Tao Te Ching (Daodejing) by Lao Tzu (Laozi)
Tao Te Ching For each of the 81 Chapters: 25 English Translations 5 Spanish Translations Concordance Chinese Characters Pinyin & Wade-Giles Bibliography & Links Directory Commentary Chapter Indexes Daodejing 81 Web |
Daodejing 81 Website
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Created by Michael P. Garofalo, Green Way Research, Valley Spirit Center, Gushen Grove Notebooks, Vancouver, Washington, USA © 2010-2021 CCA 4.0
Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu
25 English Translations Daodejing 81 Website |
Daodejing 81 Website
Chapter and Thematic Index
Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu
Chapters 1-20
Daodejing by Laozi, Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu
Compiled and
Indexed by Michael P.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Created by Michael P. Garofalo, Green Way Research, Valley Spirit Center, Gushen Grove Notebooks, Vancouver, Washington © 2010 - 2020 CCA 4.0
Chapter 1 Chapter or Verse (chang, zhāng, 章; Capítulo, Sección, Verso)
English and Chinese (Wade-Giles) Terms: What is the Tao, Name (ming), Reason's
Realization, Observe (kuan), Embodying the Tao, Everlasting (ch'ang),
The Inadequacy of Names, Ineffable, Eternal, Being (yu), Spirit and
Matter, All or Everything (chung), Nameless (wu-ming), Tao, the Way, Mother (mu), Desires
and Thoughts or Habits (yü),
Ten Thousand Things or Myriad Beings or Many Things (wan wu), Profound, Deep, Named (yu-ming), Spirituality,
External or Appearance (chiao), Wonder, Dark
(hsüan), Inexpressible, Portal or Gate (mên), Dao, Two or Duality
(liang), Understanding, Origin (shih),
Freedom, Manifested (chiao), Gateway, Unity or Oneness (t'ung), Always
or Everlasting (ch'ang),
Plurality, Life Spring, Desire (yu-yü), Source, Active, Names or Labels (ming),
Perceive or Recognize (kuan), Quiescent,
Mystery or Secret (hsüan), Essence or Subtlety (miao), Existence, Non-Existence, Non-Being (wu),
Mystical, Differ or Diverge (yi), Essence, The Way or Walked or Path: Tao/Dao 道, Virture: Teh/De
德, Classic/Canon: Ching/Jing, 經, 體道
Términos en Español: ¿Cuál es el Tao, Nombre, Realización de Reason, Observar, Inefable, Eterno, Ser, Espíritu, Materia, Todo, Camino, Madre, Deseos, Pensamientos, Hábitos, Diez Mil Cosas, Profundo, Espiritualidad, Externa, Apariencia, Maravilla, Obscuro, Inexpresable, Portal, Puerta, Dualidad, Comprensión, Origen, Libertad, Manifestado, Unidad, Unicidad, Siempre, Pluralidad, Vida, Primavera, Deseo, Fuente, Activo, Nombres, Etiquetas, Percibir, Reconocer, Reposo, Misterio, Secreto, Esencia, Sutileza, Existencia, Inexistencia, No Ser, Místico, Difieren, Esencia, El Camino.
English and Chinese (Wade-Giles) Terms: Self-Development, The Idea of Comparisons, Dwell or Occupy (ch'u), Activities or Affairs (shih), Completed or Finished (ch'êng), Beautiful or Agreeable (mei), Ugliness, Refuse or Reject (tz'u), All or World or Universe (hsia), Unselfish, Follow or Succeed (sui), Modesty, High (hao) and Low (hsia), Compliment, Associate, Connect, Simile, Definitions, Language, Musical Notes, Sage, Voice or Melody or Music (shêng), Silence, No Rewards, Effortless Action, Because or Causes (ssu), Complimentary, Making or Acting (wei), Contraries, Existense or Something (yu), Completion, Born or Emerge or Originate (shêng), Action, Existence, Non-Existence, Emptiness, Humility, Selflessness, Long (ch'ang) and Short (tuan), Unattached, Work, Accomplished, Achieved, Knows or Recognize (chih), Merit, Support or Depend (ch'ing), Contrast, Ugly or Repulsive (wu), Analogy, Metaphor, Wu Wei, Sage, Acceptance, Success, Equanimity, Semantics, Opposites, Teach by Example, Teaches or Spreads (hsing), Sage or Holy Man (shêng jên), Virtue or Good (shan), Learn by Doing, Depart or Go Away or Die (ch'ü), Self-Discipline, Heaven (t'ien), Because or Since (fu), Act Like the Dao, Tone or Sound or Pitch (yin), Together or Dependent (hsiang), Impartial, No Expectations, Harmonize or Conform (ho), Teachings or Lessons or Doctrines (chiao), Compare or Relate or Contrast (chiao), Working with and for Others, Talking or Words (yen), Alone or Only (yi), Back or Behind (ho), Ten Thousand Things or Myriad Beings or Many Things (wan wu), Claim or Assert (shih), Enduring, Working on the Self, 養身
Términos en Español: Habitar, Actividades, Asuntos, Completado, Terminado, Hermoso, Agradable. Fealdad, Largo, Corto, Denegación, Rechazo, Todo, Mundo, Universo, Altruista, Siga, Modestia, Alta, Baja, Cumplido, Asociados, Conectar, Símil, Definiciones , Idioma, Sabio, Voz, Melodía, Música, Silencio, Sin Esfuerzo Acción, Porque, Causas, Gratuito, Hacer, Interino, Contrarios, Existense, Algo, Finalización, Nacido, Emerger, Origen, Acción, Inexistencia, Vacío, Humildad, Abnegación, Trabajo , Realizado, Cumplido, Sabe, Reconocer, Mérito, Soporte, Depender, Contraste, Feo, Repulsivo, Analogía, Metáfora, Aceptación, Éxito, Ecuanimidad, Semántica, Opuestos, Enseña, Santo, Sabio, Virtud, Buena, Salir, Desaparecer, Morir, Cielo, Porque, Desde, Tono, Sonido, Juntos, Dependiente, Imparcial, Sin Expectativas, Aarmonizar, Conformarse, Enseñanzas, Lecciones, Doctrinas, Comparar, Relacionar, Contraste, Hablar, Palabras, Solo, Solamente, Atrás, Diez Mil Cosas, Reclamación, Duradera, Muchas Cosas.
English and Chinese (Wade-Giles) Terms: Controlling Desires, Quieting the People (min),
Empty (hsü), Limiting Actions, Goods or Merchandise (huo), Wise Leaders
Exercise Restraint, Quietness, Wishes or Ambitions (chih), Knowledge (chih),
Restraint, Display or Show (chien), Simplicity, Sage (shêng jên), Basic Needs,
Virtuous or Worthy (hsien), Not-Thinking, Stilling Mind, Strength, Not
Acting, Inner Life, Peace, Actionless Activity (wu wei), Essentials, Governing, No-Knowledge (wu
No-Desire (wu yü), Desire or Want (yü), Rule or Govern (chih), Jealousy, Not Hoarding,
Heart or Mind (hsin), Value, Keeping the People at Rest, Strengthen or
Sturdy (ch'iang), Sage, Rest, Bones, Prize or Honor (kuei), Dare
or Venture (kan), Simple Minded, Quieting Thoughts, Will Power, Honor or
Esteem (shang), Natural, Difficult (nan), Action, Stomach or Belly
(fu), Making (wei), Lead and Teach by
Example, Bones or Frame (ku), Steal or Theft (tao), Wise, Anxious
or Troubled (luan), Obtain or Get (tê), Weakened or Relaxed (jo), Control,
Wants or Desires (yü), Emotions, Compete or Contend (chêng),
Orderly or Controlled (chih), Causes or Makes (shih), 安民
Términos en Español: Vacío, Limitación de Acciones, Bienes, Mercancías, Sabios, Moderación, Tranquilidad, Deseos, Ambiciones, Saber, Restricción, Exhibición, Mostrar, Sencillez, Necesidades Básicas, Virtuosos, Digno, Pensamiento, Fuerza, No Actuar, Vida, Paz, Gobierno, No Deseo, No Quiere, Regla, Celos, No Acaparamiento, Corazón, Mente, Valor, Fortalecimiento, Resto, Huesos, Premio, Honor, Atreverse, Empresa, Espíritus, Acallar los Pensamientos, la Fuerza de voluntad, Honra, Estima, Natural, Difícil, Acción, Hacer, Robar, Robo, Ansioso, Preocupado, Obtener, Relajado, Control, Emociones, Competir, Contender, Ordenada, Controlada, Sausas, Marcas.
English and Chinese (Wade-Giles) Terms: Emptiness or Void or Vacant (ch'ung), Tranquil, Nature, Knots or Tangled (fên), Infinite, Tao, The Ten Thousand Things (wan wu), The Ancestor (tsung) of All Things, God, Lord, Order, Likely or Apparently or Perhaps (huo), Chaos, Sharp, Uniting, Birth, Sharpness or Point (jui), Primeval, Great Obscurity, Untangles Knots, Deep Pool, Child or Offspring (tzu), Universe, Identify or Unite (t'ung), First Born, Timeless, Dust, Dao, Fathomless or Profound or Vast (yüan), Appearance, Creative, Used or Applied (yung), Parentless, Bottomless, Totality, Origin, Harmonize or Blend (ho), Cosmos, First Cause, Ocean, Gods, Dust or Common (ch'ên), Noumenon, Thing In Itself, Images or Reflections (hsiang), Resembles or Like or As If (ssu), Permanent, Continuing or Enduring (ts'un), Dulls or Blunts (ts'o), Brightness or Light (kuang), Exhausted or Depleted (ying), Precede or Antecedent (hsien), Hidden, Know (chih), Vessel, Loosen or Unravel or Untangle (chien), Eternal, Earth, Deep or Dark or Serene (chan), 無源
Términos en Español: Vacío, Vacante, Hueco, Vacuo, Tranquilidad, Naturaleza, Nudos, Enredado, Complicado, Infinito, Las Diez mil Cosas, Antepasado, Dios, Señor, Orden, Probable, Parecer, Caos, Sostenido, Uniendo, Nacimiento, Definición, Primitivo, Gran Oscuridad, Submarino, Niño, Universo, Identificar, Sin Tiempo, Polvo, Insondable, Profunda, Apariencia, Creativo, Sin Padres, Sin Fondo, Totalidad, Origen, Armonizar, Mezcla, Cosmos, Primera Causa, Océano, Dioses, Noumenon, Imágenes, Reflexiones, Permanente, Continua, Duradera, Desafila, Brillo, Luz, Agotado, Empobrecido, Precedan, Antecedente, Oculto, Saber, Embarcación, Aflojar, Eterno, Tierra, Oscuro, Sereno.
English and Chinese (Wade-Giles) Terms: The Value of Emptiness, Impartiality, Straw Dogs (ch'u kou), Blacksmith, Bellows, Less Talking, Doing Nothing, Don't Gossip, Heaven (t'ien), Earth (ti), Goodness, Full, Keep To or Hold (shou), Empty, Expanded, Acting (wei), Leads To or Brings About (shu), Contracted, Sack or Bag (t'o), Preserve the Inner, Quietness, Calmness, Impartial or Neutral or Indifferent (pu jên), Hundred (pai), Families or Everyone (hsing), Act or Make (wei), Heart, Sage or Holy Person (shêng jên), Inner Essence, Families (hsing), Human or Human Kindness or Benevolence or Sentimental (jên), Straw Dogs (ch'u kou), Inhumane, Neutral, Words or Speech (yen), Space or Crevice (chien), Sack or Bag or Bellows (t'o), Pipe or Flute (yo), Empty or Hollow (hsü), Good and Evil, Power, Acting or Making (wei), Exhaust or Collapse (ch'ü), Moves (tung), Produces (ch'u), Words or Speak (yen), Brings (shu), Watch Within, Ten Thousand Things (wan wu), Stay Centered, Center or Middle or Core (chung), The End or The Limit or Finished (ch'iung), Hold (shou), Center or Middle or Core or Moderation (chung), The Uses of Emptiness, Empty or Vacant or Hollow (hsü), 虛用
Términos en Español: Valor de la Vacuidad, Imparcialidad, Perros de Paja, Herrero, Abajo, Bellows, Menos Hablar, No Hacer Nada, Cielo, Tierra, Bondad, Completa, Mantener, Vacío, Ampliado, Contratado, Saco, Bolsa, Conservar el Interior, Tranquilidad, Calma, Indiferente, Corazón, Sabio, Santo, Esencia Interior, Familias, Benevolencia, Neutral, Palabras, Bien, Energía, Actuando, Haciendo, Diez Mil Cosas, Centro, Medio, Final, Vacío, Hueco, Actuar, Paja, Perros, Sentimental, Imparcial, Neutral, Cien, Familias, Todos, Ley, Hacer, Espacio, Grieta, Saco, Bolsa, Tubería, Flauta, Vacío, Fuelle, de Escape, Colapso, Movimientos, Palabras, Habla, Trae, Mantener, Centro, Oriente, Núcleo.
English and Chinese (Wade-Giles) Terms: The Valley Spirit (Ku Shên, Gu Shen), The Completion of Material Forms, Effort or Labor or Toil (ch'in), The Infinitude of Creative Effort, Mother or Female (p'in), Earth (ti), Heaven (t'ien), Endless, Mysterious or Profound or Secret (hsüan), Fertile, Spirit or Soul (shên), Bounty, Enduring or Remaining in Existence (ts'un), Ceaseless, Using (yung), Visible, Creation, Inexhaustible, Spontaneous, Deep, Root or Origin or Cause (kên), Field, Spring, Female (p'in), Deathless, Womb, Gate or Door or Entrance (mên), Source, Continuous (mien), Valley or Fountain (ku), Seems or Appears (jo), Productive, Rebirth, The Mysterious Female, Goddess, Gaia, Earth Mother, 成象
Términos en Español: El Espíritu del Valle, Esfuerzo, Trabajo, Madre, Mujer, Tierra, Cielo, Diosa, Madre Tierra, Interminable, Misterioso, Profunda, Secreto, Fértil, Espíritu, Alma, Generosidad, Duradero, Incesante, Usando, Visible, Creación, Inagotable Espontánea, Raíz, Origen, Causa, Campo, Primavera, Hembra, Inmortal, Útero, Portón, Puerta, Entrada, Fuente, Continuo, Valle, Parece, Aparece, Productiva, Renacimiento, Mujer Misteriosa.
English and Chinese (Wade-Giles) Terms: Eternal or Everlasting (ch'ang), Heaven (t'ien), Earth (ti), Humility, Body (shen), Self or Person (shên), Dimming Radiance, Selfless or Without Personal Concern (wu ssu), Indifferent, Restraint, Equanimity, Inner Life, Self-Produced, Behind or Last (hou), Spontaneous, Impersonal, Durability, Realization, Preserved or Remains (ts'un), Lasting or Ancient (chiu), Preservation, Security, Front or First (hsien), Health, Enduring, Existence (ts'un), Life or Live (shêng), Sage or Wise Person or Saint (shêng jên), Longevity, Can or Able (nêng), Winning, Succeed or Accomplish (ch'êng), Intelligence, Universe, Cosmos, 韜光
Términos en Español: Eterna, Cielo, Tierra, Humildad, Cuerpo, Persona, Ego, Resplandor, Desinteresado, Sin Preocuparse de Carácter, Personal, Indiferente, Restricción, Ecuanimidad, Vida Interior, Detrás, Espontánea, Impersonal, Durabilidad, Realización, Conservados, Duración, Antiguo, Conservación, Seguridad, Primero, Salud, Duradera, Existencia, Vida, Sabio, Longevidad, Capaz, Ganar, Lograr, Inteligencia, Universo, Cosmos.
English and Chinese (Wade-Giles) Terms:
The Nature of Goodness, Water (shui), Easy by Nature, Lower, Humble,
Humane or Benevolent (jên), Settles or Rests (ch'u), Placid and
Contented Nature, Flowing, Timing or Opportunity (shih),
Sage or Wise Person, Don't Contend, Superior or Supreme (shang), Earth or
Ground (ti), Be Peaceful, Humble, Efficient, Timeliness, Leadership,
Skillful, Hated or Despised (wu), Depth, Te, Faith, Order, Faultless,
Heart, Stillness, Truth, Profit or Gains (li), Leadership, Government,
Heart or Mind (hsin), Business, Resembles or Is Like (jo), State, Grounded,
Firm, Struggle or Contending (chêng), Kindliness, Virtue, Sincere,
Able, Action, Able or Competent (nêng), Timeliness, Speech, Goodness or
Excellence (shan), Near or Very Close (chi), Quarrel, Wisdom,
Governing or Administration (chêng), Master, Inner Life, Fault or Wrong (yu),
Relationships or Associates (yü), Deep or Profound (yüan), Ten
Thousand Things or Myriad Beings (wan wu), Low
like Water,
Términos en Español: Bondad, Agua,
Baja, Humilde, Humane, Benevolente, Placid, Contento, Laguna,
Oportunidad, Sabio, Santo, No
Contienden, Superior, Supremo,
Tierra, Pacífico, Eficiente, Liderazgo,
Hábil, Odiado, Despreciado,
Profundidad, Orden,
Corazón, Quietud, Verdad,
Gobierno, Estado, Firme, Lucha,
Contendientes, Sincero, Capaz,
Acción, Competente, Puntualidad, Discurso,
Excelencia, Cerca, Pelea, Sabiduría, Maestro
de Vida Interior, Falla, Mal,
Relaciones, Asociados, Profunda, Diez
Mil Cosas.
English and Chinese (Wade-Giles):
Moderation, Practicing Placidity, The Way or Path (tao), Cup or Vessel or
Bow (chih), Simplicity, Greed, Good Work, Keep or Preserve (pao), Misfortune,
Thieves, Axe Sharpening, Completed or Established (sui),
Guarded or Protected (shou), Bow, Honored or Prized or Exhalted (kuei),
Beat or Hammer or Pound (cho), Empty, Full, Sharp, Stop or Finish (yi), Wealth, Honors, Completion, Obscurity, Pride, Work,
Retiring, Lasting or Enduring (ch'ang), Reputation, Causes or Invites or
Seeds (yi), Extremes, Stopping,
Safety, Fame, Arrogance,
Hold or Grasp (ch'ih), Way of Heaven, Gold or Bronze (chin), Seclusion,
Wealthy or Riches (fu), Retirement, Fulfilling, Tao, Proud or Pride or
Vanity (chiao), Quitting, Insolence,
Downfall or Calamity (chiu), Jade or Jewels (yü),
Excess or Fullness (ying), Ruin, Withdrawal, Retreat or Withdraw (t'ui),
Sharpen or Temper (ch'uai), Obscurity, Work or Service or Task or
Accomplishment (kung), Heaven or Nature (t'ien), Hall or Court (t'ang), Fullness and Complacency Contrary to the
Términos en Español: Moderación,
Practicar Placidez, Camino, Sendero, Copa, Vaso, Arco, Sencillez, Codicia, Buen
Trabajo , Mantener, Conservar, Infortunio, Ladrones, Hacha, Afilado, Completado,
Vigilado, Protegido, Honrado, Apreciado, Exaltado, Oro, Batir, Martillo, Vacío,
Lleno, Sostenido, Detener, Finalizar, Riqueza, Finalización,
Oscuridad, Orgullo, Duradera, Reputación, Causas, Invitaciones, Semillas,
Extremos, Parar, Seguridad, Fama, Arrogancia, Retener, Agarre, Camino del Cielo,
Aislamiento, Rico, Jubilación, Plena, Orgulloso, Vanidad, Dejar de Fumar,
Insolence, Hundimiento, Calamidad, Joyas,
El Exceso, Ruina, Retiro, Nitidez, Temper, Oscuridad, Obra, Cielo, Naturaleza,
English and Chinese (Wade-Giles) Terms:
Physical and Bodily Soul, Chi or Breath or Vital Force (ch'i), Washing or
Cleanse (ti), Youthfulness, Mental Clarity,
What is Possible, What Can Be Done,
Impartiality, Bird, Spontaneity, Wholesome Personality, Kind or Loving or
Caring (ai), Separation or Parting (li), Spirit or Soul or
Spiritual (ying), Vision or Perception or Insight (lan), Natural Breathing,
Close or Shut (ho), One or Unity or Together (yi), Intelligent
Activity, Self-Control,
Vital Breath,
Understanding or Awareness (ming), Cleanse the Mind, Virtue, Leadership,
Chi Kung or Qigong, Progress or Advance or Grow (ch'ang), Meditate, Love, Cleansing the Mind,
Impurities, Hold or Keep (tsai), People (min), Govern (chih),
Country (kuo), Nurturing, Gentle or Tender or Soft (jou), Female,
Can or Able to (nêng), Clean or Polish or Wipe (ch'u), Newborn or
Infant (ying), Question or "?" Interrogative (hu), Passive, Cleanliness,
Cause or Bring About (chih), Cunning or Cleverness (chih),
Concentrate or Gather or Focus (chuan), Governing, Embrace or Carry (pao),
Faults or Flaws or Blemish (ts'u), Animal Nature or Body or Vitality or
Physical Being (p'o), Feed or Nurture (ch'u), Purify, Pure or
Clear or Clear Minded (pai), Gate or Door (mên), Dominate or
Control (tsai), Without or Free of (wu), Open (k'ai),
Mother Bird or Female (tz'u), Four Directions or Four Quarters (ssu),
Child or Baby or Innocent (erh), Heaven or Natural (t'ien), Possibilities Through the Dao,
Produces or Gives Life (shêng), Without Acti0n (wu wei), Become or
Act or Do (wei), Claim or Possess (yu), Profound or Deep or Hidden
(hsüan), Virture or Power (tê),
Términos en Español: Fuerza Vital, Lavado, Limpieza, Juventud,
Claridad Mental, ¿Qué es posible, ¿Qué se Puede Hacer, Imparcialidad, Pájaro,
Espontaneidad, Personalidad Sana, Amar, Cuidar,
Separación, Espíritu, Alma Espiritual, Vision, Percepción,
Perspicacia, Respiración Natural, Cerrar, Apagar, Uno, Unidad, Junto,
Actividad Inteligente, Autocontrol, Aliento Vital, Entendimiento,
Conciencia, Limpiar la Mente, Virtud, Liderazgo, Progreso, Crecer, Meditar,
Mantener, Guardar, Personas, Gobierno, País, Nutrir, Suave, Dócil, Femenino,
Puede, Limpie, Polaco,
nacido, Lactante, Pregunta,
Interrogativo, Pasivo, Causar, Provocar, Astucia, Concentrado, Reunir, Enfoque,
Abrazar, Llevar, Fallos, Defectos,
Naturaleza Animal, Cuerpo, Purificar, Puro, Portón, Puerta, Dominar,
Mujer, Cuatro Vientos, Niño, Bebé, Inocente, Cielo,
Posibilidades, Produce, Vida, Ley, Reclamación, Posser, Profunda, Oculto.
