Free Thought
Anti-Supernaturalism, Atheism, Free Thought,
Anti-Religious, Agnosticism, Humanism, Naturalism
Freedom of/from Religion, Secularism, Pragmatism, Liberty, Non-Religious,
Tolerance, Pragmatism
Compiled by Mike Garofalo
Green Way Research, Red Bluff, California
The Good Life
The Senses and Mind
My Own Non-Religious Views
Intellectual History
Epicureans The Human Body Green Way Research Subject Index Pragmatism
Pulling Onions - Religion, by Mike Garofalo My Views on Religion Atheism
Brief Bibliography, Recommend Reading, Links, Resources
Topics: Free Thinking, Agnosticism, Atheism, Anti-Religious Arguments, Humanistic Thought, Secularism, Liberty, Tolerance
I started reading books on this topic in 1960, when I was 14 years of age.
Here are the many books that I have read since 1960 that have influenced my thinking in these areas.
Books in my home library are coded 'VSCL' for the Valley Spirit Center Library.
How to Live a Good Life: Advice from Wise Persons
American Philosophy and Pragmatism
Anthony, Louise M. Philosopher Without Gods: Meditations on Atheism and the Secular Life.
Edited by Louise M. Anthony. Oxford University Press, 2007. Index,
references, notes, brief biographies of contributors, 315 pages. ISBN:
9780199743414. VSCL.
Atheist Manifesto: The Case Against Christianity, Judaism, and Islam.
By Michel Onfray. Translated from the French by Jeremy Leggatt. New York Arcade Publishing,
2005, 2011. ISBN: 10161145008X. Annotated bibliography, 246 pages.
A lucid, strong, well reasoned, insightful, and stylish presentation.
Excellent explication of the French and European writing on atheism,
anti-clericalism, irreligion, deconstruction of religions, and anti-fascism.
Bentham, Jeremy. Behold the Antichrist: Bentham
on Religion. Edited with commentary by Delos B. McKown. Amherst,
New York, 2004. Index, bibliography, 417 pages. ISBN: 1591021162.
Only those with much patience can benefit from this critique of
Christianity, Judaism, and "natural religion" by the famous advocated of
Utilitarianism. Lots of early critique using language analysis and common
sense; and religion is easily carved up by these knives of the intellect.
Botton, Alain De.
Religion for Atheists: A Non-Believer's Guide to the Uses of Religion.
Vintage, 2013, 320 pages.
Buddhism Notes, bibliography, guides, and research by Mike
Cloud Hands Blog By Mike Garofalo.
Comte-Sponville, André.
The Little Book of Atheist Spirituality
Penguin Books, 2008. 224 pages.
ISBN: 978-0143114437. VSCL.
Dawkins, Richard.
The God Delusion.
Mariner Books, Houghton Mifflin, 2006, 2008. Index, notes, bibliography,
appendices, 463 pages. ISBN: 978-0618918249. VSCL. A bold,
incisive, convincing, and clear minded critique of religious beliefs and
religions and their negative and pernicious impact on our communities,
societies, nations, and the world. I've read this book more than twice,
and find it uplifting, brave, and to the point. His analysis of the
negative social and moral effects of religion are accurate. VSCL.
Dennett, Daniel.
Breaking the Spell: Religion as a Natural Phenomenon.
By Daniel Dennett. New York, Penguin Books, 2006. Index,
bibliography, notes, appendices, 448 pages. ISBN:
978-0143038337. Read in 2014. Focused on how and why
religion emerged, and on Christianity in America. VSCL.
D'Holbach, Baron.
Good Sense. CreateSpace Independent Publishing, 1st Edition, 2015.
Original publisher: London, W. Stewart and Co., no publication date. Pages
not numbered, 114 pages, arranged by 206 topics. ISBN: 9781512367317.
Originally published in 1772, and printed privately in Amsterdam. The real
author was Paul Thyry - Baron D'Holbach. However, to escape violent
persecution by Catholics and Protestants, this work was published under the
pseudonym of the postthumous author named M. de Mirabaud. Originally
published in French under the title "Le Bon Sens" (Common Sense). The
translator of this work from French to English is not provided. VSCL.
Druids, Druidry, and Neo-Paganism
Notes, bibliography, guides, and research by Mike Garofalo.
Ellis, Albert.
A New Guide to Rational Living.
By Albert Ellis and Robert A. Harper. Third Edition, Thoroughly Revised
and Updated for the Twenty-First Century. Hollywood, CA, Melvin Powers
Wilshire Book Company, 1961, 1997. Index, bibliography, 283 pages.
