bibliography, 203 pages.
Spiralbound. ISBN:0671619357. VSCL.
Ananda Yoga for Higher Awareness. By Swami Kriyananda (J. Donald
Walters). Nevada
City, CA, Crystal Clarity Publishers,
1967. Appendices, 159 pages. ISBN:1565890787. VSCL.
Ananda Yoga: The Expanding Light Yoga
Retreat and Education Center Ananda Yoga, Meditation, Kriya Yoga, Yoga Therapy. Nevada City, CA.
for Strength and Fitness Training: An Illustrated Guide to Your Muscles in
Action. By Mark Vella. New York, McGraw Hill, 2006. Index,
glossary, 144 pages. ISBN: 0071475338. VSCL.
Anatomy for Yoga with Paul
Grilley. Instructional DVD. Pranamaya: Innovative
Yoga DVDs. 4 hours. VSCL.
of Hatha Yoga: A Manual for Students, Teachers and Practitioners. By H. David Coulter,
Ph.D. Foreword by Timothy McCall, M.D. Honesdale,
Pennsylvania, Body and Breath Inc., 2001. Index, glossary, bibliography, appendices, 623
pages. ISBN: 0970700601. 2002 winner of the Benjamin Franklin Award
Health, Wellness and Nutrition. Professor Coulter, Ph.D., anatomy, is
a researcher and teacher. He has studied yoga with Swami Veda, Swami Rma,
and Pandit Rajmain Tigunait. VSCL. There is now a new and revised
edition, with color illustrations, released in 2010,
Anatomy of Hatha Yoga: A Manual for Students, Teachers, and Practitioners.
of Movement. By Blandine Calais-Germain. Seattle,
Washington, Eastland Press, 1985, 1993. Translated from the French by Nicole
Index, 289 pages. ISBN: 0939616173. VSCL.
Way to Keep Fit. Compiled by Zong Wu and Li Mao.
Translated by Song Luzeng,
Liu Beijian, and Liu Zhenkai. Paintings by Zhang Ke Ren. Foreward by
Frantzis. Bolinas, California, Shelter Publications, 1992. 211
pages, glossary. ISBN: 0679417893. Outstanding illustrations by Zhang Ke Ren. VSCL.
Frolics: Chinese Qigong Exercises (circa 200 CE)
Arthritis Therapy -
Exercise - Tai Chi Chuan and Qigong Bibliography, links,
notes, quotes, and references to medical studies.
The Art
and Science of Raja Yoga. By Swami Kriyananda (J. Donald
Walters). Includes information on philosophy, meditation, postures, diet, breathing, routines, and
health. Nevada
City, CA, Crystal Clarity Publishers, c 2002. Includes audio CD
disk. Index, glossary,
471 pages. This book is in a spiral binding so it can be used as a
workbook/textbook. ISBN: 156589166X. VSCL.
The Art of Breathing: Six Simple Lessons to Improve Performance, Health, and Well-Being. By Nancy Zi. Frog Ltd., 2000. 4th Edition. 240 pages. ISBN: 1583940340.
Yoga - Wikipedia Popularized by
K. Pattabhi Jois
Yoga "Practice Manual": An Illustrated Guide to Personal Practice.
The Primary and
Intermediate Series, plus Three Short forms. By David Swenson. Foreword
by K. Pattabhi Jois.
Austin, Texas, Ashtanga Yoga Productions, 1999. 263 pages. ISBN: 1891252089.
Yoga: The Definitive Step-by-Step Guide to Dynamic Yoga. By John
Forward by Shri K. Pattabhi Jois. New York, Three Rivers Press,
2000. Index, bibliography,
143 pages. ISBN: 0609807862. VSCL.
Audio Recordings and Yoga Music
of a Yogi. By Paramhansa Yogananda. Reprint of the
Philosophical Library
1946 First Edition. The Original Unaltered Edition. New York,
Philosphical Library, 1946. Reprinted by Crystal Clarity Publishers, Nevada City, CA,
1995. Index, 481 pages.
ISBN:1565891082. VSCL.
the Spine. By Vanda Scaravelli. The stress free new yoga that
with the body to restore health, vitatlity and energy. San Francisco,
Harper San Francisco, 1991. Index, 191 pages.
ISBN: 0062507923. The book consists of short chapters on a variety of yoga themes. Of
note are her comments about the spine and feet. The poses demonstrated
are for very advanced yogis. VSCL.
to the Sacred: Creating a Spiritual Life from Scratch. By Lama Surya
New York, Broadway Books, 1999. 382 pages. ISBN:
0767902750. VSCL.
Through Movement; Health Exercises for Personal Growth. Easy to Do
Health Exercises to Improve Your Posture, Vision, Imagination and Personal
By Moshe Feldenkrais. San Francisco, Harper Collins, 1972, 1977. 173
ISBN: 0062503227. VSCL.
Ba Duan Gin Eight Section Brocade
By Michael P. Garofalo. Instructions, notes,
links, bibliography, quotations, and charts.
Ba Gua Zhang: Links, bibliography, quotes, and
notes. Circle walking internal martial arts.
Shaw's YogaFit®: The Program for a More Powerful,
Flexible, and Defined Physique. By
Beth Shaw. 2nd Edition. Champaign, Illinois, Human Kinetics, 2009.
Index by YogaFit workout phases, 276 pages. ISBN: 0736075364. VSCL.
Shaw's Yogafit: The Program for a More Powerful, Flexible, and Defined
By Beth Shaw. Human Kinetics Pub., 2001. 209 pages. ISBN:
0736033378. VSCL.
Shaw's YogaFit Workout Instructional VHS Videotape, 43
minutes. Champaign,
Illinois, Human Kinetics, 2000. ISBN: 0736033386.
Power Yoga: 8 Levels of Practice for Body and Soul. By Beryl Bender
Birch. New York, Simon and Schuster, A Fireside Book, 2000. Index, charts,
notes, 256 pages. ISBN: 0684855267. An introduction to Astanga Yoga
(Eight Limbed
Yoga Path) or Raja Yoga. Personal experiences and practices.
Bhagavad Gita. Translated for the modern reader by Eknath Easwaran.
Chapter introductions by Diana Morrison. Petaluma, California, Nigili
Press, 1985.
Glossary, 237 pages. ISBN: 0915132354. VSCL.
Bikram's Beginning Yoga Class. By Bikram Choudhury. With Bonnie
Jones Reynolds. Photographs
by Guy Webster. New York, Jeremy P. Tarcher/ Putnam Books, 1978. 211
ISBN: 0874770823.
Body Learning: How the Mind Learns from the Body: A Practical
Approach. By Ginny Whitelaw, Ph.D.
New York, Perigee Book, Berkley Publishing Co., 1998. ISBN:
Book of Balance and Harmony. Translated with an Introduction by Thomas
New York, Farrar, Straus and Giroux, North Point Press, 1989. 153 pages.
ISBN: 0865473633. A fine translation of a classic 13th century
anthology of Taoist writings, including essays, conversations, poetry, and songs from the School of Complete Reality. VSCL.
Book of Charkra Healing. By Liz Simpson. Foreward by
Teresa Hale. New
York, Sterling Publishing Co., 1999. A Gaia Original. Index,
glossary, bibliography, 143 pages. ISBN:
0806920971. VSCL.
Deep - The Qigong Newsletter
Well, Be Well. By Robert Fried. John Wiley & Sons,
1999. 224 pages.
ISBN: 0471324361. Subtitle: A Program to Relieve Stress,
Anxiety, Asthma, Hypertension, Migraine, and Other Disorders for Better Health.
Breathing Exercises and Taijiquan
Breathing Practices:
Links, Bibliography, Resources
Breathing Book: Good Health and Vitality Throught Essential Breath
By Donna Farhi. Henry Holt, 1996. 238 pages. ISBN: 0805042970.
Yoga to Life:The Everyday Practice of Enlightened Living. By
Donna Farhi.
Harper San Francisco, 2003. 250 pages. ISBN: 0060091142.
Buddhism Without Beliefs: A Contemporary Guide to Awakening.
By Stephen Batchelor. New York, Riverdale Trade, 1998. Notes, 127 pages.
ISBN: 1573226564. VSCL.
Built from Broken. A Science-Based Guide to Healing Painful Joints, Preventing Injuries, and Rebuilding Your Body. By Scott Hogan. Salt Wrap, 2021, index, reference, appendices, 341 pages. VSCL.
Chair Yoga. By Kristin McGee.William Morrow, 2017. Index, 271 pages. VSCL.
Chakras and the Subtle Body: Links, Bibliography, Quotes,
for Starters. By Savitri Simpson. Nevada City, CA,
Crystal Clarity Publishers.
144 pages. ISBN: 1565891562.
California Yoga Center - Iyengar Yoga
Challenge Yourself - Leanness, Fitness & Health - At Any Age
By Clarence Bass. Albuquerque, New Mexico, Clarence Bass' Ripped
Enterprises, 1999. 224 pages. ISBN: 9780960971473. VSCL.
Chi Kung (Qigong) and Hatha Yoga: Comparative Studies
Chi Kung, Qigong, Chinese
The Power Within. By Geoff Pike and Phyllis Pike. Chi Kung
Breathing Exercises
for Health, Relaxation and Energy. Boston, Charles E. Tuttle Co.,
1993. Index, 272
pages. ISBN: 0804830991. Many yoga poses are shown in
this book. VSCL.
Clarity Online
Magazine from Ananda
Cloud Hands Blog. By Mike
Garofalo. Online since 2005. A blog with
reflections, notes, suggestions, references, questions and answers, links and quotations about Tai Chi Chuan,
Qigong, Yoga, Mysticism, Gardening and Walking.
Cloud Hands Website - Tai Chi Chuan
(Taijiquan) and Chi Kung (Qigong). By
Michael P. Garofalo.
