Chapter 25 Chapter 27 Index to All the Chapters Daoism Concordance Cloud Hands Blog
Classic Book (Ching) about the Tao (Way, Nature, Patterns, Processes) and Te (Virtue, Potency, Power, Integrity, Wise Person, Sage)
Concordance: Indexing, Search Terms, Topics, Themes, Keys, Subjects, Words
English and Chinese (Wade-Giles) Terms: Gravity, Stillness, Act Lightly, Virtue of
Gravity, One's Proper
Place, Dignity, Leisure, Tao, Sage, Restlessness,
Heavy, Light, Frivolous or Lighthearted (ch'ing), Still, Master or Lord (chün), Moving, Indifference, Solitude,
Heavy or Weight (chung), Light (ch'ing), Hermit, Horses, Day (jih), King,
Foundation or Base (pên), Heaviness and Lightness, Boat, Holy (shêng), Sleep,
Sights or Scenes (kuan), Restless or Hasty (tsao), Root or Origin
(ken), Simplicity, Beauty, Restless or Agitated (tsao), Person (shêng),
Sit or Rest (ch'u), Cart or Wagon (tzu), Chariot, Self-Control,
Composed or Calm (yen), Leave or Depart (li), Tranquil or Serene (ching),
Unattached or Unconcerned or Indifferent (ch'ao), Walks or Travels (hsing), Calmness, Root,
Loose or Lost (shih), Magnificent or Glorious (jung), Leadership, 重德
Términos en Español: Gravedad,
Quietud, Escenas, Origen, Dignidad,
Ocio, Tao, Sabio, Pesado, Inquieto, Ligero,
Mudanza, Indiferencia,
Solitario, Ermitaño, Caballos,
Rey, Dormir, Glorioso, Magnífico, Frívolo, Liviano, Barco,
Sereno, Sentarse, Posar, Vajón, Carro, Tranquilo, Pesado,
Ligero, Sencillez, Soltero, Libre, Intiferente,
Impasible, Fundación, Creación, Base, Belleza,
Autocontrol, Calma, Raíz,
Sereno, Liderazgo, Santo, Día, Viajes, Salir, Apresurado,
Impaciente, Persona, Suelto, Maestro.
Electronic Concordance for all 81 Chapters of the Tao Te Ching
English Language Translations of the Tao Te Ching
"The weighty is the source of the light; stillness dominates disquietude.
Wherefore, while the Sage proceeds the whole day according to Tao, he never
departs from either calmness or gravity.
Although there may be spectacles of worldly glory to attract him he sits quietly
alone, far above the common crowd.
How is that a Prince of Ten Thousand Studs of Horses can regard his own person
as of less importance than his regal dignity?
This lightness on the part of the Prince loses him his Ministers, while
restlessness on the part of the Ministers loses them their Prince."
- Translated by
Frederic H. Balfour, 1884, Chapter 26
"Gravity is the root of lightness.
Stillness, the ruler of movement.
Therefore, a wise prince, marching the whole day, does not go far from his
baggage wagons.
Although he may have brilliant prospects to look at, he quietly remains in his
proper place, indifferent to them.
How should the lord of a myriad chariots carry himself lightly before the
If he do act lightly, he has lost his root of gravity.
If he proceed to active movement, he will lose his throne."
- Translated by
James Legge, 1891,
Chapter 26
"The heavy is the foundation of the light, and quietude is the sovereign of activity.
This is why the sage travels throughout the day yet does not separate himself from his retinue.
So despite the presence of glorious scenery, he remains relaxed and detached.
How could one be the master of ten thousand war chariots and yet treat his own person lighter than all under Heaven!
If he treats it lighter, he will lose his foundation.
If he engages in activity, he will lose his sovereignty."
- Translated by
Richard John Linn, Chapter 26
"Gravity is the root of lightness,
Stillness the master of passion.
The Sage travels all day
But does not leave the baggage-cart;
When surrounded by magnificent scenery
Remains calm and still.