English and Chinese (Wade-Giles) Terms: The Value of Empty Space, Empty Cup, Spokes (fu), Axle, Wheel (ch'ê), Hub (ku), Clay (ch'ih), Mold or Shape (yen), Pots or Vessel (ch'i), Hollow, Door (hu), Make or Form or Fashion (wei), Clay or Earth (ch'ih), Window (yu), Mold or Shape (yen), Cut Out (tso), House or Room (shih), Benefit or Advantage (li), Space, Uncluttered, Open, Free, Exists or Depends (yu), Empty or Vacant or Nothing (wu), Shared or United or Joined (kung), Usefulness or Purpose (yung), Function (yung), Existence or Being or Something (yu), Benefit or Advantage (li), Non-Existence (wu yu), Thirty (san shih), Uses for the Non-Existent, 無用
Términos en Español: Valor de Espacio Vacío, Vacío Copa, Radios, Eje, Rueda, Cubo, Barro, Moldear, Forma, Olla, Tarro, Hueco, Puerta, Ventana, Casa, Habitación, Beneficio, Ventaja, Espacio, Despejado, Abierto, Libre, Vacante, Nada, Compartida, Reino, Unido, Utilidad, Finalidad, Función, Existencia, Ser, Inexistencia, Treinta, Usos de la Inexistente, Hacer, Forma, Moda, Moho, Forma, Arcilla, Tierra, Corte, Abra, Existir, Beneficio, Advantage, Ser.
English and Chinese (Wade-Giles) Terms: Colors or Views or Sights (sê), Sounds, Activities or Actions (hsing), Tastes, Reduce Desires, Attend to the Inner Not the Outer, Deaf (lung), Insatiable Longing of the Eyes, Eye (mu), Sage, Dull or Ruined or Jaded (shuang), Values, Holy Man, Eating, Inner, Man or Person or One's (jên), Horse Racing, Hinder or Impede or Limit (fang), Hunting, Music, Heart or Mind (hsin), Greed, Cause or Make (ling), Craving, Excess (ch'êng), Sensuality, Attending or Caring or Concerned (wei), Notes or Tones or Sounds (yin), Simplicity, Madness or Wild or Crazed (k'uang), True Self, Calmness, Blind or Dark (mang), Striving, Flavors or Tastes (wei), Mouth (k'ou), Chasing, Treasures, Goods or Products (huo), Obtain (tê), Sage or Holy Man (shêng jên), Stomach or Belly or Feeling (fu), Excesses Offend the Senses, Accepts or Prefers or Chooses (ch'ü), Discards or Rejects (ch'ü), Hunting (lieh), Chasing or Racing (ch'ih), Five (wu), 檢欲
Términos en Español: Colores, Vistas, Sonidos, Actividades, Acciones, Gustos, Reducir Deseos, Sordo, Ojos, Sabio, Ruinas, Valores, Hombre Santo, Comer, Interior, Carreras de Caballos, Obstaculizar, Impedir, Límite, Caza, Música, Corazón, Mente, Codicia, Causa, Marca, Sensualidad, Asistir, Atenta, Preocupados, Notas, Tonos, Sencillez, Salvaje, Enloquecido, Calma, Oscuro, Esforzándose, Sabores, Boca, Persiguiendo, Tesoros, Bienes, Productos, Obtenemos, Estómago, Vientre, Acepte, Prefiere, Descartes, Caza, Perseguir, Cinco.
English and Chinese (Wade-Giles Romanization) Terms: Loathing, Shame, Favor, Disgrace, Honor or Praise (ch'ung), Dishonor or Blame (ju), Body, Self-Love, Care of Body, Dread or Fear or Anxiety (ching), Humiliation, Troubles or Suffering or Misfortune (haun), Great or High (ta), Self or Body (shên), Fear, Courage, Sage, Love or Cherish (ai), Death, Fearless, Unworried, Ailments, Ruling, Governing, Leadership, Implies or Means (wei), Self-Respect, Loss (shih), Surprise, Act or Claim (wei), Dedication, Care, Trust (chi), Esteem or Respect (kuei), Lowly or Inferior (hsia), No Body No Heartaches, Can or Able (k'o), Great (ta), Obtain or Receive (tê), Heaven (t'ien), Guard or Care For (t'o), Trusted (chi), 厭恥
Términos en Español: Asco, Vrgüenza, Favor, Honor, Alabanza, Deshonra, Culpa, Auto-Amor, Cuidado del Cuerpo, Miedo, Ansiedad, Humillación, Sufrimiento, Desgracia, Ser, Cuerpo, Valor, Sabio, Amor, Muerte, Despreocupado, Dolencias, Gobierno, Administración, Liderazgo, Sorpresa, Dedicación, Atención, Estima, Respeto, Inferior, Obtener, Recibir, Cielo, Confianza, Gran, Alta, Pérdida, Implica, Medios, Ley de Reclamación, Confianza, Acariciar, Lata, Capaz.
English and Chinese (Wade-Giles) Terms: In Praise of the Profound, Hear or Listen (t'ing); It is Colorless, Silent, and Subtle; Manifestation of the Mystery, See or Seen (chien), Invisible, Clue, Blend or Merge (hun), Shapeless, Non- or Without (wu), Form of the Formless, Soundless or Inaudible (hsi), Something Shapeless, Elusive and Evasive, Ancient or Old or Antiquity (ku), Faceless and Backless, Obtain or Catch (tê), Void, Marvelous, Mysterious, Nameless, Evasive or Elusive or Illusory (huang), Secret, Invaluable Thread, Strand or lineage or Tradition (chi), Intangible, Inquire or Scrutiny (chieh), Colorless, Silent, Elusive, Serene, Zenith, One or Unity (yi), Nadir, Front (ying), Back or Rear (hou), Empty, Invisible or Elusive (yi), Nameless, Master or Control (yü), Rarefied, Speak or Say (yüeh), Present, Look or Perceive (shih), Touch or Grasp (po), Above or Surface or Top (shang), Timeless, Hear or Heard (wên), Name (ming), Image of the Imageless, Head or Face (shou), Bright or Dazzling (chiao), Three (san), Top, Bottom or Below (hsia), Formless or Minute or Fading (wei), Celebration of Mystery, Continuous or Unceasing (shêng), Form or Image or Figure (hsiang), The Way Things Are or Nature or World or Path or Universe (Tao, Dao), Returns or Reverts (fu), Now or The Present (chin), Without Existence or Non-Being or Nothingness (wu wu), 贊玄
Términos en Español: Elogio de lo Profundo, Oír, Escuchar, Incoloro, Silencioso, Sutil, Manifestación del Misterio, Ver, Visto, Invisible, Sin Forma, Inaudible, Algo Sin Forma, Esquiva, Evasivo, Antiguo, Viejo, Antigüedad, Sin Rostro, Sin Respaldo, Obtener, Captura, Vacío, Misterioso, Sin Nombre, Evasiva, Elusiva, Ilusorio, Secreto, Hilo Invaluable, Linaje, Tradición, Solicitar, Escrutinio, Uno, Nadir, Atrás, Posterior, Maestro, Sabio, Enrarecido, Hablar, Presente, Percibir , Toque, Agarre, Encima, Tres, Superior, Nombre, Imagen, Cabeza, Cara, Brillante, Deslumbrante, Inferior , Debajo, Minuto, Desvanecimiento, Celebración del Misterio, Continua, Incesante, Figura, Ruta, Universo, Devoluciones, Revierte, Ahora, en el presente, Sin Existencia, Nada.
English and Chinese (Wade-Giles) Terms: Good or Skilled or Best or Adept (shan), That Which Reveals Virtue: Cautious, Grave, Reserved, Illusive, Essential or Spiritual or of Subtle (miao), Unpretentious, Still or Content (an), Watchful or Alert (yu), Simple, Finished or Accomplished (ch'êng), Valley or Gorge (ku), Humble, Still, Empty, Wading or Fording (shê), Cautious or Careful (yü). Embrace or Hold (pao), Appearance or Demeanor (jung), Masters or Rulers or Military (shih); Qualities of Masters of the Dao: Subtle, Profound, Penetrating, Understand or Comprehend or Know (shih), Solid or Genuine (tun), Sages, Mysterious or Subtle or Keen (wei), Dark or Deep or Profound (hsüan), Murky Water (cho), Reserved or Grave (yen), Less is Better, Yield or Pliant (huan), Comprehensive or Penetrating or Visionary (t'ung), Guest, Don't Stir Up Trouble, Guest or Visitor (jung), Renewal, Longevity or Enduring (chiu), Fullness or Excess (ying), Watchful, Force or Effort (ch'iang), Spontaneity, Oh or ! (hsi), Acceptance, Wood or Uncut (p'u), Tao or Dao, Fear or Danger (wei), Ice (ping), Thaw or Melt (shih), Spiritual, Winter (tung), Obscure or Opaque (hun), River or Stream (ch'uan), Open or Empty or Broad (k'uang), Movement or Activity (tung), Four Sides (ssu lin), Grow Old or Wear Out (pi), Still or Tranquil (ching), Purify or Clearing (ch'ing), Alive or Living (shêng), Ancient or Old or Antiquity (ku), Renewed or Restored (hsin), 顯德
Términos en Español: Bueno, Especializada, Mejor, Cauteloso, Tumba, Reservado, Ilusorio, Esencial, Espiritual, Sutil, Sin Petensiones, Contenido, Vigilante, Alerta, Acabados, Cumplida, Valle, Vacío, Vadear, Abrazo, Retención, Apariencia, Comportamiento, Maestro, Sabio, Principados, Militar, Cualidades de Maestros de la Dao: Profundos, Penetrantes, Entender, Comprender, Saber, Sólidos, Genuinos, Misterioso, Oscuro, Agua, Reservados, Cuanto Menos, Mejor, Rendimiento, Integral, Penetrante, Visitante, No Crear Problemas, Invitado, Renovación, Longevidad, Duradera, Plenitud, Franquicia , Fuerza, Esfuerzo, Espontaneidad, Aceptación, Madera, Sin Cortes, Miedo, Peligro, Hielo, Deshielo, Fusión, Espiritual, Invierno, Opaco, Río, Arroyo, Abierto, Movimiento, Actividad, Cuatro Caras, Envejece, Tranquilo, Purificar, Borrado, Antigua, Vieja, Antigüedad, Actualizado, Restauradas.
English and Chinese (Wade-Giles) Terms: Emptiness or Void or Openness (hsü), Resting, Know or Understand (chih), Destiny or Fate (ming), Returning to the Root, Knowing the Eternal, Kingly or Royal (wang), Ten Thousand Things Arising and Returning to the Source, Danger or Peril (tai), Community of Feeling, Disaster or Calamity (hsiung), Longevity, Sage, Leader, Returns or Recovers (kuei), Abode of Eternal Tao, Sky, Eternal, Enlightenment (ming), Eternal or Everlasting (ch'ang), Rest, Tao, Inner Life, Heaven, Peace, Emptiness, Watch or See or Recognize (kuan), Highest or Utmost or Ultimate (chi), Root or Source (kên), Free (pu), Stillness or Quietude or Tranquility (ching), Receptivity, Root, Arise or Grow (tso), Unchanging, Together or United (ping), Tao or Dao, Return or Returning (fu), Things, Keep or Hold or Cling (shou), Enlightened, Serenity, Death, Flourish or Bloom or Grow (yün), Impartial or Unprejudiced (kung), Freedom from Fear of Aging, Immortality, Open-minded or Broad or Tolerant (jung), Self or Body or Individual (shên), Error or Falsehood (wang), Constant or Essence or Absolute (tu), 歸根
Términos en Español: Vacío, Apertura, Descansar, Saber, Entender, Destino, Suerte, Volviendo a la Raíz, Conociendo el Eterno, Regio, Diez Mil Cosas, Surgen y que Vuelven a la Fuente, Peligro, Comunidad de Sentimiento, Desastre, Calamidad, Longevidad, Sabio, Líder, Devoluciones, Recupera, Morada del Tao Eterno, Cielo, Ilustración, Resto, Vida Interior, Paz, Reloj, Reconocer, Más Alta, Máxima, Raíz, Origen, Gratuito , Silencio, Quietud, Receptividad, Crecer, Juntos, Estados, Retorno, Llegada, Cosas, Mantener, Retener, Serenidad, Muerte, Imparcial, Sin Prejuicios, Inmortalidad, Mentalidad Abierta, Amplia, Tolerante, Ser, Error, Falsedad, Entidad, Persona, Esencia, Absoluto, Floración, Flor.
English and Chinese (Wade-Giles) Terms: Simplicity of Habits, Faith in Rulers, Existence or Presence (yu), Completes or Finishes (kung), Independence of People, Earned Respect, Despised Rulers, Deeds or Work (shih), Trust, Antiquity, Three Ages, Self (tsu), History, Self-Rule, Self-Reliance, Relaxed or Quiet (yu), Respected or Feared (wei), Tao, Self-Reliance, Peace, Prosperity, Wu Wei, Rulers or Leaders (shang), Control, Despised or Reviled (wu), Faith or Trust or Belief (hsin), Accomplishments of the People, Words (yen), Work or Task (ch'êng), Love or Attachment (ch'in), Families or People (hsing), Know or Aware (chih), Great or Best or Highest (t'ai), 淳風
Términos en Español: La Smplicidad de los hábitos, Fe en Reglas, Existencia, Presencia, Completa, Acabados, Independencia de las Personas, Respeto Ganado, Reglas Despreciado, Escrituras, Trabajo, Confianza, Antigüedad, Tres Edades, Historia, Gobierno Autónomo, Auto-Confianza, Relajado, Tranquilo, Respetados, Temidos, Autosuficiencia, Paz, Prosperidad, Gobernantes, Líderes, Despreciado, Convicciones, los logros del pueblo, Palabras, Tarea, Amor, Adjunto, Familias, Personas, Saber, Grande, Mejor.
English and Chinese (Wade-Giles) Terms: Compassion, Filial Piety, Justice, Jen, Great Tao (ta tao), Hypocrisy or Duplicity or Falsehood (wei), Duty or Devotion or Filial Piety (hsiao), Loyal or Patriotic (chung), The Decay of Manners, The Deterioration of Society, Hypocrisy, Chaos, Natural, Selfishness, Morality or Duty or Righteous (yi), Change, Tao Disappears, Intellect or Intelligence (hui), Six Relationships, Social Convention, Country or Nation (kuo), Way, Morality, Convention, Disharmony, Bureaucracy, Disorder or Confusion or Chaos (hun), Formalism, Rules, Country, Family, Forgotten or Abandoned (fei), Artifice, Harmony or Peace (ho), Deception, Families or Clans (chia), Pretense, Trouble or Discord or Anarchy (luan), Unnatural, Knowledge or Cleverness (chih), Disorder, Sham, Religion, Clans, Dishonesty, Appear or Emerge (ch'u), Ministers or Rulers (ch'ên), Benevolence or Kindness or Humane (jên), Love and Affection (tz'u), 俗薄
Términos en Español: Compasión, Piedad Filial, Justicia, Gran Tao, Hipocresía, Duplicidad, Falsedad, Obligación, Devoción, Leal, Patriótico, Caos, Natural, Egoísmo, Moralidad, Impuestos, Justos, Cambio, Desaparece, Intelecto, Inteligencia. Seis Relaciones, Convención Social, País, Nación, Burocracia, Trastorno, Confusión, Formalismo, Reglas, Campo, Familiar, Abandonada, Artificio, Armonía, Engaño, Familias, Clanes, Conocimiento, Astucia, Desorden, Religión, Deshonestidad, Aparecen, Ministros, Gobernantes, Benevolencia, Bondad, Amor, Afecto.
English and Chinese (Wade-Giles) Terms: Return to Simplicity, Benevolence or Humane or Kindly (jên), Renounce Scheming and Contriving, Holy or Sage (shêng), Lessen Desires, Duties, Decorations or Adornments or Ornaments (wên), Rely or Depend (shu), Benefit or Profit (li), Morality, Sorrow or Anxiety (yu), Formalism, Purity or Natural or Unspoiled or Uncarved Wood (p'u), Recover or Return (fu), Learning or Academic Knowledge (hsüeh), Naturalness, Kindly, Humility, Simplicity, Everyone or People (min), Cleverness or Craftiness (ch'iao), Conventionality, Filial Piety or Devotion (hsiao), Contrivances, Greed, Theives or Robbers (tsê), Selfish, Purity, Clever or Erudite (chih), Reduce or Lessen (shao), Hundred Times (pai pei), Equanimity, Non-Differentiation, Morality or Duty or Righteous (yi), Holier Than Thou, Superiority, Selfishness or Self-Interest (ssu), Enough or Adequate or Sufficient (tsu), Etiquette or Propriety (li), Be Plain and True, Three Lessons (san chê), Simplicity or Genuine or Plain (su), Desires or Wants (yü), Abandon or Eliminate (chüeh), Diminish or Curb (kua), 還淳
Términos en Español: Volver a la Sencillez, Benevolencia, Integridad, Amablemente, Santo, Sabio, Deseos, Deberes, Decoraciones, Adornos, Ornamentos, Depender, Beneficio, Lucro, Moral, Tristeza, Ansiedad, Formalismo, Pureza, Natural, Virgen, Sin Tallar, Recuperar, Retorno, Aprendizaje, Académico Conocimiento, Naturalidad, Humildad, Todos, Personas, Inteligencia, Astucia, Convencionalismo, la Piedad Filial, Devoción, Artilugios, Codicia, Ladrones, Egoísta, Erudito, Reducir, Disminuir, Cien Veces, Ecuanimidad, No Diferenciación, Impuestos, Justos, Santo que Mil, Superioridad, Egoísmo, Interés Propio, Suficiente, Adecuado, Etiqueta, Decoro, Ser Claro y Verdadero, Tres Lecciones, Genuino, Normal, Deseos, Abandonar, Eliminar, Disminuir.
English and Chinese (Wade-Giles) Terms: Learning, Being Different from Ordinary People
(jên), Enjoying or Partaking (hsiang),
Isolation of the Sage, Mother (mu), Doubt, Fear, No or Disapproval (a), Simplicity,
Return or Go Back (kuei), Baby,
Ocean or Sea (hai), Doubts of the Hermit, Springtime (ch'un), Homeless,
Joyful or Merry (hsi), Solitary Life, Rustic Living, Worldly or Common (su), Stupidity,
Loneliness, Mind or Heart (hsin), Calm or Steady (p'o), Stop or
Anchor (chih), Not Learning, Sign or Omen (chao), Innocence,
Alert or Sharp (cha), Useless, Alone or Solitary (tu), Meditation, Sitting, Multitude, People,
Differ (ch'ü), Convention, Stop Learning,
Weary or Tired (lei), Fear or Dread (wei), Good or Virtuous (shan),
Confused or Chaotic (t'un), Dull or Dejected (mên), Bright, Use or
Purpose (yi), Climbing or Ascending (têng), Little or Minute or
Few (chi), Rustic or Unrefined (pi), Bright or Luminous (chao), Dull, Ordinary,
Gale or Whirlwind (liu), Wilderness or Uncultivated (huang), Food
or Nourishment or Milk (shih), Value or Cherish (kuei), Alike or
Similar (jo), Unique, Yes (wei), One of a Kind, Stubborn or
Thickhead (wan), Great Feast (ta lao), Smile (hai), Impractical,
Newborn Baby (ying erh), Bad or Evil (wu), Foolish or Stupid (yü),
Dark or Dim (hun), Excess or Surplus (yü), End or Limit (yang),
Tower or Terrace (t'ai), Tranquil or Placid (tan), Uselessness of the Wise Man,
Términos en Español: Aprendizaje,
Disfrutar, Sabio, Madre, Duda, Miedo, Sencillez, Devolución, Volver,
Océano, Mar, Primavers, Alegre, Feliz, Solitario, Mundano,
Estupidez, Soledad, Corazón, Calma, Aprender, Presagio, Inocencia, Alerta,
Meditación, Sentado
, Multitud , Personas, Convención, Bueno, confundido,
Utilización, Poco, Brillante, Ordinario, Silvestre, Leche, Valor, Igual,
Sonrisa, Bebé, Nacido, Malo, Estúpido, Oscuro, Exceso,
Límite, Terraza, Tranquil.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Created by Michael P. Garofalo, Green Way Research, Valley Spirit Center, Gushen Grove Notebooks, Vancouver, Washington, USA © 2010-2021 CCA 4.0
Chapters 21-40
Daodejing by Laozi, Tao Te Ching
by Lao Tzu
Compiled and
Indexed by Michael P.