Complete Book of Vinyasa Yoga. The Authoritative Presentation - Based
on 30 Years of Direct Study under the Legendary Yoga Teacher Krishnamacharya. By
Srivatsa Ramaswami. New York, Marlowe and Co., 2005. Index, glossary, 265 pages. ISBN:
Includes a 60 minute audio CD with chants of yogasutras and important Sanskrit
mantras. VSCL.
The Complete Book of Yoga. By James Hewitt. (The Yoga of Breathing, the Yoga of Posture, and the Yoga of Meditation). 230 Illustrations. New York, Shocken Books, 1977. Glossaries, indexes, 550 pages. ISBN: 0805209697. VSCL.
Complete Guide to Chi-Gung: Harnessing the Power of the Universe.
By Daniel Reid.
Illustrations by Dexter Chou. Boston, Shambhala, 1998.
Appendix, index, 326 pages.
ISBN: 1570625433. VSCL.
The Complete Idiot's Guide to Power Yoga. By Geo Takoma and Eve
Indianapolis, Indiana, Alpha Books, 1999. Index, appendices, 410
pages. ISBN: 0028631889. VSCL.
Complete Idiot's Guide to Tai Chi and Qigong. By Bill Douglas.
Alpha Books,
2002, 2nd Edition. 368 pages. ISBN: 0028642643. VSCL.
The Complete Idiot's Guide to Yoga. By Joan Budilovsky and Eve
Adamson. Pearson, Amaranth, 2001, Second Edition. Index,
bibliography, charts, 349 pages. ISBN: 0028639707. VSCL.
Complete Idiot's Guide to Walking for Health. By Erika Peters.
Indiana, Alpha Books, Pearson Education Company, 2001. Index,
293 pages. ISBN: 0028640020. VSCL.
Complete Illustrated Book of Yoga. By Swami
Vishnu-devananda. New York,
Three Rivers Press, 1960, 1988. Index, tables, glossary,
bibliography, 359 pages.
SBN: 0517884313. VSCL.
Breathing: Breathwork for Health, Stress Release, and Person Mastery.
By Gay Hendricks. Bantam Books, 1995. 189 pages. ISBN:
0553374435. According
to the author "Conscious Breathing: releases stress and tension, builds
energy and
endurance, contributes to emotional mastery, prevents and heals physical
problems, contributes to graceful aging, manages pain, enhances mental concentration and
physical performance, and facilitates psychospiritual transformation," pp.
5-31. VSCL.
Wisdom. By Wes Scoop Nisker. Berkeley, California, Ten
Speed Press, 1990. 226 pages. ISBN: 0898153506. VSCL.
The Creative Visualization Workbook
By Shakti Gawain. Novato, California, New World Library, 1995. 147
pages. ISBN: 9781880032756. VSCL.
the Chi: The Secrets of Energy and Vitality. Compiled and
translated by Stuart Alve Olson. Revised and expanded third edition.
Chen Kung Series, Volume One. St. Paul, Minnesota, Dragon Door Publications, 1993. Index, 166 pages. ISBN: 0938045113.
Daoist Studies and
Practices: Ripening Peaches
Diabetes Therapy
- Exercise: Qigong and Tai Chi Chuan. Links, bibliography, quotes,
DVDs, VCDs, Instructional Video for Yoga
Dynamic Stretching,
Flexibility and Stretching: Bibliography, Links, Resources
Dynamic Yoga: The Ultimate Workout that Chills Your Mind as it Charges Your Body.
By Godgrey Devereux. Photographs by Sarah Robbie. Hammersmith,
Thorsons, 1998. 256 pages. ISBN: 0722536577. VSCL.
Eat Right
For Your Type: The Individualized Diet Solution to Staying Healthy, Living Longer & Achieving Your Ideal Weight
By Peter J. D'adamo with Catherine Whitney. New York, C. P. Putnam's Sons,
1996. Index, references, 388 pages. ISBN: 039914255X. VSCL. I read the section on the nutritional regimen for my blood
type, A Positive. I use the program developed by Dr. Mark Hyman for
diabetes, and it is quite similiar to the Peter J. D'adamo's recommendations for
A positive blood types.
Body Postures: An Alternate Reality Workbook. By Belinda Gore.
Foreword by
Felicitas Goodman. Santa Fe, New Mexico, Bear and Company, 1995.
284 pages. ISBN: 1879181223. VSCL.
The Eight Human Talents: Restore the
Balance and Serenity Within You with Kundalini Yoga. "Acceptance,
Creativity, Commitment, Compassion, Truth, Intuition, Boundlessness, and
Radiance." By Gurmukh Kaur Khalsa. With Cathryn Miehon. New
York, Harper Collins, 2000. 228 pages. ISBN: 0060954655. VSCL.
Eight Section Brocade Qigong Eight
Treasures Chi Kung. By Michael P. Garofalo. Instructions, notes, links, bibliography, quotations, and charts.
Embracing Reality: The Integral Vision of Ken Wilber. A Historical
Survey and Chapter-by-Chapter Guide to Wilber's Major Works. By Brad
Reynolds. Foreword by Ken Wilbur. Index, bibliography, charts,
notes, 449 pages. ISBN: 1585423173. VSCL.
The Encyclopedia of Yoga and Tantra
By Georg Feuerstein. Boston, MA, Shambhala, 2011. Revised and expanded edition.
439 pages. ISBN: 1590308784. VSCL.
Essence of Tai Chi Chi Kung: Health and Martial Arts. By Yang
Jwing-Ming. Jamaica
Plain, Massachusetts, 1990. Glossary, 148 pages. ISBN:
0940871106. VSCL.
Spirituality: The 7 Central Practices to Awaken Heart and Mind.
By Roger
Walsh, M.D., Ph.D.. New York, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 1999.
Index, bibliography,
306 pages. ISBN: 0471330264. VSCL. The Seven Practices include:
"1) Transforming Your
Motivation: Reduce Craving and Find Your Soul's Desire; 2) Cultivate Emotional
Wisdom: Heal Your Heart and Learn to Love; 3) Live Ethically: Feel Good by Doing Good; 4) Concentrate and Calm Your Mind; 5) Awaken Your Spiritual
See Clearly and Recognize the Sacred in All Things; 6) Cultivate Spiritual
Develop Wisdom and Understand Life; 7) Express Spirit in Action: Embrace
and the Joy of Service."
Essential Yoga: An Illustrated Guide to Over 100 Yoga Poses and
Meditation. By Olivia H. Miller. San Francisco, Chronicle Books,
Ohm Works, 2003. Index, 239 pages. ISBN: 0811841154.
The Essential Yoga Sutra: Ancient Wisdom for Your Yoga. By Geshe
Michael Roach and Lama Christie McNally. New York, Doubleday, Three Leaves
Press, 2005. Index, no pagination. ISBN: 9780385515368.
Study of Patanjali's Yoga Sutra. VSCL.
Exercise: A Guide from the National Institute on Aging: Self-Tests,
Benefits, Nutrition. Index, 80 pages. VSCL.
Danger: 30 Exercises to Avoid plus 100 Safer and More Effective
Alternatives. By Grant Donovan, Jane McNamara, and Peter Gianoli. Wellness Australia PTY
LTD, 1989, 1997.
ISBN: 1875139036. 29 pages. VSCL.
The Expanding Light Sadhana. An instructional videotape featuring Barbara
Bingham. Includes Paramhansa Yogananda's Energization Exercises, gentle Ananda yoga, deep
relaxation, and meditation. Available from The
Expanding Light, Nevada City, CA. VSCL.
The Expanding Light Yoga Retreat and
Education Center Ananda Yoga, Meditation,
Kriya Yoga, Yoga Therapy. Nevada City, California.
Feeding the Body, Nourishing the Soul. Essentials of Eating for
Physical, Emotional,
and Spiritual Well-Being. By Deborah Kesten. Foreward by Herbert
Benson. Berkeley,
California, Conari Press, 1997. Index, 259 pages. ISBN:
1573240680. VSCL.
Feel the Qi. The Healer
Within. By Roger Jahnke.
Moshe Feldenkrais was a Ph.D. engineer, Judo master, movement therapist, somatics and health author, educator, and healer. He originated the Awareness-Through-Movement and Functional Integration methods for increased well-being, authentic living, better health and heightened sensory awareness.
Chapter 5 of the book by Norman Doidge, M.D., "The
Brain's Way of Healing:
Remarkable Discoveries and Recoveries from the Frontiers of Neuroplasticity,"
(Penguin Books, 2016), covers the life and work of Moshe
The chapter discusses some of the core principles of his theory and methods as
"1. The mind programs the functioning of the brain.
2. A brain cannot think without motor function.
3. Awareness of movement is the key to improving movement.
4. Differentiation: making the smallest possible sensory distinctions between
movements - builds brain maps.
5. Differentiation is easiest to make when the stimulus is smallest.
6. Slowness of movement is the key to awareness, and awareness is the key to
7. Reduce the effort whenever possible. Relax.
8. Errors are essential, and there is no right way to move, only better.
9. Random movements provide variation that leads to developmental breakthroughs.
10. Even the smallest movement in one part of the body involves the entire body.
11. Many movement problems, and the pain that goes with them, are caused by
learned habit, not by abnormal structure."
Bodymind Practices and Theories, Somatics: Bibliography, Quotations, Links, Notes, Resources
VSCL = Valley Spirit Center Library of Mike Garofalo
Awareness Through Movement. Easy-To-Do Health Exercises to Improve Your Posture, Vision, Imagination and Personal Awareness. By Moshe Feldenkrais. HarperOne, Reprint edition, 2009. 192 pages. ISBN: 978-0062503220. VSCL.
Awareness Heals: The Feldenkrais Method for Dynamic Health. By Stephen
Shafarman. Da Capo Lifelong Books, 1997. 224 pages. ISBN:
978-0201694697. VSCL.
Body and Mature Behavior: A Study of Anxiety, Sex, Gravitation, and
Learning. By Moshe Feldenkrais. Foreword by Carl Ginsburg.