ISBN: 0879800429. VSCL.
Notes, bibliography, guides, and research by Mike Garofalo. Epicurus did
not deny that supernatural beings existed, but he contended that such beings
would have no interested in micro-managing human affairs and appeals and
sacrifices and fears of such supernatural beings were useless and groundless.
Epstein, Greg.
Good Without God: What a Billion Nonreligious People Do Believe.
By Greg Epstein. William Morrow, 2010. 272 pages. ISBN:
Ellis, Albert.
The Albert Ellis Reader: A Guide to Well-Being Using Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy.
Edited by Albert Ellis and Shawn Blau. New York, Citadel Press, Kensington
Pub., 1998. Index, bibliography, notes, 375 pages. ISBN: 0806520329.
The Four Horsemen of the New
Atheism (Free Thought):
Richard Dawkins, 1941-;
Daniel Dennett, 1942-;
Sam Harris,
1967-; Christopher
Hitchens, 1949-2011; and, now, possibly,
Ayaan Hirsi Ali,
How to Live a Good Life: Advice from Wise Persons
The Five Senses and
Mind Notes, bibliography, guides, and research by Mike Garofalo.
Free Thought Luminaries, Heroes, Leaders,
Brave One: At one level of my life-stance or worldview is a deep
respect and support for logic, pragmatism, naturalism, facts, reasoning, objectivity, verifiability,
repeatability, coherent theories, open-mindedness, prediction, mathematics, and
statistical methods. All of these methods, of course, are the hallmarks of
the physical and biological sciences, pure and applied sciences, pragmatism, and modern
At this level I am a free-thinker who shares many of the philosophical and non-religious views so persuasively and emphatically expressed by Ethan Allen, Dan Barker, Jeremy Bentham, Luther Burbank, André Comte-Sponville, Richard Dawkins, Daniel Dennett, John Dewey, Albert Ellis, Epicurus, A.C. Grayling, Sam Harris, Christopher Hitchens, Baron d'Holbach, David Hume, Thomas Jefferson, Robert Ingersoll, Paul Kurtz, Corliss Lamont, Bill Maher, John Stuart Mill, Friedrich Nietzsche, Thomas Paine, Madalyn Murray O'Hair, Ayn Rand, Richard Rorty, Bertrand Russell, Carl Sagan, George Smith, Baruch Spinoza, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Thomas Young, and many other intelligent, hard working, courageous, forthright, dynamic, honest, fulfilled, and wise persons. These free-thinkers give me hope!
Fundamentalists of Christian, Islamic, and Hindu Persuasion. Count on them to want to demonize and punish those who disagree with their religious beliefs. They support making their own moral, social and religious views the law of the land. These fellows are often enemies of Free Thought: Steven Andrew, David Barton, Jerry Falwell, Billy Graham, Ayatolla Ruhollah Khomeini, David Lane, Sayyid Qutb, most Popes, Pat Robertson, Oral Roberts, Rick Warren, Birgham Young.
Gardening and Spirituality.
Compiled by Mike Garofalo.
Garofalo, Michael P. Green
Way Research Master Subject Index.
Garofalo, Michael P. My
Own View on Organized Religion and Theology
Garofalo, Michael P.
Pulling Onions. Over 850 quips, observations, ideas, and one-liners.
The Good Book: A Secular Bible. By A. C. Grayling. Walker Books,
2011, 608 pages.
The Good Life, Virtue
Ethics, Character Notes, bibliography, guides, and research by Mike
Grayling, A. C..
The God Argument: The Case against Religion and for Humanism.
By A. C. Grayling. Bloomsbury, 2014. 288 pages. ISBN:
Hankinson, R. J. The Sceptics. London, Routledge, 1995. Arguments of the Philosopher's Series. General index, index of works cited, bibliography, notes, 376 pages. ISBN: 0415184460. Excellent introduction! Exposition and arguments of the ancient sceptics: Pyrrhonism and Melagarism. Detailed and authoritative survey of Greek and Hellenistic skeptics. VSCL.
Harris, Sam.
The End of Faith: Religion, Terror, and the Future of Reason
W. W. Norton, 2005. 348 pages. ISBN:
978-0393327656. I've read this book twice. VSCL.
Hitchens, Christopher, 1949-2011.
God Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything.
By Christopher
Hitchens, 1949-2011. Twelve, 2009. 336 pages. ISBN:
978-0446697965. A strong critique of the negative impact of
religions. Uses many historical facts from the last 100 years. Wide
ranging and penetrating arguments. Includes an intense criticism of Islam,
Catholicism, Evangelical Christianity, and Zionist Judaism.
