Pragmatism and American Philosophy
Research by Michael P. Garofalo, M.S.
Pragmatism: Bibliography, Links, Notes, Sources
Pragmatism: Key Ideas, Themes, Principles
Pragmatism: Quotations, Sayings Reading Recommendations
John Dewey William James Richard Rorty Charles S. Peirce
Green Way Research Subject Index
How to Live a Good Life: Advice from Wise Persons
VSCL = Valley Spirit Center Library, Personal Home Library, Vancouver, Washington FVRL = Fort Vancouver Regional Library, Clark County, Washington
All book cover graphics and photographs are hyperlinked to relevant information.
Use the Ctrl+F keystroke to open the Find-Search tool in any hypertext document to search by authors, titles, or subjects.
Pragmatism and Philosophy in America
American Philosophy, History of Ideas
Bibliography, Links, Resources, Notes, Important Advocates
Subjects or themes or causes that many pragmatists have considered,
deemed of some good value in their lives, committed to,
were concerned or cared about, and supported or defended or championed include:
diligent practice,
evolutionary theory,
free thought,
scientific method,
verification, and
ordinary language philosophical
investigations and enquiries.
Subjects or themes or causes that many pragmatists have criticized,
found of little
or poor value in their lives, uncommitted from,
were uncomfortable with, cautioned against, denied, campaigned against, or rejected include:
Christian or Islamic
State, communism,
fascism, foundationalism,
innate ideas,
My Favorites. I Recommend You Read:
The American Pragmatists. By Cheryl Misak. Oxford University Press, 2013. Index, bibliography, 286 pages. VSCL. The thorough and informative summary of key pragmatist thinkers.
The Pragmatism Reader: From Peirce Through the Present. Edited and
introduced by Robert B. Talisse and Scott F. Aikin. Princeton University
2011. Index, 492 pages. An essential anthology of seminal essays by
all the influential pragmatists of the twentieth century. Not an easy
read, including lots of logical analysis. "Reflects the full range of pragmatist
themes, arguments, concerns, and commitments." A fine college textbook for
me to
read and study at home for a month; and, I purchased a
good used paperbound copy for under $26.00 (tax+ship included) in 2020. VSCL.
The Education of John Dewey: A Biography. By Jay Martin. Columbia University Press, 2003, 592 pages. An excellent biography with covers John Dewey's educational influences, his personal and professional life story, his developing philosophy, his educational leadership, and his life (1859-1952) in that historical period in the United States of America. $26.00 used book. VSCL.
Addams, Jane
(1860-1935) Social work professional, activist, peace worker, pragmatist,
and awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1931.
One Founder of Hull House,
in Chicago. She influenced John Dewey.
Addams, Jane.
Jane Addams: Spirit in Action. A Biography by Louise W. Knight.
W.W.Norton, Illustrated Edition, 2010, 352 pages.
Addams, Jane.
The Jane Addams Reader. Edited and introduction by Jean Bethke
Elshtain. Basic Books, 2001, 528 pages.
The Age of Reason. By Thomas
Paine. 1807.
Aging Well: Practical Ideas and Plans, Research, Theories
American Indian Thought: Philosophical Essays. By Anne Waters.
American Indian
Thought: Northwestern United States. Notes by Michael P. Garofalo.
American Philosophical Society
American Philosophy: A Love Story. By John Kaag. Frarrar, Straus
and Giroux, 2017, 272 pages.
American Philosophy Before Pragmatism. By Russell B. Goodman.
Oxford, 2015, 251 pages.
American Philosophy - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy
American Philosophy: The Basics. By Nancy Starlick. 2013, 192
American Philosophy - Wikipedia
American Pragmatism by Mark Johnson, University of
American Pragmatism: An Introduction. By Albert R. Spencer.
Polity, 2020, index, 255 pages. VSCL.
The American Pragmatists. By Cheryl Misak. Oxford University
Press, 2013. Index, bibliography, 286 pages. VSCL.
American Progressivism: A Reader. By Ronald J. Pestritto and William
J. Atto. Lexington Books, 2008, 340 pages.
America's Reconstruction: People and Politics After the Civil War. By
Eric Foner and Olivia Mahoney. LSU Press, 1997, 151 pages.
The Annotated Emerson.
By Ralph Waldo Emerson. Edited by
David Mikics. Foreword by Phillip Lopate. Belknap Press of Harvard
University Press, Annotated Edition, 2012. 576 pages. My new hardbound copy is easy to read, beautiful, but a
heavy book. VSCL.
Anti-Intellectualism in American Life. By Richard Hofstadter.
Vintage, 1964, 2012, 465 pages. VSCL.
Atomic Habits: An Easy and Proven Way to Build Good Habits and Break Bad Ones.
By James Clear. Avery, 2018, 320 pages. VSCL.
Austerity in economic and political policies.
Ayer, Alfred
Jules (1910-1989) British logical
Becoming-Emerging-Process Philosophy A hypertext notebook by Michael P. Garofalo that includes a bibliography, links, notes, quotes, and research.
Behave: The Biology of Humans at Our Best and Worse. By Robert M.
Sapolsky. Penguin Books, Illustrated, 2018, 800 pages. FVRL.
Black Freethinkers: A History of African American Secularism.
By Christopher Cameron. Northwestern University Press, 2019, 256 pages.
Brandom, Robert (1950-)
Philosophy of mind and logic.
The Cambridge Companion to Peirce. Edited by Cheryl Misak.
Cambridge University Press, 2009, 380 pages.
Cambridge Pragmatism: From Peirce and James to Ramsey and Wittgenstein.
By Cheryl Misak. Oxford University Press, 2018, 344 pages.
Capital in the Twenty-First Century.
By Thomas Piketty. Translated by Arthur Goldhammer. Belknap Press,
an imprint of Harvard University Press,
Reprint, 2017, 816 pages.
Capitalism and Freedom. By Milton Friedman. University of
Chicago Press, 2002, 230 pages. 40th Anniversary Edition, 1962.
Capitalism in America: A History. By Alan Greenspan and Adrian
Wooldridge. Penguin Press, 2018, 496 pages. FVRL.
Carnap, Rudolf
(1891-1970) Philosopher, professor, logician.
Changing Yourself and Your
Habits: Acting, Doing, Becoming, and Willpower Development
Chaos: Making a New Science
By James Gleick. New York, Penguin, 1987. Index, notes, 352 pages.
Subject: Chaos, Science, Theory,
Thermodynamics, Attractors, Statistics. VSCL.
Hands Blog by Mike Garofalo since 2005. Many posts with an emphasis pragmatic
philosophy, soma-aesthetics.
Collapse of the Fact/Value Dichotomy and Other Essays. By Hilary
Putnam. Harvard University Press, 2004, 208 pages.
- Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
- Wikipedia
Compassion in Action:
Complexity: A Guided Tour.
By Melanie Mitchell, PhD..