English and Chinese (Wade-Giles) Terms:
Emptying the Heart, Indistinct or Evasive or Eluding (hu),
Everything or All (chung), Vitality or Essence or Spirit Eluding Sensations,
Things or Objects (wu), Deep
and Obscure, Never Vanishing,
Vague, Now or The Present (chin), Eluding, Tao,
Quintessential Energy, Illusive, Being,
Heart of Emptiness, Quality or Manner (jung), Beyond Sense, Unending, Purity, Truth
or Evidence or Proof (hsin), Change, Hidden or Deep or Profound (yao), Present, Past, Doorway, Future, Beauty, Unfathomable,
Nebulous, Grand Integrity, Elusive or Vague or Nebulous (huang), Knowledge,
Origin or Creation or Beginning (fu), Middle or Center or Withing (chung), Essence,
Vast or Great (k'ung), Dao, Seed, Obscure or Dim or Dark (ming), Form
or Substance (hsiang), Watch or See or View (yüeh), Departed or
Gone (ch'ü), Unformed, Origin, Nameless, Antiquity or Olden Days (hsin),
Real or Genuine (chên), Knowledge Through the Dao, Virture or Power (tê), 虛心
Términos en Español:
Vaciado del
corazón, Todo, Vitalidad,
Escencia, Cosas, Profundo, Oscuro, Vago, Ahora, Eludiendo, Ilusorio,
Quntessential, Energía, Calidad, Manera, Sin Fin, Pureza, Verdad, Evidencia,
Cambio, Oculto, Profunda, Presente, Pasado, Portal, Futuro, Belleza, Insondable,
Nebuloso, Esquiva, Vagos, Conocimiento, Origen, Creación, Medio, Centro,
Semilla, Forma, Ver, Vista, Infiltrados, Sin Nombre, Antigüedad, Real, Genuino,
English and Chinese (Wade-Giles) Terms: Humility, Few Desires, Crooked or Warped (wang),
Straight or Made True (chih), Imperfect, Quarrel or Compete or Content (chêng),
Earth or Below (hsia), Perfect or Whole or Complete (ch'üan), Partial, Complete,
Shine or Illustrious (ming), Embrace or Hold (pao), Full or Surplus (ying), Humility,
Confused or Bewildered (huo), Forbearance, Rejuvenate or Refreshed (hsin), Humility,
Not Gloating, Setting an Example, Avoid Idle Talking, Striving, Exactly or
Precisely (wei), Ancients, Little
or Few (shao), Endures or Lasts (ch'ang), Bend or Yield (ch'ü),
Model or Standard (shih), Destruction, Rebirth, Sage,
Adaptation, Empty or Holow (wa), Honor, Right or Correct (shih), Merit,
Unity or One or Absolute (yi), Virtue, See or Display or Show (chien),
Boast or Brag or Show Off (fa), Obtain or Possess
or Gain (tê), Heaven (t'ien), Perfected or Completion (ch'üan),
Merit or Credit or Achievement (kung), Famous or Distinguished (chang), Empty, Full,
Vacant or Empty or Useless (hsü), Yielding, Return or Restore (kuei), Old or Worn Out (pi),
Holy or Wise or Saintly Person (shêng jên), Words or Sayings or Spoken (yen), Then or To Be or Becomes (tsê),
Términos en Español: Humildad, Pocos Deseos, Chueca, Recto, Hecho,
Imperfecto, Pelea, Competir, Tierra, Abajo, Perfect, Entero, Parcial, Completa,
Illustrious, Superátiv, Confundido, Tolerancia, Rejuvenecer, Actualizar, No
Regodeo, Luchar, Exactamente, Precisamente, Ancestros, Poco, Pedura, Curva,
Rendimiento, Modelo, Destrucció, Sabio, Santo, Vacío, Hora, Derecha, Correcta,
Unidad, Virtud, Ver, Obtener, Cielo, Perfeccionado, Mérito, Famoso, Distinguido,
Vacío, Lleno, Vacant, Ceder, Devolució, Antiguo, Palabras, Dichos, Hablado,
English and Chinese (Wade-Giles) Terms: Quiet, Happiness
or Enjoyment (lo), Dao, Reason, Faith or Trust (hsin),
Events, Flow, Change, Causes or Makes (wei), Virtue or Power or Te (tê), Trust, Good Associations, Loss
or Failure (shih), Heaven (t'ien),
Earth (ti),
Friendships, Worthy, Way, Man or Human (jên), Ancient or Persisting (chiu), Reticence, Wind
(fêng), Lifestyle or Daily Activities (shih), Little or Few (hsi), Tao, Eternal, Cloudbursts, Rain
or Downpour (yü), Indeed (yen),
Nature (jan), Spontaneous, Intelligence,
Day (jih), Accord, Identify or Align (t'ung), Conformity, Follows
or Devotes (ts'ung), Acceptance or Obtain (tê), Failure, Morning (chao), Taciturn,
Words or Speak (yen), Sage, Sufficient or Adequate (tsu), Transitory, Power,
Receive (yu), Adaptation,
Teh, 虛無
Términos en Español:
Felicidad, Disfrute, Razon, Fe, Flujo, Corriente,
Cambio, Virtud, Confianza,
Amistad, Pérdida,
Cielo, Tierra, Camino, Vía,
Hacer, Método, Reticencia,
Viento, Eterno,
Chaparrón, Chubasco, Lluvia, Naturaleza,
Espontáneo, Esencia, Inteligencia, Acuerdo, Pacto,
Conformidad, Aceptación, Fracaso,
Manaña, Taciturno, Sabio, Sensado, Santo, Transitorio,
Poder, Día, Causa, Energía, Potencia, Palabras, Letras, Antiguo, Hombre,
Persona, Sigue, Dedica, Estilo de Vida, Indetificar, Obtener, Adaptación,
Recibir, Claro Qi Si, Suficiente.
English and Chinese (Wade-Giles) Terms: Non-Assertiveness, Modesty, Reclusiveness,
Endure or Grow (ch'ang), Trouble from Indulgence, Gluttony,
Humility, Reticence,
Excess or Surplus (yü), Cancer, Rotten, Stand Erect or on Tiptoes (ch'i), , Stand
(li), Unnatural, Walk (hsing), Bragging, Conceit (ching), Waste, Sage, Indulgence,
Beings or Things (wu), Malignant, Proud, Praise or Approving (fa),
Right or Correct (shih), Conceit (ching),
Extremes, Prominent or Outstanding (chang), Stride or Straddle (k'ua),
To Be or Exist or Presence (tsai), Not or Cannot (pu), Likely (huo),
Merit or Accomplishment (kung), Useless, Actions or Activity (hsing),
Food or Eat (shih), Counter-Productive, Unfit, Unclean, Excretion, Sage
or Seeker of Tao (chê), Detested or Loathed (wu), Self or Himself
(tzu), Tao, Dao, Cosmos, Universe, Superfluous or Excess (chui), Painful Graciousness,
Discomfort, False Pride, Dwell or Stay (ch'u), 苦恩
Términos en Español:
No Asertividad,
Modestia, Reclusión, Problema
de Indulgencia,
Gula, Humildad,
Reticencia, Cáncer, Podrido, Ir de Pontillos,
Estar de Pie, Aguantar, Antinatural, Caminar, Alardear,
Sabio, Santo,
Maligno, Orgulloso,
Extremos, Inútil,
Montar a Horcajadas, Cosas, Logro, No Apto, No Puede, Poner,
Inmundo, Sucio, Mierda, Cagada, Gracioso, Para Caminar, Correcto,
Acertado, Exceso, Albanza, Comida, Comer, Realización, Cumplimiento,
Excepcional, Engreimiento, Perdurar, Probable, Soportar, Actividad, Ambulante, a
Pie, Yo, Ser, Existir, Sí Mismo, Tao, Dao, Via, Cosmos, Universo, Detestar,
Habitar, Morar, Permanecer.
English and Chinese (Wade-Giles) Terms: Giving it a Name, Wondrous and Complete,
Heaven (t'ien), Earth (ti), Imaging the Mysterious, Being What It Is,
Distant or Far Away (yüan), Region or Realm (yü), Unchanging,
Mother (mu), Revolves or Operates (hsing), Law of Tao, Forced or
Compelled (ch'iang), Alone or Solitary (tu), Greatness,
Undefiled, Describing the Mysterious, Love or Protect (tzu), Confused or
Chaotic or Nebulous (hun), Middle or Within (chung), Can or Able (k'o), Formless or Void (liao),
Returning or Revert (fan), Flow, Eternal, Home,
Great (ta), Reason,
Natural (jan), Silent or Tranquil (chi), Boundless, Born or Birth (shéng), Powers, Tao, Whole
or Complete (ch'êng), Life, Change or Alter (kai), Origin, Inherent Nature,
Self-Existent, Become (wei), Know or Knowledge (chih), Indescribable, Dao,
Tired or Weary (tai), Call or Say (yüeh), One or Unity (yi), Incomprehensible, Inscrutable,
King or Royalty (wang), Inexhaustible,
Follow or Imitate (fa), Name or Character (ming), Continuing or Receding (shih),
Dwell or Occupy (chü), Everywhere or Surround (chou), Energy, 象元
Términos en Español:
Maravillosa, Completa, el Cielo, la Tierra, Imágenes, Misteriosa,
la Madre, la Ley del Tao,
la grandeza, sin Mancha, Describiendo
el Misterioso, sin Forma,
Forzado, Vacío, Flujo, Eterno, Casa, Silencio,
Tranquilo, Ilimitado, Caos, Desorden, Potestades, Tao,
Todo, Entero, Total, Gran, Convertirse en, Vida, Medio, Origen,
Nombre, Conocimiento, Gira, Cansado, Solitario, Cambio,
Naturaleza Inherente, Nacido, Auto-Existente,
Unidad, Imitar, Llamada, Indescriptible, Dao,
Amor, Incomprensible,
Inescrutable, Inagotable,
con Entradas, en Todos Partes, Natural, Distante, Rey, Retorno, Lejano, Energía.
English and Chinese (Wade-Giles) Terms: Gravity, Stillness, Act Lightly, Virtue of
Gravity, One's Proper
Place, Dignity, Leisure, Tao, Sage, Restlessness,
Heavy, Light, Frivolous or Lighthearted (ch'ing), Still, Master or Lord (chün), Moving, Indifference, Solitude,
Heavy or Weight (chung), Light (ch'ing), Hermit, Horses, Day (jih), King,
Foundation or Base (pên), Heaviness and Lightness, Boat, Holy (shêng), Sleep,
Sights or Scenes (kuan), Restless or Hasty (tsao), Root or Origin
(ken), Simplicity, Beauty, Restless or Agitated (tsao), Person (shêng),
Sit or Rest (ch'u), Cart or Wagon (tzu), Chariot, Self-Control,
Composed or Calm (yen), Leave or Depart (li), Tranquil or Serene (ching),
Unattached or Unconcerned or Indifferent (ch'ao), Walks or Travels (hsing), Calmness, Root,
Loose or Lost (shih), Magnificent or Glorious (jung), Leadership, 重德
Términos en Español: Gravedad,
Quietud, Escenas, Origen, Dignidad,
Ocio, Tao, Sabio, Pesado, Inquieto, Ligero,
Mudanza, Indiferencia,
Solitario, Ermitaño, Caballos,
Rey, Dormir, Glorioso, Magnífico, Frívolo, Liviano, Barco,
Sereno, Sentarse, Posar, Vajón, Carro, Tranquilo, Pesado,
Ligero, Sencillez, Soltero, Libre, Intiferente,
Impasible, Fundación, Creación, Base, Belleza,
Autocontrol, Calma, Raíz,
Sereno, Liderazgo, Santo, Día, Viajes, Salir, Apresurado,
Impaciente, Persona, Suelto, Maestro.
English and Chinese (Wade-Giles) Terms: Traveler, Walker or
Hiker or Traveler (hsing), Speaker, Essential or Significant (yao),
Error or Reproach (chai), Planner, Talents, Tao,
Enlightened, Sage, Subtle, Knots or Bindings (chieh), Equality, Latch or
Bolt (kuan), Details, Guide, Talker or Speaker (yen), Dao, Sage,
Tool, Waste, Economy, Teacher or Instructor or Tutor (shih), Esteem or
Value (kuei), Clever or Intelligent (chih), Practicality, Teaching,
Things or Beings (wu), Learning from Everything, Save or Rescue (chiu),
Resources or Valuables (tzu), Counting or Tally (ch'ou), Skillful, Mastery, No Talents are Wasted,
The Function of Skill, Rope or Cords (shêng), String (yo), Paradoxical,
Track or Rut (ch'ê), Dexterity in Using the Dao, Follow or Practice or
Cover (hsi), Confused or Deluded (mi), Cultivating
Perfection, Calculator or Tally Slips (ts'ê), Calculating or Accounting (shu),
Open (k'ai), Bad, Shut or Lock (pi), Flaw or Blemish (hsia),
Reject or Forsake (ch'i), Holy Man or Sage (shêng jen), Light or
Brilliant or Insight or Mystical Vision (ming), Love or Cherish or Care (ai), Good
or Excellent (shan), Loosen or Untie (chieh), Spiritual,
Trace or Footprints (chi), A Good Walker Leaves no Tracks, Mystery or
Secret or Subtle (miao), 巧用
Términos en Español:
Viajero, Caminante, Orador, Viajero, Cerrar, Altavoz, Planificador,
Talentos, Iluminados,
Sabio, Santos, Sutil, Nudos,
Cuerda, Desatar, Desechar, Igualdad, Detalles,
Guía, Residuos,
Imprefección, Luz, Perspicacia, Informado, Místico, Contador, Economía,
Cuenta, Reproche, Hábil,
Maestría, Tutor, Preceptor, Apreciar,
Querer, Paradójico,
Rodera, Salvar, Cosas, Efectos, Carril, Malo, Práctica, Bueno,
Deluded, Engañarse, Huella, Pisada, Abierto, Inteligente, Astuto, Pestillo,
Valores, Estima, Respeto, Espiritual, Esencial, Importante,
Misterio, Secreto, Espiritual.
English and Chinese (Wade-Giles) Terms: Simplicity or Purity
or Natural State (p'u), Keep to the Female, Infant or Baby (erh or
ying), Embrace Opposites, Be a Model,
Returning to Simplicity, Tao, Honorable, Leave or Depart (li), Enough or
Satisfied (tsu), None or No or Without (wu), Retaining Integrity, Harmony,
Restore or Revert (fu), Injure or Harm or Cut (ko), Male or
Masculine (hsiung), Always or Everlasting (ch'ang), Know or
Recognize (chih), Female or Feminine (tz'u), Nature of Opposites and Change,
Heaven (t'ien), Wood, Everlasting or Ancient (ch'ang), Carving, Sculpture,
Act or Make (wei), Return (kuei), White or Pure (pai),
Black or Defiled (hei), Keep or Hold (shou), Simplicity, Honor or
Glory (kung), Ruling or Regulated (chih), Faulty or Fail (t'ê),
Official or Magistrate (kuan), Opposite, Form or Rule or Example (shih), Complimentary, Yin, Yang,
Limits or Extreme or Ultimate (chi), Valley or River or Receptive (ch'i),
Holy Man (shêng jen), Scatter or Disperse (san), Possibilities, Open, Model,
Great or Ruler (ta), Humility or Lowly Obscurity (ju), Power or
Virtue (tê), Utensils or Vessels (ch'i), 反樸
Términos en Español:
Simplicidad, Opuestos,
Límites, Modelo, Ejemplo, Antiguo, Simplicidad,
Siempre, Hacer, Honorable, Integridad,
Armonía, Masculino, Femenino, Hembra,
Dispersión, Hombre, Contrarios, Bebé, Infantil, Saber, Conocer, Cielo, Cambio,
Receptivo, Madera, Talla,
Mantener, Escultura,
Cortesía, Blanco,
Puro, Negro, Fallar, Final, Último,
Contaminado, Restaurar, Posibilidades,
Virtud, Potencia, Honor, Abierto, Magistrato, Gran,
Regulado, Sabio, Santos, Valle, Suficiente, Utensilios, Lesionar, Cortada.
English and Chinese (Wade-Giles) Terms: Abandon Excess, Not Forcing Things,
Finish or End (yi), Variations, No Extravagance, Taking-Loosing, Spirit, Kingdom,
Sometimes or Perhaps (huo), Empire,
Breathe Out or Sigh or Blow or Breathe Warm Air Out (hsü), Achieve or Succeed (tê), Front, Back, Warm Cold,
Controlled or Forced (wei), Extravagant or Elaborate (shê), Want or Desire (yü), Simplicity, Austerity, Variety,
Ruins or Destroys (pai), Pride or Indulgence or Excess (t'ai),
Strong or Forceful (ch'iang), Break or Destroy (ts'o), Peaceful, Reticence,
Sacred or Divine or Spirit (shên), Breathe In or Pant or Blow Cold (ch'ui), Extravagance, Indulgence,
Strong, Weak (lei), Recognize or Perceive (chien), Excess, Act or Impose Order
(wei), Heaven (t'ien), Take or Conquer (ch'ü), Opposites,
Give Up or Fall (hui), Ahead or Lead (hsing), Follow or Behind (sui), Receive (chiang),
Lose (shih), Excess or Extremes (shên), Abandons or Leaves (ch'u), Taking No
Action, Sage, Vessel or Bowl (ch'i), Holy Man or Wise Man (shêng jen), Humility, Wu Wei,
Términos en Español: Variaciones, No
Extravagancia, Espíiritu, Reino,
Imperio, Rotura, Delante, Detrás, Cálido,
Frío, Sencillez, Austeridad,
Variedad, Pacíficas, Indentificar,
Reconocer, Ruina, Acabado, Recibir, Reticencia,
Cielo, Extravagancia, Lograr, Indulgencia, Fuerte, Débil,
Exceso, Opuestos, Renuncir,
Abandonar, Exceso, Extravagante, Deseo, Adelante, Medida,
Sabio, Perder, Humildad, Aspirar, Sagrado, Orgullo, Mayor, Espíritu,
Cuenco, Cáliz, Conquistar,
Enérgico, Hombre Sabio, Vigoroso, Fuerte, Débil, Enfermo, Restricción, No Interferencia,
A Veces, No se Intrometa, No Controlado, Sin Hablar De.
English and Chinese (Wade-Giles) Terms: Abandon Excess, Avoid Daring, Strike Only of Necessity, Be Wary of War, Maturity, Violence, Destruction or Misfortune (hsiung), Crops or Harvest (nien), Battle, The Way (Dao), Peace, Old, Grow or Spring Up (shêng), Worn, Assist or Aid (tso), Usual (hao), General, Minister, Actions or Affairs (shih), Arms and Weapons (ping), Dominate or Overpower (ch'iang), War or Battle (chün), Government, Force of Arms, Return and Rebound (huan), Necessity, Decay or Grow Old (lao), Mastery, Force or Strength (ch'iang), Arrogance, Heaven (tien), Thorns, Resolve, Army, Reconciliation, Briars or Brambles (ching), Encampment or Stop (ch'u), Brag or Boast (ching), Resolute (kuo), Master and Ruler (chu), Force (ch'iang), Reason, Resolute (kuo), End or Finish (yi), Flourish or Full-Grown (chuang), Misfortune or Calamity (hsiung), Take or Seize (ch'ü), Course of Life or Universe (Tao), Decay or Age (lao), Death, Proud or Arrogant (chiao), Poverty, Place or Position or Status (so), A Caveat Against Violence, End or Finish (yi), 儉武
Términos en Español: Guerra, Madurez, Violencia, Destrucción, Batalla, Paz, Viejo, Usado, General, Ministro, Gobierno, Armas, Necesidad, Maestría, Arrogancia, Campamento, Florcer, Cultivos, Cosecha, Acabado, Crecer, Resuelto, Zarza, Armas, Negocios, Guerra, Espinas, Gobernante, Fuerza, Reconciliación, Razón, Alardear, Dominar, Desgracia, Muerte, Pobreza, Camino, Cielo, Posición, Estatus, Infortunio, Resulto, Tome, Agarrotamiento, Decaimiento, Edad, Final.
English and Chinese (Wade-Giles) Terms: Fine or Excellent (chia), Evil, Auspicious or Good Omens (hsiang), Create Don't Destroy, Tool or Instrument (ch'i), Things (wu), The Way or The Course of Events (Tao), Weapons, Arms or Soldiers (ping), Army (chiang), War or Battle (chan), Leader or Officer (chün), Likely or Perhaps (huo), Wars, Detest or Hate (wu), Not or No (pu), Pacifism, Stop or Stay (ch'u), Sage, Delight Not in Warfare, Master or Ruler (chün), Course of Nature or The Way or Universe (Dao), Philosopher or Wise Person (tzu), Home or Dwelling (chü), Peace, Honors or Values (kuei), Respects, Left or Weaker (tso), Useful (yung), Calmness, Obtain or Gain (tê), Cease or Avoid (yi), Self-Defense, Quiet or Flat (tan), Best (shang), Enjoy or Delight (mei), Glad or Happy (lo), Murder or Killing (sha), Wishes or Desires (chih), Heaven (t'ien), Fortunate or Lucky (chi), Events or Affairs (shih), Unfortunate or Unlucky or Sorrowful (hsiung), Right Side (yu), Superior (shang), Weeping, Bitter, Speak or Say (yen), Ceremony or Rite or Rituals (li), Observed or Celebrated (ch'u), Funeral or Mourning (sang), Lament or Grieve (ai), Weep or Cry (ch'i), Peaceful (t'ien), Non-Violence, Avoid Wars, 偃武
Términos en Español: Mal, Presagios, Crear no los Destruya, Armas, Querras, Pacifismo, Sabio, Paz, Calma, Defensa Propia, Asesinato, Matar, Llorando, Ritos, Rituales, Funeral, Izquierda, Derecha, Saldados, Gobernantes, No Violencia, Batalla, Evitar las Guerras, Cosas, Muy Bien, Excelente, Auspicioso, Herramienta, instrumento, Probable, Detesta, Odio, Negación, Alto, Quédate, Señor, Rey, Filósofo, Sabiduría, Inicio, Vivienda, Valores, Honores, Aspectos, más Débil, útil, Obtener, ganancia, Cesar, Evita, Pacífica, Tranquila, Piso, Mejor, Disfrutar, Deleite, Me Alegro, Feliz, Deseos, Cielo, Afortunado, Suerte, Eventos, Relaciones, Desafortunado, Mala Suerte, Ejército, Jefe, Oficial, Superior, Habla, Por Ejemplo, Ceremonia, Funeral, Luto, Lloran, Guerra, Observado, Celebrado, Honrado.