Berkeley, California, Frog Books, Somatic Resources, 2005. Index, 233 pages. ISBN: 978-1583941157.
VSCL. These essays were first presented as lectures to members of the
Association of Scientific Workers at Fairlie, Scotland, given in 1943-1944.
They were first printed in 1949. Moshe Feldenkrais worked for the British
Admiralty during World War II on submarine research in Fairlie.
Feldenkrais discusses learning, movement and consciousness, the psychological
and physiological development of humans, recent research in psychology, mis-training
and reeducation, mind-body unity, instincts, anxiety, sex, and the impact of
gravity. The topics and conclusions are wide-ranging.
The Brain's Way of Healing:
Remarkable Discoveries and Recoveries from the Frontiers of Neuroplasticity.
By Norman Doidge, M.D.. Penguin Books, 2016.
Change Your Age: Using Your Body and Brain to Feel Younger, Stronger, and More
Fit. By Frank Wildman, Ph.D.. Da Capo Lifelong Books, 2010.
240 pages. ISBN: 978-0738213637. VSCL.
Chi Kung, Qigong, Chinese
Elusive Obvious: The Convergence of Movement, Neuroplasticity, and Health. By Moshe Feldenkrais,
Ph.D. Foreword by Norman Doidge, M.D. Berkeley, CA, Somatic
Resources, North Atlantic Books, 2019, 1981. 162 pages, resources, index,
bibliography. ISBN: 978-1623173340. VSCL.
Embodied Wisdom: The Collected Papers of Moshe Feldenkrais. Edited by
Elizabeth Beringer. Foreword by David Zemach-Bersin. North Atlantic
Books, 1st Edition, 2010. 256 pages. ISBN: 978-1556439063.
"Feldenkrais's work is innovative, gentle, and often
strikingly effective.… I recommend the Feldenkrais Method to patients whose
movement has been restricted by injury, cerebral palsy, stroke, fibromyalgia,
and chronic pain. I also believe that the Feldenkrais Method can help all of us
feel more comfortable in our bodies."
—Andrew Weil, MD
"Feldenkrais has studied the body in movement with a
precision I have found nowhere else."
—Peter Brook, OBE, theater and film director
"This is the most sophisticated and effective method I
have seen for the prevention and reversal of deterioration of function."
—Anthropologist Margaret Mead on the Feldenkrais Method
Feldenkrais Classics, Volume 1. By Ryan Nagy. Digital Audio MP3. 4 hours and 51 minutes. 2012. ASIN: B0094B98BS. VSCL.
Feldenkrais Classics, Volume 2. By Ryan Nagy. Digital
Audio MP3. 4 hours and 31 minutes. 2012. ASIN: B00A0OYA16.
The Intelligent Body: Feldenkrais Program, Volumes I and II. 24
Movement Lessons. By Frank Wildman, G.C.F.T., Pd.D. Digital Audio
CDs. 24 lessons each 45 minutes long. Includes a User Guide.
"This comprehensive course features a thorough introduction to Awareness Through
Movement™ (ATM) lessons. Dr. Wildman explains how to improve posture,
flexibility, and balance. He provides numerous exercises for deep relaxation of
chronic stiff muscles. Special attention is paid to the use of lower back and
neck, as well as achieving better balance."
The Potent Self: A Study of Spontaneity and Compulsion. By Moshe
Feldenkrais. Foreword by Mark Reese. This book was originally
written in the late 1940's. Frog Books, 2002. 288
pages. ISBN: 978-1583940686. VSCL. "Moshe Feldenkrais, D.Sc.,
a visionary scientist who pioneered the field of mind-body education and
therapy, has inspired countless people worldwide. His ability to translate
his theories on human function into action resulted in the creation of his
technique, now known as the Feldenkrais Method of Somatic Education. In The
Potent Self, Feldenkrais delves deeply into the relationship between faulty
posture, pain, and the underlying emotional mechanisms that lead to compulsive
and dependent human behavior. He shares remarkable insights into resistance,
motivation, habit formation, and the place of sex in full human potential. The
Potent Self offers Feldenkrais' vision of how to achieve physical and mental
wellness through the development of authentic maturity. This edition
includes and extensive Forward by Mark Reese, a longtime student of Feldenkrais,
in which Reese discusses many of the important ideas in the book and places them
in the context of Feldenkrais' life and the intellectual and historical milieu
of his time."
"The heritage of Moshe Feldenkrais proves its mettle
year by year, as his original vision takes root among the thousands of
practitioners and students who carry his method forward. His often brilliant
turns of mind are scattered among a handful of books left to posterity. The
Potent Self is one of the most important."
—Don Hanlon Johnson, Professor of Somatics, California Institute of Integral
Studies; editor of Groundworks and Bone, Breath, and Gesture
"The radical roots of Moshe Feldenkrais’ Method are clearly apparent in this
book, displaying how his work evolved from his concerns about the deleterious
effect of family and society upon the growth and development of human beings.
Mark Reese’s new Foreword beautifully traces the historical and cultural context
in which the book came about, and brings to life the current relevance of
Feldenkrais’ thinking of fifty years ago. The Potent Self is still potent. It is
well worth reading and rereading."
—Carl Ginsburg, Ph.D., Feldenkrais Trainer
"Moshe Feldenkrais has created a towering body of knowledge. There is no other
theory or practice that delves so knowingly and deeply into the relationship
between the body, its reflexes, its habitual levels of muscular tension, and
gravity. Feldenkrais [is] as seminal to somatics as Freud was to psychology."
—Robert Shaw, M.D., Medical Director, The Family Institute of Berkeley, CA
"In general, there is no isolated sensory experience. From the beginning, there
is a tendency towards testing each new sensory experience by the other senses.
... We have shown that it is not legitimate to speak of a sensory impression
separately from motor-vegetative changes."
- Moshe Feldenkrais, Body
and Mature Behavior,
1949, p.112
"Correction of
movements is the best means of self-improvement:
1. The nervous system is occupied mainly with movement.
2. It is easier to distinguish the quality of movement.
3. We have a richer experience of movement.
4. The ability to move is important to self-value.
5. All muscular activity is movement.
6. Movements reflect the state of the nervous system.
7. Movement is the basis of awareness.
8. Breathing is movement.
9. Hinges of habit."
- Moshe Feldenkrais, Awareness Through Movement, pp33-39, 1972
Relaxercise: The Easy Way to Health and Fitness. By David Zemach-Bersin, Kaethe Zemach-Bersin, Mark Reese, and Harold Bloomfield. Harper One, 1990. 176 pages. ISBN: 97-0062509925.
Somatics, Somaaesthics, Body-Mind Practices, Movement-Mind Interaction
Mike Garofalo's Cloud Hands Blog posts on the subject of the
method, lessons, and my experiences.
I have enjoyed taking many Feldenkrais' small group classes from a local Feldenkrais practitioner, Christine Toscano. She is knowledgeable about Feldenkrais, acupuncture, qigong, meditation, Jungian psychology, and she is a song writer and singer.
I also practice this method alone at home. I have also read a number of books and
listened to audio CDs on the subject.
Mrs. Toscano teaches at her lovely
studio on 20th Avenue at 14810 NE 20th Ave., Vancouver, WA 98686. Phone:
360-798-5286. There is a small sign at the street titled: Feldenkrais
Movement Center.
If your are driving north from Portland, on either I5 or I205, exit at 134th
Street in north Vancouver, Washington. Vancouver is directly across the
Columbia River from north Portland, and another suburb of the Portland
Metropolitan Area. The Feldenkrais Movement Studio is a block north of the
Kaiser Permanente Health Center, and three blocks north of the Legacy Hospital
Complex. Highway 99 changes its name to NE 20th Ave at 134th Street.
This clean and comfortable practice space is very welcoming. The other older
people are all pleasant and quiet. The teacher provides clean mats and support
pads. Lots of windows look out on a large beautiful yard.
The Feldenkrais teachers I have listened to all talk you through a series of
explorative gentle movements and techniques for drawing out attention/awareness
implications. You self-observe, track, monitor, listen, feel, and experience
yourself, non-judgementally, in a relaxed state, with a coach encouraging subtle
I have read and studied many books and viewed and studied instructional CDs, VHS
tapes, and UTube videos about Feldenkrais, Yoga,
and Qigong.
More of my Cloud Hands Blog posts about Feldenkrais.
Bodymind Practices and Theories, Somatics: Bibliography, Quotations, Links, Notes, Resources
Feuerstein, Georg,
PhD., 1947 - 25 August 2012
He was the author of
over 25 books on yoga, and Indian, Tantric, and Buddhist religions and
philosophy. He was a serious and accomplished practitioner of the yoga
lifestyle. He was an influential educator, and one of the founders of the Yoga
Alliance. Brenda Feuerstein continues to lead
Traditional Yoga Studies.
The Deeper Dimension of Yoga: Theory and Practice,
Holy Madness: Spirituality, Crazy-Wise Teachers, and Enlightenment, 2006
Living Yoga: A Comprehensive Guide for Daily Life, 1993
The Shambhala Guide to Yoga, 1996
The Path of Ecstasy,
Yoga: The Technology of Ecstasy, 1989
The Yoga Tradition: Its History, Literature, Philosophy and Practice, 1998
The Encyclopedia of Yoga and Tantra,
The Path of Yoga: An Essential Guide to Its Principles and Practices,
Flexibility and Stretching:
Bibliography, Links, Resoucres
The Five Animal
Frolics: Chinese Qigong Exercises (circa 200 CE)
Five Tibetans: Five Dynamic Exercises for Health, Energy, and Personal Power.
By Christopher S. Kilham. Healing Art Press, 1994. 96
ISBN: 0892814500. VSCL.
40 Days to Personal Revolution: A Breakthrough Program to Radically Change Your Body and Awaken the Sacred Within Your Soul
By Baron Baptiste. New York, A Fireside Book, Simon and Schuster, 2004.
251 pages. ISBN: 074322759X. VSCL.