New York, Oxford University Press, 2009. Index, bibliography, notes, 349
pages. VSCL.
Auguste (1898-1857) French philosopher,
positivist, philosophy of science.
The Concept of Mind.
By Gilbert Ryle. New York, Barnes
and Noble Books, 1949. Index, 334 pages. VSCL.
Contemporary Feminist Pragmatism. Edited by Celia Bardwell-Jones and
Maurice Hamington. Routledge, 2012, 292 pages.
The Cornel West Reader. By Cornell West. Civitas Books, 2000,
624 pages.
Robert S. Corrington (1950-)
Creation, Becoming, Novelty: Process
Philosophy A hypertext notebook by Michael P. Garofalo that includes a
bibliography, links, notes, quotes, and research.
Critical Thinking, Logic,
Philosophy of Mind
Cultural Relativism - Wikipedia
Darwin, Charles
(1809-1882) Naturalist, evolutionary theorist.
Democracy - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Dewey, John
(1859-1952) Influential
American pragmatist, educator, psychologist, political activist, and essayist.
Dewey, John. "John
Dewey Premium Collection – 40+ Books: Works on Psychology, Education,
Philosophy & Politics" Kindle e-book, 3,904 pages. VSCL.
Dewey, John.
The Collected Works of John Dewey: The Complete Works, Kindle e-book,
Pergamon Media, 2015, 2,753 pages. VSCL.
Art as Experience
By John Dewey. Perigee Trade, 2005. Paperback, 371 pages. "Based on John Dewey's lectures on esthetics, delivered as
the first William James Lecturer at Harvard in 1932, Art as Experience
has grown to be considered internationally as the most distinguished work ever
written by an American on the formal structure and characteristic effects of all
the arts: architecture, sculpture, painting, music, and literature." VSCL.
Democracy and Education: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Education.
By John Dewey. CreateSpace Pub., 1916, 2013, 256 pages.
Dewey's Aesthetics. Stanford Encyclopedia of
Documents in the History of American Philosophy: From Jonathan Edwards to
John Dewey. Edited with commentary by Morton White. Oxford
University Press, 1972, 479 pages.
The Education of John Dewey: A Biography. By Jay Martin.
Columbia University Press, 2003, 592 pages. VSCL. An excellent
biography with covers John Dewey's educational influences, his personal and
professional life story, his developing philosophy, and his era in America.
Experience and Education. By John
Dewey. Free Press, 1938, 1997, 96 pages.
Experience and Nature. By John Dewey. Dover Edition, 1925, 1958.
Index, 443 pages. Originally published in 1925. VSCL.
How We Think. By John Dewey. Originally published in 1910.
Independently Published, 2018, 107 pages. VSCL.
John Dewey: An Intellectual Portrait. By Sidney Hook. Prometheus, Revised Edition, 1939,
1995, 256 pages. VSCL.
John Dewey and the Artful Life: Pragmatism, Aesthetics, and Morality.
By Scott R. Stroud. Pennsylvania State University, 2011. Index,
bibliography, notes, 240 pages. VSCL.
The Philosophy of John Dewey. Edited with an Introduction by John J.
Mcdermott. Two Volumes in One: 1) The Structure of Experience, and 2) The
Lived Experience. University of Chicago Press, 1973, 1981, 723 pages.
The Scientific Method of Thinking from Darwin to Dewey. By Henry M.
Cowles. Harvard University Press, 2020, 384 pages.
Dictionary of the History of Ideas.
Compiled by Philip P. Wiener. 5 Volumes, 1980. Macmillan Pub. Co.,
1980. Index, 3066 pages. There is a new
2004 edition of this dictionary, compiled/edited by Maryanne Cline Horowitz.
(I purchased a used copy of these 5 volumes for $15.00). Volume I:
A - Design Argument; Volume II: Despotism - Law, Common;
Volume III: Law, Concept of - Protest Movements; Volume IV: Psychological
Ideas in Antiquity - Zeitgeist. This an excellent reference tool in my
home library. Fascinating an in-depth essays. VSCL.
Dilthey, Wilhelm
(1933-1911) German sociologist, philosopher, psychologist, historian.
Documents in the History of American Philosophy: From Jonathan Edwards to
John Dewey. Edited with commentary by Morton White. Oxford
University Press, 1972, 479 pages.
The Dream of Enlightenment: The Rise of Modern Philosophy. By Anthony
Gottlieb. W.W.Norton & Co.,2016. Notes, index, 300 pages.
Dualism - Stanford
Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Ecology, Environmentalism, Complexity
Eco-pragmatism: Making Sensible Environmental Decisions in an Uncertain World.
By Daniel A. Farber. University of Chicago, 1999, 210 pages.
Philosophy - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
The Elegant Universe: Superstrings, Hidden Dimensions, and the Quest for the Ultimate Theory.
By Brian Greene, PhD. New York, Vintage Books, Random House, 1999. Index, glossary, notes, 447
pages. Subjects: Science,
Mathematics, Philosophy, Theory, History, Physics, String Theory, Dimensions. VSCL.
Emergence, Becoming, Reproduction: Process
Philosophy A hypertext notebook by Michael P. Garofalo that includes a
bibliography, links, notes, quotes, and research.
Emerson, Ralph Waldo
(1803-1882) Essayist, poet, lecturer, popular philosopher, and
American Transcendentalist.
Emerson, Ralph.
Emerson's Compete Works, Kindle e-book, Delphi Classics, 2013, 6,414 pages.
Empiricism - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy
- Wikipedia
vs. Rationalism - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
The Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Paul
Edwards, Editor in Chief. New York Macmillan Pub., 1967. Reprint of
1972. Four Volumes. Volumes 1 & 2, Abbagnano to Entropy.
Volumes 3 & 4, Epictetus to Logic. Volumes 5 & 6, Logic to Psychologism.
Volumes 7 & 8, Psychology to Zubiri. Each volume is about 1,150
pages. A favorite reference resource in my home library. VSCL.
Enlightenment - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
"Enlightenment philosophers from across the geographical and temporal spectrum tend to have a great deal of confidence in humanity’s intellectual powers, both to achieve systematic knowledge of nature and to serve as an authoritative guide in practical life. This confidence is generally paired with suspicion or hostility toward other forms or carriers of authority (such as tradition, superstition, prejudice, myth and miracles), insofar as these are seen to compete with the authority of one’s own reason and experience. Enlightenment philosophy tends to stand in tension with established religion, insofar as the release from self-incurred immaturity in this age, daring to think for oneself, awakening one’s intellectual powers, generally requires opposing the role of established religion in directing thought and action. The faith of the Enlightenment – if one may call it that – is that the process of enlightenment, of becoming progressively self-directed in thought and action through the awakening of one’s intellectual powers, leads ultimately to a better, more fulfilled human existence." Enlightenment
Enlightenment Now: The Case for Reason, Science, Humanism, and Progress.