When a lord of ten thousand chariots
Behaves lightly in this world,
Lightness loses its root,
Passion loses its master."
- Translated by
Stephen Addis and Stanley Lombardo, 1993, Chapter 26
Created by Michael P. Garofalo, Green Way Research, Valley Spirit Center, Gushen Grove Notebooks, Vancouver, Washington © 2010-2021 CCA 4.0
"Gravity is the source of lightness,
Calm, the master of haste.
A lone traveller will journey all day, watching over his belongings;
Yet once safe in his bed he will lose them in sleep.
The captain of a great vessel will not act lightly or hastily.
Acting lightly, he loses sight of the world,
Acting hastily, he loses control of himself.
A captain can not treat his great ship as a small boat;
Rather than glitter like jade
He must stand like stone."
- Translated by
Peter Merel,
Chapter 26
Solid is the root of the light;
The Quiescent is the master of the Hasty.
the Sage travels all day
Yet never leaves his provision-cart.
In the midst of honor and glory,
He lives leisurely, undisturbed.
can the ruler of a great country
Make light of his body in the empire by rushing about?
In light frivolity, the Center is lost;
In hasty action, self-mastery is lost."
- Translated by
Lin Yutang,
1955, Chapter 26
"Heavy is the root of light.
Stillness is the master of impatience.
Thus the wise man travels all day, but does not leave his wagon.
Although there are glorious sights, he is relaxed and proper.
Why should the Lord of 10,000 chariots
conduct himself lightly under Heaven?
Lightness leads to loss of roots.
Impatience leads to loss of control."
- Translated by
Kromal, 2002, Chapter 26
For these reasons,
Super-Ego may travel the whole world
without leaving their own vehicle behind;
though inside a walled courtyard of a busy inn,
one may placidly rise
above it all.
then, should a King with ten-thousand chariots
take themself lightly before
a King takes themself lightly,
they lose their taproot;
if they are
hasty, they will lose their Kingship."
- Translated by
Jerry C.
Welch, 1998, Chapter 26
"The heavy is of the light the root, and rest is motion's master.
Therefore the holy man in his daily walk does not depart from gravity.
Although he may have magnificent sights, he calmly sits with liberated mind.
But how is it when the master of the ten thousand chariots in his personal
conduct is too light for the empire?
If he is too light he will lose his vassals.
If he is too passionate he will lose the throne."
- Translated by
Daisetsu Teitaro Suzuki and
Paul Carus, 1913, Chapter 26
A Chinese Language Version of Chapter 26 of
the Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu
on my style of displaying the Chinese characters of the Tao Te Ching
是以君子終日行, 不離輜重.
- Chinese characters, Tao Te Ching, Chapter 26
chung wei ch'ing kên.
ching wei tsao chün.
shih yi shêng jên chung jih hsing, pu li tzu chung.
sui yu jung kuan.
yen ch'u ch'ao jan.
nai ho wan ch'êng chih chu, erh yi shên ch'ing t'ien hsia.
ch'ing tsê shih pên.
tsao tsê shih chün.
- Wade-Giles Romanization, Tao Te Ching, Chapter 26
Audio Version in Chinese of Chapter 26 of the Tao Te Ching
zhong wei qing gen. jing wei zao jun. shi yi sheng ren zhong ri xing, bu li zi zhong. sui you rong guan. yan chu chao ran. nai he wan sheng zhi zhu, er yi shen qing tian xia. qing ze shi gen. zao ze shi jun. - Hanyu Pinyin Romanization, Daodejing, Chapter 26
Tao Te Ching in Chinese characters and English (includes a word by word key) from YellowBridge
Tao Te Ching in Chinese characters, Pinyin Romanization, English and German by Dr. Hilmar Alquiros.
Laozi Daodejing: Chapters with Chinese characters, seal script, detailed word by word concordance, Pinyin (tone#), German, French and English.