Your Breath, Free Your Life. How Conscious Breathing Can Relieve
Increase Vitality, and Help You Live More Fully. By Dennis Lewis.
Boston, Shambhala Press, 2004. Index, recommended reading, 193 pages.
ISBN: 1590301331. Reviews.
The Garden: A Parable. By Geshe Michael Roach. New York,
Doubleday, 2000. 202 pages. ISBN: 038549789X. VSCL.
The Genevieve Stebbins System of Physical Training. By Genevieve
Stebbins. Originally published in 1898. Copyrighted in 1913.
Reprint edition in 2005. 140 pages. VSCL.
The Genius of Flexibility: The Smart Way to Stretch and Strengthen Your Body.
By Bob Cooley. New York, Simon and Schuster, Fireside Boo, 2005.
Index, appendices, 310 pages. ISBN: 978-0743270878. He calls his
methods: Resistance Flexibility Training® and The Meridian Flexiblity System®. VSCL.
Goddesses: Links,
Bibliography, Quotes, Notes
Green Tara, White Tara, Maha
Devi, Buddhist Tantric Goddess
Yoga's Light: Yoga Lessons for Yoga Teachers. By Nancy Gerstein.
Publishers, 2004. 296 pages. ISBN: 0972280987.
The Hand: How Its Use Shapes the Brain, Language, and Human Culture.
By Frank R. Wilson. New York, Vintage Books, Random House, 1999.
Index, bibliography, notes, 396 pages. ISBN: 0679740473. VSCL.
The Hard and Soft Astanga Yoga Institute:
Power Yoga. Beryl Bender Birch.
Hatha Yoga Illustrated:
For Greater Strength, Flexibility and Focus
By Martin Kirk and Brooke Boon. Photographs by Daniel DiTuro.
Champaign, Illinois, Human Kinetics, 2006. Suggested readings, resources,
index by Sanskrit name, index by English name, 233 pages. ISBN:
0736062033. VSCL.
Hatha Yoga Postures
List, English and Sanskrit, Indexed by Textbooks. By Mike Garofalo.
25 pages, PDF. MPG Yoga
Studies List #4.
Yoga Study Lists by Mike Garofalo
Yoga: The Hidden Language; Symbols, Secrets and Metaphor. By Swami
Sivananda Radha. Foreword by B.K.S. Iyengar. Spokane, Washington,
Timeless Books, 1987, 1995. Index, 308 pages. ISBN:
0931454743. A wonderful book filled with lore, myths, symbols, stories,
and metaphors about various yoga postures. VSCL.
Healing Mantras: Using Sound Affirmations for Personal Power, Creativity, and
By Thomas Ashley-Farrand. New York, Ballantine Wellspring, 1999.
Index, bibliography, glossary, 243 pages. ISBN:9780345431707. VSCL.
There is also an additional Healing Mantras audio CD, 70 minutes, with a
23 page study guide, ISBN: 1564557359, VSCL.
Healing Path of Yoga. Time-Honored Wisdom and Scientifically Proven
Methods that Alleviate Stress, Open Your Heart, and Enrich Your Life.
By Nischala Joy Devi. New York, Three Rivers Press, 2000. Index, 238
pages. ISBN: 0609805029. VSCL.
Healing Promise of Qi: Creating Extraordinary Wellness Through Qigong and
Tai Chi.
By Roger Jahnke, O.M.D.. Chicago, Contemporary Books, 2002.
Index, notes, extensive
recommended reading list, 316 pages. ISBN: 0809295288.
Healing Yoga. By Swami Ambikananda Sarawati. London,
Connections Press, 2001. Index, 143 pages. ISBN: 1859062008.
Heart of Yoga: Developing a Personal Practice. T. K. V.
Desikachar. Revised
Edition. Rochester, Vermont, Inner Traditions International, 1995,
1999. Index, 244 pages.
Includes the Yoga Sutra by Patanjali. ISBN:
089281764X. VSCL.
Heart Yoga: The Sacred Marriage of Yoga and Mysticism. By Andrew
Harvey and Karuna Erickson. Foreword by Rodney Yee. Berkeley,
California. Bibliography, notes, 257 pages. ISBN: 9781556438974.
Holy Madness: Spirituality, Crazy-Wise Teachers, and Enlightenment
By Georg Feuerstein. Prescott, Arizona, Hohm Press, 2006. Revised and Expanded Edition
originally published in 1990. Notes, bibliography, index,
511 pages. ISBN: 1890772542. VSCL.
House of Yoga. Nancy
Sutton's House of Yoga. Redding, California.
Index of English Language Translations of the Yoga
Sutra by Patanjali. By Michael P. Garofalo, M.S.
Yoga. By Sarah Powers. Foreword by Paul Grilley. Boston, Shambhala
Press, 2008. Index, 196 pages. ISBN: 9781590305980. "An
innovative synthesis of traditional yoga, meditation, and Eastern approaches to
healing and well-being." VSCL.
Instructional DVDs, CDs, Instructional Video for Yoga
International Association of Yoga Therapists -
Yoga Research and Education Center
Introduction to Tantra : The Transformation of Desire
By Lama Thubten Yeshe (1935-1984). Edited by Jonathan Landaw. Foreword by
Philip Glass. Somerville, Massachusetts, Wisdom Publications, 3rd Edition,
1987, 2001. Glossay, reading list, index, 167 pages.
ISBN: 0861711629. Tibetan Buddhist Tantric interpretation of using the
power of desire to energize and boost spiritual progress. VSCL.
Iyengar, B.K.S. 1918-2014 Yogacharya Iyengar
The renowned Yoga Grand Master (Yogacharya) B. K. S. Iyengar was born in Bellur, Karnataka, India on December 14, 1918; and, he died at the age of 96 on August 20, 2014. He has taught in Pune, India, since 1936; and, around the world.
"Bellur Krishnamachar Sundararaja Iyengar, (B. K. S. Iyengar) is the founder of Iyengar Yoga. He is considered one of the foremost yoga teachers in the world and has been practicing and teaching yoga for more than 75 years. He has written many books on yoga practice and philosophy, and is best known for his books Light on Yoga, Light on Pranayama, and Light on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. Iyengar yoga classes are offered throughout the world, and it is believed that millions of students practice Iyengar Yoga."
Grandmaster Iyengar, Yogacharya Iyengar: The most important Hatha and Raja Yoga teacher, author, leader, and personality of the 20th Century.
Light on Prānāyāma: The Yogic Art of Breathing
By B.K.S. Iyengar. Introduction by Yehudi Menuhin. New York,
Crossroad Pub. Co., 2012. Originally published in 1985 in English.
Index, glossary, appendices, 296 pages. ISBN: 9780824506865. VSCL.
Light on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. By B. K. S. Iyengar.
Foreword by Yehudi Menuhin. London, Thorsons, 1993. Index, 337
pages. ISBN: 1855382253. VSCL.
Light on Yoga: Yoga Dipika.
B.K.S. Iyengar.
New York, Schocken Books, 1966, Revised Edition 1977, 1979. Glossary, index, 544 pages. ISBN: 0805210318. Subtitle:
Yoga Dipika. I own the revised paperback edition, 1979. VSCL.
Light on Yoga: Yoga Dipika. The Classic Guide to Yoga by the World's Foremost Authority. Harper Collins, 2022, 544 pages, paperback. Index, glossary, appendices. History of publication: 1966, 1968, 1976. Foreward by Yehudi Menuhin. VSCL.
Yoga: The Path to Holistic Health
By B.K.S. Iyengar. London, Dorling Kindersley, 2001. Index,
glossary, appendices, 415 pages. ISBN: 0789471655.
Lavishly illustrated compendium of essential poses, routines, prop use, and yoga
routines to help specific health problems. VSCL.
Books by "Iyengar Yoga" Teachers
The Iyengar Way. By Mira Silva and Shyam Mehta. New York, Alfred
A. Knopf, 1995. Index, appendices, 192 pages. ISBN: 0679722874.
A very good reference tool for the study and practice of yoga poses. VSCL.
Iyengar Yoga Institute of San Francisco
Yoga: Practices for Liberating Body and Soul. By Sharon Gannon and
Life. New York, Ballantine Books, 2002. Glossary, index, notes, 300
ISBN: 0345442083. VSCL.
Body: A Handbook for Bodywork. By Deane Juhan. Foreward by
Ken Dychtwald.
Barrytown, New York, Station Hill Press, 1987. Index, bibliography, 365
pages. ISBN: 0882681346. VSCL.
Your Metabolism: How to Lose Weight By Changing the Way You Breathe.
By Pam Grout. Fireside, 1998. 192 pages. ISBN: 0684843463,
The Key
Muscles of Yoga: A Guide to the Functional Anatomy of Yoga. By Ray
Long, M.D., FRCSC. Illustrated by Chris Macivor. Scientific Keys,
Volume 1. Bandha Yoga
Publications, 2006. Third Edition, 2006; first edition, 2005. Index,
239 pages. ISBN: 1607432382. For the
YogaFit® Level 4 class. VSCL.
at the Gate of Life and Other Healing Exercises from China.
Official Manual of the
People's Republic of China. Translated by Edward C. Chang.
Pennsylvania, Rodale Press, 1985.
Index, 202 pages. ISBN: 0878575820. The Eight Section
Brocade, Pa Tuan Chin: pp. 24-29. VSCL.
Yoga for the West. By Swami Sivananda Radha. With a foreword by
Herbert V. Guenther. Introduction by Stanley Krippner. Boulder,
Shambhala, 1981. Index, bibliography, notes, 357 pages. ISBN: 0394748840. VSCL.
The Evolutionary Energy in Man. By Krishna Gopi. Introduction by
Frederic Spiegelberg. Commentary by James Hillman. Boulder,
Colorado, Shambhala,
1971. 252 pages. ISBN: 1570622809. VSCL.