By Steven Pinker. Penguin Books, 2018, 576 pages. VSCL.
Environmental Movement in the United States
Environmental Pragmatism. By Eric Katz and Andrew Light.
Routledge, 1996, 368 pages.
The Essential Chomsky. By
Noam Chomsky (1928-).
Edited by Anthony Amove. New Press, 2008, 515 pages.
Ethics: History, Theory, and Contemporary Issues. By Steven M. Cahn
and Peter Markie. Oxford University Press, 7th Edition, 2019, 976 pages.
Experience, the Five Senses,
Sensations, Perceptions
Experience, Awareness, Occasions, Events,
Emergence, Becoming: Process Philosophy A hypertext notebook by
Michael P. Garofalo that includes a bibliography, links, notes, quotes, and
Evolutionary Pragmatism and Ethics. By Beth L. Eddy. Lexington
Books, 2015, 156 pages.
Evoltionary Theory - Wikipedia
Evolutionary Theory.
The Annotated Origin: A Facsimile of the First Edition of "On the Origin of the
Species." By Charles Darwin. Edited with extensive notes by
James T. Costa. Belknap Harvard, 2011. Index, bibliography,
biographies, 576 pages. All early pragmatists were supporters of
Darwin's evolutionary theory and the evidence he presented. Darwin's ideas
were a revolutionary intellectual paradigm shift. VSCL.
Evolutionary Theory.
Darwin, Charles
(1809-1882) Naturalist, evolutionary theorist.
Exercise, Well-Being, Fitness, Health By Mike Garofalo.
Fallibilism - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Fallibilism - Wikipedia
Falling in Love with Wisdom: American Philosophers Talk about Their Calling.
Edited by David D. Karnos and Robert G. Shoemaker. Oxford University
Press, Revised Edition, 1994, 272 pages.
A Fierce Discontent: The Rise and Fall of the Progressive Movement in
America, 1870-1920. By Michael McGerr. Oxford University Press, 2005, 395
Fingers, Hands, Touching,
Skin, Haptics, Sensing, Feeling. Quotes, Bibliography, Notes, Links.
Compiled by Mike Garofalo.
The Five Senses,
Sensations, Perceptions, Experiences
Fitness, Exercise, Well-Being, Health By Mike Garofalo.
Franklin D. Roosevelt and the New Deal: 1932-1940.
By William E. Leuchtenburg. Harper Perennial, Illustrated Edition, 2009,
432 pages.
Freedom of Religion - Wikipedia
Freethinkers: A History of American Secularism.
By Susan Jacoby. Holt, 2004. 448 pages. VSCL.
Thought By Mike Garofalo
Fundamentalism -
The Future: Six Drivers of Global Change. By Al Gore.
Random House, 2013, 592 pages. FVRL.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License,
© 2021 CCA 4.0
Prepared by Michael Garofalo, Green Way Research, Vancouver, Washington © 2013-2021 CCA 4.0
The God Argument: The Case against Religion and for Humanism. By A. C.
Grayling. Bloomsbury, 2014, 268 pages.
The God Delusion. By Richard Dawkins. Mariner Books, Houghton
Mifflin, 2006, 2008. Index, notes, bibliography, appendices, 463 pages. A
bold, incisive, convincing, and clear minded critique of religious beliefs and
religions and their negative and pernicious impact on our communities,
societies, nations, and the world. I've read this book more than twice, and
find it uplifting, brave, and to the point. His analysis of the negative social
and moral effects of religion are accurate. VSCL.
The Good Book: A Secular Bible. By A. C. Grayling. Walker Books,
2011, 608 pages.
Goodman, Nelson (1906-1998)
Philosopher, logician, philosophy of science, aesthetics.
Great Society: A New History. By Amity Shlaes. 1960's America.
Harper, Illustrated Edition, 2019, 528 pages.
A Guide to Rational Living.
By Albert Ellis and Robert A. Harper. Third Edition, Thoroughly Revised
and Updated for the Twenty-First Century. Hollywood, CA, Melvin Powers
Wilshire Book Company, 1961, 1997. Index, bibliography, 283 pages. VSCL.
Habits, Learning,
Conditioning, Change, Education
Haack, Susan
(1945-) Philosopher, professor, editor, pragmatist.
Habermas, Jurgen
(1929-) German philosopher and sociologist.
The Hand: How Its
Use Shapes the Brain, Language and Human Culture. By Frank R. Wilson,
M.D.. New York,
Vintage Books, 1998. Notes, bibliography, 397 pages. Subjects: History, Music, Hands, Anatomy, Culture,
Hand-Eye Coordination, Physiology, Tools. VSCL.
Hands, Touching, Feeling,
Somatosensory, Fingers, Skills, Work, Somatics
Happiness: A Philosopher's Guide. By Frederic Lenoir. Melville House,
2015. 208 pages.
Happiness: Quotes, Bibliography, Notes
Hearing and Listening.
Compiled by Mike Garofalo. Subjects: Ear, Hearing, Listening, Sound.
History of
Education - Wikipedia
History of Philosophy, Volume VIII, Modern Philosophy: Empiricism,
Idealism, and Pragmatism in Britain and America. By Copleston, Frederick
S. J.. New York, Doubleday,
1967, 1994. Index, bibliography, 577 pages.
Hocking, William
Ernest (1873-1966)
Holmes, Oliver
Wendell Jr. (1841-1935) - Wikipedia Jurist and Supreme Court
Homosexual, Gay,
Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) Social Movements
Hook, Sidney
Books. Philosopher, author, activist, educator, historian,
pragmatist, and social critic.
Hook, Sidney.
Sidney Hook on Pragmatism, Democracy, and Freedom: The Essential Essays.
Edited by Robert B. Talisse and Robert Tempio. Promtheus, 2002, 420 pages.
Hope -
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
How to Live a Good Life: Advice from Wise
Persons Compiled by Mike Garofalo, 2020. Subjects: Ethics,
Virtues, Values, Psychology.
How to Live a Good Life: A Guide to Choosing Your Personal Philosophy.
Edited by Massimo Pigliucci. Vintage, 2020, 320 pages. VSCL.
Humanism - Wikipedia
Humanist Manifesto 2000: A Call for New Planetary Humanism. By Paul
Kurtz. Prometheus, 2000, 76 pages.
Hume, David
(1711-1776) English philosopher.
Huxley, Thomas
(1825-1895) Biologist, anthropologist, and vigorous defender of Darwin's
evolutionary theory.
An Inconvenient Truth: The Planetary
Emergency of Global Warming and What We Can Do About It. By Al Gore.