English and Chinese (Wade-Giles) Terms: Nameless, Tao, Dao, Ineffable, Seas, Hold or Keep (shou), Rivers, Heaven, Earth, Eternal or Everlasting (ch'ang), King, Name (ming), Free, Pure or Simple (p'u), Subtle or Small (hsiao), Guidance, Heaven (t'ien), Rest, Can or Able (nêng), Rule or Master (ch'ên), Prince or Baron (hou), King (wang), Streams, Dew, Stopping, Harmony or Peace (chün), Honor or Homage (pin), The Tao with No Name, The Virtue of Holiness, Earth (ti), Mutual (hsiang), Shapes, Join or Combine (ho), Equality, Drip or Fall (chiang), Rain (lu), Sweet (kan), People (min), Effortlessly, Future (chiang), Indestructible, Law and Order (ling), Ten Thousand Things (wang wu), Rules and Regulations (chih), Know or Realize (chih), Unfathomable, Abide or Anchor (chih), Danger or Trouble (tai), Picture or Illustrate (p'i), Valley Streams, Rivers (ch'uan) that Run to the Sea (hai), 聖德
Términos en Español: Sin Nombre, Inefabel, Mares, Ríos , Cielo, Tierra, Eterno, Rey, Gratuito, Orientación, Arroyos, Rocío, Parar, Armonía, Formas, Igualdad, Lluvia, Sencillez, Indestructible, Insondable, Valle, Arroyos, Puro, Simple, Sutil, Pequeño, Cielo, Capaz, Regla, Maestro, Príncipe, Rey, Espera, Mantenga, Homenaje, Tierra, Mutuo, Únete, Goteo, Otoño, Personas, Dulce, Ley, Orden, Normas, Reglamentos, Darse, Cuenta, Permaneced, Ancla, Peligro, Problemas, Ilustrar, Mar.
English and Chinese (Wade-Giles) Terms: Know or Understand (chih), Wisdom (chih), Enlightened or Insight (ming), Clever, Self-Control, Conquer or Victorious (shêng), Determination, Vigor, Strength or Power (ch'iang), Long Life, Self-Mastery, Enough or Sufficient (tsu), Longevity, Rich or Abundant (fu), Immortal, Act or Bold (hsing), Discriminating Between Attributes, Will or Resolve (chih), Knowing Oneself, Lost (shih), Endurance, Virtue of Discrimination, Position or Place or Status (so), Contentment, Endures (chiu), Self-Knowledge, Dies (ssu), Energy, Tranquility, Perseverance, Perish or Cease (wang), Eternally Present, 辨德
Términos en Español: Sabiduría, Iluminado, Inteligencia, Autocontrol, Determinación, Vigor, Larga Vida, Autodominio, Longevidad, Immortal, Conocerse a sí Mismo, Resistencia, Contentamiento, Energía, Tranquilidad, Perseverancia, Eternamente Presente, Fuerza, Discriminación, Inteligencia, Conocer, Comprender, Perspicacia, Conquistar, Fuerza, Poder, Suficiente, Pierda, Cese, Abundante, Negrita, Perdido, Posición, Lugar, Estado, Perdura, Rico, Voluntad, Resolver, Morir.
English and Chinese (Wade-Giles) Terms: Great (ta), Way or Universe or Nature or Reality (Tao), Tao is All Pervading, Expansive or Flooding or Overflowing (fan), Perfection of Trust, He or She or It (ch'i), Nourishing, Ten Thousand Things (wan wu), Left (tso), Right (yu), Returning to One's Root, Tao, Rely or Trust (shih), Modesty, Life or Born (shêng), Task of Achievement, Greatness, Reject or Refuse (tz'u), River, Merit or Success (kung), Returning, Finish or Complete (ch'êng), Creatures, Clothe (yi), Smallness, Nourish or Feed (yang), Humility, Productivity, Act or Make (wei), Root, Sage, Ruler or Lord (chu), Creative, Nameless (pu ming), Desires or Wants (yu), Small (hsiao), Source, Return or Revert (kuei), Origin, Last or End (chung), Love, Self or Personal (tzu), Eternal or Forever (ch'ang), Giving, Success or Accomplish (ch'êng), Hiding One's Virtues, Dao, 任成
Términos en Español: Tao es Omnipresente, Confianza, Modestia, Grandeza, Río, Devolución, Criaturas, Pequeñez, Humildad, Productividad, Raíz, Sabio, Izquierda, Derecha, Sin Nombre, Fuente, Origen, Amor, Dar, Virtudes, Camino, Naturaleza, Derramar, Expansivo, Izquierda, Derecha, Cosas, Confiar, Confianza, Vida, Rechazar, Negarse, Mérito, Éxito, Ella, Finalizar, Completa, sin Nombre, Vestir, Alimentar, Alimentación, Regla, Señor, Eterno, para Siempre, Deseos, Necesidades, Pequeño, Retorno, Fin, Ser, Éxito, Logre.
English and Chinese (Wade-Giles) Terms: Grasp or Hold (chih), Ease, Great (ta), Peace, Form or Image (hsiang), Music (lo), Heaven (t'ien), Tao, World or Under Heaven or Below (hsia), Value, Follow or Attract (wang), Inexhaustible, Harm or Injury (hai), Finding Comfort, Content or Enjoy (an), Virtue of Benevolence, Peaceful or Serene or Even (p'ing), Abundant or Good Health (t'ai), Inaudible, Cake or Pastries (erh), Indeterminable, Pass (kuo), Strangers or Guests (k'o), Stop or Stay (chih), Tao, Mouth (k'uo), Boundless, Tasteless or Insipid (tan), Tranquility, Taste or Flavor (wei), Dao, Invisible, Symbol, Cooking, Taste, Sufficient or Enough (tsu), Boring, Dainty, See or Appear (chien), Profound, Court or Tribunal (t'ing), Endless, Heard (wên), Sign, Use or Apply (yung), Worthless, Insipid, Exhausted or Finished (chi), Unnoticed, 仁德
Términos en Español: Facilidad, Paz, Música, Valor, Inagotable, Forma, Inaudible, Indeterminable, Sin Límites, Sin Sabor, Tranquilidad, Invisible, Cocina, Delicada, Profunda, Signo, Sosa, Boca, Inadvertido, Agarre, Gran, Forma, Mantener, Imagen, Cielo, Mundo, A continuación, Siga, Atraer, Daño, Lesiones, Contenido, Enjoy, Disfrutar, Sereno, Pacífico, Pastel, Pasteles, Pase, Extraños, Rducida, Alto, Estancia, Camino, Boca, Sosa, Gusto, Sabor, Suficiente, Ver, Aparecer, Juzgado, Tribunal, Utilización, Aplicar, Agotado, Acabado.
English and Chinese (Wade-Giles) Terms: Want or Wish (yü), Weaken, Strengthen, Shrink or Reduce (hsi), Lower, Raise, Must or Surely (pi), Hidden, Necessary (ku), Exposed, Expand or Open (chang), Soft, Hard, Week or Feeble (jo), Paradox, Secret, Strong or Power (ch'iang), Fish, Sea, Abandon or Reject (fei), State, Raise or Uplift (hsing), Government, Treasures, Deprive or Take (to), Lighten, Darken, Give or Endow (yü), Opposite, Mystery or Secret (wei), Complimentary, Transform, Enlightened or Discerning (ming), Weapons, Tender or Gentle (jou), Insight, Victory or Conquer (shêng), Wisdom, Hard or Stiff (kang), Security, Fish (yü), Inhale, Taken or Separated (t'o), Exhale, Breath, Ignorance, Deep or Abyss (yüan), Concealment, Empire or State (kuo), Overturning, Profit or Benefit (li), Reversal, Weapons or Tools or Vessels (ch'i), Subtle, Shown or Revealed (shih), People or Others (jên), 微明
Términos en Español: Debilitar, Fortalecer, Baja, Levante, Oculto, Expuesto, Suave, Duro, Fuerte, Paradoja, Secreto, Pez, Mar, Estado, Gobierno, Tesoros, Aclarar, Oscurecer, Opuesto, Transformar, Armas, Perspicacia, Sabiduría, Seguridad, Inhalar, Exhalar, Respircación, Ignorancia, Ocultación, Vuelco, Inversión, Sutil, Quiere, Desear, Encoger, Reducir, Debe, Seguramente, es Necesario, Expanda, Abierto, Débil, Fuerte, Poder, Abandono, Rechazo, Levantar, Levantamiento, Privar, Tome, Misterio, Secreto, Iluminado, Discernimiento, Tierno, Suave, Victoria, Conquer, duro, Rígido, Pescado, Tomado, Separado, Profundo, Abismo, Imperio, Estado, Armas, Herramientas, Instrumentos, Mostrado, Revelado, Personas, Otros.
English and Chinese (Wade-Giles) Terms: Simplicity, Government, Tao, Active, Reform, Always or Eternal (ch'ang), Rest, Still, Tranquility, Administration of Government, Taking No Action (Wu Wei), Natural, Natural or Spontaneous (tzu), Hold or Uphold (shou), Without or No (wu), Uncontrolled, Nature, Tao, Nothing Undone, Freedom, Non-Assertion, Wood, Uncarved Block of Wood or Simple or Uncut (p'u), Ten Thousand Things (wan wu), Nameless, Can or Able (nêng), Equilibrium, Prince or Baron (hou), King or Ruler (wang), Transformation (hua), Name (ming), Princes, Restrain or Subdue (chên), Rectify, Will or Would (chiang), Regeneration, Quiet or Still or Tranquil (ching), Desire or Tendencies (yü), Lust, Stir or Arise (tso), Heaven (t'ien), Calmness, Exercise of Leadership, Settled or Anchored (ting), 為政
Términos en Español: Simplicidad, Gobierno, Reforma, Activo, Naturaleza, Tranquilidad, Administración de Gobierno, Libertad, Madera, Sin Tallar, Bloqueo, Sin Nombre, Equilibrium, Reyes, Transformación, Príncipe, Rectificar, Regeneración, Tranquilo, Deseo, Lujuria, Calma, Liderazgo, Natural, Naturalidad, Espontánea, No Controlada, Naturaleza, Siempre, Eterno, Sin, Príncipe, Barón, Gobernante, Poder, Capaz, Retener, Sostener, Cosas, Tendencias, Revolver, Surgir, Ojalá, Refrenar, strian, Sojuzgar, Nombre, Sencillo, sin Cortar, Prístina, Naturaleza, Tranquilidad, Cielo, Colocado, Anclado.
English and Chinese (Wade-Giles) Terms: Superior or Highest (shang), Inferior or Low (hsia), Goodness, Tao, Virtue or Power (tê), Wu Wei, Doing Nothing, Not or Negation (pu), Leaves Nothing Undone, Superior Virtue, Conventionality, Dao, Benevolence or Kindness (jên), Discourse on Virtue, Hiding One's Virtues, Loose or Lost (shih), Unpretentious, Foolish, Justice, Ritual, Anti-Confucian, Fruit, Trouble or Discord (luan), Flower, Propriety, Stop or Stays (ch'u), Kindness, Thin or Flimsy (pao), Pity, Hidden, Action or Make (wei), Sage, Seize or Stretch (jang), Morality or Righteousness (yi), Possesses (yu), Ritual or Ceremony (li), Righteous, Know or Comprehend (shih), Humble, Wit, Loyalty, Benevolence, Ignorance, Fitness, Forces (jêng), Arms/Hands (pi), Profit, Then or After (hou), Conduct, Loyal or Devoted (chung), Superficiality, Origin or Beginning (shih), Flower or Blossom (hua), Answers or Responds (ying), Discarding and Regaining, Before (ch'ien), Virtue or Righteous (yi), Thin or Wane (pao), Inhabit or Occupy (chü), Master (fu), Fruit or Kernel or Full (shih), Without or Void or Empty (wu), Solid or Thick (hou), Foolish or Stupid (yü), Accepts or Receives (ch'ü), 論德
Términos en Español: Superior, Virtud, Bondad, Discurso Sobre la Virtud, Sin Pretensiones, Tonto, Justicia, Ritual, Fruta, Flor, Decoro, Generosidad, Decoro, Generosidad, Sabioi, Lástima, Ocultos, Sabio, Humilde, Moral, Justo, Ingenio, Lealtad, Benevolencia, Ignorancia, Aptitud, Lucro, Conducta, Superficialidad, Poder, No, Negación, Poseer, Bajo, Suelto, Vacío, Sin, Mayor, Acción, Hacer, Benevolencia, Bondad, Virtud, Perdido, Ritual, Ceremonia, Respuestas, Responde, Armas, Fuerzas, Entonces, Después, Leal, Devoto, Delgado, Discordia, Antes, Conocer, Comprender, Flor, Problema, Menguar, Aprovechar, Tonto, Estúpido, Origen, Maestro, Parar, Sólido, Grueso, Habitar, Delgada, Endeble, Frutas, Recibir, Acepta.
English and Chinese (Wade-Giles) Terms: Old or Ancient (hsi), One or Unity (yi), Tao, Steadfast, Plentitude, Heaven (t'ien), Earth (ti), Spirits, Valley, Creatures, Origin of the Law, Oneness, Ten Thousand Things or Myriad (wan wu), Equilibrium, Whole, Origin, Chariot, Stone, Spirits or Gods (shên), Interrelated, Coordinated, Dependent, Power of the Dao, Root of Order, Correct or Upright (cheng), Esteem or Honor (kuei), Elements, Dao, Princes, Source, Procreation, Full or Filled (ying), Generation, Obtain or Gain (tê), Integration, Unity, Totality, Core, Act or Make (wei), Clear or Pure (ch'ing), Wheel or Carriage (yü), Lowliness, Alive or Life (shêng), Essentials, Peaceful or Serene (ning), Fundamental, Simple, Common, Root or Foundation (pên), Ravine or Valley (ku), Divine or Inspired (ling), Crack or Split (lieh), Wither or Dissolve (hsieh), Pieces, Earth (ti), Shake or Quake (fa), Fear (kung), Supports, Underpinning, Prince or Duke (hou), Superior or Lofty (kao), King or Lord (wang), Could or Might (chiang), Die or Perish (mieh), Source of Authority, Fall or Stumble (chüeh), Root or Origin (pên), Alone or Solitary (ku), Gem or Jade (yü), Humble or Humility (chien), Stone or Rock (shih), 法本
Términos en Español: Uno, Firme, Plenitud, Cielo, Tierra, Espíritus, Valle, Criaturas, Unidad, Equilibrio, Todo, Origen, Carruaje, Piedra, Interrelacionados, Coordinado, Dependiente, Elementos, Príncipe, Fuente, Procreación, Generación, Integración, Totalidad, Humildad, Esencial, Fundamental, Simple, Común, Piezas, Soportes, Viejo, Antiguo, Obtener, Ganancia, Unidad, Puro, Claro, Pacífico, Sereno, Espíritus, Dioses, Divino, Inspirado, Barranco, Valle, Completo, Lleno, Grieta, Ruptura, Barranco, Cosas, Vivo, Vida, Príncipe, Rey, Rey, Señor, Correcta, Vertical, Tierra, Miedo, Morir, Pierda, Autoestima, Humildad, Humilde, Honra, Superior, Elevado, Noble, Otoño, Tropezón, Ley, Hacer, Raíz, Fundación, Alta, Solo, Solitario, Raíz, Origen, Rueda, Transporte, Gema, Piedra, Roca.
English and Chinese (Wade-Giles) Terms: Contraries, Opposites, Return or Reverse (fan), Movement, Dao, Deeds, Use or Utility (yung), Action, Origin, Unnamed, Heaven (t'ien), Evolution, Retirement, Inaction, Subtle, Motion or Movement (tung), Emptiness, Tender or Gentle (jo), Weakness, Softness, Below or Earthy (hsia), Ten Thousand Things, Nothingness or Void or Non-Existence (wu), Simplicity, Indescribable, Live or Exist (shêng), Cycles, Something, Reversible, 去用
Términos en Español: Contrarios, Opuestos, Movimiento, Hechos, Acción, Origen, Sin Nombre, Cielo, Evolution, Jubilación, Inacción, Sutil, Vacío, Debilidad, Suavidad, Diez Mil Cosas, Nada, Sencillez, Indescribale, Ciclos, Algo, Reversible, Para No Ser, Retorno, Tierno, Movimiento, Suave, Abajo, Terroso, Vivo.
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Created by Michael P. Garofalo, Green Way Research, Valley Spirit Center, Gushen Grove Notebooks, Vancouver, Washington, USA © 2010-2021 CCA 4.0
Daodejing 81 Website
Preface Index of English Language Translators - Sorted by Translators Taoism Bibliography Leitmotifs
Chapters 1-20 Chapters 21-40 Chapters 41-60 Chapters 61-81 All Chapters Index
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Tao Te Ching |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 |
21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 |
31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 |
41 | 42 | 43 | 44 | 45 | 46 | 47 | 48 | 49 | 50 |
51 | 52 | 53 | 54 | 55 | 56 | 57 | 58 | 59 | 60 |
61 | 62 | 63 | 64 | 65 | 66 | 67 | 68 | 69 | 70 |
71 | 72 | 73 | 74 | 75 | 76 | 77 | 78 | 79 | 80 |
81 |
Chapters 41-60
Daodejing by Laozi, Tao Te Ching
by Lao Tzu
Compiled and
Indexed by Michael P.
English and Chinese (Wade-Giles) Terms: Sameness
and Difference, Hearing of the Tao, Hear or Listen (wên), Dao, Laughing, Opposites, Contraries, Hidden and Nameless Tao,
Reason, Appearances, Hidden, Mysterious, Contradictions, Non-Rational, Power,
Purity, Steadfast, Laughs or Ridicules (hsiao), Completion,
Dark or Obscure (mei), Scholar or Student (shih), Superior or Supreme (shang), Sage, Sustain,
Straight or Level (yi), Goodness, Established or Solid (chien), Complete or
Finish (ch'êng), Bright or Luminous (ming), Empty, Full, Retreat (t'ui), Virtue,
Practice or Action (hsing), Learning,
Understanding, Process, Middle or Center (chung), Cycle,
Imperfect, Great or Perfect (ta), Vessel or Tool (ch'i), Large or Broad (kuang), Flawed,
Inferior or Low (hsia), Incomplete, Highest or Supreme (shang), Complete or
Fulfill (ch'êng), Diligent or Attentive (ch'in), Perfection, Hidden or Concealed
(yin), Real or True (chên), Complex, Saying or Maxim (yen), Tao, Preserve or
Retain (ts'un), Humor, Act or Make (wei), White (pai), Fulfillment, Loose or
Doubt (wang), Rugged or Rough (lei), Ravine or Chasm (ku), Unsteady or Frail (t'ou),
Changing or Uncertain (yū), Advance or Progress (chin), Sullied or Tarnished (ju),
Enough or Sufficient (tsu), Faint or Hushed or Tone (shêng), Substantial or Real
or Genuine (chih), Square (fang), Music or Sound (yin), Corners or Boundaries (yü),
Form or Image (hsiang), Shape or Body (hsing), Exact or Alone (wei), Good or
Excellent (shan), Give or Bestow (tai), 同異
Términos en Español: Iqualdad y Diferencia,
Opuestos, Contrarios, Oculto,
Sin Nombre, Razón, Apariciones,
Misterioso, Contradicciones, Poder,
Pureza, Firme,
Finalización, Académico,
Estudiante, Sabio, Sage, Sostener, Bondad,
Vacío, Lleno, Virtud,
Aprendizaje, Comprensión, Proceso,
Ciclo, Imperfecto, Defectuoso,
Incompleto, Perfección, Comlejo, Humor, Cumplimiento,
Superior, Supremo, Escucha,
Diligente, Atento, Oscuro,
Retiro, Práctica, Acción,
Media, Alta,
Centro, Retener, Duda,
Inferior, Bajo, Ríe, Hacer,
Decir, Maxim, Brillante,
Luminoso, Progreso, Recto,
Nivel, Rugoso, Áspero,
Barranco, Abismo,
Blanco, Mancillado, Empañnado,
Amplia, Suficiente,
Establecido, Sólido, Iestable,
Cambiante, Incierto, Cuadrado,
Esquinas, Límites, Embarcación,
Herramienta, Completo,
Acabado, Música, Sonido, Callada, Tono,
Forma, Imagen,
Oculto, Exacta,
Bueno, Excelente, Dar,
English and Chinese (Wade-Giles) Terms: Transformations, Begets or Produces (shêng), Dao, Cause or Make (wei), Modification, Reason, Violence, Two (erh), Three (san), One (yi), Many, Tao, Obscure, Carriages, Princes, Fools, Detest or Loathe or Hate (wu), Orphan (ku), Widow (kua), King (wang), Lord (kung), Make or Act (wei), Forceful or Violent (ch'iang, liang), Increase, Decrease, Unity, Duality, Teaching, Virtue, Tyrant, Hostility, Unnatural, Myriad Beings, 10,000 Things (wan wu), Language, Titles, Creative, Things or Beings (huo), Loose or Decrease (sun), Gain or Increase (yi), Taught or Teachings (chiao), Origin, Breath, Chi, Embrace or Wrap (pao), Emptiness, Yin or Shade or Female Principle (yin), Yang or Sun or Male Principle (yang), Harmony, Death, Blend or Combine (ch'ung), Vital Force or Vital Breath (ch'i, qi), Obtain or Gain (tê), Father or Chief (fu), Harmony or Balanced (ho), People or Mankind (jên), 道化
Términos en Español: Transformaciones, Producir, Parir, Causar, Cosas, Modificación, Racional, Violencia, Dos, Tres, Uno, Muchos, Carrozas, Príncipes, Tontos, Aumentar, Disminuir, Unidad, Dualidad, Virtud, Tirano, Hostilidad, Contra Natura, Idiomas, Títulos, Origen, Respiración, Vacío, Yin, Yang, Armonía, Muerte, Producir, Causa, Hacer, Detesta, Huérfano, Viuda, Rey, Señor, Ley, Contundente, Violentos, Aumentar, Enseñar, Abrazo, Sombra, Sol, Combinar, Obtener, Ganancia, Padre, Jefe, Armonía, Equilibrados, Gente, Humanidad, Mezcla.