Chinese and English Dictionary, MDGB
Dao De Jing Wade-Giles Concordance by Nina, Dao is Open
Dao De Jing English and Wade-Giles Concordance by Mike Garofalo
Tao Te Ching in Pinyin Romanization with Chinese characters, WuWei Foundation
Tao Te Ching in Pinyin Romanization
Tao Te Ching in Chinese characters and English
Tao Te Ching in Chinese characters, English, Word by word analysis, Zhongwen
Tao Te Ching: The Definitive Edition
Chinese characters, Wade-Giles Romanization, and a list of meanings for each
character by Jonathan Star
Tao Te Ching in Chinese characters: Big 5 Traditional and GB Simplified
Chinese Characters, Wade-Giles and Pinyin Romanizations, and 16 English Translations for Each Chapter of the Daodejing by Mike Garofalo.
Tao Te Ching in Chinese characters, Pinyin and Wade Giles Romanization spellings, English; a word for word translation of the Guodian Laozi Dao De Jing Version.
Lao Zi's Dao De Jing: A Matrix Translation with Chinese Text by Bradford Hatcher.
"The Place of Peace ...
The heavy is foundation for the light;
So quietness is master of the deed.
The Wise Man, though he travel all the day,
Will not be separated from his goods.
So even if the scene is glorious to view,
He keeps his place, at peace, above it all.
For how can one who rules
Ten thousand chariots
Give up to lighter moods
As all the world may do?
If he is trivial,
His ministers are lost;
If he is strenuous,
There is no master then."
- Translated by
Blackney, 1955, Chapter 26
Tao Te Ching
Translated by Stephen Addiss and Stanley Lombardo
Lao Tzu: Tao Te Ching
Translated by John C. Wu
Dao De Jing: The Book of the Way
Translated by Moss Roberts
"The natural way is the way of the sage, serving as his dwelling, providing his centre deep within, whether in his home or journeying. Even when he travels far, he is not separate from his own true nature. Maintaining awareness of natural beauty, he still does not forget his purpose. Although he may dwell in a grand estate, simplicity remains his guide, for he is full aware, that losing it, his roots as well would disappear. So he is not restless, lest he loses the natural way. Similarly, the people's leader is not flippant in his role, nor restless, for these could cause the loss of the roots of leadership." - Translated by Stan Rosenthal, 1984, Chapter 26
"Gravity is the foundation of levity.
Serenity masters hastiness.
Therefore the wise travel all day
without leaving their baggage.
In the midst of honor and glory
they remain leisurely and calm,
How can a leader of a great country
behave lightheartedly and frivolously?
In frivolity, the foundation is lost.
In hasty action, self-mastery is lost." - Translated by Sanderson Beck, 1996, Chapter 26
This webpage work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Created by Michael P. Garofalo, Green Way Research, Valley Spirit Center, Gushen Grove Notebooks, Vancouver, Washington © 2010-2021 CCA 4.0
Ripening Peaches: Taoist Studies and Practices By Mike Garofalo
"The heavy is the root of the Light.
The quiet the master of motion.
Therefore the wise man in all the experience of the day will not depart from dignity.
Though he be surrounded with sights that are magnificent,
he will remain calm and unconcerned.
How does it come to pass that the Emperor,
master of ten thousand chariots,
has lost the mastery of the Empire?
Because being flippant himself, he has lost the respect of his subjects;
being passionate himself, he has lost the control of the Empire."
- Translated by
Goddard, 1919, Chapter 26
"What is heavy acts as a starting point for lightness.
What is calm acts as a controlling influence over impetuosity.
It is natural for a person of character to move about all day
long without losing sight of his heavy baggage.
Although he may be surrounded by police, he takes a comfortable
stance; as a result he seems to be clear and bright.
How is it that a king has ten thousand chariots, yet as for
his own body, he moves lightly in the world?
When he is light he then loses his roots.
When he is impetuous he then loses control."
- Translated by
Correa, 2005, Chapter 26
"The heavy is the root of the light.
The still is the master of unrest.