Rodale, 2006, 322 pages. FVRL. Contra:
Thinking - Stanford
Inquiry Based
Learning - Wikipedia
Discovery - Stanford
Scientific Method
- Wikipedia
Social Dimensions of Scientific Knowledge - Stanford
Inquiry -
"In the pragmatic philosophies of Charles Sanders Peirce, William James, John Dewey, and others, inquiry is closely associated with the normative science of logic. In its inception, the pragmatic model or theory of inquiry was extracted by Peirce from its raw materials in classical logic, with a little bit of help from Kant, and refined in parallel with the early development of symbolic logic by Boole, De Morgan, and Peirce himself to address problems about the nature and conduct of scientific reasoning. Borrowing a brace of concepts from Aristotle, Peirce examined three fundamental modes of reasoning that play a role in inquiry, commonly known as abductive, deductive, and inductive inference.
In rough terms, abduction is what we use to generate a likely hypothesis or an initial diagnosis in response to a phenomenon of interest or a problem of concern, while deduction is used to clarify, to derive, and to explicate the relevant consequences of the selected hypothesis, and induction is used to test the sum of the predictions against the sum of the data. It needs to be observed that the classical and pragmatic treatments of the types of reasoning, dividing the generic territory of inference as they do into three special parts, arrive at a different characterization of the environs of reason than do those accounts that count only two.
These three processes typically operate in a cyclic fashion, systematically operating to reduce the uncertainties and the difficulties that initiated the inquiry in question, and in this way, to the extent that inquiry is successful, leading to an increase in knowledge or in skills.
In Logic: The Theory of Inquiry, John Dewey defined inquiry as "the controlled or directed transformation of an indeterminate situation into one that is so determinate in its constituent distinctions and relations as to convert the elements of the original situation into a unified whole"[2] Dewey and Peirce's conception of inquiry extended beyond a system of thinking and incorporated the social nature of inquiry. These ideas are summarize in the notion Community of inquiry.[3][4][5]"
Instrumentalism is
closely related to pragmatism,
the position that practical consequences is an essential basis for determining
meaning, truth or value.
Internet Encyclopedia of
Philosophy. James Fieser, Ph.D., founder and general editor; and
Bradley Dowden, Ph.D., general editor.
in Ethics Many pragmatists criticize this inner insight into laws.
Introduction to Logic and Critical Thinking. By Merrilee Salmon.
Cengage Learning, 6th Edition, 2012, 528 pages.
William James (1842-1910) Books
James, William
Influential psychologist, philosopher, professor, lecturer, psychic
researcher, and pragmatist.
The Cambridge Companion to William James. Edited by Ruth Anna Putnam.
Cambridge University Press, 2008, 424 pages.
Cambridge Pragmatism: From Peirce and James to Ramsey and Wittgenstein.
By Cheryl Misak. Oxford University Press, 2018, 344 pages.
James, William. "The
Collected Work of William James," Kindle e-book, 2041 pages. VSCL.
Genuine Reality: A Life of William James. By Linda Simon.
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 1998, 496 pages. VSCL.
Sick Souls, Healthy Minds: How William James Can Save Your Life. By
John Kaag. Princeton University Press, 2020, 224 pages.
William James: In the Maelstrom of American Modernism. By Robert D.
Richardson. Mariner Books (Kindle Reprint), 2007, 660 pages. VSCL.
Thomas Jefferson: The Art of Power. By John Meecham. Random House, 2012, index, bibliography, notes, 800 pages. VSCL.
Kurtz, Paul
(1925-2016) Publisher, author, "father" of secular humanism.
The Landscape of Reform: Civic Pragmatism and Environmental Thought in America.
By Ben A. Minteer. MIT Press, 2006, 274 pages.
Language in Thought and Action.
By S. I. Hayakawa (1906-1992) and Alan R. Hayakawa. New York, Harcourt, Fifth Edition,
1990. Originally published in 1939. Index, bibliography, 196 pages.
"With five editions from 1949-1991, Language in Thought and Action helped to
popularize Alfred
Korzybski's general
semantics and semantics in general, while semantics or theory of meaning was
overwhelmed by mysticism, propagandism and
even scientism."
Languages of Art. By Nelson Goodman. Hackett Pub. Co., 1976, 296
pages. Online
PDF Version, 2020. VSCL (Book).
Language, Truth and Logic. By Alfred J. Ayer. Dover Pub.,
Second Edition, 1936, 1952. Index, 160 pages.
Ayer was a logical positivist teaching at Cambridge. VSCL.
Latin American Philosophy Books
Latin American Philosophy: An Introduction. By Susana Nuccetelli.
Cambridge University Press, 2020, 306 pages.
Latin American Philosophy for the 21st Century: The Human Condition, Values,
and the Search of Identity. Edited by Jorge J. E. Gracia and Elizabeth
Millan-Zaibert. Prometheus, 2014, 250 pages.
Latin American Philosophy - Stanford Encyclopedia
Lesbian, Gay,
Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) Social Movements
Lewis, Clarence Irving
Teacher, philosopher, pragmatist, logician, and epistemologist.
Lewis, Clarence Irving: The Last Great Pragmatist. By Murray G.
Murphey. SUNY, 2005, Indices, Notes, 477 pages. VSCL.
C. I. Lewis: The A Priori and the Given. Edited by Quentin Kammer,
Jean-Philippe Narbous, and Henri Wagner. Routledge, 2021, 328 pages.
Hardcover, $160.
An Analysis of Knowledge and Valuation. By Clarence Irving Lewis.
Paul Carus Lectures, Seventh Series, 1945. Open Court Pub., 1950, 568
pages. VSCL.
Pragmatism in Transition: Contemporary Perspectives on C. I. Lewis.
Edited by Peter Olen and Carl Sachs. Palgrave Macmillan, 2017, 230 pages.
Hardcover, $109.
Essays on the Foundations of Ethics. By C. I. Lewis. Edited by
John Lange. SUNY, 2017, 266 pages.
Liberalism - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
The Libertarian Reader. Edited by David Boaz. Classic and Contemporary
Writings from Lao Tzu to Milton Friedman. Simon and
Schuster, 2015, 624 pages.
Locke, John
Influential British philosopher, defender of empiricism, and champion of a few
modern and progressive social and political arrangements.
Empiricism - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Logical Positivism. Edited by A. J. Ayer. Free Press, 1966, 464
pages. VSCL.
Logic as a Liberal Art: An Introduction
to Rhetoric and Reasoning. By Rollen Edward Houser. Catholic
University of America, 2020, 488 pages.
Lost in Thought: The Hidden Pleasures of an Intellectual Life. By Zena
Hitz. Princeton University Press, 2020, 240 pages. What is the value
of an intellectual life? Ms. Hitz was active in social welfare volunteer
services, converted to Catholicism, lived for three years in a religious
commune, and is now a university teacher of the Great Books and philosophy.
Strong on the social gospel, action in the world, simple living, and charity.
Many examples of people for whom serious reading changed their lives and led to
their individual greatness. VSCL.
Jean-Francois (1924-1998) French philosopher, essayist, sociologist,
literary theorist.
Maps of the Mind: Charts and Concepts of the Mind and Its Labyrinths.
By Charles Hampden-Turner. Collier, 1981, index, 224 pages. VSCL.