English and Chinese (Wade-Giles) Terms: Emptiness, Heaven (t'ien), Space, Weak, Hard or Strong (chien), Void, Non-Action, Softness, Know or Understand (chih), Spaciousness, Universal, Wu Wei, Fullness, Stone, Action or Doing (wei), Misunderstood, Reach or Obtain (chi), Ineffable, Showing, Accomplishment, Gentleness, Strong, No Expectations, Soft or Yielding (jou), Hard, Power, Yield, Water, Seamless, Penetrable, Benefit or Increase (yi), Impenetrable, Teachings or Doctrine (chiao), Not Acting, Overcoming the Impossible, Wordless Teaching, Existence or Being (yu), Without or Not (wu), Space or Room (chien), 偏用
Términos en Español: Vacío, Cielo, Espacio, Débil, Fuerte, No-acción, Suavidad, Amplitud, Universal, Plenitud, Piedra, Incomprendido, Inefable, Exhibir, Realización, Mansedumbre, Suave, Duro, Rendimiento, Agua, Sin Costura, Penetrable, Superar lo Imposible, Enseñanza Sin Palabras, Ser, Espacio, Sala, Grieta, Conocer, Comprender, Sin, Acción, Hacer, Beneficio, Aumentar, Enseñanzas, Doctrina, Reach, Obtener, Duro, Alcance.
English and Chinese (Wade-Giles) Terms: Person or Self or Body (shên), Possessions, Close or Near (ch'in), Gain, Loss, Sufficiency, Cautions, Contentment, Stopping, Loose or Loss (wang), Hoarding, Longevity, Fame, Loss, Security, Hoard or Hide (ts'ang), Stop or Stand (chih), Economy, Waste, Limits, Worse or Painful (ping), Excess, Wealth, Wealth or Goods (huo), More (to), Gain or Worth (tê), Vulnerable, Happiness, Simplicity, Fame (ming), Contentment or Satisfaction (tsu), Consumerism, Excessive or Lavish (shên), Dishonor or Disgrace (ju), Security, Immense or Intense (hou), Love or Fondness (ai), Waste or Overuse (fei), Danger or Peril (tai), Lasting or Constant (ch'ang), Endure or Ancient (chiu), Precepts, 立戒
Términos en Español: Cuerpo, Posesiones, Ganancia, Pérdida, Suficiencia, Precauciones, Alegría, Detener, Acaparamiento, Longevidad, Fama, Pérdida, Seguridad, Economía, Residuos, Límites, Exceso, Riqueza, Vulnerables, Felicidad, Sencillez, Consumismo, Seguridad, Preceptos, Persona, Cuerpo, Fama, Cerca, Riqueza, Productos, Más, Perdida, Dolorosa, Excesiva, Amor, Cariño, Residuos, Gastos, Tesoro, Inmenso, Intenso, Deshonra, Desgracia, Alegría, Satisfacción, Peligro, Duradera, Soportar, Antiguo, Cerrar, Ganancia, Valor, Prodigar, Alto, Estar.
English and Chinese (Wade-Giles) Terms: Great or Most (ta), Changes, Opposites, Empty or Void (ch'ung), Contraries, Tranquil, Great or Overflowing Virtue, Stillness, Perfection, Attention, Imperfect, Movement, Skill, Awkward, Straight, Crooked, Full, Empty, Purity, Quiet, Perfect or Flawless (ch'êng), Full or Abundant (ying), Movement or Motion (tsao), Sitting, Skill or Artful (ch'iao), The Virtue of Greatness, Seems or Appears (jo), Hot or Heat (jê), Standard or Order (chêng), Eloquence or Oratory (pien), Cold or Shiver (han), Use or Function (yung), Contrasts, Eloquent, True or Correct (chih), Dumb, Calmness, Sage, Wisdom, Serene, Imperfect or Broken (ch'üeh), Achievement, Heaven (t'ien), Overcomes or Conquers (shêng), Worn or Exhausted (pi), Stutter or Stammer (no), Great Accomplishment, Unskilled or Clumsily (cho), Still or Calm or Quiet (ch'ing), Bent or Crooked (ch'ü), 洪德
Términos en Español: Cambios, Opuestos, Contrarios, Tranquil, Quietud, Perfección, Atención, Imperfecta, Movimiento, Habilidad, Torpe, Recto, Lleno, Vacío, Pureza, Sentado, La Virtud de la Grandeza, Caliente, Frío, Contrastes, Elocuente, Calma, Sabio, Sabiduría, Logro, Aparece, al Parecer, Gran, Perfecto, sin Defectos, Imperfecta, Roto, Uso, Función, Desgastado, Agotado, más, Completa, Abundante, Vacío, Vacío, Verdadera, Correcta, Doblado, Torcido, Habilidad, Ingenioso, no Calificada, Elocuencia, Oratorio, Tartamudeo, Balbuceo, Supera, Conquista, Calor, Naturaleza, Calma, Tranquilidad, Celo, Estándar, Orden, Movimiento.
English and Chinese (Wade-Giles) Terms: World or Below Heaven (t'ien hsia), Race Horses (tsou ma), Dung or Manure (fên), Heaven (t'ien), Universe, Curb or Reject (ch'üeh), Desire, War or Army (jung), Discontent, Breed or Raised (shêng), Country or Suburbs (chiao), Selfishness, Enough, Dao, Moderating Desire and Ambition, Simplicity, Tao, Sage, Contentment or Satisfaction (tsu), Crime, Envy, Manure, Want or Wish (yü), Greed, Calamity or Misfortune (huo), Gain or Possess (tê), Limiting Desires, Knows or Understands (chih), Always or Constantly (ch'ang), 儉欲
Términos en Español: Caballos, Universo, Deseo, Descontento, Egoísmo, Suficiente, Moderación el Deseo y la Ambición, Sencillez, Sabio, Santos, Satisfacción, Crimen, Envidia, Fertilizante, Codicia, Calamidad, Infortunio, Limitación de Deseos, Mundial, Bordillo, Restringir, Cielo, Guerra, Ejército, Campo, Contenido, ¿Quieres, Poseer, Conoce, Entiende, Constantemente, Desear, Ganancia, Cría.
English and Chinese (Wade-Giles) Terms: Not (pu), Going Out or Stepping Out (ch'u), Sage or Holy Man or Wise Man (shêng jên), Know (chih), Door, Watch or Look (k'uei), Window (yu), Present, Here and Now, Discovering the Distant, See (chien), Seeing the Distant, Heaven (t'ien), Distant or Removed (yüan), Staying Present and Aware, Avoid Theorizing, Go Out or Go Forth (ch'u), Stay Home, Travel, Dao, Non-Action, Little or Few (shao), Wandering, Immediate, Surroundings, Holy or Saintly (shêng), Acting, Names or Comprehends (ming), Accomplishment or Completes (ch'êng), Self-Discovery, Tao, Heaven, Naming, Do or Does (wei), Self-Discovery, Awareness, Quiet, Discovery, 鑒遠
Términos en Español: Sabio, Santos, Puerta, Ventana, Presente, Aquí y Ahora, Descubriendo el Distante, Ver el Distante, Estar Presentes y Conscientes, Evite Teorización, Quédese en Casa, Viajes, No-acción, Inmediata, Entorno, Actuar, Realización, Cielo, Conciencia, Descubrimiento, Vagar, Tranquilo, Pacífico, No, Que Va, Paso a Paso, Conocer, Comentar, Cielo, Distante, Coimpletes, Hacer.
English and Chinese (Wade-Giles) Terms: Seek or Pursue (wei), Simplifying, Daily (jih), Releasing, Gain or Acquire (yi), Action (wei), Non-Action or Not-Acting (Wu Wei), Reach or Attain (chih), Forgetting, Restraint, Grabbing, Reduce or Decrease or Lose (sun), Letting Go, Distress, Without or Void (wu), Meddling, Win or Capture (ch'ü), Effort, Relax, Accomplishment, Adding, Subtracting, Below Heaven or Earth (t'ien hsia), Tao, Interfering, Forever or Eternal (ch'ang), Learning or Knowledge (hsüeh), Changing, Interfering or Meddling (shih), The Way, Natural, Enough or Sufficient (tsu), Sage, Activity, Dao, Non-Interference, Striving, 忘知
Términos en Español: Simplificando, Liberar, Acción, Olvido, Restricción, Agarrar, Reducir, Seguir Adelante, Angustia, Entrometido, Esfuerzo, Realización, Relajarse, Sumar, Restar, Interferir, Aprender, Cambio, Camino, Natural, Sabio, Actividad, Luchar, Buscad, Perseguir, Conocimiento, Diario, Ganancia, Adquirir, Reducir, Disminuir, Alcance, Alcanzar, Sin, Vacío, Victorias, Captura, Tierra, Perder, Para Siempre, Eterno, Interferir, Suficiente, Perder.
English and Chinese (Wade-Giles) Terms: Sage or Saint or Holy Person (shêng jên), Humility, Constant or Fixed (ch'ang), Equality, Heart or Heart-Mind (hsin), Receptivity, Families or People (hsing), Trust, Act or Make (wei), Goodness or Excellence (shan), Honesty, Indulgence, World or Below Heaven (t'ien hsia), Harmony, Sincere, Honest or Trustworthy (hsin), Honorable, Unite or Harmony (hsi), Self-Effacing, Undifferentiated or Nebulous or Oceanic (hun), Mother, Nurturing, Virtue or Power (tê), Heartfelt, Neutrality, Equanimity, Wisdom, Calm, Kind, Faithful, Trustworthy, Child or Infant (hai), Peaceful, Leadership, Fatherly, Ruler, Simplicity, 任德
Términos en Español: Sabio, Santos, Humildad, Igualdad, Receptividad, Confianza, Bondad, Honradez, Indulgencia, Armonía, Sincero, Honesto, Honorable, Modesto, Madre, Nutrir, Virtud, Sincero, Neutralidad, Ecuanimidad, Sabiduría, Calma, Amable, Fiel, Confiable, Niño, Liderazgo, Paternal, Gobernante, Sencillez, Constante, Fijo, Corazón, Familias, Hacer, Poder, Mundo, Unite, Armonía, Nebuloso, Universal.
English and Chinese (Wade-Giles) Terms: The Value Set on Life, Appear or Come Out (ch'u), Value Life, Life or Exist (shêng), Esteem Life, Companion or Disciple (t'u), Become Invulnerable, Ten (shih), Three (san), Followers of Life, Death (ssu), Men or People (jên), Move or Passing (tung), Reason or Cause (ku), Rhinoceros or Buffalo (hu), Tigers (ssu), Horn (chiao), Claw (chao), Place or Realm (ti), War, Invulnerable, Surplus or Abundance (hou), Three Out of Ten, Hear (wên), Accept Death, Good or Excel (shan), Immunity, Preserve or Sustain (shê), Land (lu), Travel or Walk (hsing), Meet or Encounter (yü), Nourish Life, Avoid Injury, Invincible, Battlefield or Fighting (chün), Burden or Suffer (pei), Weapons (ping), Armor (chia), Throw or Butt (t'ou), Enter or Thrust (jung), Sword or Blade (jên), Protected, Immortality, Inner Life, Dying, Freedom, Percentages, Odds, Liberation, Out of Harms Way, Fearless, 貴生
Términos en Español: Vida Valor, Estima la Vida, Vida, Volverá Invulnerable, Seguidores de la Vida, Rinocerontes, Tigres, Guerra, Tres de Cada Diez, Aceptar la Muerte, Inmunidad, Nutrir la Vida, Armas, Protegida, Inmortalidad, Vida Interior, Libertad, Porcentajes, Probabilidades, Liberación, Sin Miedo, Aparecer, Venga, Compañero, Discípulo, Muerte, Mover, Pase, Lugar, Reino, Razón, Causa, Excedente, Abundancia, Oír, Sobresalir, Tierra, Viaje, Paseo, Preservar, Encuentro, Campo de Batalla, Lucha, Carga, Armadura, Saque, Cuerno, Garra, Espada, Cuchilla.
English and Chinese (Wade-Giles) Terms: The Nourishment of the Tao, Life or Produce (shêng), Virtue as a Nurse, Guiding, Creativity, Mystical Power or Virtue (tê, Teh), Nourishes or Feeds (hsü), things or matter (wu), Producing, Shape or Form (hsing), The Way, Freedom, Nature, Circumstances or Forces (shih), Follow the Tao, Complete or Perfect (ch'êng), Harmony, Integrity, Nurturing, Ten Thousand Things (wan wu), Integrity, No or None (mo), Prize (kuei), Hidden Power, Self (tzu), Command or Order (ming), Life Giving, Spontaneous (jan), Dao, Grows or Raises (ch'ang), Nurtures or Develops (yü), Working, Covers or Protects (t'ing), Material, Ripens or Matures (tu), Nourishes or Feeds (yang), Origin, Strengthen, Protect or Shelter (fu), Natural Development, Act or Make (wei), Self-So, Power, Claim or Assert (shih), Unforced, Develop or Foster (ch'ang), Esteem or Honor (tsun), Rule or Control (tsai), Secret or Hidden (hsüan), Dao, 養德
Términos en Español: Virtud, Rectores, Creatividad, Místico, Nutre, Producción, Camino, Libertad, Naturaleza, Armonía, Integridad, Crianza, Poder Oculto, Vida, Trabajar, Material, Origen, Fortalecer, Protección, Honor, Vida, Producir, Cosas, Materia, Forma, Circunstancias, Fuerzas, Completo, Perfecto, Ninguno, Autoestima, Premio, Comando, Ser, Espontánea, Crece, Nutre, Desarrolla, Cubiertas, Protege, Madura, Refugio, Haz, Reclamación, Afirmar, Desarrollar, Regla, Oculto, Secreto.
English and Chinese (Wade-Giles) Terms: Earth or Below Heaven (t'ien hsia), Returning to the Source, Has or Possess (yu), Great Mother (mu), Make or Become (wei), Soft or Tender (jou), Small (hsiao), Atain or Know (tê), Avoiding Misfortune, Tao, Study Origins or Beginning (shih), Return (fu), Silence, Hold or Keep (shou), Eternal, Person or Body (shên), Longevity, Free (pu), Danger or Harm (tai), Close or Stop Up (sai), Humility, Mouth or Opening (tui), Listening, Gate or Door (mên), Seeds, Toil or Labor (ch'in), Open or Unlock (k'ai), Undying Nature, Meddle (chi), Softness, Brightness, Constancy, Limit Senses, Child (tzu), Strength, Dao, Nurturing, Illumination, Meditation, Inner Light, Constant, Insight or Know (chih), Inner Life, Contain Energy, Activities or Affairs (shih), End or Utmost (chung), Rescue or Save (chiu), Discern or See (chien), Light or Bright or Shine (ming, kuang), Roots, Hold or Keep (shou), Strong (ch'iang), Return (fu), Wither, Expose or Surrender (yi), Offspring, Misfortune or Danger (yang), Clarity, Practice or Custom (hsi), Enlightenment, Eternal or Everlasting (ch'ang), Quiet, Gentle, Examine Relationships, 歸元
Términos en Español: De Regreso a la Fuente, Gran Madre, Suave y Pequeña, Evitar Infortunio, Orígenes del Estudio, Silencio, Eterno, Longevidad, Humildad, Escuchar, Semillas, Naturaleza, Suavidad, Brillo, Constancia, Limite Sentidos, Niño, Puerta, Fuerza, Nutrir, Iluminación, Meditación, Vida Interior, Contienen Energía, Infortunio, Raíz, Hijos, Claridad, Ilustración, Tranquilo, Tierra, Poseer, Comienzo, Marca, Alcanzar, Conocer, Retorno, Mantenga, Persona, Gratuito, Peligro, Daño, Cerrar, Boca, Puerta, Trabajo, Abrir, Desbloqueo, Entrometerse, Actividades, Fin, Máxima, Rescate, Guardar, Discernir, Ver, Brillante, Mantenga, Tierno, Fuerte, Retorno, Rendición, Infortunio, Personalizado, Eterno.
English and Chinese (Wade-Giles) Terms: Kings or Rulers (wo), Follow the Way, Little or Small (chieh), Natural (jan), Avoid Shortcuts, Knowledge or Understanding (chih), Walk or Travel (hsing), Great (ta), Disadvantages of Wealth, Act (shih), Frear or Dread (wei), Excess (shên), Level or Smooth (yi), Like or Prefer (hao), Side Roads or By Paths (ching), Avoid Greed, Splendid (ch'u), Field (t'ien), Work, Be Diligent, Weeds (wu), Riches, Granaries (ts'ang), Empty or Vacant (hsü), Walking, Clothes (fu), The Way, Elegant (wên), Gown (ts'ai), Wealth, Carry (tai), Fine or Sharp (li), Gaining Insight, Weapon or Sword (chien), Look at the Facts, Starvation, Greed, Tao, Alcohol or Drinks (yin), Eating or Food (shih), Palaces, Possessions or Goods (huo), Corrupt, Extravagance, Appearances, Thieves or Robbers (tao), Braggarts, Gluttony, Fashion, Hoarding, Riches, Theft, Brigands, Opulence, Pride (k'ua), Grand Direction, Dao, 益証
Términos en Español: Siga el Camino, Evite Atajos, Desventajas de la Riqueza, Trabajo, Diligente, Andar, Camino, Riqueza, Excesos, Hambre, Armas, Codicia, Ropa, Alcohol, Comer, Campos, Palacios, Posesiones, Corruptos, Extravagancia, Apariciones, Ladrones, Granos, Fanfarronería, Gula, Moda, Acaparamiento, Riqueza, Robo, Bandidos, Opulencia, Reyes, Regla, Poco, Natural, Conocimiento, Caminar, Viajes, Gran Camino, Ley, Exceso, Nivel, Liso, Prefiero, Espléndido, Vacío, Elegante, Vestido, Llevar, Espada, Arma, Orgullo, Multa.
English and Chinese (Wade-Giles) Terms: Dao, Observation, Good or Well or Excellent (shan), Person, Family or Home (chia), Rooted or Planted (chien), Cultivate or Practice (hsiu), Person (shen), Village or Town (hsiang), City, State or Country (kuo), Uprooted or Pulled Up (pa), Insight, Grasp or Hold (pao), Intuition, Separated or Escape (t'o), Cease or End (cho), Views, Embracing, Self-Cultivation, Community Efforts, Virtue or Power (Te), Observing the Tao, Goodness, Strength, Lasting or Enduring (ch'ang), Surplus or Excess or Abundance (yü), Copious or Prolific (fêng), Genuine, Heaven (t'ien), Prosperity, Increase, Benefit, Productive, Future Generations, Children or Sons or Daughters (tzu), Grandchildren (sun), Point of View, Worship or Honor (chi), Sacrifice (ssu), Real or True (chên), Microcosm, Below (hsia), Assess, Growing, Universal or Pervasive or Widespread (p'u), Abundance, Enduring, Examined or Considered or Judged (kuan), What or Why (ho), Know or Understand (chih), Exuberant, As Below So Above, 修觀
Términos en Español: Observación, Persona, Familia, Pueblo, Ciudad, Estado, País, Intuición, Cultivo, Vistas, Plantar, Abrazar, Auto-cultivo, Esfuerzos Comunitarios, Virtud, Bondad, Fuerza, Abundancia, Genuino, Prosperidad, Beneficio, Generaciones Productivas, Punto de Vista, Microcosmos, Evaluar, Crecer, Generalizada, Duradera, Exuberante, Como Abajo Es Arriba, Excelente, Arraigada, Plantado, tirado, Agarre, Hold, Separado, Escapar, Bueno, Mantenar, Los niños, Hijos, Hijas, Nietos, Adoración, Honor, Sacrificio, Cesar, Fin, Cultivar, Práctica, Personas, Poder, Cierto, Real, Exceso, Excedentes, Duradero, Copiosa, Prolífico, Cielo, Debajo, Universal, Penetrante, Examinada, Considerado, Juzgado, Hogar, Qué, Por Qué, Conocer, Comprender.