Therefore the sage, traveling all day,
Does not lose sight of his baggage.
Though there are beautiful things to be seen,
He remains unattached and calm.
should the lord of ten thousand chariots act lightly in public?
To be light is to lose one's root.
To be restless is to lose one's control."
- Translated by
Gia-Fu Feng and Jane English, 1989, Chapter 26
"Weight underlies lightness, quiescence underlies motion.
Therefore the Sage never loses his gravity and quiescence from day to day.
Though glorious palaces should belong to him, he would dwell in them peacefully, without attachment.
Alas that a king with many chariots should conduct himself with frivolity in the midst of his kingdom!
By levity he loses his ministers, and by inconstancy his throne."
- Translated by
Gorn Old, 1904, Chapter 26
"Serenity is wiser than superficiality,
dignity is master of turbulence.
sage does not step off the path of serenity.
He is not distracted by unruly
passions, angered in contemplation nothing can perturb him.
Woe, if the ruler
of the land considers himself more important than the realm.
His follower loses, who succumbs to frivolity.
His dominance loses, who is driven by
- Translated by
Gauthier, Chapter 26
"Heaviness is the basis of lightness.
Stillness is the standard of activity.
Thus the Master travels all day
without ever leaving her wagon.
Even though she has much to see,
she is at peace in her indifference.
Why should the lord of a thousand chariots
be amused at the foolishness of the world?
If you abandon yourself to foolishness,
you lose touch with your beginnings.
If you let yourself become distracted,
you will lose the basis of your power."
- Translated by
John H.
McDonald, 1996, Chapter 26
Walking the Way: 81 Zen Encounters with the Tao Te Ching
by Robert Meikyo Rosenbaum
The Tao of Zen
by Ray Grigg
Tao Te Ching: Zen Teachings on the Taoist Classic
by Takuan Soho
Buddhism and Taoism Face to Face: Scripture, Ritual, and Iconographic Exchange in Medieval China
by Christine Mollier
"Gravity is the root of lightness,
Quiescence is the master of motion.
That is why a king's son though he may travel all day long, does not
cease to be quiet and grave; though he may achieve glory he abides in
restfulness, he affirms his detachment.
How sad it would be if the Lord of a thousand chariots should conduct himself lightly in the kingdom!
If his conduct is light, he will fail as a Minister;
If he is hasty in action, he will fail as a Ruler."
- Translated by
Isabella Mears,
1916, Chapter 26
"The heavy is the root of the light;
Stillness is the lord of bustle.
Therefore the prince,
Traveling all day,
Never parts with his baggage-wagon.
Even at a magnificent sight,
He remains at ease, unmoved.
How could the lord of ten thousand chariots
Regard his own body more lightly than all under Heaven?
If you act lightly, the root is lost;
If you bustle, the lord is lost."
- Translated by
Ha Poong Kim,
Chapter 26
"The heavy is the base root of the light.
Stillness is the prince of
These things should be always united in a just temperament.
Therefore a wise prince, when he travels in his light carriage, never
separates himself from the heavy wagons which carry his baggage.
beautiful the landscape through which he passes, he takes care to lodge
only in peaceful places.
Alas, how could an emperor behave so foolishly,
losing all authority by dint of frivolity, and all the rest through his waywardness?"
- Translated by
Derek Bryce, 1999, Chapter 26
Further Teachings of Lao-Tzu: Understanding the Mysteries (Wen
By Thomas Cleary
The Lunar Tao: Meditations in Harmony with the Seasons
By Deng Ming-Dao
Ripening Peaches: Taoist Studies and Practices By Mike Garofalo
Zhuangzi: The Essential Writings with Selections from Traditional Commentaries Translation and commentary by Brook Ziporyn
"As the heavy must be the foundation of the light,
So quietness is lord and master of activity.
Truly, “A man of consequence though he travels all day
Will not let himself be separated from his baggage-wagon,
However magnificent the view, he sits quiet and dispassionate”.