Margolis, Joseph Zalman
(1924-) Philosopher, historicist, relativist.
Mead, George Herbert (1863-1931) Social theorist and philosopher.
The Philosophy of the Present. By George Herbert Mead, 1932. Prometheus, 2002, 202 pages. 1930 Lectures. VSCL.
Mind, Self, and Society: The Definitive Edition. By George Herbert Mead. Originally published in 1932 by his students. Edited by Daniel R. Huebner and Charles W. Morris in 2015. University of Chicago, 2015, 536 pages.
Meaning and Action: A Critical History of Pragmatism. By H. S. Thayer. Hackett Pub. co., 1980, extensive bibliography, 616 pages.
Meaning and Value in a Secular Age: The Writings of Paul Kurtz. By
Paul Kurtz. Edited by Nathan Bupp. Prometheus, 2012, 363 pages.
Meliorism - Wikipedia
The Metaphysical Club: A Story of Ideas in America. By Louis Menand.
Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2001. Index, Works Cited, Notes, 546 pages.
Mind, Self, and Society: The Definitive Edition. By George Herbert
Mead. Originally published in 1934 by his students. Edited by
Charles W. Morris. Annotated Edition by Daniel
R. Huebner and Hans Joas. University of Chicago Press, 2015, index,
bibliography, appendix, supplementary essays, notes, 515 pages. VSCL.
Misak, Cheryl
Provost and Professor of Philosophy at University of Toronto, Canada. A
fine pragmatism scholar.
Modern Liberalism in the United States
Relativism - Wikipedia
Multiculturalism - Wikipedia
My Religious
Views and Experiences By Mike Garofalo.
Americans of the Pacific Northwest Notes by Michael P. Garofalo.
Oregon, Washington, and Northern California areas.
Native American
Indian Thought: Northwestern United States. Notes by Michael P.
Native Pragmatism: Rethinking the Roots of American Philosophy. By
Scott L. Pratt. Indiana University Press, 2002, 336 pages.
Naturalism, Nature's God, Pantheism,
Deism Bibliography, Links, and Notes by Mike Garofalo.
Naturalism -
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Naturalism in Epistemology - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Nature's God: The Heretical Origins of the American Republic. By
Matthew Stewart. W.W. Norton, 2014. Index, notes, 566 pages.
New Pragmatists. Edited by Cheryl Misak. Clarendom Press, 2007,
216 pages.
The New School in New York City
Origins of Pragmatism. A. J. Ayer. Macmillan, 1982, 348 pages.
The Other America: Poverty in the United States. By Michael
Harrington, 1962, 1990. Scribner, Reprint Edition, 1962, 1997, 252 pages.
Oxford Handbook of American Philosophy. Edited by Cheryl Misak.
Oxford University Press, 1st Edition, 2008, 656 pages.
Peirce, Charles Sanders
Developed theories of logic, communications, pragmaticism, and signs.
Peirce, Charles Sanders. The Essential Peirce: Selected Philosophical Writings (1867-1893) Volume 1. Edited by Nathan Houser and Christian J. W. Kloesel. Indiana University Press, 1992, 448 pages. Volume 2, 1893-1913.
Philosophical Writings of Peirce. By Charles S. Perice. Edited by Justus Buchler. Dover, 2011, 416 pages. VSCL!
The American Pragmatists. By Cheryl Misak. Oxford University Press, 2013. Index, bibliography, 286 pages. VSCL!
Pragmatism's Evolution: Organism and Environment in American Philosophy. By Trevor Pearce. University of Chicago, 2020, 384 pages.
A General Introduction to the Semiotic of Charles Sanders Peirce. By James Jakob Liszka. Indiana University Press, 1996, 168 pages.
Charles Sanders Peirce: A Life. By Joseph Brent. Indiana University Press, 1993, 388 pages.
Charles Sanders Peirce and a Religious Metaphysics of Nature. By Leon Niemoczynski. Lexington Books, 2011, 182 pages.
Perception, The Five
Senses Compiled by Mike Garofalo. Subjects:
Sensation, Body-Mind, Consciousness, Feeling, Perception, Physiology, Anatomy,
Body, Fitness, Experience.
Philosophers of Process. Edited by Douglas Browning and William T.
Myers. Fordham University Press, 1998, 449 pages. VSCL.
Philosophical Novels, Short Stories,
Poetry, Storytelling
in the Flesh: The Embodied Mind and Its Challenge to Western Thought.
By George Lakoff and Mark Johnson. Basic Books, Perseu Books, 1999.
bibliography, 624 pages.
"The mind is inherently embodied. Thought is mostly unconscious. Abstract concepts are
largely metaphorical." VSCL.
The Philosophy of Language. Fourth Edition. Edited by
A. P. Martinich. New York, Oxford University Press, 2001. Notes, 599
pages. Very difficult, for me, articles on the subject. VSCL.
Philosophy of
Education - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Philosophy of Language - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Philosophy of
Language - Wikipedia
Philosophy of Science - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Philosophy of Science - Wikipedia
Pluralism - Wikipedia
Pluralism -
Philosophy - Wikipedia
Pluralism -
Political Philosophy - Wikipedia
Pluralist Theories
of Truth - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Poetry, Short Stories,
The Population Explosion. By Paul R.
Ehrlich and Anne H. Ehrlich. Simon and Schuster, 1990, 320 pages.
Follow up to Dr. Ehrlich's "Population Bomb" (in Kindle) of 1968.
Population: Human Over-Population - Wikipedia
Practicing Philosophy: Pragmatism and the Philosophical Life.
By Richard Schusterman. New York, Routledge, 1997. Notes, Index, 256
pages. VSCL.
The Pragmatic
Theory of Truth - Stanford
- Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Pragmatism - Stanford
Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Pragmatism - Wikipedia
Pragmatism and American Philosophical Perspectives on Resilience. By
Kelly Parker and Heather Keith. Lexington, 2019, 272 pages.
Pragmatism and Classical American Philosophy: Essential Readings and
Interpretive Essays. Edited by John J. Stuhr. Oxford University
Press, 2nd Edition, 1999, 705 pages. Essential original works of the main
American philosophers. User paperback, heavy, larger print and fairly easy to
read. VSCL.
Pragmatism and Feminism: Reweaving the Social Fabric. By Charlene
Haddock Seigfried. University of Chicago Press, 1996, 360 pages.
Pragmatism and Social Hope: Deepening Democracy in Global Contexts. By
Judith M. Green. Columbia University Press, 2008. Notes,
bibliography, index, 292 pages. pages. VSCL.
Pragmatism Ascendent: A Yard of Narrative, A Touch of Prophecy. By
Joseph Margolis. Stanford University Press, 2012, 200 pages.
Pragmatism in the Americans. Edited by Gregory Fernando Pappas.
Fordham University Press, 2011, 384 pages. Pragmatism in Latin American
Pragmatism in Transition: Contemporary Perspectives on C.I. Lewis.