Yoga: The Flow of Eternal Power. A Simple Guide to the Yoga of
Awareness. By Shakti Parwha Kaur Khalsa. As taught by Yogi Bhanjan, Ph.D.
New York, Perigee Books,
1996. Index, appendix, 321 pages. ISBN:
0399524207. VSCL.
Kriya Yoga: Links,
Bibliography, Quotes, Notes
Language of Yoga: Complete A to Y Guide to Asana Names Sanskrit Terms and Chants
By Nicolai Bachman. Boulder, Colorado, Sounds True, 2004. 139 pages.
Includes audio CD correlated with text arrangement. ISBN: 1591792819.
Lao Tzu's Dao De Jing
(Tao Te Ching): Bibliography and Links
The Definitve Gude to the Chakras and Kundalini. By Shyam Sundar
Goswami. Rochester, Vermont, Inner Traditions, 1999. Index, glossary, 342
pages. ISBN: 0892817666. VSCL.
Looking Glass God: Shinto, Yin-Yang, and a Cosmology for Today. By
Nahum Stiskin. Illustrations by Maurice Owen. New York, Autumn
Press, Weatherhill, 1972. 156 pages. ISBN: 0834825007.
to Relax: A Practical Guide to Easing Tension and Conquering Stress.
By Mike George.
San Francisco, Chronicle Books, 1998. Index, bibliography, 159 pages.
High quality layout, artwork, and typography. ISBN: 0811819086. 25 good techniques
for helping you relax and reduce stress. A beautiful book with sage advice.
Lifestyle Advice for Wise
Light on Life: The Yoga Journey to Wholeness, Inner Peace, and Ultimate Freedom
By B.K.S. Iyengar. With John J. Evans and Douglas Abrams. Rodale
Books, 2005. Index, 282 pages. ISBN: 1594862486. VSCL.
Light on Prānāyāma: The Yogic Art of Breathing
By B.K.S. Iyengar. Introduction by Yehudi Menuhin. New York,
Crossroad Pub. Co., 2012. Originally published in 1985 in English.
Index, glossary, appendices, 296 pages. ISBN: 9780824506865. VSCL.
Light on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. By B. K. S. Iyengar.
Foreword by Yehudi Menuhin. London, Thorsons, 1993. Index, 337
pages. ISBN: 1855382253. VSCL.
Light on Yoga: Yoga Dipika.
B.K.S. Iyengar.
New York, Schocken Books, 1966, Revised Edition 1977, 1979. Glossary, index, 544 pages. ISBN: 0805210318. Subtitle:
Yoga Dipika. I own the revised paperback edition, 1979. VSCL.
Living Gita: The Complete Bhagavad Gita: A Commentary for Modern Readers.
Translation and Commentary by Sri Swami Satchidananda. Integral Yoga Pubs., 1997. 326 pages. VSCL.
Yoga: A Comprehensive Guide for Daily Life. Edited by Georg
Feuerstein and
Stephan Bodian with the Staff of Yoga Journal. New York, Jeremy Tarcher
1993. Index, 290 pages. ISBN: 0874777291. VSCL.
Living Your Yoga: Finding the Spiritual in Everyday Life
By Judith Hanson Lasater. Berkeley, California, Rodmell Press, 2000.
Notes, 161 pages.
ISBN: 9780962713880. VSCL.
Mandala of Being: Discovering the Power of Awareness. By Richard Moss,
M.D.. Novato, New World Library, 2007. Index, notes, 361 pages.
ISBN: 1577315723. VSCL.
A Simple Eight Point Program for Translating Spiritual Ideals into
Daily Life. By Eknath Easwaran (1909-1999). Nilgiri Press, 2nd
Edition, 1991.
252 pages. ISBN: 0915132664. VSCL.
Meditation for the Love of It: Enjoying Your Own Deepest Experience
By Sally Kempton. Foreword by Elizabeth Gilbert. Boulder, Colorado,
Sounds True, 2011. Notes, glossary, index, 367 pages. ISBN:
1604070811. VSCL.
Meditations from the Mat: Daily Reflections on the Path of Yoga. By
Rolf Gates and Katrina Kenison. New York, Anchor Books, 2002.
Bibliography, 424 pages. ISBN: 0385721544. VSCL.
Meditation: Links,
Bibliography, Notes, Quotes.
Yoga: The Awakened Union of Breath, Body, and Mind. By Frank
Jude Boccio. Boston, MA, Wisdom Publications. Index, bibliography, notes, 340 pages. ISBN:
0861713354. VSCL.
Months of the Year:
Mystical, Mythical, and Magical Significance
Mount Madonna Center.
Watsonville, California.
Move into Life: The Nine Essentials for Lifelong Vitality
By Anat Baniel. New York, Harmony Books, 2009. Index, bibliography,
306 pages. ISBN: 9780307395290. VSCL.
Moving Toward Balance: 8 Weeks of Yoga with Rodney Yee. By Rodney
Yee with Nina Zolotow. Photographs by Michael Venera. Emmaus, PA,
Rodale Press, Gaiam Books, 2004. Index, 394 pages.
ISBN: 0875969216. An excellent program for developing a personal yoga
Mudras: Yoga in Your Hands. By Gertrud Hirschi. York
Beach, Maine,
Weiser Books, 2000. Index, 223 pages. ISBN: 1578631394.
Music and Audio-Recordings for Yoga
National Qi Gong Association
Information on membership, newsletter, conferences, workshops,
tours, members, and chi kung.
Natural Science of Kriya Yoga. By Goswami
Kriyananda. Chicago, The Temple of Kriya Yoga, 1976, 2002.
Index, 367 pages. ISBN: 0961309911. VSCL.
Neo-Pagan Druidry: Notebooks
of the Green Wizard
The New Becoming Vegetarian: The Essential Guide To A Healthy Vegetarian Diet
By Vesanto Melina, MS, RD and Brenda Davis, RD. Complete nutrition
information for all age groups: recipes, vegetarian food guide, and disease
prevention. Summertown, Tennessee, 2003. Index, 373 pages.
ISBN: 9781570671449. VSCL.
The New
Yoga for People Over 50: A Comprehensive Guide for Midlife and Older
By Susa Francia. Deerfield Beach, Florida, Health Communications, Inc.,
1997. Bibliography,
index, 286 pages. ISBN: 1558744533. I have found this book to be
both informative and inspiring. VSCL.
No Ordinary Moments: A Peaceful Warriors' Guide to Daily Life. By
Dan Millman. Tiburon, California, H. J. Kramer, Inc., 1992. 301
pages. ISBN: 0915811405. VSCL.
Northern California
Taijiquan and Qigong Directory
On Becoming a Yoga Teacher Links,
bibliography, quotes, notes.
the Energy Gates of Your Body (The Tao of Energy Enhancement.) By Bruce
Kumar Frantzis. Illustrated by Husky Grafx. North Atlantic Books,
1993. Second
Edition. 174 pages. ISBN: 1556431643. VSCL.
One Old Druid's Final
Journal: Notebooks of the Librarian of Gushen Grove
Original Yoga: Rediscovering Traditional Practices of Hatha Yoga
By Richard Rosen. Illustrations by Evan Yee. Boston, Shambhala,
2012. Index, bibliography, glossary, appendices, 286 pages. ISBN:
9781590308134. VSCL.
Pa Kua Chang:
Bibliography, Links, Quotes, Notes. Circle walking internal martial arts.
Patanjali, The Yoga Sutra: Index of English
Language Translations. By Michael P. Garofalo, M.S.
The Path of Yoga: An Essential Guide to Its Principles and Practices
By Georg Feuerstein, PhD. Boston, Shambhala, 2nd Revised Edition, 2011.
Notes, recommended reading, index, 180 pages. ISBN: 1590308832.
Pa Tuan Chin Eight Treasures Chi Kung.
By Michael P. Garofalo. Instructions, notes,
links, bibliography, quotations, and charts.
Perennial Psychology of the Bhagavad Gita. By Swami Rama (1925-1996).
Honesdale, Pennsylvania, Himalayan Institute Press, 1985. 2008. Glossary,
479 pages. ISBN: 139780893890902. VSCL.
Poised for Grace: Annotations on the Bhagavad Gita from a Tantric View.
By Douglas Brooks. Foreword by John Friend. Woodlands, Texas, Anusara Press, 2008.
175 pages. ISBN: 9780979150975. VSCL.
Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment. By Eckhart Tolle.
Novato, California, Namaste Pubs., and New World Library, 1999, 2004. 236
pages. ISBN: 1577314808. VSCL.
Yoga: The Total Strength and Flexibility Workout. By Beryl
Bender Birch. Photographs
by Nicholas DeSciose. New York, Fireside Book, Simon and Schuster,
1995. Index,
286 pages. ISBN: 0020583516. VSCL. Her Axioms of
Power Yoga are: "1. You have to be
hot to stretch. 2. Strength, not gravity, develops
flexibility. 3. Sports do not get us in shape.
In fact, sports get us out of shape. 4. All injury in sports is
caused by structural and muscular
imbalance. 5. Muscular imbalance and structural irregularities don't
fix themselves. 6. Even
iron will bend if your heat it up. 7. Stopping training
doesn't correct an imbalance. 8. No matter
how you fit you are at what you do, when you start something new you have to
ease into it. 9. Stretching doesn't equal warm-up." p. 274.
Pranayama Beyond the Fundamentals: An In-Depth Guide to Yogic Breathing
By Richard Rosen. Includes an instructional audio CD. Boston,
Shambhala, 2006. Index, bibliography, glossary, notes, 214 pages.
ISBN: 1590302982. VSCL.
Pulling Onions.
By Mike Garofalo.
Qigong (Chi Kung, Chinese Yoga) and Hatha Yoga: Comparisons
Qigong (Chinese Yoga):
Links, Bibliographies, Quotes, Notes, Articles
Qigong Eight Section Brocade Eight
Treasures Chi Kung, Ba Duan Jin.