Mr. Hitchens was
a dynamic debater, witty, and aggressive polemicist. VSCL.
How to Live a Good Life:
Advice from Wise Persons Compiled by Mike Garofalo.
Hume, David, 1711-1776.
Dialogues and Natural History of Religion
Published posthumously in 1779. Oxford University Press, 2009. 256
pages. ISBN: 978-0199538324. I sided with Philo, a skeptic, in these
debates. I first read in 1965 in college. VSCL.
Jacoby, Susan.
Freethinkers: A History of American Secularism.
Holt, 2004. 448 pages. ISBN: 978-0805077766. VSCL.
Kurtz, Paul.
The Humanist Alternative:
Some Definitions of Humanism.
Edited by Paul Kurtz. Buffalo, New York, Prometheus Books, 1973. 190
pages. ISBN: 0879750189. A wonderful collection of short
essays by a variety of wise persons about the subject of humanism, secular
humanism, ethical humanism, religious humanism, and naturalistic humanism.
The history and ethical adventure of humanism since the Enlightenment is
thoroughly documented. This book avoids the strident polemics found in the
Four Horsemen of the New Atheism. I first read this uplifting book in
1975, and again in 2012. VSCL.
Lamont, Corliss,
1902-1905. The Illusion of Immortality.
New York, Continuum, Frederick Ungar Book, Half-Moon Foundation, 1935, Fifth
Edition in 1990. Notes, index, 303 pages. ISBN: 0804463778.
I first read this book in 1962. The case against an "immortal
soul" or survival of a personal consciousness after death is clearly and
persuasively presented. We humans are subject to a finite life, mortality
is certain, and there is a finality to death that is unavoidable.
Historical religious views to the contrary are presented and refuted.
Lifestyle Advice from Wise
Persons Compiled by Mike Garofalo.
Nature's God: The Heretical Origins of the American Republic. By
Matthew Stewart. W.W. Norton, 2014. Index, notes, 566 pages.
Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm (1844-1900)
The Portable Nietzsche.
By Friedrich Nietzsche. Translated by Walter Kaufmann. New York,
Penguin Books, 1977. 704 pages. ISBN: 9780140150629.
Includes the complete and unabridged translations of: Twilight of the Idols,
The Antichrist, Nietzsche Contra Wagner, and Thus Spoke Zarathurstra.
Extensive quotations from other works and his letters. VSCL.
The Portable Atheist: Essential Readings for the Non-Believer. Edited
by Christopher Hitchens. Da Capo Press, 2007, index, 500 pages. An
excellent selection of 47 essays, lectures, or excerpts from influential books
with atheistic, anti-religious, and humanistic viewpoints. Mostly writers
from 1800 up to 2010. An essential reference volume for the Non-Believers
bookshelf. I recommend that you purchase the
Kindle version for $13.00. VSCL.
Pragmatism and American Philosophy
Pragmatism, Old And New: Selected Writings
Edited by Susan Haack, with associate editor Robert Lane. Amherst, New
York, Prometheus Books, 2006. Glossary, index, 741 pages. ISBN:
9781591023593. VSCL.
Radical Enlightenment: Philosophy and the Making Of Modernity, 1650-1750.
By Jonathan I. Israel. Oxford University Press, 2002, 834 pages.
Raymo, Chet.
When God Is Gone, Everything Is Holy: The Making of a Religious Naturalist
By Chet Raymo. Nortre Dame, Indiana, Sorin Books, c 2008. 13
chapters, notes, 148 pages. ISBN: 9781933495132. Clean used copy
from Oregon. VSCL. This open-minded Professor Emeritus of Science at
Stone Hill College, Massachusetts, advocates a "religious naturalism." He
is a lifelong agnostic, atheist, and secular minded person; who, does favor
retaining some aspects of religious practices. He strongly supports
consensus science as the best path to universal provisional truths, and a
rejection of the pre-scientific fables, myths, and lore of the ancients.
He was educated in Catholic institutions (e.g., Notre Dame) and taught at a
"Catholic" founded College. Very interesting philosophical consideration
given to Ocham's Razor, consensus knowledge, "I don't know," genetics,
skepticism, and inter-connectivity. Short thoughtful essays.
Reasoning and Philosophy
A Old Philosopher's Notebooks. Notes, bibliography, guides, and research
by Mike Garofalo.
Russell, Bertrand,
Why I Am Not a Christian and Other Essays on Religion and Related Subjects.