Compiled by Peter Olen and Carl Sachs. Palgrave Macmillan, 2017, 230
Pragmatism, Old And New: Selected Writings
Edited by Susan Haack, with associate editor Robert Lane. Amherst, New
York, Prometheus Books, 2006. Glossary, index, 741 pages. Subjects: Pragmatism,
Philosophy, Neopragmatism, American Philosophy, Philosophy of Language, Belief,
Usefulness, Action. VSCL.
Pragmatism, Pluralism and the Nature of Philosophy. By Scott F. Aikin,
Robert Talisse. Routledge, 2017, 274 pages.
The Pragmatism Reader: From Peirce Through the Present. Edited and
introduced by Robert B. Talisse and Scott F. Aikin. Princeton University
2011, 504 pages. VSCL.
Pragmatism: A Reader
Edited with an introduction by Louis Menand. New York, Vintage, 1997.
Index, bibliography, notes, 522 pages.
Subjects: Pragmatism, Philosophy, Neopragmatism, American Philosophy, Philosophy of Language, Belief, Usefulness,
Action. VSCL.
Pragmatism - Social Philosophy, Google Scholar Articles and Books
Pragmatism's Evolution: Organism and Environment in American Philosophy.
By Trevor Pearce. University of Chicago, 2020, 384 pages.
Pragmatist Aesthetics: Living Beauty, Rethinking Art.
By Richard Schusterman. Rowman and Littlefield Pub., 2nd Edition, 2000,
368 pages.
Process Philosophy A hypertext
notebook by Michael P. Garofalo that includes a bibliography, links, notes,
quotes, and research.
Progressive Era in the United States (1890-1920)
The Progressive Revolution: How the Best in America Came to Be. By
Michael Lux. John Wiley, 2009, 242 pages. FVRL.
Progressivism in the United States
Putting Philosophy to Work: Inquiry and Its Place in Culture. By Susan
Haack. Prometheus, 2013, 345 pages.
Putman, Hilary
(1926-2016) Mathematician and philosopher.
Quine, Willard Van Orman
(1908–2000) Logician and theoretical philosopher.
Quine, Willard Van Orman
Quintessence: Basic Readings from the Philosophy of W. V. Quine.
Edited by Roger F. Gipson Jr.. Belknap Press, 2008, 432 pages.
Race Matters. By Cornel West. 25th Anniversary Edition with a
new introduction. Beacon Press, 2017, 128 pages.
Radical Enlightenment: Philosophy and the Making Of Modernity, 1650-1750.
By Jonathan I. Israel. Oxford University Press, 2002, 834 pages.
Rationality and the Pursuit of Happiness: The Legacy of Albert Ellis.
By Michael E. Bernard. Wiley-Blackwell, 2010, 322 pages. VSCL.
Reconstruction Era in the United States (1863-1977)
Reinventing Pragmatism: American Philosophy at the End of the Twentieth
Century. By Joseph Margolis. Cornell University Press, 2002, 200
pages. VSCL.
Relativism - Cultural - Wikipedia
Relativism - Moral - Wikipedia
Religion - Criticism
Notes, Links, Books, Quotes.
Religion: My Views Free Thought, Atheism, Agnosticism,
Non-Supernaturalism, Naturalism, Humanism, Deep Ecology. By Mike Garofalo.
Religious Pluralism
- Wikipedia
Rescher, Nicholas (1928-) Books
Process Philosophy: A Survey of Basic Issues. By Nicholas Rescher. University of Pittsburgh, 2000, 152 pages. VSCL.
Process Metaphysics: An Introduction to Process Philosophy.
By Nicholas Rescher. State University at New York, 1996. Index, bibliography, notes, 213 pages. ISBN: 978-0791428184. A thorough, readable, and insightful introduction by a renowned
professor of philosophy. VSCL.
Luck: The Brilliant Randomness of Everyday Life. By Nicholas Rescher. University of Pittsburg, 2001, 256 pages.
A System of Pragmatic Idealism, Volume I: Human Knowledge in Idealistic Perspective. By Nicholas Rescher. New Jersey, Princeton University Press, 1992, Index, 335 pages. VSCL.
A System of Pragmatic Idealism, Volume II: The Validity of Values. A Normative Theory of Evaluative Rationality. By Nicholas Rescher. New Jersey, Princeton University Press, 1993, Index, Bibliography, 264 pages. VSCL.
A System of Pragmatic Idealism, Volume III: Metaphilosophical Inquiries. By Nicholas Rescher. New Jersey, Princeton University Press, 1994, Index, 269 pages. VSCL.
Aporetics: Rational Deliberation in the Face of Inconsistency. By Nicholas Rescher. University of Pittsburg, 2009, 176 pages.
Richard Rorty (1931-2007) Books
Influential philosopher, critic, essayist, and pragmatist. His "Philosophy
and the Mirror of Nature" (1979) was very influential in epistemology.
Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature. By Richard Rorty.
Princeton, 1st Edition, 1979. 401 pages. VSCL.
The Philosophy of Richard Rorty. Edited by Randall Auxier and Lewis
Hahn. Open Court, 2010, 782 pages.
Richard Rorty: Pragmatism and Political Liberalism. By Michael Bacon.
Lexington, 2007, 140 pages.
Richard Rorty: Prophet and Poet of the New Pragmatism. By Daniel L.
Hall. State University of New York, 1993, 310 pages.
The Rorty Reader. By Richard Rorty. Edited by Christopher J.
Voparil and Richard J.
Bernstein. Introduction and notes by Christopher J. Vopani.
Wiley-Blackwell, 1st Edition, 2010. Index, a further reading List,
extensive footnotes, 548 pages. There are 34 chapters with articles and
essays by Richard Rorty. [A large heavy book with small type; and falling
apart as I read it. Unfortunately, no Kindle
version is available.
I purchased a used hard paperback copy for $32.00.] VSCL.
Rorty, Religion, and Metaphysics. By John Owens. Lexington
Books, 2019, 230 pages.
Royce, Josiah (1855-1916) Phiosopher, professor, author. Books.
Rules for Radicals: A Practical Primer for Realistic Radicals.
Saul D. Alinsky
(1909-1972). Vintage, 1971, 1989, 135 pages. VSCL. Alinsky's
techniques and teachings influences generations of community and labor
organizers. He provided advice on how to effect constructive social
change, how to organize, and theorized about social/political change.
Bertrand (1872-1970) Logician, philosopher,
popular essayist, and social critic.
Sapiens: A Brief History of Mankind. By Yuval Noah Harari.
Harper Perennial, 2018, 464 pages. FVRL.
Schiller, F. C. S. (1864-1937) Logician,
Method - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Scientific Method
- Wikipedia
The Scientific Method of Thinking from Darwin to Dewey. By Henry M.
Cowles. Harvard University Press, 2020, 384 pages.