Instructions, notes, links, bibliography, quotations, and charts.
for Treating Common Ailments. By Xu Zangcai. YMAA
2nd Edition, 2000. 128 pages. ISBN: 1886969701.
Teachings of a Taoist Immortal: The Eight Essential Exercises of Master Li
Ching-Yun. By Stuart Alve Olson. Heavenly Arts Press. 192 pages. ISBN:
0892819456. Excerpts
Qi Journal The Journal of
Traditional Easter Health and Fitness. On-line news articles, calendar
of events, list of professionals, web links, and numerous subsections on topics
of interest.
One Old Druid's Journey: The
Notebooks of the Librarian of Gushen Grove
Quest: The Notebooks of Paul Brunton, Volume 2. Paul Brunton
(1898-1981). A Larson
Publication for the Paul Brunton Philosophic Foundation. Burdett, New
York, 1986. Index,
369 pages. ISBN: 0943914140. VSCL.
Raja-Yoga. By Swami Vivekananda. New York, Ramakrishna-Vivekananda
Center, 1956.
Revised edition, 1982. ISBN: 091120623X. Glossary, index, 297
pages. MGC.
Red Bluff, California, Yoga Class -
Instructor: Michael P. Garofalo
Relax and Renew: Restful Yoga for Stressful Times. By Judith Lasater,
Ph.D., PT.
Rodmell Press, 1995. 256 pages. ISBN: 0962713848. VSCL.
Relaxation (Sung) and Taijiquan
Religion and Philosophy of the Veda and Upanishads. By Arthur
Berriedale Keith. Delhi, India, Motilal Banarsidass Pubs., 1925, 2007.
Two Volumes, Chapters 1-29, Detailed Index, 683 pages. Published in 1925
by Harvard University Press. ISBN: 9788120806443. VSCL.
Religion of the Veda. By Herman Oldenberg. Translated by
Shridhar B. Shrotri. "Die Religion des Veda." Delhi, India, Motilal
Banarsidass Pub., 1988, 2004. Originally published in 1894 and revised in
1916. Index, notes, 359 pages. ISBN:
8120803922. VSCL.
The Religious Viewpoints of
Michael P. Garofalo
Returning to Health with Dance, Movement and Imagery. By Anna
Halprin. Mendocino, California, Life Rhythm Books, 2002. 195 pages.
Root of Chinese Chi Kung: The Secrets of Chi Kung Training. By Yang
Jwing-Ming. YMAA Chi Kung Series #1. Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts, Yang's
Martial Arts Association, 1989. Glossary, 272 pages. ISBN: 0940871076.
Sacred Sounds:
Transformation Through Music and Word By Ted Andrews. St.
Paul, Minnesota, Llewellyn Pubs., 1993. Bibliography, notes, 214 pages.
ISBN: 0875420184. VSCL.
Sakti: The Power in Tantra
By Pandit Rajmani Tigunait, Ph.D.. A scholarly approach. Himalayan
Institute Press, 2005. 220 pages. ISBN: 0893891541.
Santosha Yoga Studio.
Chico, CA.
Warrior: An Introduction to the Tao in Everyday Life. By Deng
Ming-Dao. Harper
San Francisco, 1990. Index, bibliography, 351 pages. ISBN:
0062502328. VSCL.
The Science of Yoga: The Risks and the Rewards
By William J. Broad. New York, Simon and Schuster, 2012.
Index, bibliography, notes, 298 pages. ISBN; 9781451641424.
Secret Art of Seamm-Jasani: 58 Movements for Eternal Youth from
Ancient Tibet. By Asanaro. Jeremy P. Tarcher, 2003. 210 pages.
ISBN: 158542241X. VSCL.
Seeking the Heart of Wisdom: The Path of Insight Meditation. By Joseph
Goldstein and Jack Kornfield. Boston, Shambhala, 2001. 216 pages. ISBN:
157062805X. VSCL. Insight meditation methods.
Self-Awakening Yoga: The Expansion of Consciousness Through the
Body's Own Wisdom. By Don Stapleton, Ph.D. Director of the Nosara Yoga
and former Yoga Director of the Kirpalu Center. Includes CD-V of
guided explorations. Rochester, Vermont, Healing Arts Press, 2004. 304
ISBN: 0892811838. VSCL.
Senior YogaFit® Teacher Training Manual. Redondo Beach, CA, YogaFit
Training Systems Worldwide, 2004. 140 pages. VSCL.
Shambhala Guide to Yoga. By Georg Feuerstein. Boston, Shambhala,
1996. Index, bibliography, notes, 180 pages. ISBN: 157062142X. An
excellent brief introduction
to all aspects of Yoga: action, love, meditation, mantras, postures, wisdom, and
spirtual aims of Yoga. A readable introduction based on a deep
scholarly understanding and and sincere personal practice of Yoga. VSCL.
Shasta Yoga Center. Director:
Amy Cooper. Mt. Shasta City, California.
Silk Reeling, Chan Ssu Gong: Links, bibliography, quotes, notes.
Fitness Exercises: Traditional Chinese Movements for Health & Rejuvenation. By Jiawen Miao. Llewellyn Publications, 2000. Index,
111 pages. ISBN: 1567184952. Both a basic form (The Gentleman's ESB, pp. 31-54) and a more advanced form (The Warrior's ESB, pp. 55-76) taught in this book using descriptions and
photographs. VSCL.
Source Book in Indian Philosophy. Edited by Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan
and Charles A. Moore. New Jersey, Princeton University Press, 1957, 1973.
Index, bibliography, 684 pages. ISBN: 0691019584. VSCL.
Spectrum of Consciousness. By Ken Wilbur. 20th Anniversary
Edition. Wheaton,
Illinois, Quest Books, The Theosophical Publishing House, 1977, 1993.
index, 362 pages. ISBN: 0835606953. VSCL.
The Spiritual Science of Kriya Yoga. By Goswami Kriyananda.
Chicago, The Temple of Kriya Yoga, 1976, 2002. Index, 367 pages.
ISBN: 0961309911. VSCL.
Training Anatomy. By Frederic Delavier. Champaign,
Illinois, Human Kinetics,
2001. 124 pages. ISBN: 0736041850. Revised edition of
"Guide des mouvements de
musculation" Paris, Ditions Bigot, 1998. An outstanding illustrated
guide to muscles
at work. Both male and female models are used. VSCL.
Stretching and
Flexibility: Bibliography, Links, Resources
Source Book in Indian Philosophy. Edited by Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan
and Charles
A. Moore. Princeton, New Jersey, Princeton University Press, 1957. Index,
appendices, 684 pages. ISBN:0691019584. VSCL.
The Spirit of Gardening.
Gardening as a mind-body-spiritual practice.
The Subtle Body: An Encyclopedia of Your Energetic Anatomy
By Cyndi Dale. Boulder, Colorado, Sounds True, 2009. Notes,
bibliography, detailed index, 487 pages. ISBN: 9781591796718. VSCL.
Supine Hatha Yoga
Postures List by Mike Garofalo (4 pages, PDF) MPG Hatha Yoga Study
List #13
Tai Chi Chuan Beijing
Short Form, Simplified 24 Movements, Yang Style.
T'ai Chi Ch'uan and
Qigong: Guides, Links, Bibliography, Quotes, Notes
Tantra Illuminated: The Philosophy, History, and Practice of a Timeless Tradition
By Christopher D. Wallis, M.A. Illustrations by Ekabhumi Ellik.
Woodlands, Texas, Anusara Press, 2012. Index, endnotes, bibliography,
three appendices, 506 pages. ISBN: 978-1937104016. VSCL. The
author is a Ph.D. candidate in Sanskrit at the University of California,
Berkeley. This book takes as its exemplar and focal point the lineages of
nondual Śaiva Tantra most clearly typified by the Kaula Trika lineage.
Written for the educated lay reader. The author shares his personal life,
his spiritual life, within this tradition of Tantra.
The Path of Ecstasy
By Georg Feuerstein, Ph.D. Boston,
MA, Shambhala,
1998. Index,
bibliography, notes, 314 pages. ISBN: 157062304X. VSCL. An
excellent introduction to Tantra, and a great starting point for readers.
Tantra: The Indian Cult of Ecstasy. By Philip Rawson. London,
Thames and Hudson, 1973. Lavishly illustrated. ISBN:0500270325.
128 pages. VSCL.
Tantra Unveiled
By Pandit Rajmani Tigunait, Pd.D. Honesdale, Pennsylvania, Himalayan Institute Press,
1999, 2007. 152
pages. ISBN: 0893891584. VSCL.
Tao of
Abundance: Eight Ancient Principles for Abundant Living. By Laurence
G. Boldt.
New York, Penguin Compass, c 1999. Exercises, notes, 353 pages.
ISBN: 0140196064. VSCL.
Taoism, Nature Mysticism
and Alchemy
Health Exercise Book. By Da Liu. New York, Links Books,
1974. 135 pages.
ISBN: 0825630290. VSCL.
Taoist Studies and
Practices: Ripening Peaches
Tao of Health, Sex and Longevity: A Modern Practical Guide to the Ancient
Way. By Daniel P. Reid. New York, a Fireside Book, Simon and
Schuster, 1989.
Index, 405 pages. ISBN: 067164811X. This book
includes a chart that compares the power points (Chakras) found in Taoist, Kundalini Yoga,
and Western physiology (p.395), and a chapter on breathing exercises (Chapter 3),
which includes many pranayama exercises.
Tara, Green Tara, White
Tara, Maha Devi, Buddhist Tantric Goddess
Yoga Sequencing: Designing Transformative Yoga Classes
By Mark Stephens. Berkeley, California, North Atlantic Books, 2012.
Index, bibliography, notes, resources, appendices, 506 pages. ISBN:
978-1583944974. VSCL.
The Thinking Body: A Study of the Balancing Forces in Dynamic Man.
By Mabel E. Todd. New York, Dance Horizons, 1937. Reprinted in 1959.
Index, bibliography, 314 pages. ISBN: 0871270145. VSCL.