How much less, then, must be the lord of ten thousand chariots
Allow himself to be lighter than these he rules!
If he is light, the foundation is lost;
If he is active, the lord and master is lost."
- Translated by
Waley, 1934, Chapter 26
Tao Te
Ching |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 |
21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 |
31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 |
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"Saneness or sobriety is more basic than frivolity.
Calmness or self-sufficiency is superior to being agitated.
Therefore the intelligent man, though he goes on a long journey,
never depart far from his means of conveyance.
No matter how exciting
the distractions, he never submits to their lures.
What would happen if Nature were to act frivolously?
If it became frivolous, it would be deprived of its sanity.
If it became agitated, it would lose control of itself."
- Translated by
Archie J. Bahm,
1958, Chapter 26
"Das Gewichtige ist
des Leichten Wurzel.
Die Stille ist der Unruhe Herr.
Also auch der Berufene:
Er wandert den ganzen Tag,
ohne sich vom schweren Gepäck zu trennen.
Mag er auch alle Herrlichkeiten vor Augen haben:
Es weilt zufrieden in seiner Einsamkeit.
Wieviel weniger erst darf der Herr des Reiches
in seiner Person den Erdkreis leicht nehmen!
Durch Leichtnehmen verliert man die Wurzel.
Durch Unruhe verliert man die Herrschaft."
- Translated by Richard Wilhelm, 1911, Chapter
root's stability makes possible the
leaf's communion with air.
Likewise, serenity is always still there, at the
heart of agitation.
The sage
travels lightly, but his
wagons are heavily laden.
He is
still, even as he moves through
the beauty and strangeness of the world.
He is
unattached and rooted simultaneously, a leaf
moving freely on a stem.
He moves
outward into the air, into a
kingdom, into
and yet
remains steady within himself.
that steadiness, rulership is
- Translated by
Crispin Starwell, Chapter 26
Created by Michael P. Garofalo, Green Way Research, Valley Spirit Center, Gushen Grove Notebooks, Vancouver, Washington © 2010-2021 CCA 4.0
Tao Te Ching: An Illustrated Journey
Translated by Stephen Mitchell
Tao Te Ching
Translated by David Hinton
The Book of Tao: Tao Te Ching - The Tao and Its Characteristics
Translated by James Legge
Ripening Peaches: Taoist Studies and Practices
Taoism: Growth of a Religion By Isabelle Robinet
Zhuangzi (Chuang Tsu), Daoist Scripture: Bibliography, Links, Resources, Quotations, Notes
Zhuangzi: Basic Writings
Translated by Burton Watson
Zhuangzi Speaks: The Music of Nature An illustrated comic by Chih-chung Ts'ai
Lifestyle Advice from Wise Persons
"Weight is the root of lightness, stillness the master of motion,
And the daily way of the sage departs not from his base,
Although he have brilliant prospects, he is unconcerned and quiet,
Should the lord of ten thousand chariots be too light for his place?
Then he will lose not supporters alone,
But, being too restless, loses his
- Translated by
Isaac Winter Heysinger, 1903, Chapter 26
"Prudence is more stable than frivolity.
Rationality is superior to impatience.
Therefore, the sage always behaves prudently and rationally.
Even when successful, he is not carried away.
How could the king of a big kingdom rule without prudence?
Frivolity results in the loss of stability.
Impatience leads to the loss of superiority."
- Translated by
Thomas Z. Zhang, Chapter 26
"Heaviness is the basis of lightness;
Calmness is the controlling power of hastiness.
Therefore the Sage, though travelling all day long,
Never separates from his baggage-wagon;
He lives in tranquility.
How is it then, that a king of ten-thousand chariots
Should conduct himself so lightly in the empire?
To be light is to lose the basis;
To be hasty is to lose the controlling power."
- Translated by
Ch'u Ta-Kao, 1904, Chapter 26
"Le grave est la racine du léger; le calme est le maître du
De là vient que le saint homme marche tout le jour dans le Tao et ne s'écarte
point de la quiétude et de la gravité.