Scientific Representation - Wikipedia
A Secular Age. By Charles Taylor. Belknap Press of Harvard
University Press, 2007. Index, notes, 874 pages. Paperback, a heavy
book. VSCL.
Secular Humanism -
Sellars, Wilfrid
(1912-1989) Philsopher: logician, analytic philosophy, naturalistic
Sensations, The Five Senses,
Perceptions, Experiences
Separation of Church and State -
Shusterman, Richard
(1949-) Pragmatist philosopher with an emphasis on aesthetics, somatics,
and mind-body connections.
Sick Souls, Healthy Minds: How William James Can Save Your Mind. By
John Kaag. Princeton University Press, 2020, 224 pages.
Silent Spring. By Rachel Carson.
Houghton Mifflin, 1962, 400 pages. FVRL. Influential study of the
dangers of using pesticides and toxic chemicals, and a call for action by those
concerned about the degradation of our environment and farmlands and ecosystems.
Situation Ethics: The New Morality. By Joseph Fletcher.
Westminister John Knox Press, 1997, 192 pages.
The Sixth Extinction: An Unnatural History. By Elizabeth Kolbert.
Picador, 2015, 336 pages. Explanation of societal forces leading towards
The Society of Mind. By Marvin Minsky. Simon and Schuster, 1988,
388 pages, index. VSCL.
Socialism: Past and Future. By Michael Harrington. Arcade, 2011,
336 pages.
The Socialist Manifesto: The Case for Radical Politics in and Era of Extreme
Inequality. By Bhaskar Sunkara.
Basic Books, 2020, 288 pages. FVRL.
Soma-Aesthetics, Somatics,
Body-Mind Arts
Songs of Experience: Modern American
and European Variations on a Universal Theme. By Martin Jay.
University of California Press, 2005, Index, 431 pages. VSCL.
Baruch (1632-1677)
The Spirit of Meliorist Reform. By Tom Rubens. Lulu, 2016, 220
Standing at Armageddon: A Grassroots History of the Progressive Era.
By Neil Irvin Painter. W. W. Norton & Co., 2008, 448 pages.
Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Sponsored by Stanford University, Palo
Alto, California; and the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (SEP) Fund.
Editor: Edwin N. Zalta.
The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. By Thomas S. Kuhn. Introduction by Ian Hacking. 50th Anniversary Edition, 4th edition. University of Chicago Press, 1962, 2012, 264 pages.
A System of Pragmatic Idealism, Volume I: Human Knowledge in Idealistic
Perspective. By Nicholas Rescher. Princeton University, 1992,
286 pages. VSCL.
A System of Pragmatic Idealism, Volume II: The Validity of Values. By Nicholas Rescher. Princeton University, 1992, 286 pages. VSCL.
A System of Pragmatic Idealism, Volume III: Metaphilosophical Inquiries. By Nicholas Rescher. Princeton University, 1994, 269 pages.
Talisse, Robert B.
(1970-) Professor, author, political philosophy, pragmatist critiques.
The Thinker's Way: 8 Steps to a Richer Life (Think Critically, Live Creatively, Choose Freely).
By John Chaffee, Ph.D. Boston, Little, Brown and Co, c1998. Index, recommended reading, 420
pages. VSCL.
Critically. By John Chaffee, Ph.D. Boston, Wadsworth Pub., 2012. 10th Edition. Index,
575 pages. John Chaffee, Ph.D., is a professor of
philosophy at The City University of New York, where he has developed a
popular Critical Thinking program. VSCL.
Thinking through the Body: Essays in Somaesthetics.
By Richard Schusterman. New York, Cambridge University
Press, 2012, 380 pages. VSCL.
The Thirteen Pragmatisms and Other Essays. Arthur O. Lovejoy.
John Hopkins University, 1908, 1963, 303 pages. Critical of pragmatism and
William James. VSCL.
Touching, Feeling, Hands,
Fingers, Somatics
Tree of Knowledge:
The Bilological Roots of Human Understanding
By Humberto R. Maturana, PhD and Francisco J. Varela, PhD. Boston, Shambhala, 1987. Revised Edition, 1998. Index, glossary, 269
pages. Subjects:
History, Philosophy, Knowledge, Science, Bilology, Evolution, Philosophy,
Epistemology. VSCL.
Truth, Politics, Morality: Pragmatism and Deliberation. By Cheryl Misak.
Routledge, 2000, 192 pages.
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Value (Ethics) - Wikipedia
Theory - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Value Theory
- Wikipedia
- Wikipedia
Du Bois (1868-1963) Sociologist, historian, socialist, civil rights
activist, Afro-American intellectual.
The Web of Life: A New Scientific Understanding of Living Systems
By Fritjof Capra. A New Scientific Understanding of Living Systems.
New York, Anchor, Doubleday, 1996. Index, bibliography, notes, 347 pages.
Subjects: Ecology, Biology,
Philosophy, Values, Environment. VSCL.
Well-Being, Fitness, Health By Mike Garofalo.
West, Cornel
(1953-) Professor, political activist, entertainer, essayist, and author.
West, Cornel.
Cornel West Reader. Civitas, 2000, 625 pages.
Whitehead, Alfred North (1861-1947) Wikipedia Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Process Philosophy A hypertext
notebook by Michael P. Garofalo that includes a bibliography, links, notes,
quotes, and research.
Whitehead, Alfred North.
Science and the Modern World. 1926, 218 pages. Kindle Version,
Whitehead, Alfred North.
Process and Reality. Gifford Lectures delivered in the University of
Edinburgh during the Session 1927-1928.
Published in 1929. Free Press, 1979, 413 pages. VSCL.
Process-Relational Philosophy: An Introduction to Alfred North Whitehead.
By C. Robert Mesle. TFP, 2008, 136 pages. VSCL.
Process Philosophy: A Survey of Basic Issues. By Nicholas Rescher.
University of Pittsburgh, 2000, 152 pages.
Process Metaphysics: An Introduction to Process Philosophy. By
Nicholas Rescher. SUNY, 1996, 240 pages.
Whitehead: Process Philosophy and Political Liberalism: Rawls, Whitehead, Hartshorne. By Daniel A. Dombrowski. Edinburgh University Press, 2019, 224 pages.
The Metaphysics of Experience: A Companion to Whitehead's Process and Reality.
By Elizabeth Kraus. Fordham University Press, 2018, 256 pages.
Kindle, VSCL.
"Philosophers who appeal to process rather than
substance include Heraclitus, Karl
Marx, Friedrich
Nietzsche, Henri
Bergson, Martin
Heidegger, Charles
Sanders Peirce, William
James, Alfred
North Whitehead, Maurice
Merleau-Ponty, Thomas
Nail, Alfred
Korzybski, R.