Tibetan Relaxation: Kum Nye Massage and Movement. A Yoga for
Healing and Energy from the Tibetan Tradition. By Tarthang Tulku.
London, Duncan Baird Publishers, 2003. Index, 144 pages.
ISBN: 1904292674. VSCL.
Trail Guide to the Body: How to Locate Muscles, Bones and More. By
Andrew Biel, LMP. Illustrations by Robin dorn, LMP. Boulder,
Colorado, Books of Discovery, 1997, 2005, 3rd Edition. Index, glossary,
422 pages. ISBN: 9780965853453. VSCL.
Tree of Yoga (Yoga Vrksa). By B.K.S. Iyengar. Edited by Daniel
Boston, Shambhala, 1989. Index, bibliography, glossary, 194 pages.
ISBN: 087773464X. VSCL.
The Upanishads. Introduced and translated by Eknath Easwaran.
Afterword by Michael N. Nagler. Tomales Bay,
California, Nilgiri Press, Blue Mountain Center of Meditation, 1987, 2007.
Index, notes, 382 pages. ISBN: 1586380214.
Upanishads: The Wisdom of the Hindu Mystics. Translated from Sanskrit
by Swami Prabhavananda and Frederick Manchester. New York, Signet
Classics, 1948, 2002. 184 pages. ISBN: 9780451528483. VSCL.
Wake Up to Your Life.
Discovering the Buddhist Path of Attention. By Ken McLeod. San Francisco,
HarperSanFrancisco, 2001. Sources, index, 468 pages. ISBN: 0062516817. VSCL.
The Whartons' Stretch Book. Featuring the Breakthrough Method of
Stretching. By Jim and Phil Wharton. With Bev Browning. New
York, Three Rivers
Press, 1996. Index, 252 pages. ISBN: 0812926234.
Valley Spirit Center, Red
Bluff, California
Valley Spirit Hatha Yoga
Videos, DVDs, Instructional Videos for Yoga
VSCL = Valley Spirit Center Library, Red Bluff, California
Walking: Quotes,
Bibliography, Lessons
Yoga: Incorporating Yoga Principles into Dynamic Walking Routines for
Health, Mental Peace, and Spiritual Enrichment. By Ila Sarley and Garrett
Sarley. New
York, Fireside, 2002. Index, 210 pages. ISBN: 0743421973.
The Way
of Energy: Mastering the Chinese Art of Internal Strength with Chi Kung Exercise.
By Master Lam Kam Chen. New York, Fireside, Simon and Schuster, 1991.
A Gaia Original.
Index, 191 pages. ISBN: 0671736450. VSCL.
The Way
of Qigong: The Art and Science of Chinese Energy Healing. By Kenneth
S. Cohen.
Foreword by Larry Dossey. New York Ballantine Books, 1997. Index,
notes, appendices, 427 pages. ISBN: 0345421094. One of my favorite books:
informative, practical, and scientific. VSCL.
The Whartons' Stretch Book. Featuring the Breakthrough Method of
Stretching. By Jim and Phil Wharton. With Bev Browning. New
York, Three Rivers
Press, 1996. Index, 252 pages. ISBN: 0812926234.
Wheels of Life: A User's guide to the Chakra System. By Anodea
Judith. St. Paul Minnesota, Llewellyn Publications, 1992. Fourth
Chakra, pp. 204--251, Love, Air, Breath, Balance, Relationship, Affinity, Unity,
Healing. Index, bibliography, anatomical charts, 519 pages. ISBN:
0875423205. VSCL.
Wisdom of the Body Moving: An Introduction to Body-Mind Centering. By
Linda Hartley.
Berkeley, California, North Atlantic Books, 1989, 1905. Index,
bibliography, 346 pages.
ISBN: 1556431740. VSCL.
of the Vedas. By J. C. Chatterji. Wheaton, Illinois, Quest
Books, Theosophical Pub. House, 1992. Index, 151 pages. ISBN:
9780835606844. VSCL.
The Wisdom of Yoga: A Seeker's Guide to Extraordinary Living. By
Stephen Cope. New York, Bantam Books, 2006. Index, notes, glossary,
316 pages. ISBN: 0553801112. VSCL.
Yin Yoga, Gentle Yoga
The Complete Guide to Yin Yoga: The Philosophy and Practice of Yin Yoga. By Bernie Clark. Wild Strawberry, 2019, 350 pages. VSCL, Paperback. DVD. My First Choice. Excellent descriptions of Yin Postures.
Yin Yoga and Meditation: A Mandala Map for Practice, Teaching and Beyond. By Sagel Urlacher. 2022, 331 pages. VSCL, Paperback. My Second Choice. Excellent meditation information and ideas.
YinSights: A Journey Into the Philosophy and Practice of Yin Yoga. By
Bernie Clark. Foreword by Sarah Powers. Index, 417 pages.
ISBN: 096876651X. VSCL, Paperback.
Yoga: Outline of a Quiet Practice. By Paul Grilley. Ashland, Oregon, White Cloud Press, 2002. 118 pages. ISBN: 1883991439.
VSCL, Paperback.
Yoga: The Foundations of a Quiet Practice. Instructional DVD featuring
Paul Grilley. Pranamaya, Inc., 2005. 2 DVDs, 338 minutes. ASIN:
B000B5871I. VSCL, DVD.
Gentle Yoga: 7 Beginning Yoga Practices for Mid-Life (40's - 70's). Includes AM Energy, PM Relation, Improving Balance, Relief from Desk Work, Corce Strength, and more. By Jane Adams. DVD, 3 Hours and 12 minutes. VSCL, DVD.
Yoga for Beginners. 8 Yoga Video Routines for Beginners. Include Gentle Yoga Workouts to Increas Strength and Flexibility. By Barbara Benagh. DVDs, 13 Hours. 2019. VSCL, DVD.
Built From Broken.
A Science-Based Guide to Healing Painful Joints, Preventing Injuries, and Rebuilding Your Body. By Scott H. Hogan. 2021, 348 pages. VSCL, Paperback.
Yoga Alliance National
organization for registration of yoga teachers for 200 and 500 hour
Yoga Anatomy
By Leslie Kaminoff and Amy Matthews. Published by Human Kinetics, Champain,
Illinois, Second Edition, 2011. Copyright by The Breathe Trust 2007,
2012. Various indexes: by muscles, joints, position in English, position
in Sanskrit, bibliography, 276 pages. ISBN: 1450400248. VSCL.
An outstanding reference book!
Yoga & Ayurveda: Self-Healing and Self-Realization
By David Frawley. Twin Lakes, Wisconsin, Lotus Press, 1999, 2010.
Index, resources, glossaries, bibliography, 345 pages. ISBN:
9780914955818. VSCL.
and Meditation - Google Index
Yoga and Meditation: Links, bibliography, notes, quotes.
and the Quest for the True Self. By Stephen Cope. New York,
Bantam Books, 1999. Appendix, notes, index, 358 pages. ISBN:
055337835X. VSCL.
and You: Energizing and Relaxing Yoga for New and Experienced Students.
By Esther Myers. Boston, Shambhala,1997. Index, 244 pages.
ISBN: 1570623201. VSCL.
Yoga as Medicine: The Yogic Prescription for Health and Healing
By Timothy McCall, M.D. and Yoga Journal. Bantam, 2007. 592 pages.
ISBN: 0553384066. VSCL.
Yoga Beyond Belief: Insights to Awaken and Deepen Your Practice.
By Ganga White. Forewords by Mark Schlenz and Sting. Berkeley, California,
North Atlantic Books, 2007. Index, 232 pages. ISBN: 1556436467. VSCL.
Yoga Body: The Origins of Modern Posture Practice
By Mark Singleton. New York, Oxford University Press, 2012. Index,
bibliography, notes, 262 pages. ISBN: 9780195395341. VSCL.
Yoga Class,
Red Bluff, California
Yoga Directory Thousands
of annotated links.
Yoga Fit
by Beth Shaw Instructional VHS Videotape, 2000
YogaFit® Teacher Training Manual Level 1. Hermosa Beach, California, YogaFit,
Proprietary material in a manual format. 100 pages. No
YogaFit® Teacher Training Manual Level 3: Lifestyle: Mind Body Fitness.
Hermosa Beach, California, 2004.
Proprietary material in a manual format. 112 pages. No ISBN.
Yogaflows: A Dynamic and Fluid System to Transform Your Yoga Practice.
London, Firefly Books Ltd., 2003. Index, glossary of postures, 144 pages.
ISBN: 1552976874. VSCL.
Yoga for Body, Breath and Mind: A Guide to Personal Reintegration.
By A. G. Mohan. Edited by Kathleen Miller. Portland, Oregon, Rudra
Press, 1993. Index, 219 pages. ISBN: 0915001353. VSCL.
for Common Ailments. By Robin Monro, R. Nagarathna and H. R.
New York, Fireside Book, Simon and Schuster, 1990. Index, 95 pages.
ISBN: 0671705288. VSCL.
Yoga for 50+: Modified Poses and Techniques for a Safe Practice
By Richard Rosen. Berkeley, California, Ulysses Press, 2004.
Index, resources, 143 pages. ISBN: 9781569754139. VSCL.
for Men: Postures for Healthy, Stress-Free Living. By Thomas
Claire. Franklin Lakes, New Jersey, Career Press, New Page Books, 2004. Index,
262 pages. ISBN: 1564146650. VSCL.
for Wellness: Healing with the Timeless Teachings of Viniyoga. By Gary
Foreword by Scott Gerson, M. D. Medical illustrations by Susan
Gilbert. New York,
Abkana, Penguin Group, 1999. Index, glossary, charts, 334
pages. ISBN: 0140195696. VSCL.
for Your Spiritual Muscles. A Complete Yoga Program to
Body and Spirit. By Rachel Schaeffer. Wheaton, Illinois, Quest
Books, 1998. 194 pages. Excellent black and white photographs by Adam
Mastoon and David S. Waitz. ISBN: 0835607631. VSCL.