Quoiqu'il possède des palais magnifiques, il reste calme et les fuit.
Mais hélas! les maîtres de dix mille chars se conduisent légèrement dans
Par une conduite légère, on perd ses ministres; par l'emportement des passions,
on perd son trône."
- Translated by Stanislas Julien, 1842, Chapter 26
Language Versions of the Tao Te Ching (Daodejing)
Tao Te Ching en Español
Lao Tsé Tao Te Ching
Traducido al
español por Anton
Tao Te Ching Traducido por Stephen Mitchell, versión española
Tao Te Ching Traducido al español por el Padre Carmelo Elorduy
Lao Tzu-The Eternal Tao Te Ching
Traducido al
español por
Xu y Yongjian Yin
Ripening Peaches: Taoist Studies and Practices By Mike Garofalo Maduración Duraznos: Estudios y Prácticas Taoístas por Mike Garofalo
Tao Te Ching
Traducido al
español por
Scott Wilson.
Lao Tzu - Tao Te Ching
Traducido al
español por
Javier Cruz
Tao te king
Translated by John C. H. Wu,
Daodejing Español, Inglés, y Chino Versiones Lingüísticas de la Daodejing
Spanish Language Translations of the Tao Te Ching
"Lo pesado es la raíz de lo
La calma somete a lo agitado.
Así, el sabio cuando viaja
no se aleja de la caravana.
Aunque pudiera divagar por los paisajes más excelsos,
conserva su paz y se hace superior.
¡Cuanta más atención debería poner el señor
del imperio en la esfera terrestre de su persona,
en vez de ocuparse de sus diez mil carruajes!
Quien se comporta superficialmente
pierde la raíz de su poder.
Quien se ofusca,
se pierde a sí mismo."
- Translation from
Wikisource, 2013, Capítulo
"La gravedad es el origen de la ligereza,
La Calma, la dueña de la agitación.
Así pues, el que dirige una gran empresa
no debe actuar con ligereza o agitación.
Actuando a la ligera, pierde contacto con el Mundo,
Actuando agitadamente, pierde contacto consigo mismo.
El sabio viaja todo el día sin perder el control;
Rodeado de cosas deseables, permanece en calma y sin sujecciones."
- Translation by
Antonio Rivas,
1998, Capítulo 26
"Lo pesado dirige lo liviano.
Lo inmóvil es señor
del movimiento.
Por lo tanto: El sabio al actuar, nunca deja la apacible
y aun si tiene gloria, y resplandor vive tranquilo por encima de
¿Cómo puede un señor de diez mil carros ser tan ligero ante El imperio?
Si actúa ligeramente tiene su raíz en la gravedad.
Si procede hacia el
movimiento activo, perderá su trono."
- Translation from
Logia Medio Dia, 2015,
Capítulo 26
Created by Michael P. Garofalo, Green Way Research, Valley Spirit Center, Gushen Grove Notebooks, Vancouver, Washington © 2010-2021 CCA 4.0
Next Chapter of the Tao Te Ching #27
Previous Chapter of the Tao Te Ching #25
Chapter and Thematic Index to the Tao Te Ching
Tao Te Ching
Commentary, Interpretations, Research Tools, Resources
Chapter 26
Das Tao Te King von Lao Tse. Complete versions of all 81 Chapters of the Tao Te Ching by many different translators in many languages: 124 English, 24 German, 14 Russian, 7 Spanish, 5 French and many other languages. Links are organized first by languages, and then alphabetically by translators. Formatting varies somewhat. The original website at Onekellotus went offline in 2012; but, the extensive collection of these Tao Te Ching versions was saved for posterity by the Internet Archive Wayback Machine and available as of 9/9/2015. This is an outstanding original collection of versions of the Daodejing─ the Best on the Internet. Caution: copyright infringement may sometimes be an issue at this website.
