Wittgenstein, Ludwig (1889 - 1951)
A Philosopher's Notebooks
Notes and
Research by Michael P. Garofalo,
Logic, Deductive Logic, Reasoning
Critical Thinking, Grammar, Semantics
Lifestyle Advice for Wise Persons
Index to A Philosopher's Notebooks
Wittgenstein, Ludwig (April 26, 1889 - April 29, 1951)
These are books I am reading, studying, using or have read that are in my home library (VSCL) in Red Bluff, California or in local public or university libraries.
Anscombe, G.E.M. An Introduction to Wittgenstein's Tractatus. London, Hutchinson University Library, 1959, Fourth Edition 1971. Index, 179 pages. ISBN: 0090511301. VSCL.
Clavell, Stanley. The Claim of Reason: Wittgenstein, Skepticism, Morality and Tragedy. Oxford University Press, 1999. 544 pages. ISBN: 9780195131079.
Kenny, Anthony. Wittgenstein. Cambridge, Massachusetts, Harvard University Press, 1973. Index, 240 pages. ISBN: 0674953932. VSCL.
Monk, Ray.
Ludwig Wittgenstein: The Duty of Genius. Penguin
Books, 1991. 672 pages. ISBN: 9780140159950. VSCL.
Wittgenstein, Ludwig. The Blue and Brown Books. Preliminary Studies for the "Philosophical Investigations" Generally known as The Blue and Brown Books. New York, Harper & Brothers, 1958, 1965. Second Edition, 1960, from text in possession of P. Straffa. 185 pages. VSCL.
Wittgenstein, Ludwig. On Certainty. Edited by G.E.M. Anscombe and G. H. von Wright. Translated by Denis Paul and G.E.M. Anscombe. New York, Haper Torchbooks, 1969, 1972. 90 pages. This is an en face German-English edition. ISBN: 9780061316869. VSCL.
Wittgenstein, Ludwig. Philosophical Investigations.
Translated by G. E. M. Anscombe. The English Text of the Third Edition.
New York, Macmillan Co., 1953, 1958 (Third Edition). Reprint in 1968.
Index, 250 pages. ISBN: None. Ludwig Wittgenstein
(1889-1951) is associated with Cambridge University in England.
Philosophical Investigations
(1953). VSCL.
Wittgenstein, Ludwig. Philosophical Investigations
Wittgenstein, Ludwig. Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus. Translated by D. F. Pears and B. F. McGuinness. German and English text. Introduction by Bertrand Russell. New York, Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1922, Second Edition 1971, 1974. Index, 166 pages. ISBN: 0710030045. VSCL.
Wittgenstein, Ludwig. Zettel. Edited by G.E.M. Anscobe and G.H. vonWright. Translated by G.E.M. Anscombe. Berkeley, California, University of California Press, 1970. 124 pages. This is an en face German-English edition. ISBN: 520016351. VSCL.
Wittgenstein, Ludwig (1889-1951): Wikipedia Article
Wittgenstein, Ludwig - Stanford University Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Wittgenstein, Ludwig Comprehensive Website
VSCL = Valley Spirit Center Library, Red Bluff, California
Notes, Quotations, Comments
Wittgenstein, Ludwig (April 26, 1889 - April 29, 1951)
"In 1999, Ludwig Wittgenstein's posthumously published
Philosophical Investigations
(1953) was ranked as the most important
book of 20th-century philosophy by the Baruch Poll, standing out as "...the one
crossover masterpiece in twentieth-century philosophy, appealing across diverse
specializations and philosophical orientations". Philosopher
Bertrand Russell described him as "the most perfect example I have ever
known of genius as traditionally conceived, passionate, profound, intense, and
Ludwig Wittgenstein - Wikipedia
"Considered by some to be the greatest
philosopher of the 20th century, Ludwig Wittgenstein played a central, if
controversial, role in 20th-century analytic philosophy. He continues to
influence current philosophical thought in topics as diverse as logic and
language, perception and intention, ethics and religion, aesthetics and
- Stanford
University Encyclopedia of Philosophy
1922 Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus.
Ludwig Wittgenstein
1933 Science and Sanity. Alfred Korzybski
1936 Language, Truth and Logic. Alfred Ayer
1939 Language in Thought and Action. S. I. Hayakawa
1949 Concept of Mind. Gilbert Ryle
1951 How to Do Things with Words. J. L. Austin
1953 Philosophical Investigations. Ludwig Wittgenstein
Quotations, Sayings
Wittgenstein, Ludwig (April 26, 1889 - April 29, 1951)
"All thinking is based, in part, on prior convictions."
- Geroge A. Kelly
Green Way Research, Red Bluff, California
This webpage was last updated on February 11, 2013.
This webpage was first distributed online on January 23, 2013.
Brief Biography of Michael P. Garofalo, M.S.