Touchstone, 1957, 1967. 266 pages. ISBN: 978-0671203238.
I read this book in 1962, and it greatly influenced me in rejecting Catholicism.
I shared many of the ethical/moral/social views of Mr. Russell as expressed in
many of his other books. I read many books by Bertrand Russell from
1963-1969. His writing is clear, well reasoned, witty, and urbane.
The greatest popularizer of Anglo-American philosophy in the 20th century.
Sanford, James C.
Great Freethinkers: Selected Quotations by Famous Skeptics and Nonconformists.
Edited by James C. Sanford. Providence, Rhode Island, 2004.
Biographical index, 250 pages. ISBN: 0974704229. VSCL.
Smith, George H.
Atheism - The Case Against God.
Prometheus Books, 1979. 355 pages. ISBN: 978-0879751241. I agreed with
Mr. Smith. VSCL.
How to Live a Good Life: Advice from Wise Persons
Somatics, Somaesthetics, The
Human Body. Notes, bibliography, guides, and research by Mike
Spinoza, Baruch
Tao Te Ching by
Lao Tzu I first read in 1961. The philosophical views of Laozi
and Zhuangzi appealed to me from an early age. The religious practices of
later Taoists from 300 CE onward were interesting and colorful, because of my
practice of Taijiquan and Qigong, as are the nature worship rituals and poetry
of the modern Neopagan
religions; however, I don't really "believe" in their supernatural and
superstitious views and dogmas. My childhood experiences of the magic,
ritual and pomp of Roman Catholicism probably influenced me in my appreciation
for for the esoteric and magical aspects of Taoism and Druidry. I liked Lao Tzu's naturalism, individualism,
mysticism, and skepticism about the value of conventional morality and religion. Our
lives are also greatly influenced by non-rational and unconscious factors.
The Ten Golden Rules: Ancient Wisdom from the Greek Philosophers on Living
the Good Life. By M.S. Soupios and Panos Mourdoukoutas.
Charlottsville, Virginia, Hampton
Roads Pub., 2009. 128 pages. Both authors are professors at Long
Island University, C. W. Post Campus. ISBN: 9781571746054. VSCL.
Virtues and the Good Life Notes, bibliography, guides, and
research by Mike Garofalo.
VSCL = Valley Spirit Center Library, Red Bluff,
Watson, Peter.
The Age of Atheists: How We Have Sought to Live Since the Death of God.
By Peter Watson. Simon and Schuster, 2014. 640 pages. ISBN:
978-1476754314. VSCL.
The "Four Horsemen" of Contemporary Free Thought
Christopher Hitchens, Daniel Dennett, Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris
The "Four Horsemen" of Free Thought in 2009
How to Live a Good Life: Advice from Wise Persons
Religion, Gods, and
Quotes from
Pulling Onions by Michael P.
Absolutes squirm beneath realities. 9
It is better to cultivate spiritual fruits than religious nuts. 523
I believe in "God"; I just spell It
"Fiction." 756
When the Divine knocks, don't send a prophet to the door. 48
Dogmatists are less useful than dogs. 711
Gardens are more useful than churches. 787
The City of God does not meet any of our current building codes. 890
God and I get along quite well, he ignores me all the time and I ignore him.
Perfection can be the opponent of betterment. 788
We did not come from dust, nor shall we return to dust, nor are we dust in the
wind. 23
There is not much to say about the "Unknown." 3
R. Buckminster-Fuller once suggested that
"God is a verb, not a noun." Which verb? Pretending? Storytelling?
Fantasizing? Believing? 833
In general, be more specific. 79
If the first man was created in the image of God, then it is obvious that God is
mediocre and prone to evil. 786
Nothing grows in Hell. 134
The fear of the Lord is a corner stone of
indoctrination and the beginning of the end of wisdom. 850
After understanding thousands of the
details, a common variety god is really quite superfluous. 725
The root illusion is a belief in that which does not change. 451
Roundness is the Holy Shape. 629
God may be very smart, but he is a poor communicator. 779
There is absolutely a place for Absolutes and Ideals in our rational/logical way
of choosing to think about our experiences. 982
We already live in the Garden of Eden, but we now have to work to keep it
growing. 136
God may have created the first garden, but, typical of Him, He got bored with
trying to keep it up and make it better. 149
Say a prayer for a good harvest; but don't forget to weed and water.