English and Chinese (Wade-Giles) Terms: Invincibility, Possess or Embody (han), Virtue or Power or Character (tê), Safety, Full or Abundant (hou), Male, Female, Comparable or Resembles (yü), Harmony, Virtue, Baby or Child (tzu), Vitality, Newborn Child or Infant (ch'ih), Useless Arts, Bee or Wasp (fêng), Scorpion (ch'ai), Snake or Serpent (shê), Sting (shih), Wild or Fierce (mêng), Seize or Pounce (chü), Beasts or Animals (shou), Prey (chüeh), Birds (niao), Attack or Strike (po), Bones (ku), Weak or Flexible (jo), Tender or Soft (jou), Firm or Strong (ku), Sexual Vitality, Dao, Know or Understand (chih), Natural Path, Accept Aging, Conserve Energy, Breathing, Infant's Energy, Chi, Death, Decay, Muscles or Sinews or Tendons (chin), Grasp or Hold (wo), Female (p'in), Male (mu), Complete or Whole (ch'uan), Arise or Erect (tso), Sexual Erection, Follow the Tao, Misusing Strength, Qi, Utmost or Zenith (chih), Day (jih), Cries or Wails (hao), Hoarse (sha), Harmony or Peace (ho), Eternal or Everlasting (ch'ang), Enlightened, Light or Lumininous (ming), Intercourse, Mating, Procreation, Life Force or Virility (ching), Energy, Enhancing, Increase or Gain (yi), Life (shêng), Blessing or Omen (hsiang), Mind or Heart (hsin), Longevity, Direct or Order (shih), Vital Force or Vital Breath (Ch'i or Qi), Strength (ch'iang), Robust or Grown (chuang), Aging or Decay or Old (lao), Ends or Ceases (yi), Sign of the Mysterious, 玄符
Términos en Español: Invencibilidad, Virtud Misteriosa, Seguridad, Hombre, Mujer, Armonía, Vitalidad, Niño, Artes Inútil, Serpientes, Pájaros, Vitalidad Sexual, Sendero Natural, Acepta el Envejecimiento, Ahorro de Energía, Respiración, del Infant Energía, Muerte, Huesos, Músculos, Erección Sexual, Sigue el Tao, Eterno, Iluminado, Coito, Apareamiento, Procreación, Erección, Energía, Mejora, Longevidad, Corazón, Símbolo Misterioso, Poseer, Energía, Carácter, Encarnar, Completo, Abundante, Se Asemeja, Cmparable, Infantil, Abeja, Avispa, Escorpión, Serpiente, Picadura, Salvaje, Feroz, Aprovechar, Saltar, Bestias, Animales, Presa, Ataque, Huelga, Débil, Flexible, Blando, Suave, Agarre, Mantener, Firme, Fuerte, Conocer, Comprender, Mujer, Hombre, Completo, Etero, Levántate, Erguido, Virilidad, Vigor, Máxima, Zenith, Día, Gritos, Lamentos, Ronca, Armonía, Paz Eterna, Luz, Vida, Bendición, Omen, Mente, Corazón, Directo, Orden, Vida, Fuerza, Robusto, Envejecimiento, Viejo, Final, Cesa.
English and Chinese (Wade-Giles) Terms: Virtuous Passivity, Know or Understand (chih), Speak or Talk (yen), Shut or Close (sai), Virtue of the Mysterious, Circumspection in Speech, Ineffability, Gate or Door (mên), Blend, Soften, Blunt or Break (ts'o), Sharp or Point (jui), Unravel or Untie (chieh), Dao, Those Who Know Do Not Speak, Closing the Senses, Mystic Oneness, Independence, Tangle or Knot (fên), Untangle, Knots, Harmony (ho), Brillant or Light (kuang), Sage, Attainment, Tao, Identify or Unite (t'ung), Silence, Restraint, Dust or Worldly (ch'ên), Profound or Mysterious or Mystical (hsüan), Unravel the Knots, Beyond Good and Evil, Union or Whole (t'ung), Aloof, Obtain and Attain (tê), Can or Able (k'o), Attachment or Afinity or Love (ch'in), Noble, Indifferent, Aversion and Hate (shu), Gain, Profit or Benefit (li), Free, Loss or Injury (hai), Ambivalent, The Way, Dignity, Loss, Enlightened, Honor or Esteem (huei), Disgrace or Demean (chien), Heaven (t'ien), Below Heaven or Earthly, Mysterious Identity, 玄德
Términos en Español: Virtud, Inefabilidad, Ablande, Puertas, Nitidez, los que saben no hablan, Cerrando los Sentidos, Mystic Unidad, Independencia, Nudos, Amonizar, Sabio, Logro, Silencio, Restricción, Místico, Desentrañar los Nudos, Más allá del bien y del mal, Distante, Indiferente, Ganancia, Libre, Ambivalente, Camino, Noble, Dignidad, Pérdida, Iluminado, Honor, Conocer, Comprender, Habla, Silencio, Apagar, Cerrar, Puerta, Romper, Agudo, Desvela, Desate, Punto, Armonía, Brillant, Luz, Edentidad, Unir, Polvo, Mundano, Unión, Entero, Lata, Capaz, Adjunto, Amor, Aversión, Odio, Beneficio, Beneficio, Pérdida, Lesión, Honra, Autoestima, Desgracia, Damián, Cielo, Debajo.
English and Chinese (Wade-Giles): Use or Employ (yi), Righteousness or Upright (chêng), Leadership, State or County (kuo), Warfare or Army (ping), Strange or Cunning or Surprise (ch'i), Simplification, Utilize or Conduct (yung), Interfere or Meddle (shih), Conquer or Capture (ch'ü), Heaven (t'ien), Restrictions (chi), Prohibitions or Taboos (hui), Poor or Poverty (p'in), Genuine Influence, People (min), Increase (mi), Doing Nothing (wu wei), Nothing (wu), Weapons (ch'i), Know or Understand (chih), Peace, Confused or Troubled or Chaos (hun), Artful or Skill (chi), Ingenious (ch'iao), Fewer Laws, Reform, Rules or Law (fa), Order or Command (ling), Taxes, Freedom, Less Government, Govern or Rule (chih), More (tzu), Aise or Appear (ch'i), Manifest or Exhibit (chang), Self-Rule, Restraint, Quietude, Wu Wei, Simple and Pure (p'u), Robbers or Thieves (tao, tsê), Good, Saint or Holy Man (shêng jên), Tranquil or Still (ching), Naturally (tsu), Transform or Change (hua), Serene, Welcome or Prefer or Good (hao), Reserved, Fair or Correct or Civilized (chêng), Unnecessary Cleverness and Desires, Wealthy or Rich (fu), Sage, Desires or Wants (yü), Habits of Simplicity, 淳風
Términos en Español: Liderazgo, Guerra, Simplificación, No Hacer Nada, Paz, Menos Leyes, Reforma, Caos, Reglas, Pobreza, Armas, Impuestos, Libertad, Menos Gobierno, Gobierno Autónomo, Restricción, Quietud, Sencillez, Lladrones, Bueno, Tranquilo, Sereno, Reservado, Inteligencia Innecesaria, Deseos, Saabio, Hábitos de la simplicidad, Uso, Emplear, Justicia, Vertical, Rectitud, Gobernar, Regla, Estado, País, Extraño, Astucia, Sorpresa, Utilizar, Conducta, Nada, Interferir, Intrometerse, Conquistar, Captura, Cielo, Conocer, Comprender, Prohibición, Tabú, Personas, Aumento, Pobres, Confundido, en Problemas, Ingenioso, Habilidad, Ingenioso, Pobreza, Más, Derecho, Orden, Comando, Ladrón, Sabio, Santo, Cambio, Transformar, Feria, Correcta, Civilizado, Rico, Puro, Todavía.
English and Chinese (Wade-Giles) Terms: Government or Politics (chêng), Transformations According to Circumstances, Dull or Muddled (mên), Sages, Simple or Sincere or Honest (shun), Good and Bad, People (min, jên), Effortless, Searching or Prying (ch'a), Self-Regulating, Needy or Wanting (ch'üeh), Good Government, Misery or Misfortune (huo), Happiness or Luck (fu), State, Law, Sage, Less Government, Place or Home (so), Facilitate, Hidden or Concealed (fu), Adaptation to Change, Liberal Government, Know (chih), Wise Leader, Limit or End (chi), Modeling, Kindness, Correct or Standard (chêng), Cutting, Process, Facilitating, Non-Harming, Abnormal (ch'i), Hiding One's Light, Make or Do (wei), Justice, Peace, Goodness or Excellence (shan), Straightforward, Direct, Illuminate, Bright, Dazzle, Goodness, Unlucky or Sinister or Evil (yao), Confused or Deluded (mi), Rectitude, Daily (jih), Just, Strong or Firm (ku), Lasting (chiu), Upright, Holy Man or Wise Man (shêng jên), Sharp or Pointed (fang), Injure or Cut (ko), Enlightened, Corner or Angular (lien), Hurt or Injure (k'uei), Straight or True (chih), Severe or Strained (ssu), Fair, Bright or Brilliant (kuang), Shine or Flash (yao), Candor, 順化
Términos en Español: Transformaciones, Sabios, Buenos, Malos, Facilidad, Autorregulado, Buen Gobierno, Estado, Derecho, Menos Gobierno, Facilitar, Adaptación al Cambio, Gobierno Liberal, Modelando, Generosidad, Corte, Proceso, Felicidad , Justicia, Paz, Honestidad, Sencillo, Directo, Illuminate, Brillante, Bondad, Maldad, Rectitud, Iluminado, Feria, Política, Dull, Patas Arriba, Gente, Oculto, Sencilla, Sincera, Límite, En Búsqueda, Conocer, Fisgón, Necesitar, Querer, Infortunio, Felicidad, Suerte, Lugar, Hogar, Embotado, Casa, Fin, Correcta, Excelencia, Bondad, Estándar, Anormal, Hacer, Mala Suerte, Siniestro, Confundido, Engañados, Diario, Fuerte, Firme, Duradera, Santo, Puntiagudo, Herir, Agudo, Cortada, Daño, Esquina, Ángulo, Recto, Cierto, Grave, Tensa, Brillante, Brillo, Destello, Centella.
English and Chinese (Wade-Giles Romanization) Terms: Guarding the Tao, Government (chih), Knowing Limits, People (jên), Heaven or Divine (t'ien), Restraint, Nothing (mo), Better or Surpass (jo), Frugality or Moderation (sê), truly (fu), Call or Means (wei), Longevity, Early and Morning (tsao), Building, Leadership, Atate or Nation (kuo), Recover or Acquire (fu), Heavy (chung), Accumulate (chi), Virtue or Power (tê), Know (chih), Mother or Matrix (mu), Growth, Roots, Storing, Follow Reason, Virtues, Mother of the Kingdom, No Limitations, Limit or Extreme (chi), Integrity, Overcoming or Subdue (k'o), Tao, Lasting or Enduring (chiu), Deep or Abrtruse (shên), Stores, Saving, Storage, Way or Path (dao or tao), Sturdy or Firm (ku), Roots (kên), Tree, Trunk or Stem (ti), Life or Immortality (shêng), Wisdom, Insight or Vision (shih), Peace, Foresight, Teh, Master, 守道
Términos en Español: Vigilando el Tao, Gobierno, Conocer Límites, Restricción, Longevidad, Construcción, Liderazgo, Nación, Madre, Crecimiento, Raíz, Origen, Almacenar, Siga la Razón, Frugalidad, Virtud, Madre del Reino, Ningunas Limitaciones, Integridad, Superación, Duradera, Tiendas, Ahorro, Almacenamiento, Moderación, Árbor, Tronco, Sabiduría, Paz, Maestro, Mantenerse en el Tao, Gente, Cielo, Divino, Naturaleza, Mejor, Superar, Verdad, Frugalidad, Llamada, Medios, Temprano, Mañana, Recuperar, Adquirir, Pesado, Acumular, Camino, Someter, Poder, Saber, Límite, Detalle, Estado, Matriz, Duradera, Profundo, Raiz, Robusta, Firme, Tallo, Vida, Inmortalidad, Visión, Perspeiacia.
English and Chinese (Wade-Giles) Terms: Ruling, Governing or Rule (chih), State or Nation or Country (kuo), Cook or Fry (p'êng), Small (hsiao), Fish (hsien), Demons or Evil Spirits or Ghosts (kuei), Emotions, Power or Potency (shên), Maintaining the Throne, Way (tao or dao), Harm or Injure (shang), Wise Ruler, Keep Your Perspective, Not Harming, Power, Tranquility, Weakening Evil, People (jên), Unharmed, Harmony, Return or Restore (kuei), Manifesting Virtue, United or Combined (chiao), Sage or Holy Man (shêng jên), Realizing Te (Virtue), 居位
Términos en Español: Sentencia, Gobierno, Cocina, Pescado, Emociones, Fantasmas, Espíritus Malignos, Sabio Gobernante, Sin Dañar, Poder, Tranquilidad, Ileso, Armonía, Manifestando Virtud, Sabio, Virtud, Nación, País, Pequeño, Pez, Camino, Cocinero, Demonios, Daño, Sage, Wise, Estados, Combinada, Retorno, Sabio, Restaurar.
Preface Index of English Language Translators - Sorted by Translators Taoism Bibliography Leitmotifs
Chapters 1-20 Chapters 21-40 Chapters 41-60 Chapters 61-81 All Chapters Index
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Created by Michael P. Garofalo, Green Way Research, Valley Spirit Center, Gushen Grove Notebooks, Vancouver, Washington, USA © 2010-2021 CCA 4.0
Chapters 61-81
Daodejing by Laozi, Tao Te Ching
by Lao Tzu
Compiled and
Indexed by Michael P.
English and Chinese (Wade-Giles) Terms: The Virtue of Humility, Stillness, Great or Large (ta), Great States Need to Acquiesce, Below or Under (hsia), Receptivity, Quietude, Female (p'in), Passivity is Power, Serving, Male (mu), Adequate Food, Boundary (pu kuo), Humility, Large Country, Stillness (ching), Small Country, Motherhood, Abasement, Bending, Condescension, Sea, State or Country (kuo), Wife, Constant or Always (ch'ang), Water, Low Lying (hsia), Submission, River or Delta (liu), Unite or Converge (chiao), Win or Capture (ch'ü), Acquiescence, Compromise, Cooperate, Heaven (t'ien hsia), People (jên), Overcomes or Conquers (shêng), Join or Annex (chien), Feed (hsü), Obtain or Get (tê), Rightly or Properly (yi), Nation, Want or Wish (yü), Benefits, Government, Politics, International Relations, Lowering (hsia), Diplomacy, Service (shih), Unity, Peace, 謙德
Términos en Español: La Virtud de la humildad, Quietud, Receptividad, Hembra, La pasividad es Poder, Mujer, Servir, Masculino, Comida, Límite, Humildad, Grande País, Pequeño País, Maternidad, Humillación, Doblado, Condescendencia, Mar, Estado, Esposa, Agua, Bajo, Ŕio, Sumisión, Aquiescencia, Compromiso, Cooperar, Cielo, Personas, Nación, Beneficios, Gobierno, Política, Relaciones Internacionales, Bajada, Diplomacia, Servicio, Unidad, Paz, Grande, Abajo, Bajo, Mujer, Ganar, Captura, Ingreso, Anexo, Obtener, Get, Razón, Correctamente, Flujo, Converger, Delta.
English and Chinese (Wade-Giles) Terms: Practicing the Dao, Practice Reason, Sitting Still and Reasoning, Good or Excellent (shan), Honest Conduct, Protect or Safeguard (pao), The Admirable, Horses, Jade (pi), Beautiful or Pleasing (mei), World Honored Tao, Sell or Buy (shih), Words or Speech (yen), Honorable or Noble (tsun), Emperor, Actions or Deeds (hsing), Secret (ao), Ministers, Accomplish or Surpass (chia), Ten Thousand Things (wan wu), Discard or Abandon (ch'i), Values, Crowning or Coronation (li), King (tzu), Son of Heaven (t'ien tzu), Appoint or Install (chih), Gift of the Tao, Person or Man (jên), Treasure (pao), Be Still, Virtue, Admirable, Officials, Kneel (tso), Guilt, Sinner, Sitting, Stillness, Son of Heaven, Refuge, Non-action, Three Ministers (san kung), Way or Path or Nature (tao, dao), Laws of the Universe, Precious or Priceless (kung), Four Horses (ssu ma), Equal (ju), Sit or Kneel (tso), Offer or Gift (chin), Old or Ancient (ku), Value or Esteem (kuei), Reason (so), Seek (ch'iu), Obtain or Get (tê), Sin or Crime (tsui), Free or Release (mien), Earth or Below Heaven or World (t'ien hsia, hsia t'ien), (Sanctuary or Storehouse or Reservoir (ao), Good (shan), Treasure, Honor (zun), Wealth, Offenses (tsui), 為道
Términos en Español: La práctica de la Razón Dao, Práctica, Sentado, Razonamiento, Conducta Honesta, Caballos, Jade, Emperador, Secreto, Ministros, Diez Mil Cosas, Valores, Tesoro, Enmudece, Virtud, Admirable, Funcionarios, Culpa, Pecador, Eentado, Quietud, Hijo del Cielo, Refugio, Leyes del Universo, Santuario, Bueno, Honor, Riqueza, Delitos, Estima, Camino, Muchos, Cosas, Cobertizo, Embalse, Bueno, Excelente, Hombre, Persona, Proteger, Safeguard, Hermoso, Agradable, Palabras, Discurso, Salvaguardar, Vender, Comprar, Honorable, Noble, Acciones, Hechos, Lograr, Supera, Descartar, Abandon, Coronación, Rey, Nombrar, Instalar, Preciosa, Búsqueda, Cuatro, Caballos, Equal, Sentarse, Arrodillarse, Oferta, Regalo, Viejo, Antiguo, Valor, Estima, Razón, Obtener, Sin, Crimen, Gratuito, Lanzamiento, Mundo, Tierra.
English and Chinese (Wade-Giles) Terms: A Consideration of Beginnings, Act or Do (wei), Deal with the Great While it is Small, Practice or Work (shih), Do Without Doing, Avoid Anger, Practice Non-Practice, Know (chih), Taste or Savor (wei), Great (ta), Small (hsiao), Few (shao), Return or Repay (pao), Hatred or Malice (yüan), Virtue or Goodness (tê), Plan or Prepare (t'u), Difficult or Hard (nan), Easy (yi), Earth or World, or Down Below Heaven ( (t'ien hsia), Affairs or Activities (shih), Arise or Start (tso), Taste Without Tasting, Return Love for Hate, Think at the Start, Patience, Reversing, Sage or Wise Man or Saint (shêng jên), Details, Anger, Keep it Simple, Utmost or End (chung), Easy, Plant, Detachment in Actions, Nurturing, Accomplish (wei), Finish or Succeed (ch'êng), Frivolous or Rash (ch'ing), Truth or Sincerity (hsin), Problems, Promise or Agree (no), Flavorless, Anger, Injury (yüan), Virtue, Impartiality, Sage, Beginning, Starting, Love, Hate, Gentle, Non-Interference, Non-Coercion, Piecemeal, Disinterested, Inner Life, Nothing to Do (wu wei), 恩始
Términos en Español: Un Examen de los Principios, Tratar con la Gran Aunque es Pequeño, Hacer sin Hacer, Practicar la No-Práctica, Saber, Sabor sin Probar, Retorno Amor por Odio, Piensa en la Salida, Paciencia, Sabio, Santo, Difícil, Pequeño, Detalles, Fácil, Ira, Plantar, Sembrar, Destacamento de Acciones, Nutrir, Lograr, Problemas, Sin Sabor, Cólera, Accidentes, Virtud, Imparcialidad, Partir, Amor, sin Injerencia, sin Coerción, Por Etapas, Desinteresado, Vida Interior, Nada que Ver, Ley, Práctica, Trabajo, Grande, Pequeño, Pocos, Retorno, Pagar, Odio, Malicia, Virtud, Bondad, Difícil, Duro, Mundial, Tierra, Cielo Abajo, Asuntos, Actividades, Levántate, Inicio, Hombre Sabio, Máxima, Fin, Finalizar, Frívolo, Promesa, Acuerdo, Verdad, Sinceridad.
English and Chinese (Wade-Giles) Terms: Don't Cling, Govern (chih),
Content or Peaceful or Rest or Sitting (an), The Journey of a Thousand Miles Begins
with a Single Step (ch'ien li chih hsing shih yü tsu), Easy (yi),
Hold or Grasp (ch'ih), Not Grasping, Appear or Manifest (chao),
Brittle or Fragile (ts'ui), Melt or Dissolve (p'an), Small or Minute (wei),
Disperse or Scatter (san), Act or Do (wei), Exist or Being (yu),
Govern or Rule (chih), Trouble or Disorder (luan), Join or Unite (ho),
Embrace or Hold (pao), Tree (mu), Embrace the Big Tree (pao mu),
Grows or Springs (shêng), Tiny (hao), Seed or Sprout (mo),
Nine Stories or Nine Levels (chiu ts'êng), Tower (t'ai), Rises or
High (ch'i), Heap or Pile (lei), Earth or Dirt (t'u), Thousand or
Many (ch'ien), Distance or .3 Mile (li), Journey (hsing), Feet
(tsu), Below (hsia), Fail or Ruin (pai), Seize (chih), Loss
(shih), Master or Sage (shêng jên), Transgressions (kuo),
Remain Careful to the End, Guarding the Small, Plan or Prevent (mou),
Great Things Have Humble Beginnings, Be Present Now,
Takes No Action or Does Not Act to Change (wu wei), Follow (ts'ung),
Affairs or Projects or Business (shih), Basics,
Twigs, Beginning, Constant or Always (ch'ang), Near (chi), Success
(ch'êng), Desire or Want (yü), Honor (kuei), Difficult (nan),
Obtain (tê), Treasures (huo), Learn (hsüeh), Return (fu),
All (chung), Missed (kuo), Assists (fu), Dare or Venture (kan), Naturalness, Simplicity, Few Desires, Do No Harm,
Careful or Cautious or Attention (shên), Concentration, Not Grasping, Break, Heedful, Leading, Guard the Minute,
Act (wei), Motionless, Sage, Ends, Heedful, Virtue, Order, Self Becoming (tzu-jan), Spontaneous (zifa), Ten
Thousand Things, Non-Attachment, 守微
Términos en Español:
te Aferres, Gobierno, El Viaje de Mil Millas Comienza con un Solo Ppaso, No
Agarrando, Árbol, Torre, Transgresiones, Sabio, Santo, Trastorno, Guarda el
Trastorno, Grandes Cosas Tienen Principios Humildes, Estar Presentes Ahora,
Fundamentos, Ramitas, Viaje, Comienzo, Trabajo, Maestro, Deseo, Naturalidad,
Sencillez, Dispersión, Pocos Deseos, No Hacer Daño, Sentado,
Frágil, Atención, Concentración, No Agarrando, Atento, Fracaso, Facil, Liderar,
Guardia del Minuto, Ley, de Aprendizaje, Inmóvil, Extremos, Acción, Virtud,
Espontáneo, Diez Mil Cosas,
Pacífica, Resto, Sentado, Fácil,
Agarre, Aparecer,
Manifiesto, Prevenir, Frágil,
Disolver, Pequeño,
Minuto, Disperso,
Fundir, Dispersión,
Si lo hace, Existir,
Ser, Govern,
Regla, Trouble, Ingreso, ,
Mantenga, Árbol, Crece,
Springs, Tiny, Semilla, Brote,
Nueve Niveles, Rises,
Unite, Embrace,
Brotar, Diminuto,
Pila, Tierra, Tierra,
Mil, Muchos,
Distancia, Milla, Fetichismo,
Paso, Abajo, Ruina, Pérdida,
Maestro, Sabio, Siga,
Relaciones, Proyectos, Empresas,
Cerca de, Éxito, Cuidadosa,
Prudente, Atención,
Quieres, Honra,
Obtener, Tesoros, Aprender,
Retorno, Todas, Perdidas, Asistencias,
Arteverse, Riesgo.