Immortality and Freedom. By Mircea Eliade. Translated from the
French by Willard R. Trask. Princeton, New Jersey, Princeton University Press, 1958,
The Bollingen Series LVI. Extensive bibliography, index, 529 pages.
ISBN: 0691017646. VSCL.
Journal's Index by Google
Journal's Power Yoga Total Body. Featuring Rodney Yee. Workouts
for beginners and
intermediate students. Includes centering practices. Gaiam Inc.,
2003. Instructional videotape,
65 minutes. ISBN:1931919496. VSCL.
Total Body Toner. The Breakthrough Workout that Combines the Best
Elements of Yoga and Pilates. By Louise Solomon. London, Virgin
Books, 2003.
Appendices, 144 pages. ISBN: 0753507579. VSCL.
Links Google Index.
Yoga Mala: The Original Teachings of Ashtanga Yoga Master Sri K. Pattabhi Jois
By Sri K. Pattabhi Jois. North Point Press, Second Edition, 2010.
160 pages. ISBN: 0865477515.
Yoga Mind, Body and Spirit: A Return to Wholeness. By Donna
Farhi. Owl Books, 2000. 271 pages. ISBN: 0805059709.
Yoga Music and Audio Recordings
The Yoga of Breath: A Step-by-Step Guide to Pranayama
By Richard
Rosen. Foreword
by Rodney Yee. Illustrations by Kim Fraley. Boston,
Shambhala, 2002. Index, notes, 304 pages. ISBN: 1570628890.
The Yoga of Sound: Tapping the Hidden Power of Music and Chant
By Russill Paul. Includes an audio CD. Novato, California, New World
Library, 2004. Index, end notes, appendics, resources, 306 pages.
ISBN: 1577315367. VSCL.
Yoga of
the Mahamudra: The Mystical Way of Balance. By Will Johnson.
Rochester, Vermont, Inner Traditions, 2005. 152 pages. ISBN:
0892816996. VSCL.
Yoga, Red Bluff, California
- Michael P. Garofalo
Yoga Research and Education Center Supports
the International Association of Yoga Therapists.
Yoga Sequencing: Designing Transformative Yoga Classes
By Mark Stephens. Berkeley, California, North Atlantic Books, 2012.
Index, bibliography, notes, resources, appendices, 506 pages. ISBN:
978-1583944974. VSCL.
Yoga Site Articles,
links, information, resources.
Stretch for Fitness by Beth Shaw Audio-CD, 2003
The Yoga Sutra, by Patanjali: Index of English
Language Translations. By Michael P. Garofalo, M.S.
The Yoga-Sūtra of Patañjali: A New Translation and Commentary.
By Georg Feuerstein. Rochester, Vermont, Inner Traditions, 1979, 1989.
Index, bibliography, word index, 179 pages.
ISBN: 9780892812622. VSCL.
Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. Translation and Commentary by Sri Swami
Yogaville, Virginia, Integral Yoga Publications, 1978, 2004. Index,
appendices, glossary, 263 pages. ISBN: 0932040381. VSCL.
Yoga, Taijiquan and Qigong: Comparative
Teachers and Centers - Google Index
The Iyengar Way. By Mira Silva and Shyam Mehta. New York, Alfred
A. Knopf, 1995. Index, appendices, 192 pages. ISBN: 0679722874.
A very good reference tool for the study and practice of yoga poses. VSCL.
Yoga: The Path to Holistic Health
By B.K.S. Iyengar. London, Dorling Kindersley, 2001. Index,
glossary, appendices, 415 pages. ISBN: 0789471655.
Lavishly illustrated compendium of essential poses, routines, prop use, and yoga
routines to help specific health problems. The renowned Yogacharya B. K. S. Iyengar was born in India in
1918. VSCL.
The Poetry of the Body. By Rodney Yee with Nina
Zolotow. Photographs by Michal Venera. New York, Thomas Dunne Books, St.
Martin's Press, 2002. Index, appendices, 345 pages. ISBN:
0312273312. VSCL.
The Spirit and Practice of Moving into Stillness. By Erich
Schiffmann. New York,
Pocket Books, Simon and Schuster, 1996. 357 pages. ISBN: 0671534807.
The Ultimate Spiritual Path. By Swami Rajarshi Muni. Saint
Paul, Minnesota,
Llewellyn Publications, 2nd Edition, 2001. Index, 184 pages. ISBN:
1567184413. VSCL.
The Technology of Ecstasy. By Georg Feuerstein, Pd. D.. Los
Angeles, Jeremy P. Tarcher,
1989. Index, notes, 344 pages. ISBN: 0874775205. VSCL.
Yoga Tradition: Its History, Literature, Philosophy and Practice. By
Georg Feuerstein,
Ph.D. Foreword by Ken Wilber. Prescott, Arizona, Hohm Press,
1998. Index, bibliography,
glossary, chronology, 686 pages. ISBN: 0934252831.
Training: Studies and Practices. Notes by Mike Garofalo.
Body Speaks Your Mind: Decoding the Emotional, Psychological, and
Spiritual Messages that Underlie Illness. By Deb Shapiro. Boulder,
Colorado, Sounds True, 2006. Index, bibliography, 347 pages. ISBN:
1591794188. VSCL.
Yoga DVDs - Instructional Video
VSCL - Valley Spirit Center Library, Red Bluff, California
Sarina Condello. Yoga Dance: The New Movement in Yoga. With Sarina Condello. Earth: Toning and Sculpting. Instructional DVD. 70 minutes. Questar, Inc., 2005. VSCL.
Sean Corn. Vinyasa Flow Yoga: Uniting Movement and Breath, Session One. Instructional DVD, 1182 mintues. Gaiam, 2004. Instruction Session, 72 mintues, Breath Session, 60 minutes. VSCL.
Richard Freeman. Ashtanga Yoga:
Introduction to Ashtanga. 75 Minutes. Sounds True, 2003. VSCL.
Richard Freeman. Ashtanga Yoga: The
Intermediate Series. 94 Minutes. Sounds True, 2002. VSCL.
Richard Freeman. Ashtanga Yoga: The Primary
Series. 120 Minutes. Sounds True, 2002. VSCL.
Friend, John. John Friend's Anusara Yoga Grand Opening. 3 DVD set filmed life at Estes Park, Colorado. Produced by Yoga Journal in 2009. Includes three master classes with John Friend, a 45 minute interview with John, and an introduction and chanting.
Grilley, Paul. Anatomy for Yoga. Pranayama, 2004. Instructional DVD, 230 minutes. VSCL.
Paul. Yin Yoga. 2 instructional DVDs, 338 minutes.
Pranamaya Inc., 2005. VSCL.
Kaur, Gurutej. Chakra Yoga.
Instructional DVD by Gurutej Kaur. 72 minute Kundalini Yoga practice
program. Sounds True, 1998. VSCL.
Kraftsow, Gary. Viniyoga Therapy for the Upper
Back, Neck and Shoulders. Instructional DVD, 170 minutes.
Pranamaya Inc., 2007. VSCL.
Gary. Viniyoga Therapy for the Low Back, Sacrum and Hips.
Instructional DVD, 155 minutes. Pranamaya Inc., 2007. VSCL.
Living Yoga: The life and teachings of Swami Satchidananda
Documentary DVD, 2008, 62:00 minutes. Interviews with Dean Ornish, Mehmet
Oz, Peter Max, David Life, numerous religious leaders, and dozens of his
students. Documents the many people that Swami Satchidananda influenced in
positive ways from 1965-1995 on the east coast of the U.S., at Yogaville, and
throughout the world.
Rea, Shiva. Shiva Rea Fluid Power Vinyasa Flow Yoga.
Instructional DVD. More than 3 hours of yoga instruction. 2 DVD set.
For experienced beginners to intermediate students. Customizable matrix
format. VSCL.
Rea, Shiva. Yoga Shakti. Instructional DVD, 270 minutes.
Sounds True, 2004. Basic (30 minutes), Solar Flow (90 minutes), Solar Flow
II (90 minutes), and Lunar Flow (45 minutes). Interviews. VSCL.
Rich, Tracey and Ganga White. Total Yoga.
Four DVD Set. Razor Digital Entertainment, 2004. VSCL.
The Original Total Yoga DVD. Foundations in Vinyasa Flow Yoga. Instructional
DVD set.
Level 1: Gentle, Restorative, Recharging. The Flow Series: Earth.
Level 2: Fluidity, Power, Grace. The Flow Series: Water.
Level 3: Endurance, Strength, Flexibility. The Flow Series: Fire.
Swenson, David.
Ashtanga Yoga: The Practice -
The First Series With David Swenson. Ashtanga Yoga Productions,
2004. Instructional DVD, 120 minutes.
Swenson, David.
Yoga Short Forms: The Practice Ashtanga Yoga. Ashtanga
Yoga Productions. Instructional DVD. VSCL.
Power Yoga Collection
Instructional DVD, 185 minutes. Gaiam Production. This DVD includes
three 60 minute yoga classes: 1) Yoga Burn, 2) Power Yoga Total
Body, and 3) Yoga Conditioning for Athletes. VSCL.
Yoga Music - Audio CDs
Music for Active Yoga. Developed
Training Systems
in cooperation with Water Music Records.
Volumes 1 - 6. VSCL: 1
& 3.
Yoga Butt. Music for Yoga Butt Workout. Music Mixes Music, 2002. Hybrid YogaFit workout using a ball.
Valley Spirit Yoga
Yoga Practice, Education, and Research
© 2003-2017, Green Way
Research, Red Bluff, California
Michael P. Garofalo, All Rights Reserved
2017- Green Way Research, Valley Spirit Center, Vancouver, Washington
This webpage was first posted online in May of 2003.
This webpage was last modified, improved, edited, or updated on February 16, 2023.
Mike Garofalo at the Klickitat River in Southwest Washington, 2019
to the
Index of