Tao Te Ching, Translations into English: Terebess Asia Online (TAO). 124
nicely formatted complete English language translations, on separate webpages, of the Daodejing.
Alphabetical index by translators. Each webpage has all 81 chapters of the Tao Te
Ching translated into English. A useful collection! Many
reformatted and colored versions from the original collection at
Das Tao Te King von Lao Tse. Caution: copyright infringement may
sometimes be an
issue at this website.
Lao Tzu: Te-Tao Ching - A New Translation Based on the Recently Discovered Ma-wang-tui
Texts (Classics of Ancient China)
Translated with and introduction and detailed exposition and commentary by
Professor Robert G. Henricks. New York, Ballantine Books, 1992.
Includes Chinese characters for each chapter. Bibliography, detailed
notes, 282 pages.
Daodejing by Laozi: Chapters with Chinese characters, seal script,
detailed word by word concordance, Pinyin (tone#), German, French and English.
This is an outstanding resource for serious students of the Tao Te Ching.
Tao Te
Ching: A New Translation and Commentary. By Ellen Chen. Paragon
House, 1998. Detailed glossary, index, bibliography, notes, 274 pages.
The Tao
and Method: A Reasoned Approach to the Tao Te Ching. By Michael
Lafargue. New York, SUNY Press, 1994. 640 pages. Detailed
index, bibliography, notes, and tables. An essential research tool.
Two Visions of the Way: A Study of the Wang Pi and the Ho-Shang Kung Commentaries on the Lao-Tzu.
By Professor by Alan Kam-Leung Chan. SUNY Series in Chinese
Philosophy and Culture. State University of New York Press, 1991.
Index, bibliography, glossary, notes, 314 pages.
ISBN: 0791404560.
Tao Te Ching: The Definitive Edition
By Jonathan Star. Translation, commentary and research tools. New
York, Jeremy P. Tarcher, Penguin, 2001. Concordance, tables, appendices,
349 pages. A new rendition of the Tao Te Ching is provided, then a
verbatim translation with extensive notes. Detailed tables for each verse
provide line number, all the Chinese characters, Wade-Giles Romanization, and a list of meanings for each character. An excellent
print reference tool!
Chinese Reading of the Daodejing
Wang Bi's Commentary on the Laozi with Critical Text and Translation.
By Professor Rudolf G. Wagner. A SUNY Series in Chinese Philosophy and
Culture. English and Mandarin Chinese Edition.
State University of New York Press; Bilingual edition (October 2003). 540
pages. ISBN: 978-0791451823.
Wang Bi (Wang Pi, Fusi), 226-249 CE,
Commentary on the Tao Te
Tao Te Ching
Translated by D. C. Lau. Addison Wesley, Reprint Edition, 2000. 192
pages. ISBN: 978-0140441314.
The Taoism Reader
By Thomas Cleary. Shambhala, 2012. 192 pages.
Change Your Thoughts - Change Your Life: Living the Wisdom of the Tao
By Wayne W. Dyer. Hay House, Reprint Edition, 2009. 416 pages.
The Tao of Being: A Think and Do Workbook
By Ray Grigg. Green Dragon Pub., 1988. 204 pages.
The Lunar Tao: Meditations in Harmony with the Seasons.
By Deng Ming-Dao. New York, Harper Collins, 2013. 429 pages.
The Classic of the Way and Virtue: A New Translation of the Tao-te Ching of Laozi as Interpreted by Wang Bi.
Translated by Richard John Lynn. Translations from the Asian Classics
Series. New York, Columbia University Press, 1999. Extensive index,
glossaries, notes, 244 pages.
Tao Te Ching in Chinese characters,
Pinyin Romanization, English and German by Dr. Hilmar
Stoicism and Hellenistic
How to Live a Good Life:
Advice from Wise Persons
One Old Philosopher's
Notebooks Research, Reading, and Reflections by Mike Garofalo.