English and Chinese (Wade-Giles) Terms: The Virtue of Simplicity, Know the Eternal Standard, Ancient (ku), Effortless Excellence, Good or Well (shan), Practice (wei), Way or Order (tao, dao), Enlighten (ming), People (min), Will (chiang), Straightforward, Secret, Wisdom, Ignorant or Unsophisticated (yü), Model, Excellence, Reversal, Difficult (nan), Virtue, Value of Ignorance (yü), Hiding, Te, Learning Overrated, Heaven's Rule (chi shih), Harmonize, Clarifies (ch'ing), Sage, Educate, Guide, Govern or Rule (chih), Pure Unmixed Elegance, Clever or Know (chih), Many or Much (to), Country or State (kuo), Plainness, Ruin or Curse (tsê), Blessing or Treasure (fu), Pair (liang), Model or Pattern (chi), Constant (ch'ang), Profound or Deep or Dark (hsüan), Abstruse or Mystical (shên), Virtue or Power (te), Distant or Far (yüan), Things (wu), Revert or Contrary (fan), Obtain or Reach (chih), Alignment with the Way, Master, Know (chih), Profound, Polarity, Reverts (fan), Unity, Leadership, Great (ta), Harmony or Oneness (shun), Teaching, Honesty, Avoid Cleverness, 淳德
Términos en Español: La Virtud de la Simplicidad, Sin Esfuerzo Excelencia, Directo, Secreto, Sabiduría, Modelo, Excelencia, Inversión, lirtud, Valor de la Ignorancia, Esconder, Aprendizaje Sobrevalorado, Regla del Cielo, Armonizar, Iluminado, Aclara, Educar, Guía, Antiguo, Sencillez, Maestro, Saber, Profundo, Modelo, Polaridad, Revierte, Unidad, Liderazgo, Armonía, Enseñanza, Honestidad, Estado, Oscuro, Bueno, Práctica, Acción, Camino, Orden, Personas, Difícil, Regla, Inteligente, Sabes, Muchos, Condado, Estado, Voluntad, Ruina, Maldición, Bendición, Par, Modelo, Diseño, Profundo, Virtud, Poder, Abstruso, Místico, Tesoro, Revertir, Retorno, Contrariamente, Grande, Unidad.
English and Chinese (Wade-Giles) Terms: Subordinate the Self, Put Yourself Last, Valley Streams Flow Downward (hsia), Small Rivers, Rivers (chiang), Seas (hai), Sage, Can or Able (nêng), Hundred (pai), Valley (ku), King (wang), Skillful (shan), Sage or Saint (shêng jên), Plain Language, Beneath or Below (hsia), Ocean, Want (yü), Above or Higher (shang), People (min), Words (yen), Lead (hsien), Behind (hou), Rest or Dwell (ch'u), Heavy (chung), First (chien), Injure (hai), Humility, Sage, Noncompetition, Heaven (t'ien), Joy (lo), Praise (t'ui), Tire (yen), Does Not Compete or Contend (pu chêng), Words, Sea, Strive, Exalt, Lead by Following, Untiring (pu yen), Contend, Esteem, Not Striving, Humility, Modesty, Wise Leader, Serving, Person (shen), Enlightened, Rule, Superiority, Kindness, Gentleness, Exalt, Accomplishment, Constructive, Follow, Guide, First, Last, Contend, Oppose, Gentleness, 後巳
Términos en Español: Valle de Corrientes de Flujo Descendente, Pequeños Ríos, Sabio, Santos, Océano, Humildad, Palabras, Mar, Luchar, Exalto, Incansable, Contender, Estima, No Esforzarse, Modestia, Servir, Persona, Iluminado, Regla, Superioridad, Bondad, Mansedumbre, Exalto, Realización, Constructiva, Siga, Guía, Nombre, Apellido, Contender, Oposición, Puede, Capaz, Cien, Valle, Rey, Hábil, Quiere, Arriba, Superior, Personas, Palabras, Plomo, Detrás, Resto, Pesado, Herir, Sabio, En Primer Lugar, Cielo, Alegría, Alabanza, Neumático.
English and Chinese (Wade-Giles) Terms: Below Heaven or Worldly or Earth or Human Realm (t'ien hsia, hsia t'ien), All (chieh), Name or Call (wei), Way or Nature (tao), Three Precious Things or Three Treasures (san pao): Gentleness, Compassion or Love or Merciful (tz'u), Great (ta), Resemble or Seem (hsiao), Similar or Like (ssu), Can or Able (nêng), Long (chiu), Small or Petty (hsi), Truly (fu), Mercy, Protect or Guard (pao), Economy or Thriftiness or Sparing or Frugal (chien), Not Daring or Risking (pu kan), Brave or Courageous (kung), Patience, Liberality, Benevolence or Generous or Liberal or Giving (kuang), Finish or Accomplish (ch'êng), Vessel or Potential (ch'i), Endure or Last (ch'ang), Discard or Renounce (shê), First or Leader (hsien), Death (ssu), Humility, Fight or Battle (chan), Victory or Win (shêng), Defend (shou), Save or Help (chiu), Three Precious Values: Compassion, Modesty, Dao, Moderation, Untimely, Death, Failure, Three Virtues, Victory, Gentle, Useless (pu hsiao), Strength or Firm (ku), Leadership, 三寶
Términos en Español: Tres Cosas Preciosas: Dulzura, Compasión, Amor; Economía, Frugalidad, Paciencia, Liberalidad, Benevolencia, Generosidad, Humildad, Tres Valores Preciosos: Compasión, Economía, Frugalidad; Modestia, Tres Tesoros, Moderación, Valentía, Destiempo, Muerte, Fracaso, Tres Virtudes, Económico, Victoria, Suave, Inútil, Fuerza, Cielo, Liderazgo, Mundano, Tierra, Todos, Nombre, Llamada, Camino, Naturaleza, Grande, Se Asemeja, Parecen, Similares, Como, Largo, Pequeño, Verdad, Mezquino, Tres Tesoros, Frugal, Dare, Riesgo, Misericordioso, ¿Pueden, Capaz, Generoso, Dar, Embarcación, Potencial, Aguante, Última, Descartar, Renuncie, En Primer Lugar, Líder, Muerte, Lucha, Batalla, Victoria, Ganar, Defender, Fuerte, Firme, Guardar, Ayuda.
English and Chinese (Wade-Giles) Terms: Compliance with Heaven, Be a Peaceful Warrior, Good or Skillful (shan), Act (wei), Soldier or Officer (shih), Don't Contend, Without Desire, Not Warlike or Not Violent (pu wu), Battle (chan), Angry (nu), Defeat (shêng), Enemy (ti), Blend with the Tao, Engage or Join (yü), Employ or Utilize (yung), People (jên), Below or Lower or Humble (hsia), Effective Military Leaders, Content or Quarrel (chêng), Virtue or Power (tê), Leadership, Fighting, Battle, Strategy, Tactics, Caution, Strength or Capacity (li), Avoid Anger, Humility, Peacefulness, Not Wrathful, Power (Te), Peaceful Persuasion, Conqueror, Way of Heaven, Calmness, Commander, Employer, General, Perfection (chi), Pair or Mate (p'ei), Inferior, Heaven (t'ien), Ancient (ku), Superior, Perfect or Ultimate or Sublime (chi), Enemy, Restraint, In Accord with Heaven, Not Striving, 配天
Términos en Español: Cielos, Sea un Guerrero Pacífico, No Contienden, Sin Deseo, Liderazgo, Lucha, Estrategia, Táctica, Humildad, Tranquilidad, No Colérico, Potencia, Persuasión, Conquistador, Camino del Cielo, Calma, Comandante, Empleador, General, Perfección, Inferior, Superior, Enemigo, Restricción, Bueno, Hábil, Ley, Soldado, Oficial, no Violencia, Batalla, Enojado, Derrota, Ingreso, Personas, Baja, Contratar, Humilde, Oren, Pelea, Virtud, Poder, Fuerza, Capacidad, Cielo, Antiguo, Perfecto, Ultimate, Sublime, Último, Sublime.
English and Chinese (Wade-Giles) Terms: The Function of the Mysterious (Dao), Act as a Guest with Reserve, Use or Employ (yung), Host or Initiator (chu), Guest or Follow (k'o), Maxim or Saying (yen), Advance (chin), Underestimate, Dare or Venture (kan), Inch or Little Bit (ts'un), Tactics, Battle, Enemy, War, Fighting, Treasure (pao), Arms or Weapons (ping), Warriors, Retreat or Withdraw (t'ui), Proceed or Advance (hsing), Seize or Grab (jang), Arms (pi), Force or Confront (jêng), Enemy or Opponent (ti), Hold or Carry (chih), Light or Frivolous (ching), Disputes, Loss (sang), Treasure (pao), Matched or Equal (k'ang), Encounter or Engage (chia), Peacemakers, Yielding, Military Strategy, Use of the Mystery, Reconciliation, Compromise, Healing, Compassion, Uselessness of War, Attitude, Inch, Foot, Calamities or Misfortune (huo), Win or Outdue or Couquer (shêng), Weakened or Ruined (ai), Rival, Foe, Restraint, Withdraw, Advance, Respect, Defend, Sorrow, Never Make Light of an Enemy, 玄用
Términos en Español: La función de la misteriosa, Reserva, Hospedador, Huésped, Tácticas, Batalla, Enemigo, Guerra, Lucha, Armas, Guerreros, Retirada, Disputas, Pacificadores, Ceder, Militar Estrategia, Uso del Misterio, Reconciliación, Compromiso, Curación, Compasión, Actitud, Pulgadas, Pies, Calamidades, Restricción, Retirar, Anticipación, Respetar, Defender, Dolor, Utilice, Emplee, Atreverse, Máxima, Diciendo, Iniciador, Reisgo, Siga, Defensa, Pulgadas, Retiro, Proceda, Avance, Prenderle, Armas, Fuerza, Confrontar, Enemigo, Adversario, Llevar, Fívolo, Pérdida, Tesoro, Infortunio, Emparejados, Igualdad, Ecuentro, Engage, Debilitado, Arruinado, Ganar, Contratar, Agarrar, Conquistar.
English and Chinese (Wade-Giles) Terms:
Difficult to Understand, They Who Know Me Are Few, Hide Your Jewels, Difficulty
of Being Rightly Known,
Understanding (i-chih), Practice, Followers, Kept to One's Heart,
Heaven Below or Earth or Worldly (t'ien hsia), Practice (i-hsing, chih), Hidden,
Ancestor or Source (tsung), Simple Clothes, Few (kuei),
Deeds or Action (shih), Wool, Not or No (wu, pu), Jewels, Hidden Treasure,
Self Control,
Wisdom, Sage, Nature, Dao, Ruler (chün), Ancestor, Language, Leadership,
Ordinary, Words or Teaching or Doctrines (yen), Gems or Jade (yü), Principles,
Rare or Few (hsi), Follow or Imitate (tsê), Treasured or Honored (kuei), Underappreciated, Progenitor (tsung),
Wise Man or Sage (shêng), Wears or Dresses (pei), Homespun or
Plain or Rough (ho), Hides or Conceals (huai), Rare, Educating,
Teaching, Learning, Easy (yi)
to Know (chih) and Easy to Practice (hsing), 知難
Términos en Español:
Difícil de Entender, Entendimiento,
Práctica, Seguidores, Práctica,
Joyas, Tesoro Escondido,
Sabiduría, Sabio, Naturaleza,
Lana, Jade, Regla, Idioma, Liderazgo,
Ordinarios, Palabras,
Principios, Progenitor, Fuente,
Oculto, Antiguo, Seguimiento, Educación, Enseñanza,
Aprendizaje, Fácil Saber, Fácil de Practicar,
Doctrinas, Mundano, Tierra,
Ancestro, Fuente,
Acciones, Negativo, No, Pocos,
Siga, Imitar, Raro,
Honrado, Sabio, Vestidos,
Llano, Simple,
Cueros, Oculta,
English and Chinese (Wade-Giles) Terms:
The Disease of Knowledge, Knowing the Unknowable,
Highest Attainment, Highest or Best (shang), Delusions, Ignorance,
True Knowledge, Sage's Wisdom, Mental Health, Pretensions, Know or Understand (chih),
Sage or Holy Man or Wise Woman or Enlightened Person (shêng jên), Wisdom,
Freedom, Sickness or Illness or Disease (ping), Liberation,
Ignorance, Stupidity, Sick of Sickness, Not Knowing or Ignornace or Foolishness
(pu chih), Mental Illness, Unwise, Pain,
Términos en Español:
Saber lo Incognoscible,
más Alto, Mejor, Delirios,
Ignorancia, Verdadero Conocimiento,
Sabiduría del Sabio, Salud Mental,
Pretensiones, Saber, Santo
Hombre, Mujer Sabia, Persona Iluminada,
Sabiduría, Libertad, Enfermedad, Liberación,
Necedad, Enfermedad Mental, Imprudente,
English and Chinese (Wade-Giles) Terms:
Yourself, Know Yourself, Recognize Your Attributes, Show or Display (chien),
Oppression, Government, Be Humble, Cherish Yourself,
Acceptance, People (min), Great (ta), Arrive or Reach (chih),
Squeeze or Restrict (hsia), Oppress or Burden (yen), Show or
Display (chien), Restraint,
Wonder, Love or Cherish (ai), Exalt or Treasure (kuei), Discard or
Leave (ch'ü), Fear of Power, Don't Bother Others, Fear or Dread (wei), Dread, Confidence, Openness,
Sage, Holy (shêng) Man (jên), Wise Person, Household, Livelihood, Selflessness,
Restrict (hsia), Letting Go, Leadership, Dwelling or Home (chü), House,
Self-Respect, Skills, Hidden, Distinguish (kuei), Humility, Inner (tz'u),
Threats or Punishment (wei), Self
Development, Conservative, Burden (yen), Respectful, Show Off, Choose or
Prefer (ch'ü), Don't be Narrow, 愛巳
Términos en Español: Respeto
a Ti Mismo,
Reconocen su Atributos,
Mostrar, Opresión, Gobierno,
Humilidad, Acariciar Ti Mismo, Aceptación,
Restricción, Maravilla, No
molestar a los Demás, Miedo,
Confianza, Franqueza, Salvia,
Santo, Sabio Hombre,
Medios de Vida, Desinterés,
Restringir, Seguir Adelante, Liderazgo,
Vivienda, Casa, Habilidades, Oculto,
Distinguir, Conservador, Carga, Respetuoso,
Elige, Prefiere,
Gente, Pavor, Terror, Amenazas,
Sancionar Grande, Llegada,
Llegar, Aoretón, Restringir,
Hogar, Oprimir, Cargar, Peso,
Mostrar, Amor,
Exalto, Tesoro, Descartar,
Dejar, Interior.
English and Chinese (Wade-Giles) Terms:
Avoiding Striving and Daring Actions, Hate or Despise (wu), The Way of Heaven is Quiet,
Cause or Reason (ku), Life or Living (huo), Naturalness, Victory
or Overcome (shêng), Daring to Act, Slip By or Loss (shih), Heaven's Way,
Tao Way, Courage or Bravery (yung), Freedom Non-Competition, Slow or
Patient (ch'an), Impartiality, Ambivalence Regarding
Acts, Manner or Behavior (jan), Self-Restraint, Justice, Retribution,
Favoritism, God's Blessing, God's Curse, Daring or
Fearlessness (kan), Way (Tao), Content or Compete (chêng), Nature's Course,
Accomplishing, Responds or Answers (ying), Plans or Designs (mou),
Understands or Knows (chih), Injury or Hurt (hai), Inevitable,
Death or Killed (sha), Heaven (t'ien), Sage, Net (wang),
Vast or Wide (k'uei), 任為
Términos en Español:
Evitar el Esfuerzo, Odiar,
Desdeña. El
Camino del Cielo es
Tranquila, Causa, Motivo, Vida,
Naturalidad, Victoria, Pérdida,
Coraje, Valentía, Libertad, Lento, Paciente,
Imparcialidad, Manera,
Comportamiento, Autocontrol, Justicia, Retribution,
Favoritismo, Bendición de Dios,
Maldición de Dios,
Contenido, Implantación, Responde,
Respuestas, Planes,
Diseños, Entiende, Lesión, Inevitable, Muerte, Sabio,
Neto, Ancho.
English and Chinese (Wade-Giles) Terms:
Fear (wei) of Death (ssu), Executioner, Carpenter, Kill or Execute
(sha), Danger, Skill, Hazards, Threaten (chü), Overcoming Delusions,
Worries, Professions, Skills, Rare or Few (hsi), Avoiding Inappropriate Occupations,
Constantly (ch'ang), Having Relevant Skills at Work, Law, Government,
Intimidation, Dishonest or Bizarre (ch'i), Lumberjack, Get or Take (tê),
Tree, Safety, Criminals,
Lord of Death, Injury or Wound (shang), People (min), Seize or
Hold (chih),
Cutting Your Hands, Craftsman or Artisan (chiang), Dare or Venture (kan),
Chopping, Wood, Inevitable,
Carpenter (cho), Master or Great (ta), Capital Punishment,
Términos en Español: El miedo de la Muerte, Verdugo,
Carpintero, Mata,
Ejecutar, Peligro, Habilidad,
Peligros, Amenazar, Superación
Delirios, Preocupaciones,
Profesiones, Habilidades,
Raras, Pocos, Constantemente, Derecho,
Gobierno, Intimidación, Deshonesto,
Leñador, Árbol, Seguridad, Delincuentes,
Señor de la Muerte, Lesión, Herida,
Personas, Incautar, Artesano, Picar, Madera, Inevitable,
Maestría, Gran.
English and Chinese (Wade-Giles) Terms:
Harmed Through Greed, Starving (chi) People (min), Famine, Excessive Taxes,
Seeking or Striving (ch'iu), Don't Worry About Death, Eat (shih),
Be Disinterested, Not or Without or Nothing (wu), Less Bad Government (chih) is Better,
Worthy or Good (hsien),
Injury from
Lightly or Frivolous (ch'ing), Ruling
Classes, Officials or Authorities (shang), Taxes or Levy (shui),
Not Striving, Acting or Meddling (wei), Esteem or Honor (kuei), Avoid an Excessive Interest in
Daily Affairs, Difficult or Hard (nan), Death (ssu), Poor, Truth (fu),
Impoverished, Life or Living (shêng), Work, Exemplars, Intensity and Vigor (hou), 貪損
Términos en Español: La Gente Hambrienta, Hambre, Excessivos,
Buscando, Muerte, Comida, No Tiene
Interés, Sin, Nada, Menos Mal
Gobierno, Mejor, Dingo, Bueno, Codicia, Frívolo,
Gobernantes, Funcionarios, Autoridades, Sin
Esfuerzo, Actuar, Estima, Honor,
Dificil, Duro, Verdad, Empobrecida, Vida, Trabajo Ejemplares, Intensidad, Vigor.
English and Chinese (Wade-Giles) Terms:
Grass (ts'ao), Trees (mu),
Soft and Supple is Best, Stay or Stop or Rest (ch'u), Companion or
Comrade (t'u), Man or Person (jên), Yielding is Wise, Tenderness, Army or
Soldiers (ping), Growing or Born (shêng), Withered, Weak or Gentle (jo), Dry, Rigid
or Decayed (k'u), Yielding, Unyielding or Stiff (ch'iang), Below
or Lower or Beneath (hsia),
Caution Against Strength, Military Power, Tender or Soft or Pliant (jou), Flexibility, Death
(ssu), Delicate or Supple (ts'ui), Above or Higher or Superior (shang), Beware of Strength,
Ten Thousand (wan), Things or Beings (wu), Fell, Chop Down,
Weapons, Hard or Stiff or Rigid (chien), Dry or Rotten (kao),
Great or Big (ta), 戒強
Términos en Español: Árboles,
Hierba, Suave y Flexible es
Mejor, Estancia, Parada, Descanso, Compañero, Hombre,
Persona, Ceder, Ternura,
Ejército, Creciente, Nacido, Marchito, Débil, Suave,
Rígido, Decaído, Inflexible, Inferior, Esconde,
Precación, Fuerza, Potencia Militar,
Pliant, Flexibilidad,
Muerte, Delicado, Por Encima, Superior, Guardaos de
Fuerza, Diez Mil, Cosas,
Tronchar, Armas, Duro, Seco, Podrido,
English and Chinese (Wade-Giles) Terms:
Way (tao) of Heaven (t'ien), Excess or Surplus (yu yü), Deficient
(pu tsu), cies, Bow (kung), Archery, Heaven's Reason, Releasing,
Impartiality, Sage or Holy Man (shêng jên), Lower or Bring Down (yi),
Show or Display or See (chien), Supplement Deficiency, Have or Possess (yu),
Loose or Loss (sun), Acting Sage, Non-Attachment to Deeds, Below or
Underneath (hsia), Supplement or Add On or Increase (pu), Worth or
Virtue or Goodness (hsien), Bend or Flex (chang), Decrease or
Diminish (sun), Imbalance,
Raise or Lift Up (chü), Gives or Offers (fêng), Don't Brag,
Balancing, Person or Man (jên), Archery, Expect or Claim (shih), Letting Go,
Top or Higher (kao), Humility, Enough or Sufficient (tsu), Can or
Able To (nêng), Stop or Stay (ch'u), Works or Accomplishes (wei),
Términos en Español: El Camino del Cielo, Exceso, Superávit, Deficiente,
Arco, Razón, Liberar, Imprarcialidad, Sabio, Bajo,
Suplemento Deficiencia,
Tener, Poseer, Suelto, Pérdida, Debajo, Suplemento, Añadir,
Aumento, Virtud, Bondad, Curva,
Amenizar, Desequilibrio, Autocontrol,
Levante, Ofrece, No
Presumir, Equilibrio,
Persona, Tiro con Arco, Esperar, Reclamación, Seguir
Adelante, Superior, Humildad,
Suficiente, Capaz, Alto, Permanecer, Obras, Trabajo.