The Bible is morally inconsistent and often morally reprehensible. 842
I never found God in my garden, but goddesses and gods and faeries dance
everywhere. 492
Yes, God and Allah are both still dead, yet plenty is still not permitted and
still persist. 330
Before you swear at the overgrown ivy, beware of
Dionysus. 602
The Garden of Eden is a badly painted backdrop to a lousy stage play. 860
Even a god cannot listen to a billion prayers a day. 412
Beware of the man who speaks of God only as a father or a son. 573
The real "miracle" is cause and effect. 584
Christians and Moslems love to lie about their own righteousness, and rant about
the immorality of the non-believers in their fantasies. 986
The "eternal truths" are sometimes clearly false. 430
Have you noticed that people praying close their eyes? People, please open your
eyes and think instead. 444
If God existed it would be necessary to have a Goddess because God is just to
lazy and incompetent. 471
If God gave us technology, why did he wait so long to give us a box of matches
or solar power panels. 454
What? Another damn Garden of Eden analogy! 476
The seed idea for "God" is springtime. 596
A God who is understood is really misunderstood ... actually no God at all.
Variety, Creativity and Fertility are the Songs of the
Great Goddess.
Hell is a silent dark world where nothing grows. 512
Even Allah cannot alter the past; but our knowledge of the past changes each
year. 549
Is the the God of scriptures the Absolute? Absolutely not! 996
Stop looking for the
Green Man
and He will appear. 601
The gardener is a priestess, the garden her temple and followers, gardening her
liturgy. 603
Religion is intimate with awe, anxiety, fear, danger, and death. 608
Avoid dogmatists, they often end up treating you like a dog. 623
What good is All Powerful and All Wise "God" or "Allah" who can supposedly count
every hair on your head, but can't find
a house for a homeless family, stop terrorists, get rid of the alcoholic thief
next door, or save your citrus trees from frostbite? 681
Mother Nature is always pregnant. 702
It is best to shut one's mouth in face of the sacred. 719
Create your own garden, the god's certainly won't. 736
That something is eternal is unverifiable; it is one premise. 746
If there is a "Divine Lawgiver," then He/She/It seems a rather poor judge and
inconsistent. 978
Ordinary reality is good enough for most sensible people; a "higher" calling is
answered by few. 759
Don't kid yourself: seeing is not necessarily believing. 761
To many the sun is a god and the earth is a goddess; and, our imaginations are
boundless. 762
To save some time, don't let them get a foot in the door. 795
I may not be able to precisely define religious nonsense, but I know it when I
hear it. 791
I think, therefore I am a living person; dead bodies don't display thinking,
just stinking. 826
Disrespect and contempt for the body is a common trump card for spiritualists;
but, our game of life does not use trump cards. 829
Is the the God of scriptures the Absolute? Absolutely not! 996
A sure path to the perversion of truth is to make it a belief. 841
The Bible is morally inconsistent and often morally reprehensible. 842
God is not dead─ he never existed in the first place. 887
"Just believe" is the weakest argument for adopting an opinion. 888
Seeing the "Big Picture" is just viewing a pleasant painting created by your
imagination. 846
I have faith that science will help explain our world; but, I don't "believe in"
or worship science. 908
Some questions just dissolve─when our spell is broken. 921
Spinoza's God was Nature─by definition. 937
Rather than seeking an answer we sometimes need to stop asking the question.
I am not a marionette in the Hands of Deus (or Zeus, Yahweh, Allah, God, Shiva,
Coyote, Great Father, etc.) 940
Beliefs tend to channel the mind, wonder opens it up. 953
If you are seeking certainty, the search will likely be tiresome and
futile. 955
"Mas o menos" is often quite sufficient. 989
Be content with the probable and hope for the best. 956
- Michael P. Garofalo, Pulling Onions Over 1,000 Sayings, Quips, Reflections
Michael P. Garofalo's Religious Views
"I cannot imagine a God who
rewards and punishes the objects of his creation, whose purposes are modeled
after our own─a God, in short, who is but a reflection of human frailty.
Neither can I believe that the individual survives the death of his body,
although feeble souls harbor such thoughts through fear or ridiculous egotisms.
the idea is a personal God is quite alien to me and seems even naive. I believe
in Spinoza's God, revealed in the orderly harmony of what exists.
- Albert Einstein, 1955, found in "The
Portable Atheist."
Free Thought, Atheism, Secularism, Humanism: A Brief Bibliography, Links, Resources
Michael P. Garofalo, A Brief Biography
Green Way Research, Red Bluff, California
This webpage was last modified and updated on December 7, 2020.
This webpage was first distributed online on February 10, 2008.
Index to An Old Philosopher's Notebooks
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