Yellow Bridge
Dao De Jing Comparison Table Provides side by side comparisons of
translations of the Tao Te Ching by James Legge, D. T. Suzuki, and Dwight
Goddard. Chinese characters for each paragraph in the Chapter are on the
left; place your cursor over the Chinese characters to see the Pinyin
Romanization of the Chinese character and a list of meanings.
Translators Index,
Tao Te Ching Versions in English, Translators Sorted Alphabetically by Translator, Links to Books and
Online Versions of the Chapters
Taoism and the Tao Te
Ching: Bibliography, Resources, Links
Spanish Language
Translations of the Tao Te Ching, Daodejing en Español, Translators Index
The Tao of Zen.
By Ray Grigg. Tuttle, 2012, 256 pages. Argues for the view that Zen
is best characterized as a version of philosophical Taoism (i.e., Laozi and
Zhuangzi) and not Mahayana Buddhism.
Chapter 41 in the
Taoist Commentaries by Trey Smith. The
Rambling Taoists are Trey Smith and Scott Bradley.
Valley Spirit, Gu Shen,
Concept, Chapter 6
Valley Spirit Center in Red
Bluff, California.
Circle in the Gushen Grove.
Lao-tzu's Taoteching
Translated by Red Pine (Bill Porter). Includes many brief selected
commentaries for each Chapter draw from commentaries in the past
2,000 years. Provides a verbatim translation and shows the text in Chinese
characters. San Francisco, Mercury House, 1996, Second Edition, 184 pages.
An invaluable resource for commentaries.
Reading Lao Tzu: A Companion to the Tao Te Ching with a New Translation
By Ha Poong Kim. Xlibris, 2003, 198 pages.
Dao De Jing: A Philosophical Translation
By Roger T. Ames and David T. Hall. Ballantine, 2003, 256 pages.
Thematic Index to the
81 Chapters of the Tao Te Ching
Lieh-Tzu: A Taoist Guide to Practical Living. Translated by Eva Wong. Lieh-Tzu was writing around 450 BCE. Boston, Shambhala, 2001.
Introduction, 246 pages.
Revealing the Tao Te Ching: In-depth Commentaries on an Ancient Classic. By Hu Huezhi. Edited by Jesse Lee Parker. Seven Star Communications,
2006. 240 pages.
Cloud Hands Blog
Mike Garofalo writes about Mind-Body Arts, Philosophy, Taoism, Gardening, Taijiquan, Walking, Mysticism,
Qigong, and the Eight Ways.
The Whole Heart of Tao:
The Complete Teachings From the Oral Tradition of Lao Tzu.
By John Bright-Fey. Crane Hill Publishers, 2006. 376 pages.
Gushen Grove Notebooks for the Tao Te Ching
Green Way Research, Valley Spirit
Center, Gushen Grove Notebooks, Red Bluff, California
Green Way Research, 20101-2017.
Indexed and Compiled by
Michael P. Garofalo
This webpage was last modified or updated on
November 14, 2020.
This webpage was first distributed online on February 2, 2010.
Created by Michael P. Garofalo, Green Way Research, Valley Spirit Center, Gushen Grove Notebooks, Vancouver, Washington © 2010-2021 CCA 4.0
Brief Biography of Michael P. Garofalo, M.S.
Valley Spirit Center, Red Bluff, California
Study Chi Kung or Tai Chi with Mike Garofalo
Ripening Peaches: Daoist Studies and Practices
Zhuangzi (Chuang Tzu, Zhuang Zhou, Master Chuang) 369—286 BCE
Taoist Perspectives: My Reading List
Bodymind Theory and Practices, Somaesthetics
How to Live a Good Life: Advice from Wise Persons
Qigong (Chi Kung) Health Practices
One Old Daoist Druid's Final Journey: Notebooks of the Librarian of Gushen Grove
Index to Cloud Hands and Valley Spirit Websites
Index to English Language Translators of the Tao Te Ching
The Tao Te Ching (Dao De Jing) by Lao Tzu (Laozi) circa 500 BCE
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