English and Chinese (Wade-Giles) Terms:
Water (shui), The
Soft Overcomes the Hard, True or Correct (chêng), Seem or Appear (jo),
Dishonor or Disgrace (kou), Soil or Earth or Grain (chi), The Failed are Often Chosen, Paradoxes, Have Faith,
Rituals, Belief, Weak (jo), Overcomes the Strong, Hold or Keep (shou),
Follow or Practice (hsing), Assault or Attack (kung), Conquer or
Surpass or Overcome (shêng), Accept Responsibility, Good Omen or Blessing
(hsiang), Accept
Disgrace, Below or Under (hsia), Heaven (t'ien), Offering or
Don't Make Sacrifices, Double Meanings, Altar or Shrine (shê), Hard or
Firm (chien), Opposite or Paradox or Crooked (fan), Country or
Nation (kuo), Words (yen), Inexpressible, Ambiguous, Vague,
Exchange or Replace (yi), Watercourse Way, Unyielding or Stiff (ch'iang),
Soft or Pliant or Supple (jou), Lord or Master or God (chu), King
(wang), Sage or Holy Man (shêng jên), 任信
Términos en Español: Agua, Verdadero, Correcta,
Parecen, Aparecer, Deshonra, Vergüeza, Suelo, Confianza, Rituales, Creencias,
Débil, Supera, Fuerte, Guardar, Seguir, Práctica, Asalto, Ataque, Conquer,
Tierra, Superar, Aceptar la Responsabilidad, Bendición, Abajo, Bajo, Cielo,
Ofrenda, Sacrificio, Altar, Santuario, Firme, Dura, País, Nación, Palabras,
Inexpresable, Ambiguo, Remplazará, Inflexible, Rígido, Suave, Supple, Maestro,
Rey, Sabio Hombre.
English and Chinese (Wade-Giles):
Your Obligations, Good or Perfect (shan), Keeping Promises, Hold or Grasp
(chih), Making Agreements (ch'i), , Able or Power (k'o), Patience in Collecting Debts,
Without or Not (wu), Enforcing Contracts, Left Side (tso), Recognizing Agreements, Lawyer, Witness,
Harmony or Equilibrium (Ho) Justice, How or Where or What or Question (an),
Sage or Holy Man (shêng jên), Impartiality, Grudges, Preference or
Favorite (ch'in), Disputes, Correcting Wrongs, Collecting Debt (tso),
Claim (tsê), Hatred or Enmity (yüan), Peaceful Process, Good or
Righteous (shan), Contract (ch'i), Justice, Way of Heaven, Virtue
or Power (tê), Perfection,
Términos en Español:
Cumpliendo con sus obligaciones,
Cumplir las Promesas, Retener, Agarre,
Acuerdos, Capaz, Paciencia, Deudas,
Sin, No, Lado Izquierdo, Acuerdos de
Reconocimiento, Abogado, Testigo,
Armonía, Equilibrio, Justicia, Pregunta,
Sabio, Santo, Imparcialidad, Agravios, Disputas,
Corrección de Errores,
Reclamo, Enemistad, Proceso Pacífico,
Bueno, Justo, Contrato, Justica, Camino del Cielo,
Virtud, Energía,
English and Chinese (Wade-Giles) Terms: Community or Village (kuo), Contentment, Old Age or Aged (lao), Distant or Far Away (yüan), Peaceful Life, Wear or Display (ch'ên), Rural Living, Joy or Rejoice (lo), County or State (kuo), Remaining in Seclusion, Tenfold (shih), Simple Life, Ride (ch'êng), Small Country, No Wars, Plain Living, Not Showing, Neighbors, Utilize or Use (yung), Weapons, Fewer People, Chickens, Cocks or Rooster (chi), Dogs (ch'üan), Boats (chou), Carts or Carriages (yü), Food, Clothes (fu), See or Sight (wang), Travel Little, 100 or One Hundred (po), Stay at Home (chü), People or Citizens (min), Spot or Place (so), Sound or Barking (shêng), Simplicity, Small (hsiao), Go To or Visit or Back and Forth (lai), Everyday Life or Practices or Customs (su), Don't be Too Intellectual, Enjoy or Delight (kan), Implements or Utensils (ch'i), And or Yet (erh), Take Seriously or Mind (chung), Beautiful (mei), Standing Alone, 獨立
Términos en Español: Comunidad, Pueblo, Alegría, Vejez, Edad, Distante, Lejano, Vida Pacífica, Usar, Exhibir, Ciudad, Estado, Permaneciendo en Reclusión, Diez Veces, Vida Sensilla, Paseo, Pequeño País, Sin Guerras, Llanura Estar, Vecinos, Utilizar, Uso, Armas, Menos Personas, Pollos, Perros, Barcos, Carretas, Comida, Ropa, Ver, Vista, Viajes, Ciento, Quedarse en Casa, Personas, Ciudadanos, Lugar, Sonido, Sencillez, Pequeño, Ir, Todos los Días Vida, Aduanas, Disfrutar, Herramientas, Utensilios, Embargo, Tomar en Serio, Mente, Hermoso.
English and Chinese (Wade-Giles) Terms: The Nature of the Essential, Sincere or Truthful (hsin), Hidden Value, Good Home Life, Simple Living, Propounding the Essential, Sensible Man, Not Arguing, Dispute or Quarrel (pien), Honest Truth, Hoard or Accumulate (chi), Selfish, Long Life, Learned or Erudite (po), Good or Righteous (shan), Helping, Not Hoarding, Hurt or Injure (hai), Way of the Sage, Avoid Scholarship, The Learned May Not Know, Contend or Compete or Contest (chêng), Heavenly Tao, Eloquence, Yielding, Beautiful or Pleasing (mei), Wisdom, Inner Truths, Meditation, Knowing or Aware or Wise (chih), Sharing, Giving, Kindness, Heaven, Tao, Reciprocating, Words (yen), The Manifestation of Simplicity, 顯質
Términos en Español: La Naturaleza de la Esencial, Sincero, Veraz, Bueno Casa, Vida, Vida Sencilla, Proponiendo la Esencial, Hombre Sensato, No Discutir, Conflicto, Pelea, Pura Verdad, Tesoro, Acumula, Egoísta, Larga Vida, Aprendida, Erudito, Bueno, Justos, Ayudar, No Acaparamiento, Daño, Camino del Sabio, Evitar la Beca, los Sabios no Puede Saber, Contender, Competir, Elocuencia, Ceder, Hermoso, Agradable, Sabiduría, Meditación, Compartir, Dar, Generosidad, Cielo, Alternativa, Palabras, Simpleza, Naturalidad.
Preface Index of English Language Translators - Sorted by Translators Taoism Bibliography Leitmotifs
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Created by Michael P. Garofalo, Green Way Research, Valley Spirit Center, Gushen Grove Notebooks, Vancouver, Washington, USA © 2010-2021 CCA 4.0
Tao Te Ching |
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Te Ching by Lao Tzu
Daodejing by Laozi, Tao Te Ching
by Lao Tzu
Gushen Grove Notebooks for the Dao De Jing
Compiled and Indexed by Michael P. Garofalo, M.S.
Chapters 1-20 Chapters 21-40 Chapters 41-60 Chapters 61-81
This is the current, February 20, 2017, Version 5.3, of the Chapter Index of the Tao Te Ching. It was created by Michael P. Garofalo at the Valley Spirit Center, Gushen Grove, in Red Bluff, California. This document has been online since 2010.
I started this Tao Te Ching website project in 2010. It was fascinating to learn how 81 Chapters have been written, selected, revised, retranslated, codified, rediscovered, reinterpreted, and modified since probably 500 BCE. The Daodejing is now a standard part of Taoist lore, legends, scripture, stories, and inspiration. The Tao Te Ching is standard reading for Taijiquan students, just as Pantajali's Yoga Sutra or The Upanishads are standard reading for Yoga students.
I want to thank the Corning Union Elementary School District for employing me part-time, 24 hours per week during the academic school year, as either the District Librarian and/or the Technology and Media Services Supervisor from July of 1999 until June of 2016. I also want to thank the various owners and managers of the Tehama Family Fitness Center in Red Bluff for employing me part-time from 2002 until 2016 as a instructor of yoga, tai chi chuan, gigong, mat pilates, spin cycling, Silver Sneakers, and as a personal fitness trainer. All my web publishing costs average about $800 a year to stay online; but, this was easily covered by income since 2010. I retired in July of 2016 and moved from Red Bluff, California, to the City of Vancouver, State of Washington, in April of 2017. I expect to continue to improve and develop this Tao Te Ching website for many more years. Disk or thumb drive versions of the entire website and documents are available to scholars.
I have prepared one webpage for each of the 81 Chapters of the Tao Te Ching (Dao De Jing), The Classic of the Way and Virtue, by Lao Tzu (Laozi).
Each one of these 81 Daodejing webpage Chapters now includes over 25 English language translations for that Chapter, 5 translations into the Spanish language for that Chapter, the Chinese characters and the Wade-Giles and Hanyu Pinyin transliteration of the Mandarin words for that Chapter, 2 translations into the German language, and 1 translation into the French language.
Each of the 81 Chapters includes detailed indexing for that
Chapter, commentary, supplementary materials, recommended books, online
resources, and more.
Each Chapter webpage includes a Google Translate drop
down menu.
Each Friday, I present a post about one Chapter of the Tao Te Ching in my Cloud Hands Blog.
As mentioned above, I have prepared one webpage for each of the 81 Chapters of
the Tao Te Ching (Dao De Jing), The Classic of the Way and
by Lao Tzu (Laozi). Each of these webpages now includes 25 different
complete English language translations or creative interpretations or
interpolations of that numbered Chapter. Most of the English translations
in each Chapter come from translations freely available in the public domain,
from the over 140 English translations of the Daodejing now available
online, and some of the Chapter's English translations or interpolations come
from cited books
in print and in my personal
library. I estimate that there are over 60 translations of the Dao De
Jing from Chinese into other non-English languages that are now available
The Chinese characters for each Chapter, and both a Wade-Giles and Hanyu Pinyin Romanized (i.e., Latin script) version of the Chapter are included on each of my webpages. The Wade-Giles method for using the Roman (Latin) script to represent the sounds of Mandarin Chinese words was developed in 1892, and the Hanyu Pinyin method of Romanization was standardized in 1982 in the People's Republic of China. For example, the Wade-Giles version of the title is "Tao Te Ching," while the Hanyu Pinyin version of the title is "Dao De Jing."
There is some variation in how the Chinese characters for a Chapter of the Tao Te Ching are arranged, ordered, punctuated, and presented on a webpage; so readers should consult the many excellent books and webpages cited on my webpages for alternative versions to my display of the Chinese characters and the corresponding line by line Wade-Giles and Pinyin Romanized translations. I included some comments and notes about my style of displaying the Chinese characters of the Tao Te Ching on these 81 webpages. I do not read, write or speak Chinese.
There are 5 Spanish language translations for each Chapter, Spanish Terms in this index, and links to Spanish language resources about the Tao Te Ching. I have very limited fluency in the Spanish language.
A full index of the sources, both online and in print, for each English and Spanish language translator's version is provided. Sources for the online and print Chinese-English language resources are also provided.
Nearly all webpages now available online feature a specific translator's version of all 81 Chapters of the Tao Te Ching on a single webpage. This arrangement makes it difficult to compare various translations of the same Chapter without switching between many different webpages.
This website is unique in featuring a single webpage for each Chapter of the Tao Te Ching with many different translations (25+ English, 5+ Spanish, 2 Chinese, 2 German, and 1 French) for that specific Chapter on that single webpage. It is very easy to compare different translations of the same Chapter with this arrangement. Thus far, as of 3/29/2017, I've not found any other website that offers this advantageous arrangement with so many different translations presented.
Sources for commentaries and related references are included on the webpage for each Chapter. Suggestions for purchasing good books on the subject are provided on each webpage and in my reading list. Each book graphic includes a imbedded hyperlink for purchasing the title.
References and links to related subjects in Taoist mind-body arts, published online by Green Way Research or at Ripening Peaches: Taoist Studies and Practices, are provided. A number of these webpages include my own interpolations of the Chapter, poems, and comments. I have been practicing Tai Chi Chuan or Chi Kung since 1985, and have been reading Buddhist and Taoist and philosophical literature since 1962.
I hope that enthusiasts of Taoist works will find this hypertext collection of translations of the 81 Chapters of the Tao Te Ching useful in their studies. New readers of the Tao Te Ching will find many suggestions for wise and peaceful living in the varied translations and interpretations of this classic Chinese contribution to our world heritage. Undoubtedly, some of Laozi's views are contradictory or vague or incorrect or impractical or antiquated. No informed and wise wise person should consider any ancient text or scripture as inerrant or sacred or above criticism.
Those fascinated by the process and implications of translating thoughts and ideas between different languages, and the implications of reinterpretation and reading, will find the many versions of a single Chapter quite interesting and revealing.
Readers should keep in mind that the texts of the Tao Te Ching may have been a group of sayings from many Taoist adepts and philosophers, records of a school of thinkers, rather that the work of one person. By 400 CE, Laozi was considered in the Taoist popular religion as an immortal, a messenger of the Gods, a divine person, an inspired revealer; therefore, worshippers believe he wrote the entire Tao Te Ching. It is often said that Laozi was skilled at reading and writing, and was employed as a archivist and librarian before he left on an adventure to the Western regions, therefore it is not unlikely he could have penned many of the verses attributed to him.
After each quoted version for a Chapter, I use the expression "Translated by ..." The version of the Chapter could be a strict or free or loose "translation" of the Chapter by a qualified bilingual, Chinese-English, scholar, teacher, Taoist, adept or expert, e.g., Stephen Addiss, Ellen Chen, Thomas Cleary, Robert Henricks, Livia Kohn, Michael LaFargue, Victor Mair, Red Pine, Lin Yutang, Arthur Waley, Hua-Ching Ni, Burton Watson, John Wu, etc.. It could also be an "interpolation" by a qualified or unqualified non-bilingual author who compared a dozen translations into English, and then authored their own English version of the Chapter, e.g., Aleistar Crowley, Wayne Dyer, Ursula Le Guin, Rivenrock, John Worldpeace, Ray Larose, etc. It could be an "interpretation" of the Chapter to suit their own tastes, ideas, or beliefs, e.g., John Mabry's Christian interpretation or John Bright-Fey's esoteric Taoist interpretation. I just call them all "translations," because I am often ignorant about the background, qualifications, and intentions of the translator/author.
The "translations" for each Chapter are selected both by personal preference and randomly from the over 140 translations now available online of the 81 Chapters of the Daodejing. I also own over 28 books of translations of the Daodejing. The selections may or may not be "the best," or "most accurate," or "most meaningful," or "most beautiful"─ often a matter of different opinions by both scholars and educated readers. These women and men, translators and authors, for some reason, decided it was worth their time to labor in the same fields of wisdom where once Laozi walked, following the Tao and striving to be both industrious and virtuous.
Some translation's versions, now in the public domain, published before 1950, are liberally quoted. Other translations, not yet in the public domain, published in book form after 1950, are quoted infrequently (mostly less than 5 quotations out of 81). Since many translations available online have never been published in book form, and show no copyright information, it is difficult to ascertain their status. I try to respect copyright and scholarly conventions regarding quotations.
This Chapter Index can also function as an electronic Concordance to the Daodejing. Use the Ctrl + F keystroke combination to open the search function in any web browser. Then, you can search this webpage by English, Spanish, and the Wade-Giles Romanized 'Terms.' I use the word 'Terms' in my Chapter Index to loosely refer to: keywords, themes, phrases, chapter titles, terms frequently used in English language translations, subjects, topics, words, nouns, verbs, adverbs, or adjectives. I tend to favor inclusiveness, related meanings, interrelated concepts, and generality when including Terms in this index; reflecting the fascinating complexity of translating and reinterpretation.
One of my main objectives was to create a detailed subject index (Concordance) by Chapters of the Tao Te Ching, searchable by English and Spanish language Terms, and the Wade-Giles Romanized spellings for the Terms likely to correspond to the Mandarin Chinese language characters. I completed a first draft in 2012 for searching by English language Terms for all 81 Chapters; and by July of 2014 for searching by Spanish language Terms for all 81 Chapters . By July of 2015, I completed adding the Wade-Giles Romanized spellings (Latin script) for the spoken Mandarin Chinese Terms to all the web pages cited in this Chapter Index.
I believe that all of the webpages on my Taoism website, including all 81 webpages on the 81 Chapters of the Tao Te Ching, all of these webpages now include a Google Translate Drop Down Menu, located near the top of each webpage. I understand the many problems and deficiencies of computer software translations, but more access to and opening the door to more non-English translations for reading of the Tao Te Ching are improved.
Each week I try to revise, edit, add to and improve one of my webpages on the Tao Te Ching. Each Friday, I present a post about that one Chapter of the Tao Te Ching in my Cloud Hands Blog.
Thanks for visiting this website. Your feedback and support are appreciated.
Michael P. Garofalo, M.S.
Green Way Research, Valley Spirit Center, Gushen Grove
Notebooks, Red Bluff, California
March 29, 2016
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Created by Michael P. Garofalo, Green Way Research, Valley Spirit Center, Gushen Grove Notebooks, Vancouver, Washington, USA © 2010-2021 CCA 4.0
Preface Index of English Language Translators - Sorted by Translators Taoism Bibliography
Chapters 1-20 Chapters 21-40 Chapters 41-60 Chapters 61-81 All Chapters Index
Return to Top of this Index Concordance Cloud Hands Blog
Gushen Grove Notebooks for the Tao Te Ching
Green Way Research, Valley Spirit
Center, Gushen Grove Notebooks, Vancouver, Washington, USA, World
Green Way Research, 2010-2021.
This webpage cannot be altered or modified and then distributed without the permission of the author.
Indexed and Compiled by
Michael P. Garofalo
Created by Michael P. Garofalo,
Way Research, Valley Spirit
Center, Gushen Grove Notebooks, Red Bluff, North Sacramento Valley, California,
USA (1998-2016)
Revised and updated by Mike Garofalo,
Cloud Hands Home, City
of Vancouver, State of Washington, Northwestern USA (2017-)
This webpage was last modified, improved, edited, supplemented, weeded, reformatted or updated on February 9, 2021.
This webpage was first distributed online on March 3, 2010.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Created by Michael P. Garofalo, Green Way Research, Valley Spirit Center, Gushen Grove Notebooks, Vancouver, Washington, USA © 2010-2021 CCA 4.0
Brief Biography of Michael P. Garofalo, M.S.
Ripening Peaches: Daoist Studies and Practices
Taoism: A Bibliography, Links, Resources, Notes, Quotes
Valley Spirit Taijiquan, Cloud Hands
Zhuangzi (Chuang Tzu, Zhuang Zhou, Master Chuang) 369—286 BCE
Taoist Perspectives: My Reading List
Bodymind Theory and Practices, Somaesthetics
to Live a Good Life: Advice From Wise Persons
How to Live a Good Life: Advice from Wise Persons
Qigong (Chi Kung) Health Practices
One Old Daoist Druid's Final Journey: Notebooks of the Librarian of Gushen Grove
Index to Cloud Hands and Valley Spirit Websites
Spanish Language Translations of the Tao Te Ching
Index to Translators of the Tao Te Ching
Spanish Language Translations of the Tao Te Ching
Chinese Characters, Wade-Giles (1892) and Hanyu Pinyin (1982) Romanizations
The Tao Te Ching (Dao De Jing) by Lao Tzu (Laozi) circa 500 BCE
Tao Te Ching (Dao De Jing) by Lao-Tzu (Laozi), Circa 500 BCE
Old Master, Old Sage, Long-eared Wise Man, Wise Child
The Grand
Supreme Elder Lord (Taishang Laojun 太上老君)
The Universally Honored One of Tao and Virtues
(Daode Tianzun 道德天尊)
Tao Te Ching |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 |
21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 |
31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 |
41 | 42 | 43 | 44 | 45 | 46 | 47 | 48 | 49 | 50 |
51 | 52 | 53 | 54 | 55 | 56 | 57 | 58 | 59 | 60 |
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81 |
Mike Garofalo at the Klickitat River in Southwest Washington, 2019
Cloud Hands Blog of
Michael P. Garofalo
Facebook of
Michael P. Garofalo
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Index of Mike Garofalo's Hypertext Documents
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Tao Te Ching
For each of
the 81 Chapters: Daodejing 81 Website |