G. Collingwood, Alan
Watts, Robert
M. Pirsig, Roberto
Mangabeira Unger, Charles
Hartshorne, Arran
Gare, Nicholas
Rescher, Colin
Wilson, Tim
Ingold, Bruno
Latour, and Gilles
Deleuze. In physics, Ilya
Prigogine distinguishes between the "physics of being" and the "physics of
becoming". Process philosophy covers not just scientific intuitions and
experiences, but can be used as a conceptual bridge to facilitate discussions
among religion, philosophy, and science."
- Process
Philosophy - Wikipedia
Philosophy - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Process Philosophy A hypertext
notebook by Michael P. Garofalo that includes a bibliography, links, notes,
quotes, and research.
White, Morton (1917-2016) Professor, scholar of intellectual history, and developed holistic pragmatism.
Who Governs?: Democracy and Power in an American City. By Robert Dahl.
Yale University Press, 1961, 384 pages.
Wikipedia A free online
encyclopedia, created and edited by volunteers around the world and hosted by
the Wikimedia Foundation.
Wittgenstein, Ludwig (1889-1951)
Wittgenstein, Ludwig.
Philosophical Investigations. Pearson, 1953, 3rd Edition, 1973, 256
Wright, Chauncy
Influenced many early Pragmatists. Strong supporter of Charles Darwin.
X - Z
Key Ideas of Pragmatism: Concepts, Themes, Topics, Quotations, Links
Subjects or themes or causes that many pragmatists have considered,
deemed of some good value in their lives,
were concerned or cared about, and supported or defended or championed include:
diligent practice,
free thought,
scientific method,
verification, and
ordinary language philosophical
investigations and enquiries.
Subjects or themes or causes that many pragmatists have criticized,
found of little
or poor value in their lives,
were uncomfortable with, cautioned against, denied, campaigned against, or rejected include:
Christian or Islamic
State, communism,
fascism, foundationalism,
innate ideas,
"Pragmatism is a philosophical tradition that –
very broadly – understands knowing the world as inseparable from agency within
it. This general idea has attracted a remarkably rich and at times contrary
range of interpretations, including: that all philosophical concepts should be
tested via scientific experimentation, that a claim is true if and only if it is
useful (relatedly: if a philosophical theory does not contribute directly to
social progress then it is not worth much), that experience consists in
transacting with rather than representing nature, that articulate language rests
on a deep bed of shared human practices that can never be fully ‘made
- Stanford
Encyclopedia of Philosophy
"Common to this substantial core of pragmatism
is an opposition to the absolute separation of thought from action, of pure from
applied science, of intuition or revelation from experience or experimental
verification, of private interests from public concern, and concrete
applications of older philosophical problems concerning the relations of
universals to particulars." ... "The usage or core of ideas
central to pragmatism that has been most influential historically in many fields
is found in contributions to methodology and the theory of value judgments.
Against supernaturalism, authoritarianism, and eternally fixed norms of belief
and values stand the more flexible method and dynamic values of naturalistic
empiricism, temporalism, and pluralistic individualism as the chief component
ideas at the center of what is most coherent and enduring in the many varieties
of pragmatism."
- Philip P. Wiener,
Dictionary of the History of Ideas, Volume 3, p.551-552
"Verificationism, also known as
the verification principle or the verifiability criterion of meaning, is the philosophical doctrine
which maintains that only statements that are empirically verifiable
(i.e. verifiable through the senses)
are cognitively meaningful, or else they are truths of logic (tautologies).
Verificationism thus rejects as cognitively "meaningless" statements specific to
entire fields such as
metaphysics, theology,
ethics and aesthetics.
Such statements may be meaningful in influencing emotions or behavior, but not
in terms of conveying truth
value, information or factual content. Verificationism was a central thesis
of logical
positivism, a movement in analytic
philosophy that emerged in the 1920s by the efforts of a group of
philosophers who sought to unify philosophy and science under a common naturalistic theory
of knowledge."
"Perhaps William E. Hocking's most important contribution to philosophy is "negative pragmatism," which means that what "works" pragmatically might or might not be true, but what does not work must be false. As William S. Sahakian states, "... if an idea does not work, then it cannot possibly be true, for the reason that the truth always works ...".[10] Not only is this a criterion of truth, but it is a definition. It stipulates that truth is a constant -- "truth always works". The Sahakian analysis indicates that what we may think is true might be only an illusion -- "what appears to be working may or may not be true".
Hocking's criterion was corroborated in the mid-20th century by Richard Feynman, a physicist who won the Nobel Prize. Feynman states that anything described as true "... could never be proved right, because tomorrow's experiment might succeed in proving wrong what you thought was right ..." and, "... if it disagrees with experiment, it is wrong."[11] Finally, Sahakian and Sahakian note inadequacies and limited application to all of the other criteria of truth they present, but they do not denigrate negative pragmatism. To find an inadequacy in any criterion is to invoke negative pragmatism. To denote a failure in any criterion is to show how it "disagrees with experiment" (Feynman) and/or "does not work" (Hocking). By this means, they use negative pragmatism as the de facto criterion by which all other criteria are judged."
Pragmatism: Quotations, Sayings
"Meanwhile, classical pragmatism’s progressive social ideals lived on in some
quarters, with notable contributions to philosophy of race made by Cornel West,
who advanced a prophetic pragmatism drawing on both Christian and Marxian
thought (e.g. West 1989). A number of other liberatory philosophical projects in
areas such as feminism (Seigfried 1996), ecology (Alexander 2013), Native
American philosophy (Pratt 2002) and Latin American philosophy (Pappas 1998)
also currently look to the pragmatist tradition as their philosophical home."
- Stanford Encyclopedia
of Philosophy
Pragmatism Epicureanism Stoicism Buddhism Taoism Yoga Hedonism
Advice Aging Balance Beauty Bibliography Body-Mind Broad Minded
Cheerfulness Contemplation Conservation Dharmapada Sutra Enlightenment
Equanimity Fitness Five Senses Friendship Gardening Generosity
Gratitude Habits Happiness Hospitality Learning Links Manliness
Memory Mindfulness Moderation Movement Open Minded Paramitas
Pragmatism Patience Persistence Philosophy Play Pleasures
Reason Reciprocity Self-Reliance Sensory Pleasures Simplicity
Solitude Soma-Aesthetics Thinking Tolerance Tranquility Transformation
Vigor Vision Willpower Wonder Work Zen Precepts
How to Live a Good Life: Advice from Wise and Respected Persons
Christopher Hitchens, Daniel Dennett, Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris
The "Four Horsemen" of Free Thought in 2009
Green Way Research, Vancouver, Washington
This webpage was last modified, improved,
revised, edited, or updated on June 3, 2021.
This webpage was first distributed online on January 23, 2013.
Brief Biography of Michael P. Garofalo, M.S.
Green Way Research Subject Index
How to Live a Good Life: Advice From Wise and Respected Persons
Index to A Philosopher's Notebooks
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License,
© 2021 CCA 4.0
Compiled by Michael Garofalo, Green Way Research, Vancouver, Washington © 2013-2021 CCA 4.0